As Ah Yin finished speaking, a huge aura suddenly rose up, but it did not appear from the Blue Silver King in front of Su Cheng, but from the entire forest.

A faint blue light quietly emerged from each blue silver grass, and the tiny blue light spots gathered together and soon formed a blue ocean.

The next moment, Su Cheng immediately felt that he had become the center of the ocean.

The body eagerly absorbs the energy in this blue sea.

The Nirvana Sutra circulates rapidly, the Sword of Eternal Life appears in his hand, and the Five Elements Domain spreads out on its own.

Under the influence of the technique, although his soul master level was stuck at level 50 because he had no soul ring, his soul power was growing rapidly, and his cultivation efficiency was far higher than before.

This kind of energy originating from the Blue Silver Grass is not the ultimate attribute, but in Su Cheng's view, its characteristics are not weaker than the so-called ultimate attributes.

Blue Silver Grass, this kind of weed that can be seen everywhere at the bottom of the food chain in the soul beast circle, actually has extremely tenacious vitality.

They are not strong, but they can grow in all kinds of extremely harsh environments.

Come to think of it, the "immortality" that A Yin mentioned that the Blue Silver Domain has evolved to the extreme is essentially an extension of the characteristics of Blue Silver Grass.

Countless blue silver grasses selflessly provided little bits of energy starlight to Su Cheng.

Although the blue ocean formed by these light points is boundless, the number of plants in this forest is too huge and the years of existence are too long. The total energy may not even be counted as a drop in the bucket.

Su Cheng sat cross-legged in this extremely comfortable environment, but was not immersed in it.

In addition to leaving a little bit of energy to be alert to possible accidents in the outside world, his attention was mainly focused on the sea of ​​energy in front of him.

At this time, the pupil of true vision in front of his forehead was emitting a burning dark golden light.

This time, the vertical pattern was no longer just a thin gap, but projected a screen of light, like a vertical eye shadow, capturing all the changes in sight.

The mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness passes quickly, and it will be completely used up in just a few breaths.

But it consumes quickly and replenishes even faster. The blue sea endlessly replenishes all his consumption. Regardless of physical, mental or soul energy, it is all filled with the blue light flowing in.

Although these energies are powerful, they are not rough, but extremely gentle.

There was no sense of impact or pressure at all, just like when he absorbed Ah Yin's hundred thousand year old soul bone, the moisturizing material nourished him silently.

Gradually, the surface of his skin turned completely crystal blue, and countless blue silver grasses grew and coiled around him.

Not only him, A Yin standing next to him also had countless blue light points coming in, strengthening the body and silently improving her essence.

The scale of this energy influx is even far greater than that of Su Cheng.

But it is a pity that Ah Yin at this time has limited strength and weak foundation. He can only absorb part of the energy, and most of it is also integrated into Su Cheng's five elements field.

Her temporary spiritual body, which was crudely crafted by Su Cheng, became more and more natural, real, and perfect in the process. The meridians were connected, the acupuncture points were perfect, and the muscle fibers were constructed bit by bit. It seemed that she was about to return to her former peak.

But the situation was different from that time.

At this time, she was no longer in the state where the soul beast had transformed but had not yet reached perfection.

Of course, it is not that the transformed soul beast in the mature stage will become a real human being.

If I have to describe it, it is probably more like a plant spirit created by heaven and earth. It is not a human body of flesh and blood, but it is not a spirit beast either.

From now on, there is no longer the so-called Blue Silver Emperor, this is her true identity.

Ah Yin benefited a lot from this process.

Su Cheng encountered some obstacles here.

Although the foundation of his physical body is slowly increasing, and the four soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, and black are also emerging one after another, the fifth soul ring that he has been silently waiting for to appear has never been able to take shape.

A very vivid and obvious look of astonishment and confusion appeared on the old face of the huge Blue Silver King, and he looked at A Yin who was standing next to Su Cheng.

"Your Majesty, he doesn't have the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor?"

Ah Yin opened his eyes when he heard the sound and looked at the young man sitting on the ground surrounded by the blue ocean.

Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed slightly and she shook her head slowly.

As she expected, it was impossible for Su Cheng to use the Blue Silver Emperor clan's awakening ceremony to add a fifth soul ring to himself.

Even if his soul power, physical fitness, and mental strength all meet the requirements, it is simply impossible to do it.

The basis for bloodline awakening is the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor.

On this basis, the Blue Silver King guides the blood in the opponent's body, and then uses the power of the entire Blue Silver Grass Forest to help him awaken and advance.

If there is no blood and water has no source, how can the Blue Silver King guide it?

"Then..." Blue Silver King looked hesitant.

If we continue like this, we will be doing useless work.

"Wait a little longer." Ah Yin said softly.

The energy of Bluesilver Grass is soft and gentle and will not cause any harm to Su Cheng's body. Even if it is absorbed by him as a soul power reserve for future promotions, it will be beneficial.

And for some reason, she always had an inexplicable confidence in Su Cheng, feeling that since the other person had said it, he would definitely be able to do it.

Time passed slowly, and the ocean formed by countless light points floated silently around Su Cheng.

He wasn't too anxious at this time.

Su Cheng, who was in the real field of vision at this time, was silently observing everything in front of him, as well as the nature of his first few soul rings.

At this time, the mental power is inexhaustible and replenished accordingly. This is the perfect opportunity to make good use of the Eye of True Sight.

From his point of view, it doesn't matter whether he succeeds this time.

The most important thing is that we can use this opportunity to get a glimpse of the mystery of soul ring condensation.

At this moment, in Su Cheng's real field of vision, there were countless light spots emanating from the Blue Silver Grass surrounding him, but they were never able to get in, were unable to condense into shape, and eventually turned into energy and merged into his domain and body.

"What's the difference..."

Su Cheng closed his eyes and kept thinking and deducing in his mind.

What is a soul ring? What are soul skills?

By the way, Xiao Wu.

If I remember correctly, Xiao Wu, who has transformed into a soft-bone rabbit after practicing for 100,000 years, has a very special ability - to take the soul ring by himself.

Every time you pass ten levels, you can generate an ultimate soul ring that perfectly suits you.

In the original timeline, after Tang San accepted the energy guidance of the Blue Silver King, he also condensed the fifth spirit ring that was adapted to his own limit years.

Su Cheng recalled the first few soul rings he had just observed.

In each soul ring, there is a faint shadow, corresponding to the soul beast killed that year.

Looking further, there were some lines that he couldn't understand, but they were extremely condensed and single in nature.

"……I see."

Su Cheng opened his eyes suddenly.

"It's bloodline concentration. The bloodline concentration of human martial souls is not enough, and it is far inferior to those humans who take the form of soul beasts. But if you want to generate a soul ring on your own, you need a strong enough bloodline concentration as a guide.

"The reason Tang San was able to succeed was because his Blue Silver Emperor bloodline was inspired by the Blue Silver King's instinctive ability.

"And my bloodline, the Blue Silver King is obviously unable to guide and condense it."

Ah Yin knew that the Blue Silver Emperor's awakening was related to his bloodline, but he didn't understand the principle.

Although he told Su Cheng, he obviously couldn't explain the reason.

Su Cheng is different from her.

Under the influence of true vision, he was able to see the inner nature of the soul ring. At this moment, he had a flash of inspiration and found the root cause.

Those lines are the power of attribute laws represented by bloodline.

The so-called soul skills are just the external manifestation of the combination of attribute laws and martial souls.

Therefore, there are two requirements for forming a soul ring. The first is the power of law contained in the bloodline after killing the soul beast, and the second is sufficient energy.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago." A smile appeared on Su Cheng's lips.

The commonalities between soul beasts and martial souls, and the level bottlenecks broken by the condensation of soul rings, he had already done sufficient and in-depth research on these things during the second simulation.

If you want to generate a soul ring on your own, you need three conditions: law, guidance, and energy!

What are the rules?

In Douluo Continent, the soul master's bloodline is the law, the martial spirit is the law, the core of the soul ring is naturally the law, and the soul skills attached to the soul ring are the embodiment of the combination of law and soul power.

As for how to induce the law energy in the blood vessels?

As it happens, Su Cheng has an alternative method.

The Sword of Eternal Life appeared in his hand, and the Nirvana Sutra moved quickly.

Then, a bottle of medicine appeared in his hand. The medicine in the bottle shone with a brilliant light red light under the surrounding blue light spots.

Su Cheng didn't hesitate, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured a few drops into his mouth.

A Yin, who was standing aside, was surprised to find that Su Cheng's aura changed at this time, becoming extremely explosive and buoyant, and a faint blood steamed from his body.

At the same time, the huge shadows of two martial spirits, the Eternal Life Sword and the Innate Formation, appeared beside him at the same time.

Su Cheng didn't care about his second martial spirit.

Instead, he ran the Nirvana Sutra with all his strength, and then continued to stimulate the bloodline foundation of the Eternal Sword Martial Spirit with his own fifty-level soul power fluctuations.

Gradually, a halo of nothingness seemed to appear around him.

next moment.

The blue light spots gathering around seemed to have finally found their target, quickly integrating into the halo.

The color of the blue halo deepened little by little, and finally turned into a circle of dark soul rings, surrounding the other four soul rings.

The moment it appeared, it seemed to form a strange harmony with the first four soul rings.

The five soul rings began to rhythm regularly.

Then, the lifespan of the first four soul rings also began to increase simultaneously.

The yellow first soul ring quickly turned into purple, and then the first three purple soul rings gradually darkened and then became darker.

During this process, Su Cheng's black hair gradually turned into dark blue, and the lines on his face became soft and deep.

But soon, his appearance returned to its original appearance.

Now that his five elements are perfect, his control over himself has risen to another level.

While the physical foundation has been improved by leaps and bounds, the foundation has also become more condensed. The power of this small world alone is not enough to overwhelm his own physical foundation and change his physical features.

However, although his appearance has not changed, his temperament is very different from before. The whole person seems more and more natural, as if he is inseparable from the entire world.

In the past, Su Cheng was more like a sharp sword hidden in a box. Although his sharp edge was restrained, he could not conceal his strength.

But looking at it now, it looks as gentle as jade, free and harmonious.

A Yin's face was full of surprise. She didn't understand how the other party did it.

Although he subconsciously believed that he could succeed, it was more like a blind expectation and trust with no basis at all.

At this moment, the fantasy came true, but I felt that this scene was very unreal.

"Is there really nothing you can't do..."

She stared at Su Cheng blankly, her eyes flashing.

Over the past year or so that the two of them had been together, the things that the other had done, the words that they had said, and the little bits and pieces of their daily lives began to resurface in their minds, and their expressions became entangled for a while.

Su Cheng had no time to care about his surroundings at this moment.

With the appearance of the fifth soul ring, the five elements were completely perfected, and the scene in the real field of vision began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, his mind was gradually attracted by the scene in his field of vision, and then he gradually became immersed in it.

I even forgot to be alert to changes in the surrounding environment.

First it was pitch black, or rather pure white.

It is nothingness without any physical existence.

Then, the yin and yang rotate and the five elements evolve. Based on this, the world is born from nothing, and then goes through a long period of stability and sustainability...

After that, the peaceful world began to gradually deteriorate through various disasters, and the foundation of the five elements was eliminated bit by bit, until everything finally became empty.

This process seemed extremely long, but it also seemed extremely short. Countless years were just a blink of an eye in his eyes.

This is the effect of the Eye of True Sight.

In the first perfect increase of the five elements, the effect of this external soul bone seems to have reached an unprecedented level, and it can even see a trace of the core laws of the world operating.


Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

"Creation, existence, destruction, turns out that this is how it is..."

Even if the cycle of the five elements is perfect, it cannot escape the final elimination and annihilation.

Nothing in this world is eternal.

Even if the five elements are perfect, they will eventually lead to the end of great annihilation.

Even the world itself with its five elements will perish one day, let alone a person?

At this moment, Blue Silver King felt inexplicably horrified.

The young man in front of him clearly looked full of vitality, and his vitality was simply beyond the limits of his imagination.

However, at this moment, there was a sense of death exuding from the inside out.

This kind of death is definitely not the kind of death that ordinary mortals exude when their lives are about to come to an end, but the meaning of the Great Destruction that the world is going to annihilation and everything will eventually fail.

Under this connotation, the infinite vitality contained in the extremely ancient Bluesilver Grass forest in which he is located seems to be just a drop in the ocean.

Ah Yin noticed a tear falling from the corner of Su Cheng's eyes.

"He cried?"

At this time, Su Cheng also felt a hint of coolness on his face.

I reached out and touched it, feeling a little surprised.

"I cried?"

Immediately, I thought, "I'm afraid of death..."

This tear, falling unconsciously, is actually a reflection of his inner instinct.

After hesitating for a moment, Ah Yin asked softly: "Su Cheng... what's wrong with you?"

"..." Su Cheng was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "I'm scared."

Ah Yin looked at him blankly, "Are you afraid too?"

"Why not?" Su Cheng looked calm.

"As a human being, we always have worries, but we usually keep them deep in our hearts and don't show them openly."

"What...are you afraid of?" Ah Yin couldn't understand and was a little worried.

"Afraid of death." Su Cheng said frankly.

"Death? Are you going to die?!"

No one could feel the vitality of Su Cheng's body better than her.

That was not something like cultivation, physique, or martial soul as shown on the surface, but something similar to the state she had in the past when she was still the Hundred Thousand Years Blue Silver Emperor.

No, it was even higher than what she was at that time.

"That will happen in the future, don't take it to heart."

A smile reappeared on Su Cheng's face and he looked at Ah Yin, "I should be able to live a lot longer than you."

Ah Yin was not angry because of his remarks this time.

She could feel that Su Cheng's heart was actually a little heavy at this moment.

"What happened just now?"

"I saw something that you wouldn't be able to understand even if I told you." Su Cheng said casually.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of the great annihilation just now without actually seeing it.

After the realization just now, his strength has reached a higher level.

But when it comes to spiritual practice, I feel more confused.

Then he chuckled again.

"But this is just an unavoidable obstacle on the road to spiritual practice. Since we don't want to follow the crowd, it is inevitable to encounter this kind of thing."

Seeing A Yin looking at him blankly, Su Cheng thought she was still thinking about the soul ring she had mentioned before.

He said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I already have some ideas regarding soul ring condensation, and there will be a solution in the future."

Now that he understands the general principles, it is only a matter of time for him to develop a universal method.

However, this kind of thing still needs to be considered in the long term. The secrets involved may be quite complicated, and it will be very difficult to popularize it.

At least with his current strength, if he dared to get involved, he would definitely be seeking death.

After bidding farewell to Queen Blue Silver, Su Cheng and Ah Yin left the Blue Silver Grass Forest.

The two of them gained a lot this time. Needless to say, Su Cheng and A Yin also gained a perfect body.

In addition, as the leader, Blue Silver King also made considerable profits.

Su Cheng's promotion fluctuations in the five elements field have an extraordinary guiding effect on him. It can even be said that under the influence of the Five Elements Domain, all the Bluesilver Grass in the forest has made a qualitative leap.

And in the process just now, the short-lived meaning exuded from Su Cheng benefited it a lot.

Even though I didn't have the opportunity to see the scene of great annihilation, it was enough to benefit from it.

Moreover, even if you really see it, it may not be a good thing for it.

Su Cheng at least has all five elements. As a plant-type soul beast, the Blue Silver King's fundamental attribute is wood, which represents vitality. If he is infected by that kind of extreme death intention, if he can't survive it, his life or death will be unpredictable.

While walking on the road, Su Cheng suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at A Yin.

"Can a new Blue Silver Emperor be born in the future?"

"No more."

Ah Yin shook his head.

This is not because of Su Cheng, but because of her.

In the previous awakening ceremony, she had completed the reshaping of her body.

She is not the Blue Silver Emperor now, but her essence is higher than the Blue Silver Emperor.

But even so, this Blue Silver Grass Forest has no ability to help another Blue Silver Emperor bloodline awaken.

Su Cheng nodded upon hearing this, not paying attention to the matter, and said instead: "You don't know, right? Your 'son' Tang San is also accompanied by a hundred thousand year transformed soul beast."

Ah Yin was stunned and looked back at Su Cheng.

"Have you seen this bottle of potion?" Su Cheng took out a potion bottle and shook it gently, "This is a breath-absorbing potion that I spent nearly four months researching. It can cover the aura of the transformed soul beast, allowing It will not be discovered by the titled Douluo."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that after having this thing, the soul beast will follow Tang San to participate in this soul master competition, and then there will be a chance to kill it."

"..." Ah Yin stared at the bottle of potion blankly, then lowered his head slightly.

The blue bangs hung down, casting a shadow and covering her cheeks, making it difficult to see the expression on her face.

After a long silence, he asked softly in a dry voice: "Why are you telling me this?"

Su Cheng put away the medicine bottle, turned back and looked forward, and said calmly: "Have I hidden anything from you?"

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