Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 138 The competition begins, Shrek versus the Imperial Team 2

The capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The continent-wide elite soul master academy competition is about to begin.

In the next period of time, all Tiandou division qualifiers will be held here.

The format of the Soul Master Competition is not complicated.

In addition to the three places of Wuhundian team, Tiandou Royal home team and Star Luo Royal home team that were recommended to enter the finals, the two empires were each divided into multiple divisions to compete for fifteen finals places, and will eventually be gathered into thirty-three teams. The final championship competition will be held in Wuhun City.

The Tiandou Empire, including the surrounding kingdoms and principalities, is divided into five competition areas for the qualifiers. Because the Tiandou Division is the core of the empire and has many high-end academies, there will be more qualifying places in the end, and five teams will enter the finals.

The qualifying stage is a team battle, ranked according to winning points, and the top five teams with points are guaranteed to qualify.

Twenty-eight teams will compete in twenty-seven rounds of qualifiers, which means that the qualifiers will last for nearly a month, which is also a test. Twenty-seven consecutive days of competition is enough to bring down a team with poor endurance.

At this time, as the largest competition area, Tiandou City is holding a grand opening ceremony.

As the most grand soul master competition in the soul master world, it attracts not only the attention of soul masters, but also everyone in Tiandou City, from the royal family, nobles to common people, regards this competition as the grandest festival.

The opening ceremony was held in the Tiandou Soul Arena in Tiandou City.

As the main arena of the Tiandou Division, the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena has stopped all spirit fighting competitions a month ago and is undergoing internal renovations. All the sub-fields in the big fighting spirit arena and the main fighting spirit center are combined into one, forming an extremely huge competition venue.

In addition to the VIP area remaining on the north side of the entire competition venue, the renovated Grand Fighting Arena can also accommodate 80,000 spectators at the same time.

Early in the morning, before dawn, the renovated Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena had already welcomed a large number of spectators.

At the same time, many imperial nobles gathered outside to see if there was any chance to get to know the young talents in the empire first.

In Douluo Continent, soul masters are undoubtedly a scarce resource, and they have never exceeded six figures so far.

The young soul masters who can participate in the soul master competition are among the best. These people naturally don't want to miss the opportunity. If they can recruit one by one, they will not lose money.

In addition, a total of 5,000 city defense troops were mobilized in the city to maintain order and avoid riots as much as possible.

But these things have nothing to do with Su Cheng.

At this time, the Imperial Team 2 led by him had already entered the rest area waiting for the game to start. There is a rest area specially provided for each participating college in the main competition venue. There are thousands of seats in it, which are divided into areas to provide various soul master students with rest and waiting.

To be honest, it's no wonder that Qin Ming was not optimistic about Su Cheng joining the second team.

Except for Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong, no one else in this team is worthy of the spotlight.

At a glance, there is no one with a cultivation level above level 40. Even Ning Rongrong is only at level thirty-nine now. I wonder if there is a chance to be promoted to the Soul Sect before the finals.

There were quite a few official members and substitutes of the Second Team of the Imperial Team, all of whom were waiting to win. They were gathering in the seats behind to chat.

Su Cheng didn't care about this either, sitting alone in front and looking around at the other teams.

At this time, his eyes suddenly paused, and his mental power transmitted the message: "Look over there."

Ah Yin sat next to Su Cheng.

She appeared in the form of a spirit body at this time, and no one else except Su Cheng could detect her existence.

Following Su Cheng's line of sight, her eyes also fell on Tang San.

"he is the one……"

Su Cheng nodded slightly and said, "He is Tang San."

"You said he is..." After speaking, A Yin's voice gradually stopped and her expression was complicated.

"He is another soul." Su Cheng added directly, "You can't tell anything yet. When I fight him, you will be able to feel that something is wrong with him."

There are too many people here, and there are teachers from various colleges here. It is too impolite to release the field.

When they meet in the future, as long as the domain is closed, and with the compatibility between A Yin and the domain, with a little exploration, the Xuantian Technique operating in Tang San's body can be discovered.

The truth will naturally be clear by then.

After Su Cheng finished speaking, he ignored Tang San.

He turned his eyes to Zhu Zhuqing, who was sitting silently in the corner, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his silence, Ah Yin looked sideways in a strange way.

After seeing Su Cheng's expression, he also turned his eyes and noticed Zhu Zhuqing sitting there with a gloomy face, and was slightly startled.

He looked back at Su Cheng again, and then fell silent.

She rarely saw Su Cheng show such an expression.

Zhu Zhuqing's face looked a little ugly at the moment.

The reason is simple, the clothes of Team Shrek are really weird.

The standard Shrek Academy uniform is a color between yellow and green. To use other students' words to describe it, it is shit green.

However, for this college competition, Dean Flender specially ordered a new uniform for them.

In addition to the shit green color, each person also has a Shrek pattern that occupies almost the entire chest. This pattern is a bright emerald green.

What's even more exaggerated is that behind each person, there are six distinctive large characters embroidered with red silk thread, "Sincerely Recruiting Title Advertisement". There is also a line of small words below the six big words, "Please contact Mr. Friend, the dean of Shrek Academy for advertising expenses."

But she didn't want to have too many arguments with Flanders over such nonsense, so she had no choice but to sit in the corner and try to reduce her sense of presence.

At this time, she seemed to be aware of it and raised her head keenly.

As a result, she instantly noticed Su Cheng, who was sitting in the Tiandou Royal Team area in the distance. He was casting a mocking look at her, and he couldn't help grinding his teeth secretly.

Cursing under his breath: "Damn it."

I don't know if this is a scolding of Flanders or Su Cheng.

Not long after, competition staff entered the rest area and organized the students who had already arrived to enter.

When the home team drew a walk, the Tiandou Second Team led by Su Cheng was the first team to enter the field.

The stands, which can accommodate 80,000 spectators, are all decorated with a silver-tone background. Although it was morning, there were special magic light fixtures hanging all around, which not only gave people a sense of grandeur and luxury.

Surrounding the huge and open square were countless shouting and cheering spectators. Directly in front of the central venue, there is a rostrum with a golden background. Behind the rostrum is the renovated VIP area.

The wide venue is more than 150 meters in diameter, and there is a special area in the center for the team to wait. When each college enters, there will be a special emcee on the podium to introduce it.

"The first one to enter is the Tiandou Royal Academy team. There are a total of sixteen students participating. Their registration slogan is, friendship first, competition second. They are indeed the representatives of the royal team, and the slogan is indeed quite good. I hope they can fully demonstrate their strength and not give up easily for the sake of friendship."


Su Cheng ignored the cheers and glanced towards the VIP table.

There is a person in the center of the first row, currently wearing a golden-red imperial robe and a golden crown with diamonds on his head. His face is like the ancient moon and his appearance is a bit old. He is Emperor Xue Ye of Tiandou.

To his left, sat the representative of the Tiandou City Spirit Temple, Platinum Bishop Salas. At this time, his whole body was covered in a bright red dress, with a five-pointed platinum crown on his head, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked indifferent to the surrounding events.

Sitting on the emperor's right was Su Cheng's old acquaintance, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Today he wore a white robe and a seven-treasure purple-gold crown that symbolized his status. As one of the top three sect leaders of the seven sects, he is fully qualified to sit in this position.

After noticing Su Cheng's gaze, Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly to him and smiled slightly at Ning Rongrong who was standing behind him.

There were only three of them in the first row of the VIP seats.

Prince Xuexing, as well as the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy, were all sitting in the second row of the VIP seats.

As the Shrek Academy group stood at the back of the academy square, all the participating academy teams finally entered.

After that, the emperor and Ning Fengzhi's speeches were just some commonplace talk, and it ended quickly in a short time. However, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, actually said that he was optimistic about the Tiandou Royal Team, which was a bit surprising.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s normal.

After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect has always openly supported the Tiandou Imperial Family, and hearing that his only daughter was studying at the Tiandou Imperial Academy, it was reasonable for him to say this.

Then, Platinum Bishop Salas slowly stood up. Under the leadership of the palace maid, he walked to the master of ceremonies and began to draw lots. He didn't speak a word, and handed each pair of opponents to the master of ceremonies to announce.

"In the first round of the qualifying round, Canghui College versus Purple Star College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Oakland College faced off against Flame Glory College."


"The first round of the qualifying round, Tiandou Royal Academy versus Shrek Academy."


No one in Shrek Academy paid much attention to the matchups between other academies. However, when they heard that their opponents in the first round were actually the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, the expressions on everyone's faces couldn't help but become slightly distorted.

To be exact, it's a bit ugly.

Except for Tai Long, Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and Jiang Zhu who were from Lan Ba ​​Academy, Dai Mubai and others all thought of the soul master with the sword spirit.

For a time, there was a constant stream of boos and boos, and many spectators shouted the word cheating.

In their opinion, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy was obviously looking for a soft persimmon. The clothes of Shrek Academy did not look like a team of soul masters at all, but more like a group of clowns.

After the lottery was over, the platinum bishop Salas glanced at the audience and said calmly: "I drew lots without any falsehood. I swear by the honor of Wuhun Palace. At the same time, I hereby announce that the soul master academy present For all participating students who can enter the finals, Wuhun Temple will make an exception and allow them to directly join Wuhun Temple."

As soon as these words came out, the audience didn't think anything of it, but the soul masters in the venue were already in an uproar.

What kind of existence is the Spirit Temple?

It is the highest place after the Pope's Palace and the Douluo Palace's Wuhun Palace. There are only one in the capitals of the two major empires in the entire continent.

The Pope's Hall is the exclusive place for the Pope, and the Douluo Hall is a symbolic existence. Therefore, the status of Wuhun Temple is actually the highest level institution in Wuhun Temple.

Being able to directly enter the Spirit Temple is a shortcut for a spirit master to improve his strength.

Not only does it have the best treatment there, it also has various cultivation methods and the honor of the Spirit Temple, all of which are extremely attractive to ordinary spirit masters.

After listening to the platinum bishop's words, Emperor Xueye's face visibly darkened. Ning Fengzhi, who was beside him, shook her head gently at the emperor, causing his expression to soften slightly.

Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly.

Has the conflict between Wuhun Palace and the Empire intensified to this extent? It's almost coming to light.

However, these things have little to do with him. He came to the second team to participate in the preliminaries just to understand the situation of Five Elements Academy.

"Okay, then the first game of the first round of the qualifiers that will be held next is between Tiandou Royal Academy and Shrek Academy. Each participating academy withdraws, and please be prepared for the two academies that will compete later. Half an hour later , the game officially begins.”

"Xiao San, do we still have to be substitutes?" Dai Mubai looked at Tang San beside him, his expression a little solemn.

That person put too much pressure on him.

Because they didn't eat fairy grass, the current substitutes are Ma Hongjun, Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and the auxiliary soul master Yun Qiu they recruited before.

Tang San was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then he was ready to shake his head and refuse.

Their goal is to enter the finals. There are five places in the Tiandou Division. Even if they lose the first game, it will not affect the subsequent points competition.

What's more, his strength is different now. There is also an extremely powerful Zhu Zhuqing in the team, so at least he won't be suppressed without a chance to fight back.

Their victory was based on team strength. No matter how strong Su Cheng was, could he still suppress seven of them by himself?

Because of Su Cheng, Shrek Academy had also done some research on the situation of the Second Emperor's Team in advance and knew that except for Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong, the others in this team were not very strong.

At this time, Tang San suddenly noticed Xiao Wu's pale face next to him, and his heart suddenly tightened.

He stopped shaking his head and said decisively: "If you don't want to be a substitute, you will play with the strongest lineup!"

Since Yu Xiaogang gave him all the command rights, he has the right to lead the team to give it a try.

Teacher, for Xiao Wu's sake, please let me be willful for once.

I must help Xiao Wu crush her inner demons.

Otherwise, the impact on her future will be too great.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing behind the team, heard the conversation between the two and was heartbroken.

But he didn't say much.

Dai Mubai nodded when he heard this, "Xiao San, you can arrange the tactics."

Although the strongest member of the Shrek Academy team is undoubtedly Zhu Zhuqing, whose soul power has reached level 46.

But as the core of the team battle, command power is still in the hands of the control soul master Tang San.

But the reason why this is possible is because Zhu Zhuqing has always maintained an indifferent attitude towards this.

She has little interest in team command and doesn't even care about team combat.

Unless there is a chance to defeat Su Cheng through the team.


She glanced around at the members of Team Shrek and shook her head secretly.

It's simply not possible.

The preparation time passed quickly, the lights on the field disappeared, and the two teams slowly appeared on the stage amidst loud cheers.

Changes had already occurred within the venue at this time.

In just half an hour, the arena that had been prepared long ago was set up.

The circular arena is ten meters high, with a diameter of thirty meters, and the area is quite vast. And when the qualifiers really start tomorrow, there will be five arenas set up here at the same time to facilitate the competition.

In the entire schedule of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, half of the time will be taken up before and after the qualifiers. As for the subsequent promotion matches and finals, they will be held at the headquarters of Wuhun Palace, in the large square in front of the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City.

Su Cheng led a total of sixteen members of the Tiandou Royal Academy's second team to stand in a row in the center of the arena, facing the opposite members of the Shrek Academy team.

"Captain, what do you say?" Someone from the second team looked at Su Cheng, who was standing at the front, and asked in a low voice.

"Just watch."

The meaning of great annihilation that he had previously comprehended in the Blue Silver Grass Forest had been turned into a sword move by him.

Now we are short of someone to try out, and Team Shrek might be a good choice.

"Both parties salute, and non-participants will exit the ring."

After saluting, the extra team members exited the ring, leaving only the seven players participating in the first qualifying match.

Ten thousand a day, still owe 7 chapters.

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