"Stop hiding, come out."

"His Majesty the Pope is so proud that he tells others the secret of his twin martial souls so casually."

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Qian Renxue Shi Shiran walked out from the shadows outside the door.

"You are getting bolder and bolder."

Bibi Dong's face turned gloomy and she said calmly.

His expression was very calm, showing no anger.

She is now used to the other party's behavior and doesn't bother to argue with him.

No one would argue with a psychopath.

What's more, this psycho is still his own daughter.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. I just happened to be passing by here and heard that there was a low-level soul master who was using the Elder Token to cheat and was personally received by the Pope, so I came to take a look if I was curious. .”

Qian Renxue chuckled lightly.

She doesn't have much hostility towards Bibi Dong either.

Hate often comes from caring.

The more you care, the easier it is to brew various emotions.

Now that her main personality is sleeping, she doesn't really feel much about Bibi Dong.

Of course, in her eyes, Bibi Dong was also seriously ill.

"I didn't expect that the person holding the elder's token was actually this 'master'. Who do you think this papal decree came from?" Qian Renxue said in a playful tone.

"That has nothing to do with me."

Qian Renxue just said it casually. Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't care, she changed the subject.

"It seems that you have also received information about the soul master of the Tiandou Royal Academy team?"

She didn't know that Bibi Dong also had a few memories from another world.

The last time she went to Tiandou City, she had exchanged some information with Su Cheng. Judging from Bibi Dong's behavior over the years, there wasn't much abnormality.

Whether it was promoting the secret method of adding soul rings to the direct descendants of Wuhun Palace, or exploring Su Cheng's information, he had never done anything like that.

Combined with the performance of Dugu Bo, Chen Xin and others, the two analyzed that Bibi Dong should be in a similar situation.

There may be some subconscious impressions, but they are not concrete.

It is normal to have some specious impressions. Ordinary people will have residual memories when they dream. Occasionally, they will feel familiar when they encounter some scenes. It doesn't matter.

"It seems that you have some objections to that Su Cheng because of me. Is it because you told Yu Xiaogang how to cultivate twin martial spirits to help that Tang San fight Su Cheng in the ring?"

Bibi Dong glanced at her lightly, neither admitting nor denying.

This is actually only half true.

When Bibi Dong told about the cultivation method of twin martial souls, she really wanted Yu Xiaogang's apprentice to have a chance with Su Cheng, but it was not for the purpose of targeting Qian Renxue.

She just refused to accept it.

Over the years, Su Cheng's words in her dreams always flowed repeatedly in her heart.

To this day, Bibi Dong still has some illusions in her heart, hoping to see Yu Xiaogang prove himself.

She knew that Su Cheng looked down on Yu Xiaogang.

She herself didn't know what kind of mentality she had because she wanted to give Yu Xiaogang another chance.

Perhaps, this is also an opportunity for myself.

"His Majesty the Pope, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows when she heard this but did not speak.

"After Yu Xiaogang returns, he will definitely take advantage of this time to train his apprentice. With his apprentice's cultivation, he should be able to advance to level 40 before the finals.

"If four soul rings are attached to his second martial soul, even if his cultivation level does not reach the soul king level, it is probably not far behind.

"Why don't we just see how he and Su Cheng perform in the finals. If Su Cheng loses, whether your apprentice wants to be a saint or inherit the Pope's palace in the future, I won't stop him at all. On the contrary, I will Try your best to help her.

"But if Su Cheng wins, you will hand over the power of the Elder Hall."

Upon hearing this bet, Bibi Dong did not respond immediately, but asked pointedly: "Do you believe in him so much?"

Qian Renxue felt that the other party's expression was a little strange at this time, but she didn't care. She just assumed that she didn't know the relationship between Su Cheng and herself.

The purpose of telling this bet was to lower her alertness, so that it would be easier to attack the hundred thousand year old soul beast.

He asked instead: "Why, don't you believe in the vision and ability of that 'master'?"

There was sarcasm in his tone.

Bibi Dong examined Qian Renxue for a moment and then said: "I can bet with you, but not in the finals. Even if Yu Xiaogang's apprentice really succeeds, it won't be so quick."

Qian Renxue was stunned, "This is not something you would say."

"People change all the time."

"How old are you this year?"

In the team rest area of ​​Tiandou Royal Academy, Su Cheng looked at Feng Qingyu who was following him and asked.

"Two months until I turn thirteen."

The girl looked at the other members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team gathered in twos and threes in the distance, and answered casually.

Her long silver hair shone with a moving luster under the sunlight, and her whole person looked more pure and natural.

Su Cheng was a little surprised.

This child is very talented. Soul Master, who is less than thirteen years old, should be among the best among his peers.

"Are you born with full soul power?"

"Yes." The girl turned back to look at Su Cheng, "Your breath is very special."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Su Cheng was a little surprised.

"I can't tell." Feng Qingyu had doubts in her eyes, "I feel like you are different from ordinary soul masters, you look cleaner and more natural."

Su Cheng's face was startled.

So sharp?

He understood what Feng Qingyu meant.

Today's Su Cheng is indeed very different from ordinary soul masters.

The evolved Nirvana Sutra has a further effect in purifying bloodline martial souls and has a profound impact on the soul.

Moreover, after understanding the secret method of condensing soul rings in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, the soul impurities related to the soul beasts on the soul rings have also been eliminated.

Coupled with the perfection of the five elements, the essence of his soul power is different from that of traditional soul masters.

Su Cheng did not continue to discuss this topic and asked instead: "I have watched several games of your Kamikaze Academy before, but I have never seen you play."

"Well, I was originally a substitute and didn't need to play. This time I asked for it."

Feng Qingyu's tone was brisk.

“That fool Feng Xiaotian doesn’t understand anything and he still thinks he has a chance to win.

"I've watched your college's games. As long as you play, whether I make it or not, you will definitely lose. If you don't take part, I can still win if I play, so it doesn't matter at all.

"The main reason is that I want to experience the swordsmanship you used before, in case I am lucky enough to catch you participating in the competition."

At this point, she sighed, "Who knows if you're going up or down, but you didn't use that swordsmanship, and you let Feng Xiaotian do acrobatics there, which made me exhausted."


"His self-created soul skills look stupid. The teachers in the academy told him to stop practicing those things, but he refused to listen."

"..." Su Cheng was speechless when he heard what the other party said.

"Hey, your sister is interested in you."

Feng Qingyu suddenly spoke at this time and gestured in Ning Rongrong's direction with her eyes.

Su Cheng's expression didn't change when he heard this, but he looked at Feng Qingyu with a strange look in his eyes, "How young are you? What nonsense are you thinking about?"

"Oh, it's mainly because she looked at me wrong." Feng Qingyu picked up the fruit on the table and ate it, speaking in a vague tone, "The reason why this happens is obviously because of you."

"Your senses are really heightened."

Su Cheng smiled, not paying attention to what she said, but just marveling at her extraordinary talent.

Without knowing anything about the situation, being able to discover so much information just by meeting for the first time is far more valuable than external martial arts spirits, innate soul power levels and the like.

This is more like an inner quality, just like talents such as "medical genius" and "sword genius".

"No wonder you chose to become an auxiliary soul master."

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he was a little surprised that this kind of shadow martial spirit should have other development directions.

In fact, the development route of a soul master's martial soul is generally not fixed, only whether it is suitable or not.

Taking Blue Silver Grass as an example, it can also develop into an attack-type soul master or an auxiliary-type soul master, but the subsequent effects are hard to say.

In the end, the choice you have to make depends on the soul master's personal understanding of his own martial soul.

There are few auxiliary soul masters in the world, mainly because most soul masters prefer to pursue power.

Generally, only relatively special martial spirits like Qibao Glazed Pagoda, or food-type martial spirits like Oscar, whose future development direction is not easy to change, or the cost-effectiveness of taking the auxiliary route is too high, will always move towards the auxiliary system. Development in the direction of soul master.

"You're wrong about that." Feng Qingyu swallowed the fruit in her mouth, covered her lips and chuckled, "I became an auxiliary soul master because this type of soul master is the best to be around."

"Hun?" Su Cheng's expression froze slightly, "What does Hun mean?"

Could it be what I meant...

"Of course I'm just messing around." Feng Qingyu rolled her eyes.

"My grandfather is annoying to death. He wants me to practice this and that all day long. If I become a control soul master, wouldn't I have to use my hands and my brain at the same time? Auxiliary soul masters are completely different..."

As she spoke, Feng Qingyu sat upright and looked at Su Cheng excitedly.

He stretched out his delicate fingers and began to count the advantages of assisting the soul master.

"First of all, it's a team battle. Losing is definitely none of my business. Anyway, I tried my best, but the people in charge of the offense were too weak. Look at Feng Xiaotian today, as an example.

"And there is no danger yet. Everyone must focus on protecting me. It will be my turn after they are all killed.

"The most important thing is that there is no need to put in any extra effort at all. If I am left alone, I can just admit defeat. You can't expect me, a soul master with no offensive means, to come back, right?

"Even so, they still have to thank me. How comfortable it is."

Su Cheng looked at the other party blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

If you only look at it from the perspective of an ordinary soul master, it seems to make sense. Moreover, she is the granddaughter of the dean of Kamikaze Academy, so she will not be short of bodyguards when she becomes an auxiliary soul master.

"You are really a genius..." Su Cheng murmured, "So this is how the elders in your family were persuaded by you?"

Most parents would not agree with a soul master who possesses a shadow martial soul and is full of innate soul power, but chooses to add auxiliary abilities.

"I'm not stupid, of course I won't tell them that." Feng Qingyu glanced at Su Cheng with a strange expression.

"But I am the only one in the Shadow Martial Spirit family who has awakened, and they can't give me any advice. It's not difficult to convince them.

"And it's not like an auxiliary soul master can't change careers in the future. When my level rises, wouldn't it be nice to use the early auxiliary soul skills to give me bonuses? Anyway, the soul skills at low levels are just transitional.

"I'm not like that fool Feng Xiaotian, who has been working hard to practice some self-created soul skills since he was less than level 40. I just have nothing to do."

Su Cheng nodded silently and said nothing.

"Captain, I will hang out with you from now on, but you must protect me. If it doesn't work, I can call you brother!"

"...Don't say those useless things." Su Cheng pinched his eyebrows with his fingers, feeling that he had made a wrong judgment at first.

This child is pure and beautiful, and looks harmless to humans and animals.

In fact, his personality is not that introverted, and he is quite smart.

"What do you mean by messing with me?"

Feng Qingyu looked serious at this time, "I can feel that you are very strong, and you have no ill intentions towards me. You won't disappear after this soul master competition, right? Don't you need to go back to the academy?"


Su Cheng hesitated for a moment.

This child's talent is indeed extraordinary, and her thinking is very clear. It can be seen that her understanding of soul masters is much higher than ordinary people.

The most important thing is that the special nature of her martial spirit and her keen senses can be of great help to her research.

But the problem is that the identity of the other party is extraordinary.

Moreover, after finishing this Soul Master Competition, he will go to Wuhun Palace. There is no way that Feng Qingyu will join Wuhun Palace with him, right?

Even if she had this idea, Kamikaze Academy would not allow it.

"you are not willing?"

Seeing his hesitation, Feng Qingyu also frowned.

"Yes, I can tell at a glance that you are a very independent person, and you are definitely not willing to bring a drag bottle. Now I have a certain use value for you, but it's hard to say how long this value will last."

"You don't have to be so direct, right?" Su Cheng sighed after hearing this.

He wasn't angry, but the other party's straightforward style suited him very well.

Feng Qingyu was weaker than him in all aspects and would not pose any threat. It would be easier to communicate in this way.

"Am I wrong?"

"I don't think you're a drag..." Su Cheng said thoughtfully.

"But after I finish this competition, I will definitely not continue to go to school in Tiandou Royal Academy. It doesn't make sense for you to follow me. Can Kamikaze Academy allow you to run around?"

In fact, if you have the opportunity, it might not be a bad idea to teach Feng Qingyu.

In addition to the child's unique talent and intelligence, the opponent's martial spirit is also of extraordinary value.

There are only a few soul masters with original martial souls, and he has never seen anyone with full innate soul power.

"Not allowed."


"But I can find an opportunity to sneak out on my own. Well, but you have to help me. As a weak auxiliary soul master like me, I don't want to seek death outside."


"Are you unwilling? The way you look at me, it's obvious that you think I'm very valuable. It's just a small Kamikaze Academy. It's not difficult for me to cooperate with you."

"Hiss... aren't you afraid that I'll trick you? And why do you think I can protect you? We've never met before, right?"

Su Cheng was a little stunned when he saw the other party just minding his own plans.

"Intuition. My feeling is very accurate. Most people can't fool me."

"You're really good. Let me think about it."

"Okay, then you'd better think it over early. The competition time is not long in total, I will follow you to win the championship first."

Of course Feng Qingyu didn't say these words casually.

Her martial spirit is special, and her senses are indeed extremely sharp.

In her opinion, Su Cheng's strength might not be as good as her Contra-level grandfather, but his strength wouldn't be much weaker, at least comparable to that of a Soul Saint.

But how old is Su Cheng now?

In her opinion, this was the perfect time to hug her thighs.

Moreover, Su Cheng has an extremely natural aura about him, which is very special.

She had an extremely clear intuition that as long as she could spend some time with Su Cheng, even if she couldn't learn anything, it would be of great help to her future growth.

"Who else are you planning to recruit? By the way, the Wuhundian team is really that strong, and you alone are not enough?" Feng Qingyu asked thoughtfully when talking about the competition.

"Very strong." Su Cheng breathed a long sigh of relief, Qian Renxue's figure flashed in his mind.

"It's okay to play one-on-one, but I may not be able to do it one against seven. As for who to recruit, I have to wait until I finish the next few games."

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