Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 132 Qian Renxue: Do you think I’m stupid?

Su Cheng nodded and walked back to the spring.

"Now that you have practiced techniques that can improve your bloodline and cultivation, and you have the intention to advance your martial soul in the future, you no longer need to rely solely on fairy grass to improve your soul power.

"Similarly, your martial soul bloodline relies on the Nirvana Sutra to strengthen it, and the effect is sufficient.

"In this way, there is no need to be too rigid about the properties of the fairy grass. Just accumulate as much medicinal power as possible to improve the foundation and strengthen the foundation.

"Put your hand over here."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything, just raised his right hand and handed it over.

Su Cheng gently pinched her palms, wrist bones, and forearms, feeling the strength of her physical body now, and nodded secretly.

Her physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary Soul Sects, reaching the point where she is comparable to those of Soul Sects.

Considering her thirty-eighth level of cultivation, although her physical foundation is not particularly deep, it is enough.

I guess it's the gain brought by absorbing the third soul ring across the years.

In fact, for today's Zhu Zhuqing, neutral celestial grasses such as Ambrosia, Narcissus Jade, Eight-petal Fairy Orchid, etc. can all have good effects. As long as you don't take Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, which has relatively extreme properties, or grass jelly like Earth Dragon Pumpkin, there will be no problem.

But since the power of medicine is the most important thing, the more the better.

Generally, jelly grass cannot be taken multiple times, and the conflict between the medicinal powers of each other can be fatal.

But in this place, there are two types of jelly grass whose medicinal properties just happen to overlap with each other.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng released his palm and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, "Time is limited, just follow my instructions."

Unlike him, Zhu Zhuqing's current cultivation level is insufficient, his physique is much weaker, and he does not have a hundred thousand year soul bone in his body, so he cannot stay in the extreme spiritual energy impact near the ice and fire eyes for too long.

In just a moment, my body started to react.

It was only because of her tenacity that she could always remain calm.

"Did you see that big octagonal white flower?" Su Cheng raised his hand and pointed.

Zhu Zhuqing followed his gaze and saw a beautiful white herb growing alone next to the Yinjiquan. There were dots of stamens shining like ice crystals in the center of the petals.

It is the celestial grass octagonal ice grass which has strangely cold and extremely poisonous properties.

"Later, you use a dagger to cut it off by the roots, and take it back to the hot spring quickly. Remember, you have to move quickly, that thing is highly poisonous."

After that, he himself came to the other side of the Ice and Fire Eyes, the location of the blazing Yangquan.

Here grows a plant that looks like a cabbage but is fiery red all over. It is the fairy grass Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu with top-level fire poison.

Su Cheng took out the spare jade shovel from the soul guide and took it off.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was also ready and returned to the vicinity of the Ice and Fire Eyes.

When Su Cheng saw this, he immediately raised his hand and swung it, and Liehuo Xingjiaoshu was thrown to the ground in front of Zhu Zhuqing like a horse.

As the two fairy grasses approached each other, Zhu Zhuqing was surprised to find that the cold air emanating from the strange white flower that almost made her whole body numb instantly disappeared.

At this time, a layer of faint red light enveloped the Octagonal Black Ice Grass, while a layer of faint white air enveloped the Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu.

The breaths between each other began to suppress each other and blend with each other.

Looking at the strange scene in front of her, she couldn't help but look a little dazed.

"Hurry up and eat them all together, and then keep your mind close." At this time, Su Cheng's voice suddenly came to Zhu Zhuqing's ears.

After the two immortal grasses meet each other, although they will be restrained by each other's breath, their effects will completely disappear after ten breaths.

But there is no doubt that for people like Zhu Zhuqing who have no idea what is going on, this move is quite risky.

Although they don't know the efficacy of these two grass jelly grasses, anyone knows that these two things contain strange poisons just based on the terrifying reaction when they picked the star anise ice grass just a short time ago.

Not to mention taking them at the same time, even if you only eat one of them, even the titled Douluo will die on the spot.

But she didn't hesitate at all.

After hearing Su Cheng's voice, he picked up two poisonous fairy grasses and put them into his mouth without delaying for a moment.

No matter how arrogant she was, Zhu Zhuqing knew very well in her heart that she had an extraordinary level of trust in Su Cheng.

Perhaps it was because of the twenty-year past in another world, or because of the regretful ending caused by her self-righteous arbitrary actions, or because of the strange emotions that had subsided and fermented invisibly.

All of which made her unwilling to hesitate any longer on such matters.

Although the two immortals were poisonous, after being restrained by each other, they no longer had the domineering power they had before. The entrance immediately turned into fluid and flowed down the throat.

It took almost only three breaths for Zhu Zhuqing's body to suddenly tremble violently.

Then a layer of icy blue rose directly from his feet. In the blink of an eye, her whole body turned completely blue, and then another layer of red rose.

For a time, blue and red light alternated continuously on Zhu Zhuqing's body, which looked extremely strange.

But under the impact of the two extreme auras, Zhu Zhuqing felt unbearable pain at this moment, and his nerves were almost stretched and burst.

At this time, a burst of soul power suddenly struck from behind.

"Su Cheng!"

As soon as a thought flashed through her mind, her body, which was so weak that it was completely uncontrollable, instantly fell forward and fell into the spring water of ice and fire in front of her.

After entering the spring water, the two energies of ice and fire in his body immediately stirred crazily, and he fell into a coma in the blink of an eye.

The water surface of the spring in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes has returned to calm, and the milky white and red colors in the water are distinct. Water vapor still filled the air, and everything returned to silence.

Su Cheng frowned and looked at Zhu Zhuqing's current location. The Five Elements Domain spread out, silently sensing the opponent's situation. Seeing that everything was normal, his brows gradually relaxed.

Although there is still some worry in his heart, with Zhu Zhuqing's current level of cultivation and physical fitness, after taking two jelly grass, there should be no accidents when he endures the baptism of ice and fire in the spring.

While Zhu Zhuqing continued to be tempered by ice and fire and absorb the power of the immortal herbs, Su Cheng turned around and walked towards the valley.

During this period, he planned to put all the mature herbs and the few fairy grasses into Dugu Bo's treasure bag.

Although I believe Zhu Zhuqing will not go out and talk nonsense, he must be just in case.

Moreover, there is no point in keeping those mature herbs in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. It is better to leave more spiritual energy to nourish the Blue Silver Emperor seedling and other immature treasures.

Just when Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing entered the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Salas, the master of Tiandou City's Wuhun Temple, also brought a young man in black from Wuhun City into Tiandou Royal Academy.

Although this person is not very old, and it is difficult to tell the depth of his cultivation.

But from Salas's respectful attitude and the young man's temperament and demeanor, it can be easily seen that this person must have an extraordinary background and hold a high position, so that no one dares to be disrespectful.

In addition to the nominal visits and exchanges, the two also asked by name to meet Su Cheng, the talented student from the second team.

Meng Shenji and others were a little embarrassed after hearing the other party's request.

Su Cheng has always been a loner, and rarely reports anything like leaving school to the college, and few people know about his movements. Not to mention their teachers, even Ning Rongrong, who was closest to him, didn't know much about him.

The only one who knows something clearly is probably Dugu Bo.

But the leading teachers in these colleges all know what kind of temperament Dugu Bo has.

As long as you can't catch the other person's eyes, any identity is useless. How dare these people disturb you so easily?

In addition, Meng Shenji and others have been worried about a lot of things recently.

At this time, a group of people from Shrek Academy had just left. Not only did they leave, but they also abducted Qin Ming, the leader of the Huangdou Team.

It's not far away from the start of the Soul Master Competition. It will not be easy to find a high-level Soul Master who can control the situation in the short term.

Moreover, Qin Ming's own existence is also of great significance to the academy and the Tiandou Empire.

Not long ago, this young soul master, who was only thirty-four years old, had already broken through to the realm of soul emperor. If nothing unexpected happened, it would only be a matter of time before he became a titled Douluo in the future. It can be said that the losses were quite heavy.

This matter also requires the Education Committee to report and explain to the royal family.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue, who disguised herself as a young man with the help of soul bones, did not continue to insist. Saras was left alone to deal with the people of the Education Committee. She left here and searched for the teacher in the college alone. stand up.

Although there are many students in Tiandou Royal Academy, compared to its vast area, there are still very few students.

Walking on the road, Qian Renxue casually took out the white flower stained with blood.

The heartbroken red floated silently on her fingertips, emitting a golden-red light, low-key and gorgeous.

After searching in the second team's lounge to no avail, she was not in a hurry and went to the first team's lounge to see if Su Cheng would be there.

However, before she could reach the door, she heard two people talking inside.

"...Teacher Qin Ming has left the academy. I don't know who the academy will find to lead the team in the future. I hope the level is not too bad." The girl's voice was soft and charming, but there seemed to be a hint of sadness in her words.

"If I look at it, it would be almost the same no matter who you are. The strength of your team is more or less better than the others, so just get a similar ranking." A slightly older voice sounded next.

"Grandpa, how can you say that? Even if I don't consider the competition results, I can't give up on my practice!"

"That's true." The old man agreed upon hearing this, "How about you also go to the second team? That kid Su Cheng still has a lot of skills. He knows more things than me. If you train with him, your talent will definitely be improved. Wasted. If I open my mouth, he will still give me face."

Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly changed his words: "Forget it, that boy is indeed a bit evil, but the girls around him are not fuel-efficient lamps. I'm afraid it will be a bit dangerous for you to go. Today he is following another boy The girl ran out, that girl has a cultivation strength close to that of the Soul Sect at the age of thirteen, and I don’t know how she cultivated it.”

The words just fell.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the lounge.

Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan looked back at the same time and saw a handsome young man in black clothes walking into the lounge.

With an obvious fake smile on his face, he bowed his hand to Dugu Bo and saluted, "Junior Wuhundian Lingyuan has seen Poison Douluo Mian."

"Martial Soul Hall?" When Dugu Bo heard the other party announcing his home, the expression on his face changed from indifference and disgust to confusion and surprise.

He was confused about the other party's purpose, and even more surprised by the other party's strength.

He was a peak level ninety-five Douluo, but it was difficult for him to perceive the cultivation level of the young man in front of him.

Moreover, the other party was silent when he entered the door. Although it was related to the fact that he didn't have much precautions, it shouldn't be unnoticed by just a subconscious reaction.

This person is quite extraordinary.

In addition to his strength, the fact that the other party announced his family status also made him feel slightly moved.

This person turned out to be from Wuhun Palace. Judging from his age and strength, he was probably not an ordinary person. He was probably also a core figure of the younger generation in Wuhun Palace.

Since Su Cheng had already made up his mind to join there in the future, and he had some intentions, it was natural that he would not be offended.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's face softened a bit, and he nodded: "No need to be polite, why are you here?"

The young man stood upright and looked directly at Dugu Bo.

The voice was flat and no emotion could be heard in it.

"Just now, the junior overheard the senior mentioning Su Cheng's name. I wonder if he was talking about Su Cheng, the captain of the Second Imperial Team?"


Dugu Bo was about to nod and admit, but then he remembered the woman who had a close relationship with Su Cheng.

If I remember correctly, Su Cheng once said that that woman's status in Wuhun Palace was not low, and even the Pope is now somewhat afraid of her.

The man in front of him cared so much about Su Cheng, so he might have asked him to come over to understand the situation.

I don’t know how many times what I just said was heard. Who knows if there might be any misunderstanding? No matter what, it is not suitable for the other party to know.

How Su Cheng deals with emotional issues is his business, but obviously it cannot be revealed from his own mouth.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's expression paused, and he quickly changed his words: "You heard wrong, I didn't say Su Cheng, I meant a teacher in the college."

Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

Anger welled up in his heart, and he immediately realized that there was definitely something wrong inside.

It's okay if Dugu Bo didn't say that, but if he said that, he was trying to cover up the truth!

Do you think she is a fool?

Dugu Bo himself didn't think that much, and he never thought that the person in front of him would be the woman he met that day.

Looking at the young man Qian Renxue pretended to be, he looked calm and peaceful.

"If you want to find Su Cheng, you've asked the wrong person. I do have some friendship with him, but I don't know where he has gone. That kid is elusive all day long, and few people in the college know his movements."

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