The Pope's Palace in Wuhun City.

Bibi Dong stood in the meeting hall holding a scepter, and Ju Douluo Yueguan stood beside her.

"Have you checked it out?" Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

"It's been checked." Yue Guan nodded, "When the young lady was in Tiandou City, she used her connections in Wuhun Palace to investigate a soul master named 'Su Cheng' who returned to Wuhun a few years ago. Not long ago, Soul City obtained specific information about this person. Her abandonment of the mission this time should have a lot to do with this person. "

Having said this, Yue Guan paused slightly and secretly observed Bibi Dong's expression.

He remembered the name.

Bibi Dong mentioned it once even longer ago.

Although he only passed by the other party back then, he always kept it in his mind because he felt an inexplicable intimacy with the name.

As expected, Bibi Dong's expression changed.

"She found this guy?"

"I found it, but..."

Speaking of this, Yue Guan looked slightly confused, "That Su Cheng is less than thirteen years old now. When the young lady mobilized the forces of the Wuhun Palace to start the investigation, the child had just awakened the Wuhun."

"Less than thirteen?"

Bibi Dong's face was startled.

"Tell me more about him."


The sunset forest, the eyes of ice and fire.

"are you ready?"

Su Cheng looked at the spirit body A Yin standing in front of him.

At this time, more than a year had passed since he last absorbed soul bones and met and talked with A Yin.

The time for the start of the Soul Master Competition is not far away.

His cultivation level has also been able to advance by leaps and bounds under the slow infusion of the huge energy of the 100,000-year-old soul bone.

Coupled with the optimized Nirvana Sutra-assisted practice, he has now reached level 49, and is only one step away from being promoted to Soul King.

Su Cheng sat cross-legged on the ground, with the Wuhun Eternal Sword lying across his knees, and the Five Elements Domain spread out and enveloped the surrounding area.

The current Five Elements field has undergone considerable changes compared to before.

Not only does it consume very little soul power, but it is also easier to control. Whenever Su Cheng is in the Five Elements Realm, he will even have the illusion that "I am the world", and the conversion speed between attributes is more than one level faster. .

If it is used in battle, both the suppression of the enemy and the blessing of one's own status will be far beyond what was possible in the past.

All of this is undoubtedly due to the increase in the operation of the five elements attributes after Ah Yin became the Eternal Sword Sword Spirit.

Su Cheng felt that after adding the fifth soul ring to the Eternal Life Sword, his domain would be further improved, and it would not even be weaker than the domain effects of those soul saints using their martial soul avatars.

It wasn't just Su Cheng who got promoted, A Yin also benefited a lot.

When she appears now, she can no longer be called a "soul body". It would be more appropriate to call her a "spirit body".

With Su Cheng's permission, she has been able to use a little bit of the five elements' soul power to manifest in front of others.

But compared with real people, there is still a huge difference.

Her body is slightly transparent and her aura fluctuates violently. Even an ordinary person can tell something is wrong with her with just the naked eye.

What Su Cheng was going to do at this time was to use the power of the five elements, his own blood and the essence of plants and trees, and use the Nirvana Sutra as the basis to build a simple temporary "physical body" for Ah Yin.

It is said to be a physical body, but in fact it is just a more realistic materialized spirit body.

But even so, in front of a soul master whose cultivation level is low and whose mental strength cannot reach that of a titled Douluo, he can still behave like an ordinary person.

In this way, it will not only allow her to move relatively freely, but more importantly, it may be able to transform the opponent's nature from a "sword spirit" into a "sword spirit plus domain spirit", deepening Su Cheng's control over the domain.

It doesn't matter if he fails, this time is more of an experiment, which can give him a deeper understanding of the soul beast's bloodline and help him better master his own martial soul and soul power.

After hearing Su Cheng's question, Ah Yin nodded silently, with an unnatural look on his face.

The next moment, the vertical lines on Su Cheng's forehead emitted a faint golden light.

His vision also changed.

The white body was displayed before his eyes again.

However, Ah Yin was obviously on guard at this moment. One arm was raised to cover his chest, and the other hand was placed under his lower abdomen.

Obviously, Su Cheng has done similar things more than once in the past year or so.

Su Cheng was not too nostalgic for this beautiful scenery, and looked deeper.

A Yin's bones, meridians, and muscle tissue that were different from ordinary people were all displayed in his eyes.

With the blessing of multiple factors such as the Five Elements Domain, a hundred thousand-year-old soul bone, and a cultivation level close to that of the Soul King, the time that his True Vision can last has been greatly extended.

But even so, he did not dare to waste any time.

Su Cheng kept moving his hands, slicing his palm open with the Eternal Life Sword. Blood gurgled out, and soon the sword body was soaked in blood red.

Afterwards, a large amount of plant essences that had been placed on the ground steamed up, condensed little by little in the air, and slowly formed a human shape.

During this period, blood was still flowing, Su Cheng's face became pale, and his breath weakened rapidly.

After another ten minutes or so, Su Cheng shook his hand, the spirit of the Eternal Life Sword dissipated, and the light between his brows dimmed.

Su Cheng sighed and closed his eyes in concentration.


"No, it worked."

Su Cheng took out a bottle of potion and poured it into his mouth. He used his soul power to convert the potion to make up for his own consumption. He said, "It's probably enough to take shape. The rest will wait for it to evolve naturally."

"It's really..."

Ah Yin stared blankly at the unformed "body" with mixed feelings in his heart.

Although the body that is about to take shape in front of me is just an empty shell, with only simple meridians and bones, its strength is far inferior to that of ordinary people.

According to Su Cheng's previous life, he was more like a "silicone doll" - no way, this is already his ultimate level.

But at least it can be regarded as a "body" that can live in. For A Yin, this has undoubtedly exceeded the best expectations at the beginning.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the bloodless Su Cheng again, feeling a little complicated.

Compared to the past, Ah Yin seems much more mature today.

Although it took a long time to transform, her past thinking level was actually quite simple due to her living environment.

"What, do you really think I did these things just to see your body?"

At this time, Su Cheng also recovered some energy, opened his eyes and said casually.

Hearing such straightforward words, Ah Yin was obviously a little overwhelmed.

His face instantly turned red, and he gritted his teeth secretly.

But he became more and more curious about Su Cheng.

After hesitating for a moment, he still tried to test: "How did you do it? You are still so young, why do you know so many things..."

She had actually suspected this for a long time.

In addition to what Su Cheng said about her "son" Tang San in the past, although she has been reluctant to admit it, she already believes it in her heart. Because of this, she felt that something was wrong with Su Cheng.

After being in contact with him for such a long time, she also gained a lot of understanding of Su Cheng.

I know that if there is something that the other person doesn't want her to know, he will say it outright, but he will not deceive her with words.

Hearing A Yin's question, Su Cheng glanced at her.

"It's hard for you to endure it for so long before asking. But are you really not afraid that I will imprison you for the rest of your life? Do you dare to pry into such a secret?"

Ah Yin was silent for a moment and snorted coldly: "You didn't plan to let me go, right? Otherwise, would you be willing to get this body for me?"

"You are wrong. I can't let you go now because I am not strong enough and many secrets cannot be known to the public. You know too much and I am afraid that you will leak it."

Su Cheng stood up and said calmly: "And that Tang Hao, I can't defeat him now. If I am invincible in the world in the future, it doesn't matter if I let you go."

Ah Yin was startled when he heard this.

She knew that Su Cheng had never thought highly of Tang Hao, but she never expected that she would admit so frankly that her strength was not as good as his.

"Don't you always think that Tang Hao is nothing more than this? Why are you saying such things now?"

"What's the point of admitting one's own shortcomings? If a person doesn't even recognize his own strength, he probably won't be able to live long on this continent." Su Cheng glanced at A Yin, speechless.

"And I don't like Tang Hao just because of his IQ and temperament. As for his strength, I never said he was weak, he is just not as good as the Spirit Hall."

Ah Yin was silent for a while after saying this.

In her eyes, Su Cheng was different from many people in this world.

No, to be precise, it is different from everyone else.

In terms of cultivation, he turned a blind eye to all the conventional things, such as the limit life of the soul ring, the rules for the operation of soul power, and the techniques for using soul skills.

In addition, in his eyes, the Spirit Palace, the two empires, the upper three sects and even the lower four sects all belong to the same group, and they are the biggest enemies of their soul beast clan.

The reason why the upper three sects kept a low profile and restrained their efforts was simply due to lack of strength, rather than differences in camp levels.

But she couldn't clearly understand the meaning of these things.

Although some of the words seemed to make sense, Ah Yin was actually very resistant to hearing such remarks.

Because as she came into contact with more and more of these things, she found that many of her original concepts were slowly being shaken.

At this time, she heard Su Cheng speak again.

"To be honest, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you have really helped me a lot. Whether it is this soul bone or your own existence, it has improved me far beyond my initial expectations.

"As for the question you just asked..."

Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin.

"Actually, my situation is different from Tang San's, but I can't understand the specifics now. Just think that I'm in a similar situation.

"Enough nonsense now, go try out how your new body feels."

Ah Yin was thinking about the profound meaning of Su Cheng's words just now. After hearing Su Cheng's reminder, she remembered about her body and quickly prepared to enter it to feel it.

But just as he took two steps forward, he suddenly realized something.

He quickly turned to look at Su Cheng and said, "Turn around first."

Su Cheng seemed a little surprised when he heard this, "Aren't you used to it by now?"

Hearing this, Ah Yin suddenly became angry.

Immediately his face turned pale and he looked startled.

She's definitely getting used to it.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to the change in the other party's expression at this moment.

He said calmly: "Have you ever thought that you chose Tang Hao in the first place because you were used to it?"

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