Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 142 Take you to win the championship

Immediately, a look of obvious surprise appeared on the girl's face.

She felt a warmth coming from her body.

Is this the opponent's domain bonus effect?

Although it cannot directly help restore one's soul power, it greatly reduces the consumption and power of soul skills.

But why would he do this?

At this time, Feng Xiaotian, who was flying high in the sky, moved.

The light and shadow of the two-headed wolf behind him gradually merged with his body. This was his second soul skill, Two-Wolf Possession. With this kind of blessing, his defense and agility will be greatly improved.

Coupled with his third soul skill, Gale Wings, his condition has been improved to the best.

Relying on the assistance of these two soul skills, his self-created soul skills can be brought into play.

With a long roar, Feng Xiaotian moved, and his body fell from the sky like a meteor chasing the moon. The whole process did not make a sound, and the diffuse green light was all restrained. His body and wings formed an excellent angle.

With the blessing of the wind attribute, he has found the most perfect descent channel at this time.

The sharp corners on the edges of the wings shone with a faint green light under the sunlight. The so-called 36 consecutive slashes of the Wind Demon Wolf came from the edges of these wings.

In the blink of an eye, the light wing slashed and the sword in Su Cheng's hand completed the first confrontation.


Amidst the reverberation of metal clashing, Feng Xiaotian took advantage of the force to fly up again, turned his body in the air, and his right wing fell down again.

Su Cheng still raised his sword to block, and as he promised before, he did not use any soul skills to interrupt, and he controlled the force very cooperatively.

Feng Xiaotian turned around and bounced up again, using a very mysterious method, which made Su Cheng nod secretly.

This soul skill is not as simple as it seems on the surface. At least in terms of ideas, he has surpassed most soul master geniuses.

Su Cheng himself is also a master in this field and has a lot of say.

His earliest self-created soul skills were sword stances and charged slashes evolved from basic sword moves. He also used this to defeat Qian Renxue, who was stronger than him in all aspects of soul power, martial spirit, and domain. .

Feng Xiaotian's attack speed was very fast, and he had completed five attacks in a short time, and the power of the light wing slash was also slowly getting stronger.

In the process, he is constantly changing his trajectory with the help of wind.

This self-created soul skill is not very strong. Its biggest feature is that it uses speed and gravity to continuously enhance its attack power, but it is too easy to be interrupted. It is much worse than the Haotian Sect's random cloak hammering method. Far.

But Feng Xiaotian is young after all, and he is actually quite talented to be able to do this.

Su Cheng glanced at Feng Xiaotian, who was constantly attacking in the air, and turned to look at the auxiliary soul master opposite who looked surprised because he had received the blessing of the domain.

"Give him all the auxiliary skills you can use, otherwise he won't last until the end."

As his words fell, there was an uproar in the audience.

The spectators from other teams also looked at each other with mixed emotions.


Only then did the girl understand the purpose of the other party's bonus for her, and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

But he didn't refuse. Three soul rings lit up one after another, using all his strength to strengthen Feng Xiaotian's physical condition.

In fact, Su Cheng was a little speechless now.

When Feng Xiaotian landed the first blow, he almost knew it.

With the opponent's current physical quality and soul power foundation, he would never be able to finish the soul skill by relying on himself alone.

He secretly thought that Feng Xiaotian was really weird, wasting his talent without realizing it.

He clearly had the potential to become a titled Douluo, so he just ignored his job and worked on some self-created soul skills. However, the soul skills he finally developed were still used in team battles, and he couldn't fully utilize them on his own.

The collision between the two continued.

After the twenty blows were struck, extremely terrifying sharp soul power erupted around Feng Xiaotian's body.

Roads of green light shot out, and even the wind pressure around them was like sharp blades. The impact of the aftermath was comparable to that of the Soul Sect, and the frontal power was already approaching that of the Soul King.

However, under this violent attack like a violent storm, Su Cheng always stood in place like a rock, without moving even half a step.

On the other hand, Feng Xiaotian's wings that were connected to his arms were almost completely numb from the shock.

He was even more horrified, secretly thinking that the Su Cheng in front of him was really terrifying. If it weren't for the little girl Qingyu behind him who kept blessing him with soul skills, he would have been unable to hold on any longer.


The audience in the auditorium also stared intently at this time, silently paying attention to the subsequent changes in Feng Xiaotian's soul skill.


Several other students of the Kamikaze Academy team who were shot down in the audience secretly cheered for the captain.


Finally, amidst Feng Xiaotian's sharp roar, the last blow that ushered in a qualitative change came down.

At this moment, Su Cheng was keenly aware that the other party's aura had changed.

The power of this blow has even slightly surpassed the peak of the Soul King and is close to the Soul Emperor.


Su Cheng was a little disappointed.

After expending so much effort, taking such a big risk, and having to accumulate strength for such a long time, my body was also severely damaged in the process, just for the final blow, and this is the result?

It's not that he doesn't look down on Soul Emperor level attack power.

This has nothing to do with his own strength.

It is true that the price-performance ratio of this self-created soul skill is too low.

Originally, in his opinion, after accumulating power to this extent, he might be able to achieve some qualitative changes, and even resonate with the laws. With the help of the elemental power in the surrounding environment, heaven and earth could work together.

But not at all.

Qualitative change did occur, but it was too little.

I sighed silently in my heart.

Su Cheng slashed diagonally with his sword.

The cyan blade light that had been condensed to the limit shattered instantly.

Then, Feng Xiaotian fell to the ground, his face pale.

This sword didn't hurt him at all. It was because after he used this soul skill, there was no trace of his soul power left.


As the referee announced the end of the fight, warm applause instantly swept the audience, and the audience cheered excitedly, sighing at the excitement of this fight.

There was silence at the VIP table.

Chen Xin, Salas, Ning Fengzhi and others looked solemn.

The two attacks were completely canceled out!

How can this be?

Su Cheng's ability to wield this sword did not surprise them.

The power of the sword move on the first day was much stronger than this.

The scary thing is that this amazing control, done just right, means that Su Cheng consumes almost nothing in this battle.

"Soul Saint level combat power..."

Several people said silently in their hearts at the same time.

"Do you know how old I am?" Su Cheng said lightly, looking at Feng Xiaotian who was lying on the ground and breathing heavily.

"I'm not fifteen years old."

"..." Feng Xiaotian gasped violently and looked up in shock.

"I defeated you today without using any soul skills. I was just ten levels higher than you. It's that simple.

"Whatever you do at any stage is just to prove your talent. To develop your own soul skills is purely to gamble with your own future.

"Because your talent is not here.

"Having high innate soul power only proves that you are a genius in cultivation. It would be foolish to ignore the basics and pursue the weak."

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian fell silent, but for a moment he didn't know how to argue.

Although he is extremely talented, he is not an arrogant person.

Feng Xiaotian was of average origin, and Gale Demon Wolf was only an above-average martial soul. It was because of the mutation of his martial soul that he had the innate talent of full soul power.

But in the past, in his opinion, this kind of qualification could only be regarded as an innate gift and could not prove anything.

It's not like no one has said similar things to him before, but he is so talented that even if he spends a lot of time on creating his own soul skills, he can still crush his peers in terms of level. He doesn't even realize that this is half the result with half the effort.

Being able to create his own soul skills was originally something he was extremely proud of.

Su Cheng looked at him and pondered for a moment, and then said: "You have good talent. My team will leave you a starting spot. If you can't make it to the finals, or if you make it and want to win the championship, you can come to me at any time."

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian's eyes widened slightly. He had no time to think about the distracting thoughts in his mind just now, and said in shock: "You——"

"Don't answer in a hurry. Wait until you have adjusted your state and thought clearly before speaking."

After saying that, he ignored Feng Xiaotian and turned to look at the auxiliary soul master from the Divine Wind Academy team who had also exhausted his soul power.

"what's your name?"

"The wind whispers."

The girl's eyes were clear, and apart from being slightly curious, she didn't feel any sense of loss after losing the game.

She has great talent and is young. The next competition will be her time to show off her talent.

I came here as a substitute this time, mainly to take this opportunity to see the world and gain more experience.

"Your martial spirit is a shadow?"

Although Su Cheng said questions, his tone was extremely certain.

Feng Qingyu became even more surprised when she heard this.

The wind is silent and invisible, and the shadow spirit is extremely rare and difficult to detect. I didn't expect Su Cheng to see through it so easily.

She didn't deny it and nodded slightly.


"If I remember correctly, there is also an owner of a shadow martial spirit at Blazing Fire Academy, but he is of the fire attribute, and he is developing in the direction of a control-type soul master." Su Cheng thought to himself, "The different attributes of the original martial spirit Well, this is interesting. But the person from Blazing Academy is less talented, but the Feng Qingyu in front of me..."

Thinking of this, he nodded gently to Feng Qingyu and said: "You can also join our team, and you will also be the starting position in the finals."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave the ring.



The clear and sweet voice came, making Su Cheng slightly startled.

"I said yes, didn't you say I could join your team?"

Feng Qingyu blinked and looked at him innocently.

Su Cheng was suddenly suspicious.

What's going on with this girl that she just agreed like that?

Then he turned to look at Feng Xiaotian.

Upon seeing this, Feng Xiaotian glanced at the girl with a wry smile and explained to Su Cheng: "This is the granddaughter of the dean of our college. She can do whatever she wants."

"...Okay." Su Cheng was naturally happy, "But even if you decide, if you want to play, you have to wait for the finals."

This is determined by the competition format.

Before the start of the qualifiers, each college's participating list has been submitted. Only when the final quota is determined and each college team goes to Wuhun City for the finals can the participating student list be resubmitted.

And when the time comes, Feng Qingyu will have to be transferred to Tiandou Royal Academy for the time being.

"It doesn't matter." Feng Qingyu said casually, "Then can I go to your team to have a look first?"

"It's up to you." Su Cheng shrugged and said nonchalantly.

He came at the right time so that he could start studying the opponent's martial arts situation earlier.

"Captain, I'll leave first, please take care of yourself."

Feng Qingyu said something to Feng Xiaotian without sincerity.

Then he followed Su Cheng and ran down the ring.

Feng Xiaotian, who was sitting on the ground and had recovered a bit, sighed helplessly and waved his hand.

He was now feeling increasingly depressed.

"Damn it! It's the first time I used my self-created soul skill in public and I lost so miserably. It's so embarrassing. I don't know what Huo Wu will think of me in the future."

If Feng Xiaotian's thoughts were heard by Su Cheng, Gao Lo might have to turn around and give him a blow.

At the VIP table.

After Ning Fengzhi heard Su Cheng's remarks about soliciting opponents, he was surprised at first, and then felt helpless.

Although there is no big problem with these words, and it is true that you have the final say on the second team, there is no need to say it in public like this. It will not be good for people to think wildly.

He glanced at Emperor Xue Ye beside him and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Xiao Cheng is young after all, and his words are a little careless. Don't take it to heart."

Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand, "Sect Leader Ning, this is a good thing. To be honest, you and I both know the strength of Wuhun Palace, so let him arrange the second team as he pleases."

That being said, he actually had other thoughts in mind.

That is Kamikaze Academy.

Especially after hearing the identity of Feng Qingyu just now, Emperor Xueye was even more surprised.

Although the Five Elements Academy is affiliated with the Tiandou Empire, the relationship is still separated by one layer after all. It is not restricted by the empire and has a high degree of autonomy.

It is not a matter of a day or two for the imperial family to miss these academies, but it is just a thought.

After today, he might be able to take this opportunity to get closer to those powerful element colleges. Of course he would be happy to see it happen.

On the other side, the discussion in the viewing area of ​​the participating colleges was much louder at this time.

Especially Su Cheng's behavior of recruiting Kamikaze Academy members in public made people feel even more unhappy.

They didn't think much about it, they were mainly jealous.

"...Holy shit, this Su Cheng from Tiandou Royal Academy is so pretentious."

Suddenly someone among them said something to himself, which immediately caused a resonance.

"That's right, I just felt that way."

"You're talking about leading them to win the championship? It's so easy to say, as if the champion has the hand."

"Well, there seems to be no problem with what he said. It's easier than us..."


The direction of the Tianshui Academy team.

Different from the atmosphere of other teams, this place seems more lively.

And because this academy only recruits beautiful girls, they are often secretly watched by many people.

"So cool..."

The speaker was an oval-faced girl standing at the front of the crowd watching the battle. She was petite and had a childish face. Her short dark green hair made her look very energetic.

As he spoke, he looked back at another girl with long aqua hair shawl behind him, "Sister, do you think he will also invite me to join their team? Do you want to accept it then?"

After saying that, she actually started to think deeply, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking of, which made the others feel helpless.

It started again.

"Seventh girl, don't be a nymphomaniac. The real invitation is also an invitation to the captain. It's your turn."

At this time, a red-haired girl standing next to them teased.

"Okay, stop making trouble."


For a time, there was constant laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere inside and outside the team was filled with joy, which made other students around them look envious.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong looked through the latest information obtained from Salas with a complicated expression.

"The Soul King who is less than fifteen years old has two thousand-year soul rings and two ten-thousand-year soul rings.

"Self-created soul skills, without the blessing of soul ring skills, have attack power comparable to that of the Soul Emperor.

"Xiaoxue even went to see him once.

"Su Cheng, it's really you..."

At this time, someone suddenly came to report.

"Elder's token, great soul master cultivation level?"

Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this.

Then the perception spread, and he was instantly aware of the figure sitting quietly waiting in the meeting hall.

His eyes trembled slightly, "Xiao Gang?!"

The slender white fingers suddenly tightened and pinched the paper in his hand into wrinkles.

Immediately he lowered his head and looked at the pile of information.

The scene in that dream a few years ago, instead of fading away as time went by, actually became more profound.

Perhaps because of the mental torture of the Rakshasa test, gods and demons were often at war in her heart, and her emotions became more and more extreme.

Those harsh words seemed to echo in my ears all the time.

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