In the huge meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, there was only Yu Xiaogang, sitting quietly on a luxurious chair.

He didn't pay attention to the splendid decorations around him, he just drank tea silently, thinking about how he should face Bibi Dong later.

His mood was not as calm as it seemed.

No matter how he got along with Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang had to admit that he could not forget the woman he was about to see later.

Bibi Dong's status in his heart was extraordinary.

She is beautiful, noble, and highly qualified, and all the beautiful words in the world seem to be applied to her.

She is also the first person to truly recognize herself.

But it's a pity that he can't take risks with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Qian Xunji's warning was not something he could ignore.

What's more, Bibi Dong herself isn't that determined, right? She ultimately chose the papal power.

"I hope she can still miss some old feelings..."

The other party is now the Pope of Wuhun Palace who is more than ten thousand people, and is no longer the ignorant girl in the past.

On a daily basis, all the people I come into contact with are extremely powerful and powerful people. I don’t know how my attitude will change under such circumstances...

But no matter what, this trip must come.

Tang San is his hope for the future, and the meaning is different. No one is more important than this child.

I have been in Notting City for twenty years and only waited for such a seedling. How could I give up?


Yu Xiaogang's eyes condensed.

"The identity of the mistress is a problem."

The culprit who killed the previous pope, the son of Haotian Douluo.

And from the few brief meetings in the past, Tang Hao seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Wuhun Palace. Will there be any changes in this complicated relationship?

However, Wuhundian should not know Xiaosan’s true identity.

After all, Tang Hao had disappeared for so long, and Xiao San's Clear Sky Hammer had never been known to outsiders.

But today's meeting is actually risky.

Will Bibi Dong become interested in the existence of twin martial spirits, and will she notice Tang San's existence because of this, and then follow the clues to discover Tang Hao?

"Let's observe her attitude later."

Yu Xiaogang took a sip of tea.

"If Bibi Dong still cares about his old relationship, it's not a bad idea to admit it directly. The most important thing is to promise that the mistress will not be the enemy of Wuhun Palace in the future."

At this time, the tall arch of the meeting hall opened, and a soft voice sounded outside the door.

"You guys are waiting outside. No one is allowed to disturb you without my order."


Yu Xiaogang turned his eyes and looked in the direction of the door.

A woman came in from outside.

The luxurious black robe with gold patterns covered her whole body, reflecting her almost perfect figure.

The nine-curved purple gold crown was placed on the top of his head, and the papal scepter in his hand fell to the ground, making a soft ding sound.

Fair skin, peerless appearance, noble and divine temperament.

At this time, Bibi Dong no longer had the nervousness when she was alone, her face was calm and her eyes were like a deep pool, like a goddess descending into the world.

Their eyes intertwined.

At this time, subtle fluctuations appeared in Yu Xiaogang's indifferent expression, recalling, apologizing, and melancholy.

Bibi Dong looked at him, inexplicably thinking of those scenes in her dream.

One of the scenes was the first time I saw Su Cheng in this hall.

At this moment, she didn't know why, but she suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Why are you here?" Bibi Dong said calmly.

The voice is pleasant and gentle, making people feel like they are taking a breath of spring breeze.

But Yu Xiaogang's eyes became a little hard, and he stood up with his hands on the table in front of him.

"Yes, I'm here. Are you okay?"

A faint smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face, "There is nothing wrong with being above ten thousand people. As the ruler of Wuhun Palace, even the emperors of the two empires must be polite when they see me. Do you think I will What’s wrong?”

Yu Xiaogang sighed, "Bibi Dong, I know the pain in your heart."

"Bibi Dong? If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot this name. Please call me Pope, or your majesty."

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope."

Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank violently, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes.

He turned around and walked to where he was sitting before and stood there, his whole body seemed to be trapped in the memories of the past.

Looking at his back, Bibi Dong was startled again.

What a strong sense of déjà vu...

"Why did you come to see me? We haven't seen each other for twenty years."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart.

When he turned around, all the excess emotions in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only his usual indifference.

"His Majesty the Pope, I have come to ask you for something."

"Oh? You will come to beg me? This doesn't seem to be your character. It seems that time does make a person change. Just tell me."

Yu Xiaogang did not explain, but said solemnly: "His Majesty the Pope, I want to know how you got through the difficulty of having twin martial souls."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly, and then she thought in her mind, but said calmly: "You don't need to know this, it doesn't mean anything to you."

"I have accepted a disciple, and he has been practicing with me for eight years. Fortunately, he has the same twin martial soul as you. This child is extremely talented, and I hope to cultivate him into a strong man. "

"Twin martial souls..."

Bibi Dong's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "That apprentice of yours, is he a twin martial spirit?"

It's not that she hasn't paid attention to Yu Xiaogang's movements.

On the contrary, because of that unusually real dream, she learned a lot about Yu Xiaogang's movements with the help of Wuhun Palace's news network.

From her understanding, Yu Xiaogang did take on a disciple a few years ago.

But the martial spirit possessed by that disciple was actually a useless martial spirit, Blue Silver Grass.

When she first learned the news, she was still a little excited.

A soul master who can cultivate a Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has reached this stage step by step, and is not even weaker than those soul masters with top martial arts spirits. This is enough to prove Yu Xiaogang's true talent and learning.

At this moment, her heartbeat seemed to slow down a beat.

There is a sense of weightlessness that comes from taking one step in vain.

"That disciple of yours, what is his second martial spirit?"

Bibi Dong's tone was a little more urgent.

She didn't know what she was expecting at this moment.

"..." Hearing this question, Yu Xiaogang hesitated.

"You should know that even if you don't tell me, I can still investigate."

"...His second martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer."

"The Clear Sky Hammer... turned out to be the Clear Sky Hammer..."

Bibi Dong's eyes were slightly absent-minded.

Yu Xiaogang thought it was because of the Haotian Sect incident that made her unhappy.

However, the Clear Sky Sect had already severed ties with Tang Hao. It was just a Clear Sky Hammer, so it shouldn't be particularly serious.

He quickly added: "Don't worry, if you are willing to tell me how you did it in the first place. I can guarantee you that my disciple will never go against Wuhun Palace in his life."

Little does he know that what Bibi Dong cares about at this moment is not the cause and effect at all.

Even in Bibi Dong's heart, she didn't particularly hate Tang Hao.

Chihiroji died well.

Without Tang Hao, she might not have had the chance to successfully attack the beast.

Bibi Dong stared at Yu Xiaogang.

"That disciple of yours, what is his innate soul power level?"

"He is born with full soul power." Yu Xiaogang sounded a little proud.

After all, this disciple was a peerless genius that he had painstakingly selected.

Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed slightly, "So you have been dormant in Notting City for so many years but have never accepted a disciple, just to wait for such a person?"

"That's right." Yu Xiaogang nodded and said in a deep voice: "Only he can prove my theory to the world."

"……I see."

Bibi Dong lowered her head and was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly thought of something and raised his head to look at Yu Xiaogang, "Yu Xiaogang, have you also met the soul master named Su Cheng?"

Yu Xiaogang was stunned when he heard this. He didn't know why Bibi Dong would mention that person. He nodded and said, "I've seen him before."

"What do you think of him?"

"Not bad, he is a rare genius."

"Genius..." Bibi Dong repeated silently.

Then he continued: "I heard that that person has absorbed soul rings many times across the years. He even had two ten thousand year soul rings and two thousand year soul rings at the soul king stage. What do you think?"

Yu Xiaogang frowned, wondering why Bibi Dong kept asking questions about Su Cheng.

But now he is asking for something from someone, and judging from the other person's attitude, there seems to be room for discussion on the matter, and he seems to be thinking about his old relationship.

In order not to affect the situation, he muttered and said: "This is indeed a bit unexpected. But I'm afraid you don't know that my apprentice's third soul ring has also exceeded the limit of normal absorption, reaching more than two thousand years."

Having said this, he began to analyze habitually again.

"According to my observation, as long as the spirit master's will is strong enough and can survive the extreme pressure and pain caused by absorbing the spirit ring for many years, he will have a chance to achieve greater gains. However, this move is quite risky, and that Su Cheng, I'm afraid There was a big price to pay for this.”

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang looked calm and didn't mind revealing these secrets.

In his opinion, as long as he can obtain the know-how of cultivating twin martial souls at the same time, it is completely acceptable to exchange some of his research results.


Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang in silence for a moment.

Then he nodded and asked, "Then how do you think your apprentice compares with this Su Cheng?"

"Su Cheng is naturally stronger now, but when Tang San grows up, with the huge potential of his twin martial spirits, his future development space will far exceed that of Su Cheng."

"Do you think so?"

Bibi Dong pursed her lips slightly, her eyes a little scattered.

But then he came back to his senses, his face calm.

"The key to overcoming the problem of twin martial souls is to pass the physical fitness test. As long as the physical fitness is strong enough, and the two martial souls are not mutually exclusive, you can practice twin martial souls together. As for how to improve your physical fitness, it depends on you. The ability can be achieved by relying on external objects such as soul bones and medicine."

Yu Xiaogang was overjoyed when he heard this.

He bowed deeply to Bibi Dong and said solemnly: "Thank you."

This thank you comes from the bottom of my heart.

To him, nothing was more important than Tang San's future development.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang who bowed to express his thanks, Bibi Dong looked calm.

"You go."

Yu Xiaogang nodded silently, turned around and walked towards the door.

When he reached the door and held the handle, he suddenly stopped.

But after hesitating for a moment, he opened the door and left quickly.

Bibi Dong looked at the empty door of the conference hall not far away and let out a sigh.

I had 10,000 per day for three days before, so I will start with 8,000 today. I will continue to update after a little adjustment.

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