Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 141 Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance

The next day, a new round of qualifiers began quickly.

However, unlike the opening match, five arenas have been set up in the conference venue, and there are battles going on in each arena.

Su Cheng directly handed over the power of dispatching and command, letting the team members allocate their own tactics based on the intelligence of other teams.

He himself wandered around and went to watch the games outside the arena of the Elemental Academy teams.

The audience was naturally a little disappointed not to see Su Cheng in the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

But there is nothing that can be done. This is not a performance. Each college has its own tactical arrangements. It is normal for such situations to occur.

On the other hand, the other teams secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this situation.

They didn't want to eliminate Tiandou Royal Academy, mainly because they were afraid that being seriously injured in the battle would affect future competitions. If Su Cheng plays, they will have no choice but to abstain in order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

During this period, the competition at Shrek Academy went smoothly and a lot of points were scored.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing's strength is there. Without the Five Elements Academy, other miscellaneous fish teams are not very strong. Many teams don't even have a soul sect.

Moreover, Tang San and others were not weak either. It would be difficult for ordinary colleges to take advantage with their cooperation.

In addition, the Shrek team did not face the extremely powerful Elephant Academy under Salas' "special care" in the second game as in the original timeline.

Otherwise, with their current strength, there is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat those turtle shells.

However, in the subsequent battle with Blazing Academy, Team Shrek almost overturned.

Since he didn't use the fairy grass to be immune to ice and fire, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was completely restrained by fire attacks.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing had already used the Star Anise Ice Grass and the Fiery Apricot Jiao to fortify his body before, so he was able to withstand the attacks of Blazing Fire Academy and carry the whole team away with one person.

It was precisely because this battle had almost no effect that Tang San became more determined to cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer.

A few days later, it was finally Su Cheng's turn to play.

This time the Tiandou Royal Academy team's opponent is the Kamikaze Academy team.

Of course he couldn't miss it.

Six of the seven team students from Kamikaze Academy are all about the same age, in their early twenties. Only the auxiliary soul master standing at the back of the team looks very young, and seems to be younger than Su Cheng.

The man walking at the front was tall, handsome, smiling, and looked very free and easy.

This person is none other than Feng Xiaotian, the captain of the Shenfeng Academy team and the forty-fourth-level assault-type fighting spirit sect.

Although he is still young, his behavior already has the air of a strong man, and there is no trace of his usual dog-licking face.

In addition to him, there are two other people with soul power levels over forty. They are an agility-based attack soul master with the Shadow Leopard Martial Spirit and a powerful attack-type soul master with the Wind Blade Martial Spirit.

Three soul sects and four soul masters are indeed the strongest team in the Five Elements Academy this year.

On the other hand, there was the auxiliary soul master at the end who looked very young. Su Cheng had never seen her before when watching the game.

As for other games, because Kamikaze Academy has always maintained a winning streak and easily defeated its opponents, there has never been any news about this person's martial spirit type, which is a bit mysterious.

After the two teams stood facing each other, the referee quickly walked to the center of the ring and loudly said: "Both sides line up and salute."

Su Cheng looked at the opponent's momentum at the moment and nodded secretly. This was the effect he wanted.

Today's Element Academy is different from the past. Although the elements are still single, the development directions are diverse.

Taking Kamikaze Academy as an example, the team members in front of them are all wind attribute soul masters, but they are also divided into different positions such as power attack, agility attack, control, and support.

It doesn't matter to Su Cheng how the tactics of these people are matched. After all, they are still young and have a limited number of soul rings and soul skills, so they can only make good use of their tactics.

However, the combination of these people's soul rings and soul skills, as well as the effects produced by each other, are worthy of his reference.

Especially the soul ring.

After clearly understanding the essence of the soul ring, Su Cheng was even more looking forward to the research results of these academies.

Combined with the effect of the Eye of True Sight, today's game is not so much a battle as it is that he is stealing a lesson.

"It's you!"

When Feng Xiaotian saw that the person leading the Tiandou Royal Academy team on the field today was Su Cheng, his face instantly became serious.

He stared at Su Cheng and said in a deep voice: "I am twenty-four years old this year. I awakened the two-headed wolf with innate soul power and mutated martial spirit. I am now at level 44. I know you are very strong, but our team I may not lose to you."

"Feng Xiaotian, I know you." Su Cheng nodded, "Let's fight first and then talk."

In the past few days, he had also watched a lot of battles in the Academy of Elements in the audience. He was more optimistic about Feng Xiaotian's talent, but it was a pity that he chose the wrong growth path.

But it’s useless to say more now. There are many things that can’t be said until the game is over.

"You can release your martial soul."

The referee's voice sounded again. In an instant, light flashed above the arena.

A series of martial spirits such as Wolf Shadow, Leopard Shadow, Wind Blade, and Swallow Butterfly appeared one after another.

But there seemed to be only a breeze blowing around the last auxiliary soul master, and there were no other strange phenomena.

Su Cheng's eyes flashed, and he suddenly understood, "It's this kind of martial spirit that's interesting."

Everyone in the Kamikaze Academy team quickly formed an array after summoning their martial spirits.

Two attack-type soul masters stood at the front of the team, slightly staggered.

The control soul master with the Wind Soul Grass stood in the middle, the three agility and attack soul masters stood on both sides, and the auxiliary soul master still stood at the back of the team.

Feng Xiaotian, who was standing at the front, let out a sharp roar, and a faint blue light surged out of his body.

As the green light surged, his body obviously changed. With the crackling sound of bones, muscles and bones expanded at the same time, and his figure became obviously larger.

The long hair on his head was also rendered cyan, and a wolf head emerged from his left shoulder.

The blue wolf's head stared at Su Cheng with a stern look, and a trace of chill continued to release from its mouth.

On Su Cheng's side, the previous scene was reproduced. The other six people quickly retreated while releasing their martial spirits. Only Su Cheng stepped forward with a long sword in hand.

But this time the others retreated further, almost to the edge of the ring.

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, the players from both sides started moving at the same time.

Su Cheng's teammates did not hesitate, they all jumped off the ring and quickly exited the competition venue, leaving Feng Xiaotian and others stunned.

Su Cheng actually didn't want this.

But there was no way. If these teammates stayed on the stage, they would get in the way and create chaos, which would affect his ability to experience the combination of other people's soul skills.

But this is not the first opening game after all, and there are many things that don’t need to be considered too much.

Fortunately, the members of the Kamikaze Academy had strong fighting qualities and did not have any mental fluctuations due to this unexpected situation. Instead, they became more cautious.

They also saw the situation in the first game and did not dare to be careless at all.

The next moment, fine blades of grass quickly covered the ground.

The breeze blew the yellow sand past, and the airflow around Su Cheng's body was instantly disrupted and dispersed.

Weakly affecting his perception and speed.

Su Cheng's eyes flickered, it was the control soul master in the middle.

This wind attribute field control skill is very interesting, a bit similar to a field.

Although the current restriction ability is not strong, there is a lot of room for growth in the future.

In terms of the development and use of soul skills, there are experts in Kamikaze Academy.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng also released the Five Elements Domain, but did not use the suppression effect.

It only serves as a sensory aid to help him feel the effects of the opponent's soul skills more clearly.

At the same time, the vertical lines between the eyebrows glowed with a faint golden light.

The Eye of True Sight began to operate inefficiently, adding see-through effects and partial real vision.

This state consumes very little mental power. With his current mental strength, there will be no problem if he can use it for several hours.


Feng Xiaotian and others instantly felt the subtle changes in the environment, and were suddenly shocked.

But then I discovered that although this was a domain, it did not suppress their attributes and status. It seemed that it could only enhance their perception, which was equivalent to suppressing the field control effect of the Wind Soul Grass.

The energy fluctuations in Su Cheng's field were very small, and the phenomenon of the soul bone attached to the outside was also inconspicuous. Except for the people in the ring, most of the audience did not notice it.

I just wonder why Su Cheng didn't use the terrifying sword move before this time.

But the strong men at the VIP table all looked serious at this time.

"What a mature domain control." Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice.

"I have completed at least two advancements." Chen Xin, who was sitting next to him, nodded affirmatively. "It can almost catch up with the domain bonus of the martial soul's true body."

This time he didn't miss it and came to watch the game. Anyway, it was not far from the gate of Qibao Glazed Sect.

And even if you can't see Su Cheng's battle, it's good to see Ning Rongrong's current performance.

"Take your time and take your time. Cheng'er probably won't end the battle soon."

On the stage.

As the battle began, Feng Xiaotian's body accelerated almost instantly and rushed straight towards Su Cheng.

Green light pulled out a long light shadow behind him, and its speed was extremely fast, even surpassing the agility attack type soul master behind him.

At the same time, the first soul ring on his body had lit up, the sharp wolf claws popped out of his palms, and his sharp and ruthless eyes were locked on Su Cheng.

Before anyone arrived, the wolf's claws had already been swung out.

Ten semi-arc-shaped wind blades, with a harsh sound of breaking through the air, sealed off the evasive paths around Su Cheng.

The first soul skill of the Gale Demonic Wolf Spirit is usually the Wind Blade, but Feng Xiaotian, who possesses the Gale Two-Headed Wolf Spirit, has the Wind Blade Array.

From the ten times the number, it can be seen that his first soul skill is much stronger than the ordinary Gale Demon Wolf Soul. This is the innate advantage of the advanced martial soul.

The moment he jumped out, the other members of the Kamikaze Team also moved.

Now the Elemental Academy has rich tactics against enemies, which are no worse than ordinary balanced teams.

Possessed by the spirit of the wind chime bird, the agility attack spirit master hovering in the sky sent out gusts of wind to further compress Su Cheng's movement space.

The strongest Shadow Leopard Spirit Master was floating outside the team near the edge of the ring, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

With the blessing of the domain, Su Cheng had a panoramic view of everyone's movements, and all external interference had no effect on him.

It's exactly what Chen Xin said.

This time he didn't zoom in as soon as he came up.

His purpose was to observe the usage of the opponent's soul ring and soul skills, especially the mystery of the combination of rules and attributes when constructing the soul ring, so he was not in a hurry.

The third soul ring under his feet lit up, and the soul ring skill fractalized.

After upgrading the soul ring and improving his own cultivation, this soul skill can now differentiate into seven sword shadows, and each sword shadow has 90% of the power of the original Eternal Sword.

"Sword Six, Sword Control Style."

Under the secret technique of distracted control, five sword shadows slashed out from different directions, intercepting five people except the control system soul master and the auxiliary system soul master.

The remaining two guards stood beside him, staring at Feng Xiaotian directly in front of him.

If nothing else, the other party should have follow-up actions.

Seeing his way of coping, the audience couldn't help but be a little confused.

Logically speaking, the control soul masters who control the field and the auxiliary soul masters who provide buffs should be dealt with first at this time.

Since there is such a powerful soul skill, and the power of those sword shadows is so powerful, why should we give the opponent a chance to continue to use the soul skill?

It was the same on the first day, and the last person left on the stage was the auxiliary soul master from Shrek Academy.

Is this confidence or arrogance?

Confidence or arrogance, the audience could not decide, but at this moment, Feng Xiaotian, who was facing Su Cheng, felt a chill in his heart.

In front of the other party's eyes that shone with a faint golden light, every move he made seemed to have no secrets. He felt that his trajectory had been completely seen through.

You know, the Gale Wind Two-Headed Wolf Spirit is not simple.

The benefits brought by the double head allow him to focus on both strong attack and agility attack, and he has no shortcomings in speed, offense and defense.

Even so, he also had a premonition that this attack would ultimately be in vain.

Sure enough, facing his wind blade, Su Cheng had no intention of dodging at all.

The shadow of the sword arrived first and split it apart in the blink of an eye.

Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth and continued to charge forward against the sword attack, ready to try the attack again at close range.

At this time, faint words suddenly reached his ears.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance. It's best not to use the same skill twice."

Su Cheng didn't want to waste time with him.

This wind blade skill is meaningless, even the mutation skill is the same.

At this time, his attention was more focused on the control soul master and the auxiliary soul master.

He was already ready to deal with several other people.


Feng Xiaotian felt cold in his heart, and his mental pressure increased sharply.

He felt that the pressure caused by the sword shadow in front of him instantly became several times stronger, making it impossible for him to move forward even half a step.

The other party didn’t exert any force at all before!


Feng Xiaotian's expression became more serious and he gave up his previous idea.

Then, a pair of huge cyan wings stretched out from behind.

At the same time, cyan light and shadow condensed behind him, exactly like the two-headed wolf of Gale.

Against the backdrop of the huge and dazzling light and shadow, Feng Xiaotian soared into the sky. With just one flapping of his wings on his back, his body was already soaring up to fifty meters above the ground.

Su Cheng looked up and instantly knew what the other party was planning.

Although flying skills were of no use to him, he never thought of interrupting the opponent's soul skills.

Then he started to observe the other people.

Feng Xiaotian spread his wings lightly in the air and stared at Su Cheng below.

"I know you are very strong, but I still have a self-created soul skill! The soul skill is called Wind Demon Wolf's Thirty-six Continuous Slashes, but I'm afraid that you won't let me charge up enough to complete it."

Originally, he never thought that he could display this soul skill.

With the strength Su Cheng showed on the first day, he could easily interrupt this self-created soul skill.

Thirty-six consecutive cuts that cannot be fully charged cannot exert much power at all.

But looking at Su Cheng's posture, it seems that he has other ideas, so maybe he can be given a chance to use his full strength.

Immediately he began to test his words.

Su Cheng sighed lightly and said casually: "It's a clumsy way to provoke generals. Just use it with confidence and let me see it."

As Feng Xiaotian said the words "self-created soul skills", there was an uproar in the audience.

Self-created soul skills are rare, and those who can create them are all amazingly talented people. In the opening match on the first day, Su Cheng showed off a self-made sword move that amazed everyone.

But today, there is another soul master who is ready to use his own soul skills.

From this point of view, the next battle will definitely be exciting.

Su Cheng ignored the changes in the audience.

He has already begun to exert his strength while speaking.

Get rid of the useless guys first.

In the blink of an eye, several other agile attack system soul masters and power attack system soul masters instantly felt that the attack rhythm of the sword in front of them had completely changed!

The sword shadow that could barely parry before suddenly increased several times in attack speed, making it impossible for people to deal with it.

Under the suddenly intensified and powerful attack of these four sword clones, even though they used all their soul skills, they were still cut out of the field with one sword.

Then, the control soul master also followed suit.

In just a blink of an eye, the battle scene that was a little anxious just now suddenly changed drastically.

The next moment, apart from Su Cheng, only Feng Xiaotian and the auxiliary soul master were left in the Shenfeng Academy team in the entire arena.

The audience was stunned.

The entire Soul Fighting Arena fell silent instantly, causing the other players who were still fighting in the arena to be a little confused for a moment.

But what's interesting is that the auxiliary soul master who looks very beautiful and pure, although his face is pale due to excessive consumption of soul power, his expression is not nervous. Instead, he looks at Su Cheng with curiosity on his face.

I originally wanted to finish writing this game, but it seems like it’s too much. Don’t wait for the next chapter, it doesn’t necessarily have to be at what time.


Also explain.

Tang San's complaint in the previous chapter came from the exact words he complained to Dugu Bo after beating Shui Bing'er in the match. Taken from Chapter 107 of the original work, interested readers can compare by themselves.

There are also the contents of the twin martial arts analyzed by Yu Xiaogang, which come from Chapter 5 and Chapter 80, and are completely based on the original settings.

You can take a break from studying the original text, and go back to comparing the faults with the original text.

I really don't want to add comments in this chapter, which will affect the reading of some readers who don't read comments.

But there are always people who are disgusting in the comment area, shouting about this poisonous point and that poisonous point. If you care so much about the setting issue, just go and read the original work a few more times, okay?

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