Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 134 Brother Su Cheng, long time no see

After returning to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Su Cheng didn't waste any time and went directly to the second team's team lounge.

Although he has only been in the team for a short time, after three months, he has accumulated a lot of matters that need to be dealt with. After a brief arrangement, he is going to call Ah Yin, and then set off directly to find the Blue Silver King to be promoted to the Soul King. .

The second team's lounge is not as luxurious as the first team's, but it is also quite high-profile.

The spacious room can accommodate dozens of people without being crowded, and the palace-like decoration and construction style also looks magnificent.

But at this time, in this huge room, there was only one person sitting on the wide sofa in the center.

After hearing the sound of pushing the door open, the man looked back, and Su Cheng's eyes met those dark eyes as deep as the sea.

The other person's face looked like a smile but not a smile, but his eyes were as cold as ice and bottomless, and there was no trace of warmth or smile in them.

"Brother Su Cheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. You really made me wait."

"Xiaoxue?!" Su Cheng looked surprised.

Although the other person looked like a young man at this time and looked nothing out of the ordinary, he still recognized him at a glance.

And besides her, no one would call herself that.

After hearing Su Cheng's name, a faint fluctuation of soul power appeared on the young man in black, and his originally unremarkable figure also changed instantly.

The fair face became vivid and dazzling, and a pair of phoenix eyes flashed with a faint cold light.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Qian Renxue?

Then, she moved slightly and flashed in front of Su Cheng like a phantom.

The speed was so fast that even he couldn't react in time.

Immediately afterwards, the white right palm pointed like a sword and struck directly at his chest. The deep soul power condensed into a sharp blade, and there was no mercy in the move.

Although he did not use martial arts, Qian Renxue was such a person. The concentration of soul power under the bonus of Seraphim's martial soul was far higher than that of the same level, and his soul power level was not far from that of Soul Saint.

In terms of the power of his moves, he is by no means weaker than ordinary Soul Saints.

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, and without using his martial soul, he used his soul power to fight with her.

After advancing in the domain, he has been able to summon a small amount of the power of the Five Elements without using the Eternal Sword, and his strength is also far higher than that of the same level.

The expression on Qian Renxue's face moved slightly, and she praised lightly, "The improvement is fast enough."

Immediately, his attacks became more and more ruthless, and there were killing moves between his fingers and palms, and there seemed to be a faint killing intention in them.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you so fierce as soon as we meet?"

Su Cheng said while parrying.

Without using his martial soul to activate his own soul skills, he was somewhat unable to stop Qian Renxue's fierce offensive and would soon be at a disadvantage.

After all, the level difference between the two of them is two big levels, and the other party also has the secret of breaking pulses and restoring qi, and the speed of the moves is much faster than his.

"Haha, doesn't it feel good to be surrounded by beauties?" Qian Renxue said casually, but her hands kept moving, "I heard that you hooked up with a talented girl from another college. Why, there is a young lady from the Qibao Glazed Sect accompanying you. Isn’t it enough for you?”

"What are you talking about?"

Su Cheng was a little helpless, and he probably understood why the other party was angry. He probably heard some rumors from somewhere, and it was probably the old man Dugu Bo who was responsible.

But he definitely wouldn't be able to gain any advantage in such a fight, so he had to raise his hand and take a hard attack, then take a few steps back to avoid the sharp attack.

Qian Renxue saw this and did not continue to pursue, but her expression instantly turned cold.

"Su Cheng, can you explain to me why Ning Rongrong's martial spirit turned into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?"

In order to wait for Su Cheng, she stayed here for three full months and learned almost everything about him.

He even knew that he had brought Ning Rongrong with him, and the two of them left the first team of Huangdou to join the second team, and the little girl's martial spirit completely made up for her own shortcomings.

Apart from Su Cheng, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could do this.

"Did you give her some grass jelly or did you research something new? Do you remember what you told me at the time? Just treat me as a sister? Does my sister need you to help her like this? Sure enough, I shouldn't have let you go at that time. .”

"It's not what you think." Su Cheng sighed, secretly feeling troubled.

There are so many reasons here that it is really difficult to explain clearly.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and turned to ask: "By the way, are you taking the heartbroken red with you?"

He is now stuck in a bottleneck in the process of researching drugs to mask his breath. Perhaps the properties of Acacia Broken Heart Red can help him solve the problem.

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue looked at him expressionlessly at first, then her eyes slightly lowered and she fell silent.

The long eyelashes cast a shadow, covering the dark eyes, making it difficult to see the expression in them.

After a while, as she turned her palm over, a white flower stained with blood was in her hand.

This king of flowers was connected to her breath, floating peacefully and soundlessly on her fingertips, emitting a faint golden-red light.

"You took it off?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he saw that Xiangxin Hong had already recognized his master.

He originally thought that Qian Renxue would not be recognized by this fairy grass in his current state.

"What, you're disappointed?"

Qian Renxue said lightly, with a touch of sarcasm in her tone. She didn't know whether she was laughing at Su Cheng or laughing at herself.

Then he put away the jelly grass again and waved his hand in a dazed manner.

"Forget it, do whatever you want. Since there's nothing else, I'll go back to Wuhun City first."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

At the same time, he secretly thought in his heart: "But before I go back, I have to deal with some people first."


At this time, Su Cheng suddenly stepped forward and grabbed her wrist to stop her movement.

Qian Renxue turned around and stared at him coldly without speaking.

The two looked at each other silently.

Gradually, Su Cheng's eyes became sharper, and his eyes were filled with cold light.


After a while, he nodded affirmatively with a serious look on his face.

"you lose."

"?" Qian Renxue looked at him in astonishment.

"You blinked first."

"Who is playing this with you?"

When Qian Renxue heard this, she immediately looked dumbfounded, and most of her anger disappeared in an instant, "When did you become so childish?"

"Aren't you the same?"

Hearing Su Cheng's rhetorical question, Qian Renxue blushed.

Immediately, he turned his face and shook his arm, but failed to get rid of the palm. Instead, he pulled him back to the sofa.

"Come here and sit down first, and I'll tell you about the situation."

After sitting down, Qian Renxue lowered her head and said nothing.

But at this time, it was not because of anger, but mostly because of embarrassment.

The reaction just now was indeed a bit out of character for her.

In fact, the three months of waiting made her feel too depressed. In addition, she was extremely concerned about it, so it was inevitable that she would make up a lot of things in her mind.

I couldn't control my emotions after meeting today, and they all exploded at once.

After Su Cheng made some jokes, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't think too much about it. I haven't thought about giving it to anyone else. I asked you to take it out for me to see if it has other uses."


Qian Renxue didn't say anything more this time, and silently took out the lovesickness red again.

Su Cheng observed the king of flowers in front of him, frowning in thought.

During the first simulation, he had also seen the lovesickness in this state, but the purpose of taking this flower at that time was to allow Qian Renxue to improve quickly, and he did not study its characteristics too much.

In Su Cheng's view at that time, the study of such rare treasures as grass jelly was of little significance.

These things are created from the essence of heaven and earth. They are all unique existences. Their medicinal properties are powerful and single. They cannot be reproduced with ordinary medicines and there is no possibility of popularization.

But now he feels that his thinking at that time was too narrow.

Indeed, the medicinal power of fairy grass is incredible, and no matter how ordinary herbs are blended with each other, it is impossible to reach a similar level.

And the function of masking the breath is just an incidental feature, which obviously has great research value.

And it's not just that.

At this time, the layer of golden-red light emitted on the lovesick red surface was like a barrier, firmly protecting it.

It seems to have no offensive power, but in fact it is extremely strong. Even if he uses all his strength, it will be difficult to break it. Only Qian Renxue, the master, can approach or use it at will.

This characteristic is also very strange.

After a rough feeling, Su Cheng looked at Qian Renxue beside him and asked, "What level are you at now?"

"Level sixty-seven."

"Only level 67... It's a bit too slow, not enough time..." He whispered to himself.

Qian Renxue was speechless when she heard this. Is this too slow?

I couldn't help but retort: ​​"Do you think the level of the Soul Emperor is as easy to improve as you, the Soul Sect?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant." Su Cheng smiled.

This promotion speed is indeed very fast. It does not even take a year to reach the next level. In other words, Qian Renxue's qualifications can reach this point just by practicing.

"However, if you want to absorb the seventh soul ring, you need to be at level 70."

"The seventh soul ring? What do you mean?" Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows.

"We'll talk about this later." Su Cheng glanced at her and asked, "What is your situation now? Well... I mean your soul state, it seems unstable."

He chose his words carefully.

Qian Renxue lowered her eyes slightly after hearing this, and after a moment she said solemnly: "Not long after returning to Wuhun City, she gradually fell into a deep sleep."

"Sleeping state?" Su Cheng was suddenly startled, "Is it in danger?"

"There is no danger for the time being." Qian Renxue still lowered her eyebrows and lowered her head, making her expression unclear. "It's just that as I gradually became stronger, she also became a lot weaker."

"Aren't you symbiotic?" Su Cheng frowned slightly, this was different from what he thought.

Over the past few days, he has been thinking about the hidden meaning and solution.

But because Qian Renxue was unwilling to talk more about the matter when they parted ways, he had too few clues, and everything could only be based on speculation.

But if it's not symbiosis, it would be easier to solve. All you need to do is find a way to create a host body to separate the two people.

In Douluo Continent, the existence of soul bodies is not uncommon.

At this time, Qian Renxue whispered again: "It's symbiosis, so if she dies, I can't continue to exist."

"I see..." Su Cheng lowered his head and pondered, "Is it really this unhealthy mental state?"

Qian Renxue's face darkened and she said calmly: "You mean that my existence is unnecessary? Or that I shouldn't appear at all?"

She clenched her palms silently, her finger bones turning slightly white, "But this is okay. With your own methods, you should be able to get rid of this hidden danger of 'me', right?"

There was a slight tension and worry in my heart.

Is it really so clear in his mind?

"You misunderstood. To me, although you two have different consciousnesses, to me you are both Qian Renxue. There is no difference in essence."

Su Cheng reached out and patted her shoulder gently, "When I say unhealthy, I mean that this kind of mental state is not suitable for a long time."

Su Cheng held his chin in his hand and said thoughtfully: "The problem with your situation is that it is too difficult to maintain a balance. You are twins with opposite attributes, making it difficult to transform into each other. Once one is too strong, the other will become more and more dangerous."

Qian Renxue felt the temperature on her shoulders, and her heart relaxed slightly. She raised her head again and said softly: "Is there any solution?"

She has always been very confident in Su Cheng's talents.

"Why there is such an impact in Wuhun City, I still can't figure it out. I need to wait until I see it in the future to know. But in any case, this situation must be solved in other ways. Because it is difficult to transform into each other under the premise Understandably, the strength of your souls cannot be completely unified."

Why can the two eyes of ice and fire maintain balance?

That's because the two dragon king corpses are already dead, and there is no possibility for one of them to continue to become stronger.

And it itself is an existence beyond the plane, and almost no external objects can break their balance.

"If there is a way, I have an immature idea." Su Cheng said slowly while thinking.

"Perhaps if there is a relatively fixed anchor and the presence of a third party is added, your soul state can be stabilized in a short period of time."

"A third party exists?" Qian Renxue frowned, her expression becoming dangerous, "What are you thinking about?"


Seeing her expression, Su Cheng suddenly felt dumbfounded, "Don't think about it. The third party I'm talking about is not a new consciousness, but the central axis that can stabilize the soul."

If I have to describe it, it's actually a bit similar to A Yin's significance to his Five Elements field.

It's just that his Five Elements rotation can transform into each other, so even without A Yin's existence, it will only make the field much slower and weaker, but there will be no danger.

"In this way, let me study the properties of Acacia Broken Heart Red first, and then you can take it when the time is up."

Su Cheng made a decision quickly.

"Since you can successfully make it recognize its master, there will be no problem in taking it. Moreover, you can successfully reach the seventy-level threshold with the help of its medicinal power. Maybe it can also ease your soul state."

The medicinal properties of Acacia Broken Heart Red are moderate and mild. Its biggest function is to supplement the foundation and strengthen the deficiencies.

Since Qian Renxue's two consciousnesses are twins, there is no such thing as malignant or benign.

For unconscious beings like herbal medicine, they will only follow their instincts to make up for their relatively weak soul attributes.

From this point of view, after taking it, the weaker one of the two consciousnesses in Qian Renxue's body will get greater benefits, which is extremely beneficial to maintaining balance.

Moreover, the medicinal power of this fairy grass is the most long-lasting. Even if there are some accidents, there will be enough time to make up for it.

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