Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 129 Shrek visits Tiandou Academy

In the end, Su Cheng returned to the academy alone.

After entering the school gate, they found Dugu Bo standing not far from the mountain gate, not knowing who he was waiting for.

"What are you doing here?" He was a little surprised, changed direction and walked over.

"Waiting for you." Dugu Bo seemed to be relieved when he saw Su Cheng, "If you hadn't said you would come back to the academy today, I would have been ready to go to the Sunset Forest to find trouble."

"Why are you so anxious?"

"A lot of people came to the academy. I'm not a teacher at the academy, so I didn't pay much attention at first. But I heard some people talking, and it seemed that those people had some ideas about the quota for the second team. I think you'd better go over and have a look. "

Su Cheng's heart moved, and he immediately realized that it was probably those from Shrek Academy who had arrived.

He knew that Shrek Academy had a plan to "borrow chickens and lay eggs" by using Tiandou Royal Academy's competition quota, but the specific time was not clear.

And now many things have changed. Who knows whether those people will come again, so I haven't paid much attention to them.

I didn't expect to meet you today.

Now the fourth prince Xue Beng is in the palace and is being groomed as the prince by Emperor Xue Ye. Prince Xue Xing has also gained a lot of power and has many affairs. It seems that no one can stop this.

But only if he doesn't interfere.

Nowadays, Su Cheng's voice in the Royal Academy is not low. With the blessing of multiple identities, even those on the Education Committee cannot ignore his arbitrary ideas.

After a moment's thought, he didn't take this matter too seriously. He looked at Dugu Bo and said, "Senior, don't worry. If you want a spot in the second team, you have to ask our opinions, right? Let's go over together and take a look?"

"You understand, it has nothing to do with me how the second team is doing. My granddaughter is in the first team."

Dugu Bo snorted coldly, but still followed him.

Tiandou Royal Academy, Education Committee.

Three Contra experts from the Education Committee sat in the main seat, and Qin Ming, the leader of the Imperial Team 1, also sat in the second seat.

Opposite them was a group of people from Shrek Academy.

Six teachers, including Flanders and Yu Xiaogang, sat in the guest seats.

In addition, there were seven students standing behind them.

Compared with before, in addition to Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing, there is now one more auxiliary soul master among the students.

Although the talent is not as good as the others, it is still quite good.

This is also the student Flanders found specifically for the chance to participate in this competition.

As a veteran soul saint, he still has some connections in the academy.

But even if the students gathered seven people, it would not be enough.

Shrek Academy belongs to the Pheasant Academy and is not recognized by the two major empires and major kingdoms and principalities. Therefore, it is not qualified to participate in the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, so other methods are needed to obtain this participation spot.

After meeting Qin Ming by chance in the Soul Arena, these teachers came up with this idea - to use the resources and quota of Tiandou Royal Academy to ensure these students' participation opportunities.

According to Qin Ming, Tiandou Royal Academy is currently insufficient in strength, and the second team is extremely weak.

Except for one attack-type soul master and one auxiliary-type soul master, they had almost no combat power.

Moreover, in Qin Ming's view, those two players who had never trained with the team, although they were talented, had no sense of teamwork, which was contrary to the educational philosophy he had received at Shrek. Their overall strength must not be as good as the young disciples in front of him. School girls.

As long as they are willing to come to Tiandou Royal Academy, they will definitely be recognized by the three education committee members and get a place to participate.

At this time, the three Contras in the Education Committee were also hesitant.

The qualifications of these young people in front of them are indeed good. It is not an exaggeration to say that they surpass more than 90% of the students in their college.

But to be honest, even if these people join the academy, it is just the icing on the cake.

They had just conducted some testing.

Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San, who had been repeatedly praised by Qin Ming, were not only far superior to their peers in quality, but they were even able to improve their cultivation by one level each under the pressure of Contra Zhilin's momentum.

Moreover, Tang San, the control soul master, also had an attached soul bone.

But Su Cheng also has something like an attached soul bone.

Qin Ming was in charge of the first team, and Su Cheng was reclusive, so naturally he didn't know much about his situation. His impression was still on when he led the first team more than a year ago.

But Qin Ming didn't know that these education committee members knew something about his strength.

Not to mention Su Cheng. 6̳̳

Even Ning Rongrong, who came out of the Qibao Glazed Sect, has now reached level 38, and is no weaker than Zhu Zhuqing, who has just broken through.

When it comes to the importance in team battles, the strategic significance of Ning Rongrong, the auxiliary soul master with the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit, undoubtedly far exceeds that of Zhu Zhuqing.

These are not the key yet.

The key is that the control of the second team of Emperor Dou is actually in the hands of Su Cheng.

Even with their status, they don't have the final say.

No matter how strong the three Soul Douluo were, no matter how high their status was, they could not compare to the majesty of a Titled Douluo, not to mention that the Poison Douluo was the only guest of the imperial royal family.

Not to mention that Su Cheng not only had a good personal relationship with the Poison Douluo, but also had a background from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, as well as the powerful Prince Xue Xing and the Fourth Prince, and even Prince Xue Xing was originally a Tian Dou. Chief Superintendent of the Royal Academy.

Su Cheng does usually keep to himself, but that's just because he doesn't want to be distracted by trivial matters, but it doesn't mean that he can be manipulated at will.

After thinking about it, Meng Shenji, the chief of the Education Committee, looked at Flanders and others, and said tactfully: "It is our honor for you all to come to our academy. However, Teacher Qin must have told you that there are actually two people in the second team. A very talented player. We also need to consider the thoughts and feelings of other students and cannot make a decision too early."

Flanders and others had already known a thing or two about what Meng Shenji said, but they didn't pay too much attention to it.

According to Qin Ming's words, those two people were indeed talented, and one of them was a descendant of the current generation of Qibao Glazed Pagoda.

But thinking about it, he is just an ordinary genius, and he will definitely not be able to compare with the monster students in Shrek.

What's more, the strength of the first Huangdou team trained by Qin Ming is no more than this, let alone the second Huangdou team?

He immediately asked: "I wonder what level of strength the two people mentioned by the seniors have now?"

Meng Shenji thought for a while and just said: "The auxiliary soul master of the second team is not yet fourteen years old, and his soul power cultivation level has reached level 38."

He only talked about Ning Rongrong's situation, but did not mention Su Cheng.

The main reason is that I am afraid that the other party may not believe me if I tell them, but they will feel that I look down on them and deliberately exaggerate.

That was not the result Meng Shenji hoped for.

Even if the two sides failed to successfully cooperate in the end, he did not want to become enemies with the other party.

However, even if Ning Rongrong was alone, it would be enough to impress the other party.

Seeing that the other party only mentioned one of them, Flanders only thought that the other person's talent was inferior.

But even so, he was extremely surprised.

At the same time, I was secretly excited. I didn't expect that there would be such a genius in Tiandou Academy.

If he really stays here in the future, wouldn't he have the opportunity to recruit him into his academy to make up for the current predicament of the Shrek team's weak auxiliary soul masters?

He has great trust in Yu Xiaogang's teaching level and will definitely have the opportunity to conquer him.

Although the bet was made a year ago, Yu Xiaogang eventually lost to Zhu Zhuqing.

But it can't be said that he has no skills, it's just that Zhu Zhuqing's talent is too amazing.

After breaking through the thirty-eighth level of soul cultivation today, he even surpassed Dai Mubai, who was the highest level member of the original team.

This bizarre promotion speed made him, the Soul Saint City, secretly surprised.

On the contrary, Dai Mubai's soul power has not improved much in the past two years and is still at level thirty-seven.

Just when Flanders was thinking wildly, Yu Xiaogang, who was sitting next to him, suddenly said with a calm face: "Three education committee members, sometimes the level cannot fully prove the strength. I am not bragging, these students in our college , all possess the ability to leapfrog combat."

Meng Shenji and others couldn't help looking at each other when they heard this, and they all thought of the scene when Su Cheng became famous in a battle when he first entered the academy.

"How about this, let my students compete with the members of your school's second team?"

"Competition? Compete with whom?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came into the Education Committee meeting room.

Su Cheng walked into the room calmly, without any scruples because of his status as a student. He just bowed lightly to the three education committee members.

Everyone at Shrek Academy with their backs to the door turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw a young man walking slowly.

The other party didn't look too old, but his deep and calm aura made both Soul Saints Flanders and Zhao Wuji secretly surprised.

In addition, the dark golden twisted vertical stripe on the opponent's forehead is also particularly eye-catching.

"Externally attached soul bone...?"

A hint of enlightenment emerged in several people's hearts at the same time.

Tang San, a student at Shrek Academy, also possesses an external spirit bone, so they naturally know a lot about this.

In addition to Su Cheng, there was a middle-aged man following him silently like a phantom.

The man was dressed in a gray robe, with a slender figure, black beard and hair, and a pair of cold and ruthless black eyes.

Today's Dugubo is different from the past.

Because of the effect of the snow-colored swan kiss, his poison skills are more concentrated, and there is no longer any sign related to "poison" from his appearance.

His strength also improved further, breaking through to the peak Douluo realm of level 95.

His strength has returned to his original state, he looks more restrained, and even his appearance has become a bit younger.

"Your Majesty Dugu Mian."

When the three education committee members saw Dugu Bo coming here, they didn't dare to drag him down, so they all stood up and saluted.

After Su Cheng greeted several members of the education committee, he turned to look at the Shrek people in front of him.

His eyes first looked at Tang San, but they didn't stop much. They just passed by briefly and finally landed on Zhu Zhuqing.

The moment they saw Su Cheng, everyone in Shrek Academy felt extremely uneasy.

Except for the academy teachers who were shocked by his strength.

Tang San, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were the most shocked.

"How is that possible?!" Tang San couldn't believe that he would meet Su Cheng here again, and the other person's aura fluctuations were far better than his.

And the other party's contemptuous attitude of not taking him seriously at this time made him extremely unhappy.

"It's him..." Xiao Wu's heart trembled, the fear from her childhood seemed to have shrouded her heart again, and she quietly clenched Tang San's generous hand beside her.

The cold fingers stung Tang San's heart.

Suddenly he understood that the inner demons in Xiao Wu's heart had never been eradicated, but were only temporarily hidden with the disappearance of the other party.

"It's you!" Zhu Zhuqing looked dazed.

Looking at Su Cheng's familiar face, familiar voice, familiar expression, and familiar movements.

I was a little crazy for a while.

Su Cheng's eyes swept over the Shrek crowd.

"Student Su Cheng, you deserve to be the captain of the Second Imperial Team. Who just said you wanted to compete with me?"

As he spoke, the Martial Soul Eternal Life Sword appeared in his right hand, and four soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, and black were floating and hovering under his feet.

At the same time, a sword intent enveloped the seven Shrek students.

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