A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

Su Cheng ended his short training in the Eyes of Ice and Fire and went to the place where the promotion competition was held, the Royal Paddock of the Tiandou Empire.

The promotion round of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was not as lively as the preliminaries.

In order to protect the privacy and safety of soul masters, no spectators are allowed to watch the promotion competition.

In the Tiandou Empire, a total of fifteen teams, including the five teams that qualified from the Tiandou City qualifier division, had completed the registration process in the morning and gathered together at the promotion venue.

There are fewer teams, but those who can pass the qualifiers are undoubtedly the best of the best.

The ten teams from the five kingdoms and principalities that passed the qualifiers came earlier to familiarize themselves with the environment.

The Royal Hunting Ground is located fifty kilometers southwest of Tiandou City. The terrain inside the ground is varied and the area is vast. It is a place where royal personnel usually hunt and train.

No civilians are allowed to approach here on weekdays. Ten thousand people from the Royal Knights are responsible for patrolling, guarding, and training here.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and conflicts, and to prevent the strength of each college entering the promotion competition from being observed by other colleges, all fifteen senior soul master college teams entering the promotion competition were arranged to rest in different places.

Su Cheng, led by the soldiers, quickly arrived at the rest area belonging to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Before the promotion competition ends, the members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team will live here.

This stage of the competition is also a round-robin system. But because the number of teams has been reduced a lot, the competition time has also been reduced from one month to half a month.

After that, they will rest for half a month, and then the finals will be held in Wuhun City, at the junction of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

Not long after Su Cheng entered the rest area, his cheap apprentice Feng Qingyu got the news from nowhere and ran over directly.

Also coming with him was Feng Xiaotian, the captain of the Kamikaze Academy team.

"I've met the teacher!"

As soon as they met, Feng Qingyu bowed seriously to Su Cheng.

Feng Xiaotian looked at her in surprise, then turned to look at Su Cheng.

Su Cheng was speechless for a moment, "You don't have to do this."

"Once a teacher, always a father, I will respect you as a father from now on."

"..." Su Cheng was too lazy to pay attention to her and looked at Feng Xiaotian who was standing aside.

"Brother Feng came to see me for what reason?"

The promotion round was about to begin, and unlike Feng Qingyu, he didn't have to play, nor was he like Su Cheng, who didn't care about anything.

On the contrary, as captain, his affairs are actually quite busy.

Even if you have decided to join the Tiandou Royal Team in the finals, there is no reason to come here now.

"It's like this. Brother Su's previous invitation has been accepted with all his heart, but in the finals our team is going to team up with Blazing Academy to compete. Even if we fail to win the championship, we will have no regrets."


Feng Qingyu next to him rolled his eyes slightly and gave Su Cheng a "you understand" expression.

Seeing this, Su Cheng sighed and asked, "Is it because of classmate Huo Wu from Blazing Fire Academy?"

"It's partly her fault, I hope you can understand." Feng Xiaotian said calmly.

Su Cheng glanced at the other party and originally wanted to say something.

But in the end, he just waved his hands and said: "Everyone has his own ambitions, so there is no need to force it. Then I wish Brother Feng can bring this beauty home as soon as possible."

There is no point in saying a lot of things. He and Feng Xiaotian are not close to each other, so he doesn't have the position to comment.

Feng Xiaotian himself seemed to enjoy it, especially the last blessing, which made him feel very happy. He came here just to say hello.

Seeing that Su Cheng didn't care, he was relieved and said with a smile: "I also wish Brother Su success in winning the championship. Qingyu will ask you to take care of it on my behalf."

"no problem."

The next day, the game officially started.

The promotion round does not have multiple arenas taking place at the same time like the qualifiers. Instead, there is only one competition venue, which is the Grand Campus of the Royal Knights.

A total of fifteen teams participating in the promotion round will compete in fourteen rounds of round-robin matches, all at the same venue.

The campus field has been renovated, and an area with a diameter of 100 meters is drawn in the center as the competition field. Compared with the qualifier arena, the space here is wider and it is easier for the players to show their own strength.

On the north side of the university grounds, facing south, a temporary VIP seat was built, which is also the referee's seat. This time there were not as many VIPs coming to watch the game as last time.

Looking around, except for Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, Platinum Bishop Salas and others in the first row, the seats in the back were filled with people dressed as military generals and some from the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City. High-rise.

After all, team battles are quite chaotic, and many things are difficult to see clearly. But the promotion competition is different. Every student will show his personal strength in front of everyone. This is also the best time to evaluate the strength of a soul master.

Outside the campus, a total of 10,000 royal knights surrounded the entire campus, and the defense was extremely tight.

Between the large circle formed by the knights and the competition venue, fifteen participating teams have arrived, even the teams that received a bye today. Even if they don't have to compete, they still have to clearly see the strength of their opponents.

The rules of the competition are simple.

Each team sends seven players to participate, and each player must fight until he is defeated. If the winner wins, he will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

The drawing of lots was completed last night, and by a very coincidental coincidence, Tiandou Royal Academy's first opponent was Shrek Academy.

Emperor Xue Ye stood up from the VIP seat and said loudly through the soul guide: "The promotion competition officially begins today. In the next fourteen days, I hope that the teams of each academy will give full play to their own strength and demonstrate the soul master's ability. Some style.”

As soon as he finished speaking, shouts like a landslide and tsunami sounded in unison, "Long live, long live, long live."

Afterwards, the seven players from the Tiandou Royal Academy team and the Shrek Academy team stepped forward.

Su Cheng glanced at the other side.

Zhu Zhuqing still had the same look of ignoring him, but Tang San, on the other hand, looked over at him tit for tat.

"Is this the beginning of using the Clear Sky Hammer? He looks very confident."

With a little awareness, he noticed the changes in the other party's aura in just one month, and he suddenly felt enlightened.

"But this is not necessarily a bad thing for him. The Blue Silver Emperor has no hope of awakening. It is better to just practice the Clear Sky Hammer."

Tang San was indeed very confident at this time.

His current level has impressively reached level 47.

The increase in soul power brought about by absorbing soul rings is too obvious.

Especially when the level was still low, absorbing soul rings within the limit years was enough to increase one level of soul power, not to mention that Tang San absorbed more than just the limit years.

A thousand-year soul ring on the Blue Silver Grass, coupled with the four thousand-year soul rings of the Clear Sky Hammer, had helped him reach more than seven levels, and he was not far from the forty-eighth level now.

He is now finally the strongest in his academy team.

At least Tang San himself thought so.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was at the same level as him, there were differences between the Soul Sects.

He looked at Su Cheng, who was in the Tiandou Royal Academy team, with a solemn expression.

Although the two are still a little different in level now.

But he possesses a total of eight soul rings, and there are four thousand-year soul rings attached to the Clear Sky Hammer.

Although due to the body's endurance, these soul rings are only in their early ten thousand years.

But compared to Su Cheng's two ten-thousand-year soul rings, they are already capable of fighting.

The first person from Shrek Academy to play was Xiao Wu, and he defeated two students from Tiandou Royal Academy in a row.

Su Cheng, who was watching the battle, was not surprised by this.

Xiao Wu's strength is far beyond her level.

After understanding the method of condensing soul rings, Su Cheng already understood that these transformed soul beasts transformed their own blood into martial souls, resulting in extremely pure blood and martial souls, which can be called "source martial souls".

Therefore, when self-generating soul rings, almost all of them will have the best soul skills that can perfectly meet their own needs, and the life of the soul ring will also be optimal according to their own physique.

In this case, the combat effectiveness of the transformed soul beast among the same level is naturally among the top.

Unless it encounters attribute restraint or combat style restraint, it is basically invincible at the same level.

The third player from the Tiandou Royal Academy team is named Wang Yu.

He is the control soul master in the team, and his soul power cultivation level is the same as Xiao Wu's, reaching level thirty-eight.

If you don't count the auxiliary soul master Ning Rongrong, his strength in the second team can be said to be second only to Su Cheng.

As the light flashed, tentacles appeared behind Wang Yu - his martial spirit was an octopus.

As the referee announced the start of the game, Wang Yu stretched his hands forward, and the third soul ring on his body suddenly lit up.

The eight tentacles on the back grew and extended rapidly, and then surrounded Xiao Wu with claws and teeth.

Looking at these long soft beards in front of her, Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel nauseous.

She immediately focused her gaze on her opponent.

But Wang Yu closed his eyes at this moment, obviously not wanting to be interrupted by Xiao Wu's charm skill.

In the previous two games, Xiao Wu's combat methods as an offensive soul master have been fully revealed, and the effects of the three soul skills are no longer a secret.

Although he closed his eyes, it did not affect Wang Yu's fighting at all.

As a control soul master, he possesses a second soul skill that specifically enhances perception.

The little water stains on the ground were giving him feedback on the surrounding situation all the time.

Even if you don't rely on vision, you can still understand the situation well, and it is even sharper and easier to use than your eyes.

Xiao Wu moved her feet lightly and walked around the outer circle of the venue quietly.

Wang Yu kept approaching her.

The eight tentacles on the body further expanded, and even split again at the end of the tentacles, covering them densely.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu frowned slightly.

These tentacles are really unpleasant to the senses.

Especially after Wang Yu used the first soul skill to split, it was like a kind of mental pollution.

She started running faster, stalling for time.

The purpose is very simple, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults. Wang Yu needs to consume a lot of soul power to maintain three soul skills at the same time.

However, Wang Yu obviously does not intend to continue this confrontation.

After pressing to a certain distance, he suddenly stopped and raised his arms.

Following his movements, the water stains on the ground suddenly flew into the air.

This change was obviously beyond Xiao Wu's expectation.

From the beginning of the game until now, a lot of water stains have accumulated silently on the ground.

This is no ordinary water, it contains special mucus from Wang Yu's martial soul, which can be easily controlled by him.

The next moment, Xiao Wu's body was immediately stained with a lot of water stains, and her movements suddenly became slower than before.

At the same time, the split tentacles accelerated to surround him.

Tang San, who was watching the battle in the audience, looked a little anxious.

According to the original plan, if Xiao Wu persisted until this point, she should have given up.

The opponent's soul skills have all been used, and her tactical effect has been fully realized long ago, not to mention that she has very little soul power left.

But Xiao Wu had no intention of giving up.

Bouncing and teleporting, Xiao Wu finally used her speed to the fullest, hoping to get out of trouble.

In her calculations, she was able to get out of the opponent's attack range when those delicate tentacles chased her.

However, she soon realized something was wrong.

As the split tentacles got closer and closer to her, she clearly felt a suction force pulling her body, and she couldn't completely escape even if she used teleportation.

At this time, Tang San outside the competition venue had already stood up, clenching his hands into fists.

The current situation on the field is obviously beyond his ability to judge.

After all, Xiao Wu has already participated in two games. At this time, there is not much soul power left in her body, and she cannot teleport continuously.

When those fine tentacles exerted suction on her body, not only was her body sluggish for a moment, but the main body of the eight tentacles also struck quickly.

This is the real killer move!

The timing of the activation was also just right, it was the only path Xiao Wu's body had to take to move forward. It was the moment when she had just completed a teleportation and her back force could no longer be continued.

The control soul master's ability to grasp the battle situation is indeed not comparable to that of the attack soul master.

It can be seen from the situation in front of him that Wang Yu has quite a lot of experience and has an excellent grasp of the situation.

There was a flash of white light, and Xiao Wu's strangely leaping figure suddenly stopped.

The attacks of the three tentacles failed, two struck her body, and the remaining three bound her tightly.

Sea-blue waves surged and the tentacles tightened. Xiao Wu's face was suddenly filled with pain, and her pretty face turned pale.

"We admit defeat." Yu Xiaogang's voice sounded in time.

After hearing this, Wang Yu withdrew his soul skill. Ocean blue light pours down and blends into the ground.

The moment Xiao Wu was about to fall to the ground, Tang San quickly rushed to her side and hugged her body.

Xiao Wu's body was trembling slightly due to the low temperature, and there were a few tiny red whip marks on her body, which were the third soul skill attack that she had not completely dodged.

Seeing her eyes closed and her breath weak, Tang San felt indescribably distressed.

Looking up at his opponent, Wang Yu's face turned a little pale because he had used multiple soul skills.

A cold light flashed in Tang San's eyes.

He was not ready to wait for a battle with Su Cheng.

He will appear next to avenge Xiao Wu.

Picking up Xiao Wu and handing her into Jiang Zhu's arms behind him, Tang San stood up and walked slowly into the competition arena.

He didn't walk very fast, but he was steady and powerful, and he stared at Wang Yu with a gloomy expression.

Looking at Tang San, who was walking towards him slowly with no expression on his face. For some reason, Wang Yu suddenly felt a little depressed.

But even though he was consuming a lot of soul power at this time, he was not ready to give up just like that.

Wang Yu knew that he was not strong enough and would most likely not be able to play in the finals.

The promotion round is his last chance to perform, and every battle is precious.

Being able to reach this point, Wang Yu is actually very satisfied and grateful.

His talent is not particularly outstanding, and his martial spirit is not powerful.

As a control soul master, he was far inferior to Dugu Yan, so he naturally had no chance of being selected for the first team.

He also watched the battle between Su Cheng and several other powerful element academies.

He knew very well that without the presence of Su Cheng, with the strength of their second team, they would never be able to defeat those elemental academies. They could not even defeat the Shrek Academy in front of them, and would not have the opportunity to participate in the promotion competition.

Now he has less than half of his soul power left.

It was enough to cause some damage to Tang San.

Although no matter what happened in the meantime, Su Cheng would always have the bottom line in the team, but he didn't want to appear too useless.

"Game start."

The competition format of the promotion round is determined, and the players on the field cannot have time to rest. As Tang San entered, the game started immediately.

A small black hammer instantly appeared in Tang San's hand.

Then the dark first soul ring and second soul ring lit up one after another, and the small hammer suddenly became extremely huge.

As the handle of the hammer swung, the hammer head came with a huge roar of wind, easily shattering the defense line Wang Yu had built with the tentacles of his third soul skill.

Then, the Clear Sky Hammer hit Wang Yu's right shoulder mercilessly.


The next moment, his body flew out of the field like a piece of rag.

Before falling into coma, Wang Yu, who was vomiting blood, could clearly hear the sound of his own bones breaking.


Under the action of inertia, the Clear Sky Hammer continued its momentum and landed on the ground beside Tang San.

A huge hole instantly appeared on the hard ground, and with a "clicking" sound, fine cracks spread to all sides.

Thousands of dollars per day today.

ps, it’s not Tang San’s fault, this is the situation when playing against Thunder Academy, it’s a classic scene. Xiao Wu defeated two people and lost the fight with the third person. Tang San was not on the list and directly called Dai Mubai to ask him to avenge Xiao Wu. He was directly disabled by the opponent. Chapter 115 of the original work.

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