Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 139 Clear the field with one sword, everyone stands up

On the Shrek Academy side, Dai Mubai, Tai Long, and Huang Yuan stood at the front.

Tang San was in the middle, with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu on both sides, and the auxiliary soul master Jiang Zhu stood at the back of the team.

Although Huang Yuan among them was a substitute, Tang San did not choose to let Oscar play in order to be able to fully utilize the tactics arranged in advance in the later battle.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the ring with a smile and said to Ning Fengzhi beside him: "Sect Master Ning, it seems that there will be no suspense in this first match!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded, with a calm look on his face.

Salas, who was sitting next to the two of them, raised his eyelids slightly when he heard this and glanced at the scene in the field. Then he didn't care and continued to fall asleep.

Soul master genius? As the master of Wuhun Temple, he has seen a lot.

In his opinion, this kind of competition is just a small fight and not worth watching. If it were the finals, it might be a bit interesting.

"The first game of the first round of the qualifiers has officially begun."

At the referee's signal, this announced the official start of the first qualifying match for this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Similar to the spirit battle, the competition also has one minute of preparation time for both parties to activate their spirits.

Looking coldly at Su Cheng and others, Dai Mubai raised his hands in front of his chest and shouted, "Brothers, activate the martial spirit! The white tiger is possessed!"

Immediately, brilliant martial arts spirits emerged on the bodies of both players, and soul rings were coiled under their feet.

When all the soul rings of the members of the two teams appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the sound of surprise suddenly spread in the audience.

Not only the audience stage, but also the VIP stage also exclaimed at this time.

These young people in the ring have at least the cultivation level of a three-ring soul master, and they are undoubtedly the leaders of the younger generation.

Among them, Zhu Zhuqing's four soul rings, two yellow, one purple, and one black, are even more dazzling, far beyond ordinary people's recognition.

But at this time, almost no one noticed the fourth soul ring she had absorbed over five thousand years.

Just because at this moment, standing at the front of the Tiandou royal team, Su Cheng holding a long sword, five soul rings, one yellow, two purple and two black, were silently surrounding him, but they were far more soul-stirring than any words.

Tang San and others' hearts sank at the same time.

This guy has actually been promoted to Soul King? !

But they still don't know that this is Su Cheng's disguise with the help of Ah Yin's ability.

If five black soul rings were to light up at the same time, it would be a bit too much. Su Cheng didn't plan to be so high-profile yet.

As for the problem of the previous few soul rings spanning multiple years, many people have already seen it, and further disguises are undoubtedly superfluous.


I had a second thought in my mind, but now the Shrek team is on the verge of taking action and cannot hesitate.

Following Tang San's loud shout, the Shrek Seven quickly launched an attack.

Dai Mubai, as a thirty-seventh-level attack-type soul master, took the lead, his muscles all over his body surged, and he led Tai Long and Huang Yuan to charge directly from the front.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu also walked out from the side one after the other.

Jiangzhu behind Tang San now had a strange scepter in his hand. The lower end of the scepter was slender and the upper end was thick, with some strange inscriptions carved on it.

As the three soul rings on his body flashed, he swung his hand and inserted the scepter on the ground in front of him. Circles of orange halo spread quietly.

Dai Mubai looked up to the sky and roared angrily. Without any reservation, he directly activated his third soul ring skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

The three soul rings on Tailong's body were activated at the same time, and he instantly turned into a violent gorilla due to the pure increase in power.

Huang Yuan's third soul ring skill, Sirius Transformation, is somewhat similar to Dai Mubai's, but the degree of increase is slightly inferior. It can instantly increase attack power and speed by 50%.

The three attack-type soul masters from Shrek Academy actually activated their thousand-year soul skills right from the start, which was completely beyond the audience's expectations.

After all, if you use such a soul skill that consumes so much from the beginning, once it is blocked by your opponent, it will be difficult to follow up.

Tang San's yellow first spirit ring and third spirit ring lit up, and then countless tough blue silver grasses emerged from the ground, entangling and binding!

He did not choose to use the group control skill, which is the most important for a control-type soul master in team battles. Instead, he used a single-target control soul skill, with the purpose of restraining Su Cheng, the strongest member of the Tiandou Second Team.

Of course, the strongest attack point in the Shrek team now is undoubtedly Zhu Zhuqing, who has the highest soul power level.

The two soul rings under her feet lit up one after another.

The fourth soul skill: Netherworld Possession!

Following the use of this soul skill, Zhu Zhuqing's whole body shimmered with light, all attributes instantly increased by 20%, and his strength and agility increased by more than 70%.

The third soul skill: Nether Slash!

He closed his hands above his head, and the claw blades on his ten fingers quickly fused together, turning into a sharp blade about a foot long. After injecting soul power, the black light blade condensed in a straight line and stabbed towards Su Cheng. One glance showed that its destructive power was extremely shocking.

This is also her strongest single-target attack skill.

This series of attacks was like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling, it was so fast and violent that it was dizzying to watch, and also made the audience a little surprised.

Not only were the attack-type soul masters charging forward, but everyone came up at the same time and used all their strength. Did the Shrek team simply ignore the issue of subsequent consumption?

But they didn't know that the actions of the seven people at this time were the tactics Tang San had arranged before the game.

Focus on Su Cheng.

In the eyes of Tang San and others, if he could not be restrained, this battle would be hopeless.

As for the follow-up? If he couldn't catch him off guard in one go, the follow-up result would most likely be that Su Cheng would deal with him one by one.

But in the face of the opponent's rapid offensive, the reactions of the members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team were a bit confusing.

Su Cheng took a step forward.

The other members of Tiandou Team 2 behind him also lit up their soul rings, but they all retreated in unison. At the same time, they also took an obvious defensive posture and split the formation into two parts, front and rear.

This was Su Cheng's arrangement for them before taking the stage.

Although I don’t understand the reason, I just need to do it at this time.

Su Cheng's eyes closed slightly, and the scene of everything dying half a month ago flashed before his eyes.

Then his eyes opened.

Hold the sword with both hands and slowly raise it upward.

This action is obviously extremely simple, but his movements seem to be as if the sword in his hand weighs more than a thousand pounds.

The next moment, a huge sword shadow rose into the sky.

"Fifteen swords, empty mountain."

The huge sword shadow volleyed down.

The scene in front of the seven people from Shrek Academy changed.

No, not just them.

Even the audience facing Su Cheng had a similar feeling.

Apart from the shadow of the sword, there seemed to be nothing else between heaven and earth. Pure and silent, spotless and silent.

Birds in thousands of mountains have disappeared, and all traces of people have been wiped out.

This sword is neither extermination nor murderous intent, but "emptiness".

In the distance, there are towering peaks and thousands of paths criss-crossing the mountains, but no birds are flying on the mountain and no one can trace the paths.

Thousands of mountains are covered with snow, and thousands of paths are covered.

Once the meaning of the Great Nirvana was used, it instantly enveloped the entire arena.

The soul skills of the Shrek Academy team members in front of them were gradually annihilated one by one under the shadow of this sword.

Around Su Cheng, the roots of the sprouting blue silver grass broke.

Before it even came into contact with the sword shadow, it was shattered by the scattered sword energy all around.

Immediately afterwards, the three attack-type soul masters who collided head-on with the aftermath of the sword energy immediately flew backwards.

Following behind, Xiao Wu, who was originally planning to wait for the three team members to stop the opponent before attacking, was immediately knocked away even faster than when he came before he even used his soul skills. Up a few points.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu's figure with splitting eyes. He immediately stopped hesitating and once again attracted a large amount of blue silver grass to fly into the air to block him. The Eight Spider Spears burst out of his body to support his body and rushed forward.

Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly, he gently pressed down on the Changsheng Sword, and the sword shadow quickly slashed down.

If I just felt some of the aftermath. Now facing this terrifying sword energy, Tang San instantly felt that his mind went blank, and he couldn't even make a move to resist.

The sword energy swept across, and the Blue Silver Grass was instantly torn into pieces without any resistance, and even a few of the Eight Spider Spears were broken.

Although the external soul bone was strong, it grew with the level of the soul master. At this time, Tang San was obviously unable to exert its maximum effect.

Tang San, who was vomiting blood and fell to the ground, looked at the horrific scene in front of him, his body trembling slightly, and he wanted to raise his hand to grab the soul bone fragments, but he couldn't move at all, and he couldn't even use hidden weapons.

During this period, Zhu Zhuqing's gaze was stern as he shuttled between the gaps in the sword energy, but it was always difficult to get close.

Su Cheng glanced at her, gently moved his wrist to the side, and with a slight swing of the sword, he easily locked her and knocked her down to the ring.

Finally, the shadow of the sword hung above the head of Jiang Zhu, who was standing at the back of the team with a pale face.

Her healing soul skill was still taking effect, but it obviously had no effect.


After a moment of stalemate, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "You want to fight me alone?"

He did not intend to seriously injure the Shrek team members.

If their condition is too poor, it may be difficult for Zhu Zhuqing alone to get a spot in the finals.

Only then did Jiangzhu react, hurriedly shook his head, and wisely put away his martial spirit.

After glancing at Tang San who was extremely angry, he quickly said: "We admit defeat."

In fact, not only the Shrek team members, but also the six people standing behind Su Cheng looked pale at this moment. Only then did they understand why Su Cheng asked them to prepare their defenses in advance.

Although they did not face the power of this sword directly, the impact of the sword's intention also made them despair.

And during this process, Su Cheng's soul ring didn't even light up.

In other words, in the process of using this sword, he did not use any soul ring skills for blessing.

This is a given.

In his previous trip to the Blue Silver Grass Forest, his benefits from being promoted to Soul King were much greater than initially expected.

The level soared directly to level fifty-four.

Under the resonance of the soul rings, they all reached the ten thousand year level, and they were sixty-three thousand years old, which was in line with the limit of his body.

Under the combined influence of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, Five Elements Perfection, Domain Blessing, and Nirvana Sutra techniques, his physical fitness was so frightening that even he himself did not expect that his body's endurance could be so strong now.

By condensing the soul ring in this way, he didn't even need to use the secret method of pricking acupuncture points with silver needles.

Because the principle of silver needle acupuncture is not to essentially improve his physical fitness, but to borrow it first and then return it.

It's like a white wolf with nothing. He borrows some of his physical potential for a short period of time, and then makes up for it after the additional soul ring improves.

In addition, there is also the realization brought about by the scene of the world being shattered.

Not to mention how this will affect his future practice, the attack methods derived from it are simply ridiculously powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if an ordinary soul saint opens a martial soul avatar, he may not be his opponent with only the sword of immortality.

As for the Soul Saint of Qian Renxue's level, he won't know who is strong and who is weak until he uses all his means to defeat him.


The battle ended quickly, not even a minute had passed.

However, at this time, there was silence in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, which accommodated tens of thousands of people.

There were no shouts, cheers, or cheers.

There were only countless dark figures standing densely in the audience, watching the battle attentively.

Until this moment, he has not come back to his senses.

Even the three people sitting in the first row of the VIP seats stood up unconsciously.

Emperor Xue Ye's old face was like a dead tree blooming with spring, showing an obvious look of surprise. He turned to look at Ning Fengzhi, "Sect Master Ning, this child is..."

He knew that the protector of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Douluo Chenxin, had accepted a disciple, was attending Tiandou Royal Academy, and was in the same team as Ning Fengzhi's daughter.

When Ning Fengzhi heard the emperor's question, he came back to his senses, tried his best to calm down, and nodded, "Yes, it's him."

But he was secretly thinking that it was a pity that Uncle Jian didn't come to watch this match.

Because there will only be one game on the day of the opening ceremony, although the Tiandou Royal Team will definitely appear in this game, the Titled Douluo coming here is a bit too eye-catching.

In their opinion, Su Cheng's power lay there, and they knew his details clearly, and the other person's temperament was not pushy.

It doesn't matter if they come or not, it's better to wait until the finals to see them, maybe there will be some exciting scenes.

Who knew that Su Cheng would bring a big surprise on the first day.

The platinum bishop Salas standing aside, his eyes that seemed to be asleep and awake had already been revealed, staring at Su Cheng, holding his hands tightly.

Immediately something moved in my heart.

He suddenly remembered that the person the big shot from Wuhun City had seen some time ago seemed to be a student from the Tiandou Royal Academy.

At first he thought that the person would be in the Imperial Fighting Team, but now he realized that it was probably this child.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the surprised Emperor Xue Ye beside him, with a sneer in his eyes, but without speaking, he calmed down and sat down slowly.

Only then did the referee react.

He quickly announced loudly: "In the first match of the first round of the qualifiers, Tiandou Royal Academy wins."

His voice also woke up countless spectators.


The discussion started instantly and became more and more intense.

As for the shady story?

Just kidding, this requires a shitty shady story!

Moreover, are these people in the Shrek Academy team weak?

Even though they were dressed like they just came out of the circus, none of these students were lower than the soul master, and all of them had the best soul ring configuration.

There is even an agility-attack type soul master with a ten thousand year fourth soul ring.

But even so, he was still swept away with a sword.

There is no way, that person is too strong, terrifyingly strong.

The only thing that makes people confused is why this person is not in the first team of Emperor Dou?

The teachers and students in the participating colleges were all focused on Su Cheng at this time, and there were a lot of discussions, but they were much more restrained and their analysis was more professional.

"Who is this person? The Soul King, and he has two ten thousand year soul rings?!"

"The move he just used was a self-created soul skill, right?"

"Can we take this sword?"

"I can't say, but don't worry too much. There are six soul masters and one soul sect in Shrek Academy. Naturally, there is no chance against the soul king."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do we have a chance against the Soul King?"

"Actually, it's not bad. After all, except for the captain who is the Soul King, the rest of the Tiandou Team 2 are just Soul Lords."

"I really don't understand, why would such a person compete with us for a spot? Why can't he just join the first team and become the captain?"

"It doesn't matter, there are still four places for the finals."


Different from the serious discussions but relatively relaxed attitude in other colleges, the teachers at Shrek Academy looked much more solemn.

Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, Qin Ming and others looked at each other for a while, but they didn't know what to say.

Can you blame the students?

The opponent is so strong that nothing can be done, and I can't help but feel a little frustrated.

"Qin Ming, are you just saying that your personal strength is relatively strong?"

Flender turned to look at Qin Ming, his expression a little speechless.

He wasn't blaming Qin Ming, the main reason was that the intelligence deviation was too big. Can this be called "relatively strong"?

Qin Ming smiled bitterly, not knowing how to defend himself at this time.

This kind of strength is beyond the understanding of ordinary people. If I remember correctly, that Su Cheng is only over fourteen years old, right? Who is the monster?

Liu Erlong looked at the dejected looks of the people around him, and suddenly felt dissatisfied.

He snorted coldly and said: "He's just a Soul King, nothing to worry about. That move is extremely powerful and must consume a lot of energy. Now it only looks easy on the surface, but maybe it's actually a powerful move."

After saying that, he glanced coldly at Su Cheng on the ring.

She recognized Xiao Wu as her goddaughter. Although they had not been together for a long time, she had already placed extremely deep feelings on her, and she was not a person who accepted misfortune.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Wu being severely injured and unconscious, she immediately felt extremely distressed.

I secretly made up my mind.

"We must find an opportunity to teach that boy a lesson."

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to the commotion around him, turned around and led the team members to the audience.

Before stepping down, he glanced at Tang San, who was still glaring at him, and shook his head and said, "Is this considered to be full of innate soul power? A rubbish martial spirit like Blue Silver Grass, huh..."

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head and jumped off the ring.

At this time, his expression moved slightly and he found Zhu Zhuqing watching him coldly not far away.

Su Cheng's sword before just knocked her down to the ring and didn't hurt her much.

After a while, her breath had stabilized.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention when he saw this. He just stopped and looked her up and down when he passed her.

The strange uniforms of Team Shrek always have an inexplicable sense of contrast when worn by Zhu Zhuqing, which actually adds a lot of comedy effect.

Su Cheng smiled and nodded at her, "The clothes are nice and very distinctive."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's fair and pretty face turned red instantly. He gritted his teeth, turned around and left the place angrily, not even caring about his teammates on the stage.

After Su Cheng left, everyone at Shrek Academy struggled to walk off the stage with the support of Jiangzhu and other substitutes.

Tang San reluctantly raised his head and glanced at Su Cheng's leaving back, secretly clenching his fists.

The words the other party said before still echoed in his ears.

"Innately full of soul power..."

He knew what his innate full soul power was, but why could he, with the Xuantian Kung Fu, not be able to practice as fast as Zhu Zhuqing and Su Cheng?

"And Xiao Wu..."

Tang San turned to look at Xiao Wu, whose face was pale and still had blood on the corners of his lips, and his heart suddenly ached.

He clearly swore that he would never let her get hurt at any time. Anyone who dares to hurt her will be repaid a hundredfold.

However, in the ring just now, he failed to protect her and she was hurt.

What's more, the shadow in Xiao Wu's heart has not only not been alleviated, but has become even deeper due to the repeated collisions with Su Cheng...

Tang San walked towards the rest room with deep thoughts.

At this time, the chatter from the side suddenly reached his ears, "The captain of the Tiandou Royal Team has such a powerful sword spirit. I wonder who is stronger or weaker than the best spirit in the world, the Haotian Hammer? "

"It should be the Clear Sky Hammer, it's the legendary martial spirit, the inherited martial spirit of the number one sect in the world."

"makes sense……"

"Clear Sky Hammer?" Tang San paused slightly and looked down at his left hand.

There, his second martial soul is hidden.

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