Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 128 Qian Renxue returns to Tiandou City

"How do you feel?" Su Cheng, who turned around, looked at Ah Yin, who was no longer illusory in front of him, and asked aloud.

Even if he only relied on his physical eyes and mental power at this time, it would be difficult for him to detect that the other party was not a real human being without using the connection of the field and the pupil of true vision.

Ah Yin now used her soul power to transform into a blue-gold palace dress, covering her whole body, showing her tall and perfect figure.

After her soul was completely integrated with this body, the prototype of the body that had no specific appearance has now become the same as herself.

Her long blue-gold hair hangs down to her waist, her pretty fair face is smooth and flawless, and her unusual blue eyes are like rippling blue waves, as tender as water.

Su Cheng was slightly startled.

Ah Yin, now materialized, is even more beautiful than before.

She is beautiful in her soul body state, but there is an unreal sense of emptiness, like a character in a painting who always lacks vitality.

But now he is just like a real person. Every frown and every smile has a unique charm.

"So weak..."

After hearing Su Cheng's question, Ah Yin answered softly.

He seemed dissatisfied when he spoke, but in fact, his face was already full of smiles.

She hadn't been this happy for a long time.

This feeling of regaining her body made her feel so mixed that it was difficult to describe.

Especially after actually dying once, you can feel the preciousness of it more and more.

Before this, she never thought that she would be resurrected one day.

The so-called "immortality" of the Blue Silver Emperor is only due to the existence characteristics of the emperor of the race and her extremely strong vitality, which makes her difficult to be killed by external forces.

But the skill of sacrificing yourself is giving up all your life and soul, which is "suicide".

She had never made a sacrifice in the past, and she never thought she would survive.

"That's good." Su Cheng glanced at her, his voice a little helpless.

"You can't expect me to remove all the muscle tissue and acupuncture points all over the body for you. Then I am not a human, but a god. Now you are lucky that this body can maintain a basic balance. At least it is a normal person with sound limbs. .”

Ah Yin raised her head and stared at him, and said seriously: "Thank you, Su Cheng."

"No need. As I said, you have helped me a lot during this time, and this is the reward you deserve. And after you obtain a physical body, it will also be of great benefit to me."

Su Cheng waved his hand.

He can now clearly feel that his domain already has an independent center, and it is no longer entirely based on martial arts.

In other words, even if he does not use martial arts in the future, he can still perfectly release the Five Elements Domain.

Hearing his answer, Ah Yin curled his lips and said nothing more.

He lowered his head and silently felt his new body.

"Can you feel it?" Su Cheng looked her up and down.

"As long as you are in the realm, you can change your own existence form at will, and you also have the characteristics of 'immortality'. This physical body is essentially composed of my blood and the essence of vegetation, and my blood is stored in the martial arts In the soul, the essence of vegetation is related to the foundation of the domain, and can switch freely between reality and reality."

Ah Yin nodded.

And she could feel that her current body could grow and strengthen together with Su Cheng's field.

She glanced again at the silently swaying Blue Silver Emperor seedling in the distance.

"Just put your body here and grow slowly. However, your existence has long been unrestricted by the body. If the seedling matures in the future, I can try to make an incarnation for you."

Su Cheng followed her gaze and explained casually.

Then he walked towards the outside of the valley, "Let's go out and have a look together."

After approaching Tiandou City, Ah Yin moved slightly and prepared to hide himself again as before.

But Su Cheng stopped him with words.

"I will stay in the academy for a while. Now that you have a body, you can go out and walk around on your own."

He looked at the bustling and wide streets of Tiandou City in the distance.

"As long as you don't go to places like the Spirit Temple, Tiandou Palace and the Royal Academy, your true identity will basically not be discovered by others.

"Even if you do encounter danger, it's no big deal. Although you are not able to be reborn at will without damage like in my domain, there is no fear of life. The core of your soul still exists in the Eternal Sword.

"At that time, I just need to bleed some more and collect some plant essence.

"Besides, if you die outside, your soul will be so weak that you just woke up more than a year ago."

When Ah Yin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, and seemed to be hesitant.

She naturally has a lot of curiosity about various things in the world, but she is more afraid of human nature and the unknown.

From the time she first transformed until she died as a sacrifice, her life was mostly about travel and adventure, and she didn't have many interactions with strangers.

After thinking about it, she turned her eyes to Su Cheng, pursing her lips as if she wanted to say something.

Su Cheng observed her words and interrupted her before she could speak.

"Don't think that I will accompany you. I have my own things to do. Besides, you always hide behind others. If you don't experience it for yourself, you will never understand many things."

"Then you go about your business. I don't want to experience anything. Just let me return to your martial spirit." Ah Yin lowered his head and whispered.

When Su Cheng heard this, he didn't speak immediately, but stopped and looked at her.

It wasn't until he saw that the other party felt slightly uncomfortable that he suddenly said, "Actually, I admire you very much."

Ah Yin was stunned when he heard this.

"Although I don't think Tang Hao is worth your life, but not everyone has the courage to face death. No, it should be said that only a few people have this kind of courage."

Su Cheng's tone became unusually serious at this time.

"Knowing that you will die, you dare to make sacrifices. No matter what the reason is for you to do so, it is worthy of my admiration. There is great terror between life and death. Without fear, there is no bravery. All Tang Hao's past actions were only because of him Reckless and ignorant, but you are different, you are truly brave.

"To be honest, I don't know if I can face death in a different place and face a similar situation to you, if I can escape, if I can dare to face death for the faith in my heart."

As he spoke, a shadow of sword power rose behind Su Cheng.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a terrifying shadow hanging over Ah Yin's heart.

The image of her death flashed over and over in her mind.

"Feel it?"

Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin, whose face turned pale.

"This is my sword intention, which can inspire fear in the hearts of sentient beings. It is precisely because I understand the power of fear that I understand the preciousness of courage. I hope you have not lost the courage in your heart because of your past death."

Ah Yin looked at Su Cheng blankly.

The other person's voice echoed repeatedly in her heart.

After a long time, her eyes lowered slightly and her eyes seemed to dodge.

He said softly: "Is this how you see me?"

"Do you think I need to flatter you?" Su Cheng put away his sword and said calmly.

"I also hope that you won't become a tortoise like Tang Hao, who only dares to rely on the protection of others."

"Stop talking your nonsense." Ah Yin's face darkened and he whispered.

She was a little afraid of hearing what Su Cheng said.

Whenever the other party mentioned this to her, it would always shake her belief inadvertently.

The most frightening thing was that she found that she was increasingly unable to refute the other party's remarks.

It was like a sharp scalpel hanging in her heart, chipping away at the imprints of the past.

Lies never hurt, only the truth is a sharp knife.

Tiandou Imperial City, Martial Spirit Temple.

This place is under the Mainland Wuhun Palace management system, second only to the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, and is only established in the capitals of the two empires.

But today, all the high-ranking personnel in Wuhun Temple, led by Platinum Bishop Salas, stood in the hall and waited quietly.

At the same time, countless guards patrolled outside the main hall, and all soul master-related business was suspended.

He was wearing a costume that was rarely used in daily life. The bright red dress robe is clean and tidy, and the five-pointed platinum crown representing status is worn on the head.

His slender body was as straight as a javelin, his face was serious, and his usually cloudy eyes that seemed to be asleep and awake were now shining brightly, and they didn't look half as groggy as usual.

As the master of the Tiandou City Spirit Temple, Platinum Bishop Salas is only lower than the Pope in terms of dominance.

His actions today made many people in Wuhun Temple feel confused. They secretly wondered if His Majesty the Pope was here in person?

In the eyes of ordinary people, even ordinary elders are not worthy of such a big fanfare.

After all, the elders of Wuhun Palace are powerful, but they have no real power. Their status in the Wuhun Palace system is not higher than that of the Platinum Bishop.

Not long after, the person Salas was waiting for arrived.

I saw a young man wearing a black robe walking into the hall, followed by two strong men dressed as elders of Wuhun Palace.

His appearance is only considered handsome, and he is only above average among the crowd.

But there is some indescribable special temperament in him.

Although there is a gentle smile on his face, people are afraid to approach him.

Just like a well-fed tiger wandering through the dense forest, even if it moves lazily, it is unavoidable to make people feel fearful.

"Salas, Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, has met His Highness."

When Salas saw him coming in, he quickly bowed slightly and saluted.

Although few among the Wuhun Highnesses knew about the existence of the person in front of him, he was obviously not included.

As a platinum bishop with real power, he can speak well in Wuhun City.

Although the young man in front of him currently has no position, he is a descendant of the Angel Clan, a direct bloodline relative of Qian Daoliu, and will definitely be a person above ten thousand people in the future.

As a senior member of Wuhundian whose strength has reached the limit of his own potential, Salas cannot attach too much importance to the other party.

Upon seeing this, the young man nodded lightly towards him and smiled calmly: "Bishop Salas doesn't have to be so serious. I'm just here for some private matters. Just let everyone disperse."

After everyone left, Salas led him to a relatively private conference room, followed closely by the two elders.

"Your Highness came to Tiandou City and you don't know why?"

As he spoke, Salas felt a little uneasy.

After staying in Tiandou City for these years, although he had done well in major matters, there were also many small things that he did not do cleanly. He was worried that the other party was here to investigate him.

But the young man obviously didn't care about those little things.

After picking up the teacup and taking a sip, he said: "I'm going to Tiandou Royal Academy later, and I'll stay here first. Then it will be more convenient to visit in the name of Wuhun Palace. Otherwise, it would be a joke if we were rejected by Tiandou Academy."

Salas secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and quickly agreed: "This is no problem."

Then he looked at the other two Spirit Hall elders whose cultivation was as high as Titled Douluo level.

His tone was slightly hesitant, "But these two elders..."

If the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace were to enter Tiandou Royal Academy together, the noise would be too big.

That place gathered a large number of noble children, and it was the heart and soul of the Tiandou royal family.

In addition, the Xue Qinghe incident broke out a few years ago, and the current royal family is simply frightened. If these two people go there together, there may not be much of a chain reaction.

The young man saw his embarrassment and said calmly: "They stay here for now, and then I can go there by myself."

Salas quickly stopped him, "How can that be done? Your Highness has a distinguished status. It would be disrespectful to be alone. I will accompany you when the time comes."

The young man thought about it for a moment, but did not refuse. He nodded and said, "That's fine. I'll just bother the bishop."

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