"You feel it, right?"

After returning to his room and temporarily separated from his teammates, Su Cheng looked at Ah Yin beside him.

"Why did this happen?"

Ah Yin looked a little pale.

In the battle just now, she used Su Cheng's domain to feel the unique way of soul power operating in Tang San's body, which was obviously different from ordinary people.

At that time, under the power of that sword, everyone in the Shrek team could not feel the domain aura at all.

With Su Cheng's control over the field, it would be impossible to feel it even with the level of cultivation of those people without using the suppression ability.

"I don't know either." Su Cheng said calmly, "It may be an accident, or there may be other external forces behind it."

"I remember..." Ah Yin looked at Su Cheng hesitantly, "Have you told me about your situation before...?"

She knew that Su Cheng also knew a special technique, but she also knew that this technique was developed by Su Cheng himself.

As for Tang San...

Judging from the way he used his Blue Silver Grass martial soul and the speed at which he could cultivate his soul power, Ah Yin didn't think he had that ability.

And that kind of skill fluctuation is completely different from the nature of Su Cheng's skill.

Su Cheng's soul power operation method is closer to the direction of the body, blood, and martial arts, and the efficiency of condensing soul power is much higher, which is obviously consistent with the energy system of Douluo Continent.

The energy in Tang San's body was quite different in nature from the soul power, as if it came from another world.

If Su Cheng hadn't said it, it would be difficult for anyone to think of this double cause and effect.

But after his previous prompts, people can react in an instant.

"My situation is not exactly the same as his. My memory wakes up bit by bit. What we call it is 'wisdom from past lives'. In addition, I also have some special talents."

Su Cheng shook his head, "So, I can't tell what happened to him."

Then he turned to look at Ah Yin.

Wen Sheng comforted: "Don't worry, I will find out about this matter in the future. But the original soul of that body has completely disappeared."

Ah Yin looked at him for a moment and said softly: "Why are you willing to help me?"

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then pondered for a while before continuing to speak.

"You have helped me a lot, much more than you imagined. I originally just wanted your 100,000-year-old soul bone, but I didn't expect that I would benefit a lot from your appearance.

"Both my skills and my qualifications have been transformed. And it's because of you that I have a deeper understanding of the future path of cultivation.

"Besides, I have said before that I admire you very much, and your courage makes me ashamed.


Su Cheng was silent for a while, raised his head and looked at the clear sky outside the window, sighing softly.

"I can only tell you a lot of things."

In this world, he is actually very lonely.

He doesn't know whether he has traveled through time or awakened, but no matter which case, he is a little out of place in this world.

This depressing feeling of being a foreigner has accumulated in the heart for a long time, and it turns into an invisible mental pressure, which has a great impact on the state of mind.

So he also longs for power. Only with power can he have the capital to change the world.

But no one can tell those secrets.

Of course Qian Renxue is trustworthy, and he doesn't mind telling Qian Renxue many things.

It's funny to say that the first and longest people he had contact with were Chen Xin and Qian Renxue in the simulated world.

Especially the latter, the two have been together for more than twenty years, which is of great significance to him.

But Qian Renxue is different from A Yin.

She has a strong personality and is too opinionated. There are many things that Su Cheng dare not tell her easily for fear of other consequences.

Ah Yin turned his head and looked at Su Cheng blankly.

It felt like the other party's expression at this time actually looked a little weak.

As time went by, she had almost forgotten that the man in front of her who looked like a young man was actually just a boy under fifteen years old.

Although this person may have another long and mature memory just like that Tang San.

But she also understood the mutual influence of soul and body.

The same soul, placed in the body of a ten-year-old child, has a completely different mentality and feeling than that of a ninety-year-old dying man.

Ah Yin, who has gone through several processes such as the transformation of a soul beast, rebirth after death, and reshaping the spiritual body, does not have a shallow understanding of the physical body.

Her fingers moved slightly, and she couldn't help but want to raise her arms.

He quickly reacted, retracted his fingers, clenched them, and lowered his head again.

Su Cheng took a deep breath, a smile appeared on his face again, and his tone relaxed.

He smiled and said, "Don't think too much. It's not just for you. I also need to figure out some things myself. Besides, even if Tang San doesn't have any other secrets, he is still the son of destiny in this world. Whenever he experiences several setbacks, , there will always be some adventures. His external soul bone and his twin martial souls are proof of that."

Of course, apart from the inheritance of the divine throne, any other adventures are incomparable to the twin martial souls and fairy grass. At best, it is a blessing in disguise, getting the opportunity to absorb the soul ring across the years.

Now that the fairy grass is gone, it is equivalent to directly cutting off a lot of his upper limit.

"..." Ah Yin nodded silently and said nothing.

She is a little confused now.

"...Tuk, Tuk, Tuk."

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Su Cheng quickly calmed down, turned around, walked over and opened the door.

He saw Ning Fengzhi standing at the door looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Sect Master, why are you here?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi should stay by the emperor's side.

"Come to congratulate you on winning your first game."

"Isn't this what you expected? There is nothing to congratulate."

Su Cheng smiled and got out of the way, leading the other party into the room.

"Of course I expected to win the game, but your strength completely exceeded my expectations."

Ning Fengzhi was very emotional.

When he first met the other person, even without Chen Xin's past remarks, he could tell that this child was extraordinary based on his knowledge.

But no matter what, I never imagined that the other party could achieve such a scene at this age.

"When I return to my clan and talk about this battle, Uncle Jian will definitely regret not coming to watch this match today."

"Today is also a coincidence. I happened to gain some insights into the way of the sword."

"That's it." Ning Fengzhi nodded thoughtfully.

Then he pondered: "However, it seems that you can take care of all the other teams by yourself."

Seeing Ning Fengzhi's expression, Su Cheng was a little confused, "Sect Master, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Ahem, Xiao Cheng, we are not outsiders, so I'll tell you the truth." Ning Fengzhi looked slightly embarrassed, "I was thinking about Rongrong, a child who rarely has such an opportunity to experience..."

Hearing this, Su Cheng suddenly realized.

He smiled and said, "I understand. Don't worry, as long as the qualifying spot is guaranteed, it doesn't matter who plays. As for the allocation and scheduling, let the team members find out the information about other college teams. I happen to be happy and free."

This is the truth, he really has no interest in participating in this kind of competition.

The purpose of joining the second team is just to get to know the Five Elements Academy up close, so as to deepen the relevant accumulation and understanding.

It would be great if he didn't need to take action later.

"To be honest, your biggest opponents in this qualifier are actually those academies of elements." Ning Fengzhi also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "As long as you beat them, even if you don't play against other teams, you will definitely win in glory. With the assistance of Rong Jiubao Glazed Pagoda, your team can easily advance."

"That would be perfect."

Tang San sat alone in the room, looking a little confused.

A scene where all members of the team were easily defeated;

The scene of Xiao Wu being seriously injured and unconscious in front of him;

The image of me trying my best to fight back but to no avail...

Turns flashed before my eyes.

Since the day he became a soul master, he has always stood at the top of his peers.

Lan Yincao is not a powerful martial spirit, or even a useless martial spirit, but after practicing under the guidance of his teacher, his strength has never been worse than those soul masters of the same age who have powerful martial spirits, and is even stronger than everyone except Zhu Zhuqing. .

As time went by, Tang San even forgot about the problem with his Bluesilver Grass itself, and always placed himself in the same position as those spirit masters with powerful martial spirits, and still had a slight sense of superiority.

Until I met Su Cheng again.

He fell under the opponent's sword again.

The man's contemptuous eyes and disdainful attitude towards his martial soul deeply hurt his self-esteem.

When he calmed down and thought carefully this time, he suddenly realized that if he hadn't acquired an extra soul bone, the Eight Spider Spear, and a high-quality third soul ring by chance, what advantage would he have?

His combat reflexes are sharp, his tactical thinking is clear, and he has the Tang Sect's secret method as his trump card. It is clear that his conditions are far superior to others in all aspects.

Only his cultivation and martial spirit were holding him back.

"Yeah, why, why do I, with the Clear Sky Hammer and Xuantian Technique, have such a slow level-up speed!"

As an outer disciple of the Tang Sect who studied the Angry Buddha Tang Lotus in his previous life, Tang San had a pride far beyond ordinary people.

At this time, what the teacher once said to him when he first met Yu Xiaogang echoed in his mind.

"Are you wondering why I knew you were a twin martial soul? I once investigated 647 people whose martial soul was Blue Silver Grass, and 16 of them had soul power. The probability was less than 100%. 3. And even among the sixteen people with soul power, none of them have soul power above level one, but you are innately full of soul power at level ten.

"According to one of the ten core competitivenesses of martial arts that I have studied, the innate soul power is directly proportional to the quality of the martial spirit. Blue Silver Grass obviously cannot satisfy it. So I can be sure that you should have another martial spirit. , and it is a very powerful martial spirit...

"...According to my many years of research on mutated martial spirits, no martial spirit will mutate with the Blue Silver Grass Spirit. And your Blue Silver Grass Spirit is ordinary Blue Silver Grass, so I can definitely I’m sure my judgment is correct.”

Tang San stretched out his right hand, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit emerged silently in his hand, swaying gently and emitting a faint blue light.

"Ordinary Blue Silver Grass, the useless martial spirit that everyone knows..."

How could such a weak blue silver grass help him reach the peak of soul master?

Even being able to reach the current level is already extremely lucky. What is he still looking forward to?

He extended his left hand again.

A black hammer appeared in his hand. The black surface of the hammer shimmers with a deep light, and the cylindrical hammer head is also surrounded by a circle of faint patterns. It looks very extraordinary at first glance.

Tang San stared blankly at the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

Before participating in the competition, Yu Xiaogang had an in-depth conversation with him.

"... Your other martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass. I don't expect you to cultivate it to level 90, but as long as you cultivate it to level 60 or above, then you may reach the level of 10,000 in the future. Nian Soul Ring Haotian Hammer. At that time, let alone a titled Douluo, even two at a time, how could they be your opponents? At the same level of ninety, you relied on the various attributes attached to the nine ten thousand year soul rings. How can it be compared to ordinary soul masters..."

"Level sixty..." Tang San gently repeated the level threshold.

"Level 60, just relying on Blue Silver Grass, how many years will it take for me to practice to level 60?! Am I going to waste these ten or twenty years of golden cultivation period in vain!"

No, it must not be like this!

Lan Yincao is not a good martial spirit at all. It is too late to give up on it while I am still young.

Tang San knew very well that the innate deficiencies of the martial soul would gradually become apparent as the soul power level increased. Even now, I am already a little tired.

He stared intently at the black hammer in his right hand, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

This is the inherited martial spirit of the Clear Sky Sect, which ranks first among the seven major sects in the mainland soul master world. If he had chosen to practice the Clear Sky Hammer at the beginning, then his current strength would not be just like this.

He will be countless times stronger than he is now, and he may not lose to Su Cheng.

How can a mere sword spirit defeat the best spirit in the world? !

The power of the sword in the arena still made him feel fearful.

If he was strong enough at that time, how could Xiao Wu be hurt again?

"Level 40, just level 40!" Tang San whispered to himself, "As long as I reach level 40, I will start cultivating the Clear Sky Hammer!"

He is not far away from the Soul Sect now. After attaching the fourth soul ring to Blue Silver Grass, he might be able to directly start trying to attach a ten thousand year soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer.

Even if he only needs to add a few soul rings to the Clear Sky Hammer, his soul power will inevitably increase by leaps and bounds.

Maybe it won't take too long for him to reach the Soul King level quickly and surpass Su Cheng.

But...should I ask the teacher about this?

Yu Xiaogang had told him before that after the twin martial spirits began to develop at the same time, they were likely to conflict with each other.

Even if the two martial spirits are in harmony with each other, physical fitness is also an extremely important factor in the process of adding soul rings and improving attributes.

What if the body cannot bear the load during this period?

"Tuk, dun, dun."

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Tang San was stunned, quickly put away his spirit, stood up and went to open the door.

After opening the door, the person standing outside was the teacher Yu Xiaogang he had just thought of.

"Xiaosan, how are you? Have you calmed down now?" Yu Xiaogang's stiff face showed concern at this time.

In fact, he had been worried about Tang San's current state in his heart.

Everyone in Shrek Academy saw the lost look before.

But I didn't come here before because I wanted to give him some time to digest and calm down.

After all, today's failure was indeed extremely tragic.

He used his strongest lineup and gathered the strength of the whole team, but he couldn't even take a single move from the opponent. It was normal for him to be hit.

Hearing this, Tang San tried his best to squeeze out a smile and nodded.

Yu Xiaogang sighed when he saw this.

"That Su Cheng is indeed different. But after all, he is a Soul King. It is normal for him to be stronger than you. You have to remember that you are a unique twin martial soul. With this talent, you can defeat him in the future. It’s just a matter of time.”


Tang San was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then raised his head to look at his teacher.

"Teacher, the weakness of Blue Silver Grass has become more and more obvious. In the future, can I really compete with other soul masters with this martial spirit?"

Yu Xiaogang was startled at first, then frowned, "What do you want to say?"

"Although I am not yet fifteen years old, I have already put in too much effort in cultivation." Tang San lowered his head and said in a low tone, "I don't want to waste my efforts on Blue Silver Grass in the future. What's the point of doing that with such a useless martial spirit? By then, will there still be time to practice the Clear Sky Hammer?"


Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was speechless for a while.


Did you take it for granted in the past?

The idea of ​​attaching a high-life soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer is certainly a good one.

But the problem is that the golden cultivation period of soul masters does not last long.

With Bluesilver Grass, how long will it take to raise the level?

Is this really the best option?

You must know that Zhu Zhuqing in the team has now reached level 46.

"Teacher, let me switch to Clear Sky Hammer!"

Tang San suddenly raised his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang, his eyes burning.

"...I need to think about it." Yu Xiaogang finally spoke after being silent for a while.

His face also became serious, "I will leave for a while. Don't worry about this. Just wait for me to come back. During this period, you must lead the team to compete. Don't think about the second martial soul for the time being. Concentrate on cultivating Blue Silver Grass."

"You want to leave?" Tang San was stunned when he heard this.

"I need to know more information about the Twin Martial Souls. You have to know that the cultivation of Twin Martial Souls is risky. Even if you really want to change your cultivation, it is not something that can be decided overnight."

Logically speaking, as the team leader, Yu Xiaogang cannot leave the team during this critical period of the qualifiers, let alone when the team loses the first match.

But he regarded Tang San as his hope to prove himself in the future, and raised him as his own son.

In comparison, the importance of team performance is obviously not as important.

What's more, he believed that with Tang San's tactical thinking and maturity and agility, even if he lost the first game, he would definitely be able to perform well against other teams later on.

After all, it is impossible for every team to have young soul king-level students like Tiandou Royal Academy.

When Tang San heard this, his face immediately showed emotion, and his mood instantly calmed down.

No matter what happens, the teacher will always think everything through for him.

After a long silence, Yu Xiaogang said nothing more.

After patting Tang San on the shoulder, he turned and left the room.

For the sake of his only disciple, he was ready to leave immediately to meet someone in Wuhun City.

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