The next day, there was ice and fire.

After waking up, Zhu Zhuqing jumped out of the spring, creating waves.

Su Cheng, who was startled by the sound, felt relieved and quickly turned around to look.

But he saw a white figure spinning in the air and then sinking into the water.

"You have spare clothes, right?"

Zhu Zhuqing, who had covered his body under the water, felt ashamed and angry when he heard the teasing sound coming from a distance.

Under the combined effect of the powerful energy in her body and the extremely cold and hot spring water of the Ice and Fire Eyes, all her clothes had been melted away long ago, and she was now naked and hiding in the water.

After Su Cheng asked the question, seeing that the other party didn't reply, he stopped caring about her.

Although soul guides are considered rare things, with Zhu Zhuqing's background, it is not difficult to get one.

He turned around again and continued busy with his own affairs.

Since Xiao Wu doesn't have the Acacia Heartbroken Red to cover up the spirit beast aura on her body, it's up to her to help her prepare some potion.

But this kind of thing is obviously not that easy to make.

It's okay to hide it from ordinary people, but it would be very difficult to hide it from a titled Douluo of Bibi Dong's level.

Even with his medical skills, he has no clue now and can only try his best.

After a while, "Swipe——"

The sharp sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air suddenly came from behind.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know when he came silently not far behind him, and directly greeted him with a paw.


The sword energy barrier appeared spontaneously, and with the sound of gold and iron clashing, Su Cheng turned around with a smile on his face.

He said: "It's too slow and too weak."

The light in his eyes flashed slightly, indicating that Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation level had improved by another level at this time.

The medicinal properties of the two highly poisonous fairy grasses, namely the Eight Anise Ice Grass and the Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, are not so mild. They are not as easy to absorb as the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone or the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid. At least with Zhu Zhuqing's current cultivation level, it is difficult to immediately absorb them. It is transformed into one's own soul power.

It is necessary to use the spring water in the eyes of ice and fire to continuously cleanse the physical body.

"Is this how you thank me?" Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing's angry look and smiled casually.

Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red and white. She stared at him for a while and then said in a low voice: "Dirty!"

"I didn't look."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing felt even more angry for some reason.

But Su Cheng opened his mouth and added: "Besides, it's not like I haven't seen it before. You haven't grown up yet."

"Su Cheng!"

The soul ring under Zhu Zhuqing's feet flashed with light, and he slapped it with another paw.

This time Su Cheng didn't make excuses.

The Sword of Eternal Life appeared in her hand, and the sword struck out first, and the tip of the sword hung directly in front of her neck.

"My strength is pretty good now, but I'm still far from winning. Practice more, Miss Fourth."


Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly when he heard this, then lowered his body and stood in front of him.

"how do you feel?"

"My physical fitness is so strong, much stronger than that of ordinary soul sects. And I can feel that my bloodline foundation has also been greatly enhanced when I am running the technique."

Feeling her transformed body, a gleam flashed in her eyes, "In addition, it seems that she is immune to a lot of energy attacks from ice and fire."

"This is just the beginning." Su Cheng nodded.

“Although the improvement efficiency is highest when you first take the grass jelly, in fact, only a very small amount of the medicinal power is used.

"In the next period of time, in addition to attaching the fourth soul ring, all you need to do is to use the spring water in the eyes of the ice and fire eyes to fully absorb the medicinal power accumulated in the body.

"Three months, plus the improvement brought by the additional soul ring, will be enough for you to reach the fourth level.

"The medicinal power in those two immortal grasses is enough to support you until you reach the soul saint stage. By then, your martial soul should have evolved into the Netherworld White Tiger. With the help of the martial arts, you have already understood the martial arts. The true meaning of soul.

"In future cultivation, there will basically be no bottlenecks until you become a god."

"Become a god?!" After listening to Su Cheng's words, Zhu Zhuqing repeated with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Yes, becoming a god." Su Cheng glanced at her, "But those are not things you need to consider now. If you want to reach the top, don't aim too high, just take it step by step."

"Thank you." She lowered her eyes and said softly.

"No, who made me your father?"

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face sank, and she attacked again without saying a word.

She found that Su Cheng had returned to his old annoying self, always taking pleasure in arousing her anger.

In the next period of time, apart from practicing and teaching Zhu Zhuqing, Su Cheng spent most of his time researching drugs to mask his aura.

But he found that even if he had a good accumulation of herbal medicine, medical knowledge and martial arts research, plus the knowledge of soul beasts he learned from the Blue Silver Emperor in the past year, the potion he concocted could only be concealed. For ordinary titled Douluo, it is almost impossible to achieve the effect of the fairy grass like Acacia Heartbreak Red.

And with this kind of medicine alone, there was obviously no way to hide it from Bibi Dong.

Perhaps with Xiao Wu's temperament, she would be reckless and take risks after having this herb. But even if she wanted to go, Tang Hao might not stop her.

Even if Xiao Wu did go in the end, many variables would definitely be added, which would be very detrimental to his plan.

"Maybe after I absorb the fifth soul ring and advance to the Soul King, I will be able to find the corresponding method. If it doesn't work, then think of other methods..."

Su Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

For him, the step of being promoted to Soul King is of great significance.

The attributes of the five elements will be completely harmonized, and the realm will be improved again.

And he had a hunch that Blue Silver King's soul ring, which relied purely on nature, was quite different.

As long as he roughly understands the principles, he will be able to greatly broaden his thinking and achieve a qualitative change in the past knowledge accumulation.

In the future, both practice and research can be promoted to a new level.

While Su Cheng was studying medicine, Zhu Zhuqing was not idle either.

Following Su Cheng's advice, she spent most of her time soaking in the spring water in the Ice and Fire Eyes.

The power of the medicine to dissolve the deposits in the body can also promote the operation efficiency of the Nirvana Sutra, making the cultivation speed much faster than normal.

Moreover, as the skills were running during these days, she found that the strength of her martial soul had obviously entered a stage of rapid improvement again.

After going to Shrek Academy, Zhu Zhuqing had already completed a lot of martial arts information from Dai Mubai.

The reason why her practice improved so quickly was precisely due to this.

After taking two fairy grasses, her martial soul foundation was once again enhanced. Now the strength of her martial soul is definitely not weaker than those of soul masters who are innately full of soul power.

In addition, with the help of Su Cheng, she also hunted a soul beast from the Sunset Forest after reaching level 40, and added a fourth soul ring of ten thousand years level to her martial soul.

Under the tempering of two kinds of immortal grass, Zhu Zhuqing's physical fitness has been greatly improved, and with the help of the secret method of silver needle pricking, it is not difficult to absorb a ten-thousand-year fourth soul ring.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Zhuqing quietly soaked in the spring water and practiced silently.

Now her soul power level has soared to level 43, which is not far from level 44.

At this time, Su Cheng's lazy voice came from the distant valley.

"Let's go, Miss Fourth, three months are up."

He has now reached level 50 cultivation and can add a fifth soul ring to the Eternal Life Sword at any time to be promoted to Soul King.

Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes in the spring water, looking a little confused.

"Has it been three months already?"

Scenes like taking jelly grass, fighting and practicing moves, and verbal quarrels all seemed like yesterday. I didn't expect that time passed so quickly, and the agreed deadline was reached before I knew it.

During these three months, she didn't have to think about anything, and she didn't have to be wary of anyone, let alone her practice plans or interpersonal relationships.

Everything was clearly arranged, and she just needed to accept it with peace of mind.

But today, it's all over.

"What's wrong, you can't bear to leave? Why don't you follow me back to Tiandou Royal Academy and wait for dad to take you away?"

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing didn't reply, Su Cheng joked casually.

Still no reply.

After a while, a figure walked silently from the spring.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't immediately snap like a kitten or take action directly after hearing Su Cheng's similar remarks as usual.

Instead, he stood in front of him silently.

Seeing the other party's expression at this moment, Su Cheng fell silent for a moment, unable to say what he originally wanted to say.

After the two looked at each other for a long time, he finally said: "Let's go."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the valley.

On the way out of Sunset Forest, Su Cheng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, who looked gloomy.

"What's wrong, Fourth Miss? It's not long before the competition starts. I'm still waiting to see your performance." He said casually, "If you really can't bear to leave here, then you can continue to practice here. The worst is that I, Huang Douer, will The team will give you a place to participate."

"You are thinking too much." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

Su Cheng smiled when he heard this and said no more.

Then he asked, "That Tang San in your academy, have you ever noticed any problems with him?"

"Of course I know there's something wrong with him." Zhu Zhuqing looked back and said, "He has mastered some special weapons techniques, which are quite astonishingly powerful."

Su Cheng nodded and continued: "But I'm afraid you don't know that he has twin martial arts souls, right?"

"Twin martial spirits?!" Zhu Zhuqing was shocked.

"That's right. He is the son of Tang Hao of the Clear Sky Sect, and his second martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer."

"So that's it..." Zhu Zhuqing looked astonished. She had always wondered before why a mere Blue Silver Grass martial spirit could practice so fast.

And although the blue silver grass looks ordinary, its power is obviously different from the ordinary blue silver grass.

"That's why you want him to enter the finals?" Zhu Zhuqing looked sideways at Su Cheng, "But even if he has twin martial arts souls, what impact can he have on you?"

"Of course not." Su Cheng laughed dumbly, "Tang San has nothing worth coveting in him. I want them to enter the finals because of that Xiao Wu."

"Xiao Wu?" Zhu Zhuqing was stunned at first, then raised his eyebrows and looked at him with suspicion, "I remember, you seem to be studying in the same junior college? You and that Tang San seemed to have some problems before. Could it be that the conflict is because of that Xiao Wu?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Cheng was speechless. After pondering for a moment, he finally decided to tell the truth.

"Zhuqing, I don't want to lie to you. That Xiao Wu's true identity is actually the incarnation of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. You should know what that means, right? But she and Tang San are secretly protected by Tang Hao. If you don't want to do something By holding other people in check, wouldn’t I be pulling chestnuts out of the fire?”

"One hundred thousand year soul beast?!"

After hearing the news, Zhu Zhuqing paused and felt a wave of panic in his heart.

"One hundred thousand year soul beast... then the reason why Tang San is with her..."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a chill.

The way Tang San and Xiao Wu got along was noticed by everyone in Shrek Academy.

The two of them almost looked like the same person.

Every time Xiao Wu was slightly hurt, Tang San would become like a madman, his behavior would be extremely outrageous.

Although she had never been used to Tang San's behavior, she was always wary of him.

But she has always been somewhat envious of the relationship between those two people who were entrusted with life and death.

But she didn't expect that Xiao Wu was actually a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Was it all staged?

Zhu Zhuqing had heard of the legend of the sacrifice of a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Her face was a little dazed for a moment, and she murmured: "So, what Tang San has been coveting is Xiao Wu's hundred thousand year spirit ring?"

"No, Tang San probably doesn't know Xiao Wu's true identity yet." Su Cheng shook his head.

"Tang Hao must have noticed it. It's hard to say what he was thinking, but Tang San's mind is definitely not on the soul ring."

"That's it." Zhu Zhuqing's expression softened and he breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter whether she is an enemy or a friend with those two people in the future, she does not want this relationship to be false.

"The reason I'm telling you this is that I hope you keep a distance from Tang San, let alone attack him casually. He has a lot of secrets, and he also has a peak Douluo with the Clear Sky Hammer behind him, which is quite... Danger." Su Cheng said solemnly.

"You should try to keep everything that happens during this period a secret, including your improvement in cultivation. It is also best to think of a suitable reason in advance. Tang Hao is not a good man and a believer, and wealth and silk are very attractive."

"I understand." Now Zhu Zhuqing is not an ignorant person, he naturally understands the importance.

After learning about Tang Hao's existence, his heart became more solemn.

Fortunately, in the past, her cultivation speed has always been different from ordinary people, and her talent is extremely extraordinary.

Although his cultivation has improved rapidly in the past few months, considering the fourth soul ring with a ten thousand year level, it is not too difficult to find a reasonable explanation.

Soon, the two figures appeared in the outer area of ​​Sunset Forest.

"Here you go."

Stopping near the exit of the forest, Su Cheng threw a bottle of medicine to Zhu Zhuqing.

The reddish liquid exudes brilliant colors in the glass bottle.

"You still recognize this, right?"


Zhu Zhuqing reached out and took it without saying anything, as memories of the past flooded into his mind again.

"It seems that the progress of your bloodline fusion is pretty good, but if one day you get impatient to wait, just use this, I have a way to protect you."

Su Cheng said calmly: "Don't worry, no one will die. I was in a special situation at the time and had nothing to do with this potion."

He didn't lie. Although this potion has strong properties and quick response when used to seize blood, it will not be fatal.

In the simulated world, the fundamental reason why Su Cheng burned so much vitality that he had very little lifespan left was that in order to be able to restore his cultivation in a short time and help Zhu Zhuqing absorb the soul ring, he used a bottle of medicine that could fully stimulate the potential of his bloodline. .

"Let's say goodbye here. You go find your academy teacher. I'm going back to Tiandou Royal Academy."


Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing tightened his fingers slightly on the medicine bottle and fell silent.

"Why do you have such an expression?" Su Cheng said with a smile, "Didn't you say before that you don't need a reason to become stronger? Then just follow your heart and enjoy the power and freedom."

He turned and walked away, raising his arm and waving.

"Zhuqing, don't be a seemingly free kite, be that gust of wind, and don't worry about anyone."


Zhu Zhuqing silently watched his leaving figure with a smile on his lips.

"A self-righteous man."

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