A few days later, Su Cheng stood on the stage again.

Although he played against the Divine Wind Academy team and did not participate in the next few games, with the assistance of Ning Rongrong, the Tiandou Royal Academy second team performed very well and did not lose a game during the period. .

In fact, this is also normal.

Not all academy teams have soul sect level combat capabilities.

Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda's auxiliary ability is very strong. With the blessing of her auxiliary skills, the other team members also have a strength close to that of the Soul Sect.

As long as they don't face the extremely powerful Elemental Academy, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy can never be called weak.

But today, they have to face the Tianshui Academy team.

On the ring, the seven girls standing opposite were all wearing blue team uniforms. The leader had long aqua-blue shawl hair, delicate facial features, fair skin, and a hazy beauty like a deep pool.

"Tian Dou Royal Academy team, Su Cheng, level 54 assault type battle soul master."

"Tianshui Academy team, Shui Bing'er, a level 43 control-type battle soul master."

"Both sides are ready to release your martial spirits."

Following the referee's order, both sides formed their formations and their martial spirits were released at the same time.

Tianshui Academy is quite powerful and also has three Soul Sects.

Three attack-type battle soul masters stood at the front.

Shui Bing'er was in the middle, with two agility-attack type soul masters on either side of her.

At the end of the team stood a girl with long black hair and a pale face, who should be the opponent's auxiliary soul master.

In addition to the captain Shui Bing'er, there is also an offensive soul master and the last auxiliary soul master who are also trained in the soul sect.

Su Cheng's side was pretty much the same as before. Su Cheng still moved forward alone, while the others retreated to the edge of the ring.

Seeing this familiar scene, Shui Bing'er's expression did not change much.

Obviously, this has been Su Cheng's usual practice, and other teams are also used to it.

Or it can't be helped if he's not used to it, because he wins every time.

Su Cheng had already seen the martial arts of several other people when watching the battle before, and he already knew it.

Only Shui Bing'er, her whole body was covered in a brilliant hazy blue light, floating behind her, emitting powerful energy fluctuations.

Of course, the true nature of this mysterious martial spirit cannot be hidden from Su Cheng's eyes. It is an ice phoenix.

But now after observing it closely, I feel that the feeling is not much different from watching the battle before, and it doesn't seem to be anything special.

As soon as the referee gave the order, the game started quickly.

The other players in the Tiandou Royal Academy team jumped off the ring, leaving only Su Cheng.

The five elements realm unfolds.

The third soul ring lights up.

The longevity sword in his hand was divided into seven sword shadows again.

Five of them intercepted the main attacking soul masters respectively, and the remaining two protected them.

Only the control soul master Shui Bing'er and the auxiliary soul master standing at the back of the team were left unattacked by the sword.

At this time, Shui Bing'er's first soul ring had also lit up.

Ice blue light flashed, the first soul skill: freezing.

Although this instant strong control skill is only the first soul ring skill, although the effect is simple and direct, it is quite powerful. The control effect is excellent and it can be cast instantly, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Tianshui Academy's previous winning streak was almost entirely dependent on Shui Bing'er's strong field control ability.

However, this skill obviously has no effect on Su Cheng.

He didn't even move, and the two sword blades beside him didn't react at all, but a sword energy barrier spontaneously appeared around his body.

Then the sword energy froze and shattered, turning into ice mist and disintegrating, but he himself was unscathed.

Shui Bing'er was stunned for a moment when she saw this change, obviously she didn't expect this situation to happen.

His expression became more solemn, and the second soul ring on his body then lit up.

Five ice rings were released, covering the bodies of three power attack system soul masters and two agility attack system soul masters from Tianshui College.

The five soul masters shrouded in ice rings suddenly had a layer of crystal blue armor outside their bodies. With the three attack-type soul masters exerting their strength at the same time, the few people who had been suppressed by the swords finally got some breathing space.

Su Cheng thought for a while and decided not to increase the power of the sword style for the time being, preparing to see what follow-up methods the other party had.

"Xuewu, start."

As Shui Bing'er spoke, she quickly applied a second soul ring skill to herself, and suddenly she had an extra layer of frost armor on her body.

At the same time, the attack-type female soul master who rushed from the side of Su Cheng raised her arms, and her body glowed with blue light.

The first soul ring lit up, and a few scales on her face immediately spread to her body. Then the second soul ring also lit up, and a huge blue light rose from her chest and crashed into the long sword that was intercepting her.

Su Cheng glanced at it and stopped looking at it carefully.

Although it is a blessing skill, it is simple and direct, with little gold content.

At this time, his attention was more focused on the auxiliary soul master at the back of the Tianshui Academy team.

The black-haired girl named Xue Wu was dancing on the spot.

Her black hair fluttered and she danced gracefully. The four soul rings on her body alternately shone, and circles of blue halo spread as she danced.

Then, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky directly above the arena, completely covering the entire arena.

Immediately afterwards, huge raindrops began to fall from the sky, and soon turned into a large curtain of water.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "It's interesting."

Not only are the soul skills interesting, the opponent's martial soul is also very unique.

When the other people saw the soul master starting to use his soul skills, they no longer continued to think of ways to break through the blade blockade and launch attacks.

Instead, he stood in a stalemate with the sword in front of him, and at the same time looked at Su Cheng alertly, in case he suddenly attacked or interrupted his teammates' spellcasting.

But Su Cheng obviously had no such intention.

He just stood there, waiting for the other party's next move.

Then, Shui Bing'er also moved, quickly retreating and approaching the dancing auxiliary soul master.

Upon seeing this, several other people quickly gathered together and stood in front of the two of them.

"It's a martial soul fusion skill!"

At this time, many people in the audience noticed the movements of Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, and turned their attention to the arena.

This is the first time in this competition that a true martial soul fusion skill has appeared.

The blue hair and black hair instantly merged into one, turning into a dazzling blue-white light beam that rushed into the dark clouds floating in the sky.

The bodies of Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu disappeared at the same time. The next moment, the icy rain in the sky changed and turned into snow flakes dancing in the air.

Each snowflake is as sharp as a sharp blade, floating down in the rotation.

As it fell, it turned into a huge whirlpool of ice and snow, sweeping towards Su Cheng.

At the VIP table.

Emperor Xue Ye looked a little worried. He turned to look at Ning Fengzhi and whispered: "Sect Master Ning, Tianshui Academy actually has martial soul fusion skills, and it looks extremely powerful."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, they can't defeat Su Cheng."

Ning Fengzhi looked calm and unworried.

Directions to Shrek Academy.

Tang San watched the ongoing battle on the ring intently, feeling very complicated.

Just yesterday, Yu Xiaogang had brought back good news. Next, he could start trying to practice the Clear Sky Hammer.

Now Tang San was only a short distance away from the Soul Sect. After he transferred to the Clear Sky Hammer at level 40, he could try to attach a soul ring to it, and even try a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

He firmly believed that by that time, with the power of the world's best martial arts spirit, this competition would no longer be a stage for Su Cheng alone.

Dai Mubai looked in the direction of the Tianshui Academy team with a look of reluctance.

Obviously, like Shui Bing'er, he can have the opportunity to use martial soul fusion skills and show the world the powerful Nether White Tiger.

But until now, Zhu Zhuqing had never tried this soul skill with him.

Moreover, as Zhu Zhuqing became stronger and stronger, and he himself had not made any progress over the years, the teachers at the academy did not support the two of them trying martial soul fusion skills, fearing that it would slow down Zhu Zhuqing's progress.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Zhu Zhuqing not far away from the corner of his eye and stopped talking.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were blank, as if he was looking at the falling snow in the sky, and at the same time looking at the two fused martial spirits.

It seemed like he wasn't looking at anyone, just immersed in his own world.

Kamikaze Academy Team.

Feng Xiaotian glanced at the girl next to him, "Shui Bing'er and the others finally used this move. Qingyu, do you think Su Cheng can take it?"

Feng Qingyu rolled her eyes when she heard this, "Nonsense."

Feng Xiaotian was stunned, "Is it possible or impossible to talk nonsense?"


On the stage.

"If you can take this trick, we will admit defeat."

Shui Bing'er's words came from afar.

This martial soul fusion skill of hers was used for the first time since the start of the game. This is their hidden skill.

It was not used against opponents from the Five Elements Academy, but it was used against Su Cheng.

They didn't want to lose to Su Cheng alone.

Accompanied by the huge snow tornado, the heart-wrenching sound of cutting and rubbing echoed in Su Cheng's ears.

Then, the loud cry of the phoenix sounded from the blue light pillar rising into the sky.

The snowflakes that originally showed a tornado-shaped cutting attack in mid-air scattered in all directions, and then condensed into a new form.

A huge ice phoenix with a body length of more than seven meters appeared out of thin air.

This ice phoenix is ​​extremely clear, like a living thing. Its eyes are bright and its tail is long and beautiful.

The blue divine bird descended from the sky without a trace of fireworks, dragging an icy blue glare down.

Its movements are not fast, but with every step forward, the falling snowflakes from the sky will make its body become more solid.

"This is……"

Looking at the gorgeous ice phoenix in front of him, Su Cheng was stunned.

The power of this attack is very strong. Just the energy fluctuations that leak out have already reached the Soul King level, and the frontal pressure is definitely higher than that of the Soul Emperor.

But at this time, he was indeed distracted.

In the previous competition, Shui Bing'er had never fully used her martial soul, let alone this martial soul fusion technique.

Su Cheng had previously known that there were some mysterious and top-level martial arts in this world, and he also knew that Shui Bing'er's martial spirit was the Ice Phoenix.

But never cared.

Although the name is Phoenix, it is just a kind of martial spirit at best.

Perhaps it is some kind of bird with a gorgeous appearance, so it has a nice name, just like Ma Hongjun's grass chicken martial spirit.

But at this moment, he realized that he was wrong.

Although the ice phoenix in front of me was so cold that it almost froze the surrounding air.

But he discovered a trace of immortal vitality in the core origin of this ice phoenix.

Although this core level is high, it is extremely weak.

Even if it is placed on the martial spirit Shui Bing'er, it will not have any practical effect.

It is like a little gold dust dotted on a hundred meters of earthen city wall. Although it is of extraordinary value, it is meaningless to this city wall.

If it weren't for the blessing of Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skills, Su Cheng himself would have studied martial arts deeply and practiced the Nirvana Sutra.

He probably wouldn't even notice it.

Not even with the help of shallow real vision.


Su Cheng's eyes released scorching golden light, and golden threads flashed in the vertical lines between his eyebrows.

But there was no movement in his hands, not even the long sword hanging by his side.

The ice phoenix gliding down in the air stopped for a moment, and Shui Bing'er's somewhat angry voice came out from the blue light.

"What are you still doing? Release your soul skills! I can't control it anymore."

This martial soul fusion technique was extremely taxing for her, and the energy condensed in the ice phoenix was completely beyond her control.

Su Cheng turned a deaf ear and stared at the huge divine bird.

The next moment, the uncontrollable ice phoenix fell from the sky, and huge energy poured down.


In an instant, a rushing cold current swept through him.

In Shui Bing'er's anxious and frightened eyes, Su Cheng closed his eyes at this time and was submerged in this extremely powerful attack.

This can be said to be the most devastating scene since the beginning of the qualifiers, and also the most terrifying scene.

Under the extremely powerful energy fluctuations, there was Su Cheng's defenseless figure.

There was a gasp in the audience.

"Quick! Go and save people!"

Shui Bing'er gasped and shouted loudly.

She was very aware of the power of the attack just now.

That was a Soul Emperor level attack!

No matter how strong Su Cheng was, his life would definitely be in danger if he took the attack without any defense.

She did say before that they would admit defeat after receiving this blow, but she didn't let Su Cheng use his skills with bare hands and no resistance.

Even Ning Fengzhi, who had looked calm just now at the VIP table, became a little anxious now.

He didn't understand why Su Cheng didn't hide?

Even if you don't block that attack, it's not difficult to hide.

Su Cheng possesses the realm of soul saint.

Tianshui Academy's martial soul fusion technique couldn't lock onto him at all!

"Brother!" Ning Rongrong, who was watching the battle from the side, was shocked and ran forward quickly.

But there was a figure who was one step faster than her.

The green shadows passed by like the Sunda wind.

With the black hair flying, the originally cold and unusual face was now filled with anxiety.

It's the Soul Sect from the Shrek Academy team.

Feng Xiaotian and Feng Qingyu stood not far away, both looking a little confused.

The three schools of Wind, Fire, and Water in the Five Elements Academy are on good terms with each other, and they have some understanding of Shui Bing'er's martial soul fusion skill. Normally, with Su Cheng's strength, he shouldn't be unable to take it on.

Feng Qingyu thought even deeper.

The expression she saw on Su Cheng just now seemed to imply expectation, as if he was deliberately receiving the attack.

But why?

Is there anything special about that ice phoenix?

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