Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 150 Go home and drink milk (two-in-one)

At the judging table, the eyes of Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi froze, as did the eyes of Platinum Bishop Salas.

It can be said that all soul masters who are above level 60 and over fifty years old are extremely shocked at this time.

These people know very well what that little black hammer represents.

That is the martial spirit that has created countless glorious histories in the entire soul master world, the existence at the top of the pyramid among weapon martial spirits.

It represents a sect, represents countless strong men, and represents the most tyrannical power and attack in martial arts.

That is, the Clear Sky Hammer.

In addition to the Clear Sky Hammer, the four pitch-black spirit rings at Tang San's feet were also extremely dazzling, arousing everyone's nerves.

Twin martial souls!

The second martial spirit among all ten-thousand-year soul rings!

Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other silently, their eyes a little solemn.

Of course they knew how powerful the Clear Sky Hammer was, and they had heard too many legends about the Clear Sky Sect.

How terrifying would it be if this extremely powerful martial spirit, the best in the world, was coupled with the talent of twin martial spirits? !

Salas quickly came to his senses.

His eyes were lowered to cover up the glint in his eyes, and he glanced at Su Cheng in the direction of Tiandou Royal Academy.

As the Platinum Bishop who holds a high position in the Spirit Hall, his knowledge is much higher than that of Emperor Xue Ye and the others.

The Clear Sky Hammer is indeed powerful, and it is an existence that stands at the top of the pyramid of weapon souls.

The twin martial arts talents are also very good.

Unfortunately, switching to another major early is equivalent to wasting at least half of the potential.

What's more...

That Su Cheng is a monster!

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't understand, and Ning Fengzhi had only a half-understanding. That was because they lacked strength and knowledge.

If you were here with your earthly mind, you would be able to tell the difference at a glance.

Salas has seen too many geniuses.

What are twin martial souls?

That Su Cheng is a figure that even the Pope must be wary of, and it is related to the overt and covert struggle at the core of power in Wuhun City.

However, he only knew a little bit about these high-level struggles, and he was determined to sit on the sidelines.

To be able to sit in the position of the Platinum Bishop, he is not a fool.

The current situation in Wuhun City is definitely not one that he, a mere Contra, can get involved in.

On the playing field.

After knocking his opponent away, Tang San turned around and walked towards the position where he started the game, as if he had never done anything.

He looked plain, but the accompanying teachers and team members from Tiandou Royal Academy quit.

Wang Yu's injuries were extremely serious, and half of his body was stained red with blood.

The man is still in a coma, and his right arm is drooping softly. Starting from the shoulder, his ribs and arms have broken marks of varying severity.

The teachers of Tiandou Royal Academy protested to the competition organizing committee almost immediately.

The referee also quickly ran to Tang San to question him.

The explanation given by Tang San was very simple.

Although he launched an attack that quickly shattered the opponent's defense and quickly gained the advantage, his opponent did not admit defeat.

He didn't kill his opponent, he just knocked him out of the field. This is not a violation of the rules of the game.

And that's exactly what happened.

No matter what, Tang San had no intention of killing his opponent, and the Tiandou Royal Academy did not admit defeat at that time.

Tang San still stood proudly in the center of the field, looking back at Xiao Wu whose expression calmed down but was still extremely pale.

He said silently in his heart: "Xiao Wu, anyone who hurts you will definitely pay the price."

Then he stared at the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

A strong sense of power surged in my heart.


This powerful force finally began to emerge.

He has had enough of the powerlessness brought about by the Blue Silver Grass Spirit...

Tiandou Royal Academy team.

Su Cheng looked away from Tang San's face and looked at Ning Rongrong, who was walking back to the team with an angry face, "What's the result?"

"There is no way, the other party is not violating the rules."

Su Cheng nodded slightly, which was expected.

Immediately asked: "Where is Wang Yu, how is it?"

"The treating teacher said that he will need to rest for at least half a month to get better. I don't know how long it will take to recover."

Ning Rongrong looked extremely angry.

The other party's attack was too ruthless, and it was all aimed at crippling him. It was only because the attack location was not a vital point that it did not harm his life.

Wang Yu used his soul skills normally during the battle without any bad intentions.

She really couldn't understand why the other party did it so cruelly.

"Well, I understand, it didn't hurt the foundation, right?"

"No, but I'm afraid I won't be able to fight for a long time. I will definitely not be able to continue participating in the subsequent promotion matches, and maybe I won't be able to play in the finals."

"Okay, when Wang Yu wakes up, tell him that he has done a good job. Give him all the gold soul coins from my bonus and let him buy some medicine to take good care of himself." Su Cheng said calmly.

"I'll play next and let that guy rest for half a month."

Hearing this, all the team members, including Ning Rongrong, suddenly became excited.

They don't know what the Clear Sky Hammer is.

The other party's four thousand-year soul rings looked really intimidating.

But so what?

In the eyes of these people, Su Cheng is invincible.

This matter can be regarded as a coincidence.

Because it was the first battle, Su Cheng came over to watch the excitement before adding his name to the submitted list.

Otherwise, it may not be possible to get this place back.

There are no punches or kicks in the ring, and serious and minor injuries are normal.

For Tang San to play like this, there is no problem from a logical point of view. As long as no one is killed, no one can say anything.

But if you are in the first year of junior high school, then I will be in the fifteenth year, focusing on fairness and justice.

Seeing Su Cheng come on stage, Tang San looked at him with a serious expression.

very good.

Is Bluesilver Grass the useless martial spirit in your mouth? So what does the Clear Sky Hammer say?

After today, do you still dare to underestimate me?

Everyone in Shrek Academy who was watching the battle from behind was also looking at the center of the field attentively.

They knew that the person in front of them was their biggest opponent in the next promotion match. It can even be said that this competition is the strongest obstacle besides the Wuhundian team.

The previous conversation with Bibi Dong in the Pope's Palace flashed through Yu Xiaogang's mind.

Indeed, Su Cheng's soul ring configuration is quite unexpected.

But what if the world-dominating Clear Sky Hammer was coupled with four ten-thousand-year soul rings?

The powerful talents of twin martial souls are always beyond the reach of other soul masters.

Dai Mubai looked excited and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, who was watching his nose and heart.

"Zhuqing, with Xiaosan's current strength, he should be able to defeat Su Cheng from Tiandou Royal Academy, right?"

"Maybe." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

He said this, but he was secretly laughing in his heart.

Just rely on Tang San?

He can't even defeat himself, but he still wants to defeat that bastard Su Cheng?

Don't be embarrassed by that guy's one move.

But that gangster is really hateful.

I don’t know what I have been busy with for so many days.

I was disturbed by him, but he seemed to be a fine person.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing's face couldn't help but become a little gloomier.

"Game start."

As the referee's voice sounded, Su Cheng didn't waste time.

The first soul ring under his feet immediately lit up, and the longevity sword in his hand more than doubled in an instant.

Everyone watching the battle was shocked.

This is the first time since the competition that Su Cheng has used a soul skill other than the third soul ring.

Although it is only the first soul skill with the lowest soul ring level.

But they don't know that Su Cheng's five soul rings now have the same age, ten thousand years.

When it comes to strength, the bonus of the first soul ring is actually the greatest.

Tang San didn't dare to neglect when he saw this, the first, second, and fourth spirit rings lighted up at the same time.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer was held in both hands, and the body of the hammer shone with a deep light.

However, the next moment, Su Cheng slashed with the giant sword in an instant. At this time, the soul power in Tang San's body had just begun to circulate.

The method of stopping pulse and resuming qi.

This is the first time Su Cheng has used this technique in a game.

Tang San, who was already slower than him, had no time to react, and in a hurry he could only rely on instinct to sweep the Clear Sky Hammer upwards.

"Sword Two, cut!"

This sword was completely different from the slashes he usually used casually.

This is one of the three basic sword moves that Su Cheng once practiced day and night.

In addition to integrating sword intent and body instinct, it also has extremely strong locking ability.

Unless it is someone whose mental power is much higher than his, it must be connected forcefully, and there is no possibility of escape.

And if attribute restraint and artistic conception suppression are not considered, in terms of power alone, this sword is actually the most powerful among all his sword moves.

Because of purity.


With a loud noise, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand was directly knocked away.

This is not over yet.

The Immortality Sword in Su Cheng's hand remained unabated, and its power was not weakened at all by the previous obstruction of the Clear Sky Hammer like a mantis' arm acting like a chariot.

The speed of the sword was too fast, and the sword edge was about to cut Tang San in half.

No one expected that after Tang San used three soul skills, the first head-to-head confrontation between the two sides would turn out to be such a one-sided crushing situation.

Even if Yu Xiaogang wanted to admit defeat at this time, it was too late.

Under the desperate gazes of everyone in Shrek Academy, Su Cheng flipped his wrist slightly and tilted the blade slightly.

The sword-edge slash instantly turned into a sword-spine slap.


The same scene happened again, but this time it was a different person.

Tang San, whose right shoulder was shattered, was sent flying directly.

Blood dyed the entire right half of his body red, and the sound of intensive bone shattering echoed in his ears.


Emperor Xueye and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other in surprise. Is this the level of the Clear Sky Hammer? Are those four ten thousand year soul rings decorations?

When facing Su Cheng, it was no different from other players. It all happened all at once.


The next moment, Tang San's body fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Only then did the people in Shrek Academy react and hurriedly gathered around to treat him.

Because they were too surprised, these people didn't even react before and went to pick him up, resulting in secondary injuries.

"Fair enough, I'll give you half a month's leave." Su Cheng looked calm and said casually.

"If you don't want your little girlfriend to get hurt, why do you want her to fight? Stop participating in the competition and go home to drink milk."

His voice was not loud, but it easily spread throughout the audience, causing a burst of laughter.


When Tang San heard this, he glared at Su Cheng with red eyes, but he had no energy left to say anything more.

Immediately feeling the gazes and roars of laughter from the surrounding audience, Tang San, who was tortured both physically and mentally, finally couldn't stay awake and passed out.

"Brother! What's wrong with you!"


"Is he going to be okay?"


After glancing over there, Su Cheng didn't care anymore.

He was not interested in continuing to fight for rankings, so he turned around and prepared to leave, giving up the next battle and leaving the stage to other players in the team.

He knew Tang San's situation well.

The sword strike just now was neither light nor heavy. It was enough for the opponent to lie down for more than half a month, but it would not affect the subsequent finals.

Tang San's coma at this time was indeed normal.

If it weren't for his strong mental strength and barely maintaining some consciousness, he would have fallen into a coma due to his body's self-protection when he was knocked away.

"What do you mean!"

Just as Su Cheng was about to leave, a cold voice suddenly sounded throughout the entire campus.

Then, a figure appeared at the edge of the field.

The unparalleled momentum surged and shocked the entire audience.

But the most powerful oppressive force at the core swept towards Su Cheng.

Under the turbulent momentum, the laughter in the audience suddenly fell silent, and everyone immediately fell silent.

That domineering aura made even Ning Fengzhi and Salas' pupils shrink slightly in the VIP seats.

The person who suddenly appeared on the scene was none other than Liu Erlong.

"Soul Saint?"

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked back at the furious Liu Erlong.

He chuckled and said, "What advice does Dean Liu Erlong have?"

He is really not afraid of this woman.

Su Cheng's so-called ability to challenge ordinary soul saints with the Eternal Life Sword refers to the soul saints who are in full state after the martial soul avatar is released.

It would be a joke if the opponent tried to overwhelm him just by relying on his momentum.

"If Dean Liu Erlong is not convinced, you can come in and argue with me."

Su Cheng held the sword in one hand, and the Five Elements Domain spread. The towering sword shadow rose from behind, confronting the aura exuding from Liu Erlong's body.

For a time, a confrontational attitude was formed.

"What did you say?!"

Liu Erlong looked stunned, his eyes widened slightly, and he was at a loss for a while.

She had a hot temper and was so anxious that she appeared directly in the competition field without much thought.

They also tried to suppress them with a higher level of momentum.

But she didn't expect that the other party was not afraid at all, and she didn't know how to deal with this change.

As Su Cheng's aura continued to increase, Liu Erlong suddenly felt like he was being locked in, and a vague sense of crisis kept coming.

She paused and her face became serious.

"This guy……"

Liu Erlong did not dare to relax at all, and silently adjusted his posture to face the opponent directly.

This is forced.

In her senses, she felt like a sharp blade was hanging in the air, and she had to guard against it.

She seemed to have an illusion that if she chose to restrain her momentum or retreat from the scene at this time, she would be cut down by a sword the moment she fell into passivity.

When Liu Erlong concentrated his energy to face Su Cheng, the momentum that originally covered the entire field also shrank.



After a brief silence, the noise in the venue echoed again, and the laughter became even louder.

At this time, the confrontation between Liu Erlong and Su Cheng looked very strange.

In the eyes of ordinary students, she seemed to really want to teach Su Cheng a lesson, and they had no idea of ​​her embarrassment at the moment.

These participating students are all the best among their peers.

As a soul master genius, who doesn't have a temper?

You, Liu Erlong, take advantage of your age and your advanced level of cultivation, so you just go on the stage and yell at others, and you make other people feel inexplicably oppressed by your momentum. Why?

Who doesn't have a few soul saint elders behind him? How shameless?

You are allowed to strike hard, but others are not allowed to fight back, and then the teacher comes forward. It is really ridiculous.

In fact, it’s not just Tiandou Royal Academy.

Tang San's previous heavy blow made many people feel dissatisfied.

These contestants are not very old, they are still in the academy, and their daily battles between students are mainly about competition. They have not been exposed to the life and death battle in the soul master world, and they are not that violent at all.

As a result, when Tang San came on stage, one of them was crippled.

If you do this, how will others fight later?

Especially those from the elemental academy were even more disgusted with his behavior.

When they fought Su Cheng before, they were basically crushed.

But it can be clearly seen that the other party is always giving pointers, and occasionally gives some pointers, and has no intention of enmity at all.

How come you are here and you beat someone to the point of disability when someone is injured? How could it be so outrageous?


As the noisy shouts outside the stadium intensified, Liu Erlong's face turned red and his breath began to become impetuous.

Her temper was extremely hot, and she couldn't help but prepare to take action.

However, not everyone can see through the situation on the field.

Those who have reached the level of Soul Saint or above can see the mystery.

Salas' face became extremely serious, and he was shocked, "Has it reached this level..."

Seeing that Liu Erlong was starting to lose his composure, he narrowed his eyes.

"This is a game, what do you want to do?"

A deep and cold voice entered the field.

If Liu Erlong's voice was breathtaking, then this voice made people feel chills all over, and the feeling of oppression was even stronger.

At some point, Salas stood up from the VIP seat and stared at Liu Erlong in the venue with cold eyes.

Of course he knew who to help at this time.

Although Su Cheng might not need his help.

Su Cheng also chuckled when he saw this, and then slowly restrained the powerful sword intention directed at Liu Erlong.

"Erlong, come back."

Yu Xiaogang's deep voice also sounded later.

There is no point in starting a dispute at this time, they are not reasonable.

Tang San seriously injured the opponent's team member, and Su Cheng seriously injured Tang San with his backhand. No matter how you look at it, this behavior is blameless.

"...You'd better restrain yourself."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's voice, Liu Erlong glared at Su Cheng and prepared to turn around and leave.

"Oh, Soul Saint."

Su Cheng twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a sarcastic smile, "I'm so scared."

Not to mention Liu Erlong, even the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is a bunch of losers, not many of them can fight.

For someone at the level of Titled Douluo, this would be considered a bit of a deterrent.

He really doesn't understand why a soul saint can be so crazy?

Just the half-dead Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family behind her?

When Liu Erlong heard Su Cheng's slightly mocking voice, he paused slightly and clenched his fists.

But after seeing Yu Xiaogang's stiff expression and frowning eyebrows in the audience, he sighed and finally said nothing more.

He moved his legs again and returned to the preparation area of ​​Shrek Academy.

Seeing this, Su Cheng also abstained and left the stage amidst the commotion, making Zhu Zhuqing frown across from him.

After returning to the preparation area, he looked at the other team members.

"You can watch the arrangements later, and I won't steal your limelight. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Anyway, His Majesty the Emperor is watching your performance from the VIP table."

"That Xiao Wu, is the transformed soul beast you mentioned before?"

At night, A Yin's figure appeared next to Su Cheng and asked in a low voice.

Through Xiao Wu's battle during the day and Tang San's reaction after she was injured, she also guessed that this person was probably the hundred thousand year transformed soul beast that Su Cheng mentioned.

Because of the breath-absorbing potion and the fact that she had never seen the opponent's battle scene before, she could not identify who was Su Cheng's target.

"Yes, that's her."

After being promoted by the Blue Silver Grass Forest team, Ah Yin is now very strong and behaves like a real person.

In addition, she always pays attention to propriety and never causes trouble at critical moments. Su Cheng has never restricted the other party's activities.

Seeing her hesitation at this time, he couldn't help but frown, "What do you want to say?"

After a moment of silence, Ah Yin looked at Su Cheng and asked, "Aren't you already able to condense soul rings by yourself? And they are all soul rings of the highest age quality. You won't reach level 60 in a short time, so why do you still need to Kill her? For the soul bones?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

Is this a case of indignity?

Although they are of different races, they are all rare soul beasts who choose to take the form of humans.

To her, Xiao Wu's existence was probably a bit different.

No wonder she doesn't come out much recently.

Su Cheng glanced at her, "Have you been holding back these words for many days?"

To be exact, it should have been holding it in for three months.

From the first time she learned about the existence of another 100,000-year-old soul beast, her mood was a little wrong.

"Okay, I won't kill her." Su Cheng said calmly.

"..." Ah Yin was stunned when he heard this.

She knew that Su Cheng was not the kind of person who would change his mind easily.

Even if he changes his mind, it won't be because of her.

Originally, there were many words she wanted to use to continue persuading her, but she didn't expect that the other party would just expose the matter so easily and block everything she wanted to say later.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Ah Yin was obviously relieved and seemed to have let go of a worry.

But there was still some hesitation in his expression.

"I have not lied to you, and I will not lie to you."


Hearing this, Ah Yin looked at him blankly and pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something.

Finally, he fell silent again.

Su Cheng couldn't help but feel suspicious and asked, "What else do you want to say?"

He felt that Ah Yin was in a strange mood at the moment.

The other person is the kind of person who can't hide his thoughts and can be seen through at a glance.

With the current appearance, there is obviously something else going on.

Ah Yin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Then he returned to the Eternal Life Sword and disappeared.

Su Cheng frowned when he saw this, but didn't take it to heart, just thinking that the old girl was getting sentimental again.

The promotion stage went very quickly.

After the conflict on the first day, the subsequent matches were conducted in an extremely normal and harmonious manner.

Although Tang San was bedridden, there was still Zhu Zhuqing in the Shrek team.

Her strength is extraordinary, and her performance in single combat is even stronger than in team combat.

At the same time, without the cooperation of his teammates, Shui Bing'er of Tianshui Academy could not use his martial soul fusion skills, and Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skills were also difficult to use.

In addition to the Tiandou Royal Academy, Su Cheng did not play again after the first day of fighting.

After the final results came out, the Shrek Academy team unexpectedly achieved a complete victory under the leadership of Zhu Zhuqing, ranking first in points and advancing to the finals.

In this stage of the promotion competition, it can be said that Tang San is the only loser.

On the first day, he showed up with the Clear Sky Hammer with four thousand-year soul rings attached to it to show off. He originally thought he could become famous in one battle.

In the end, he became a laughing stock, and just like Su Cheng, he took half a month off from the next game.

At the end of the game, Emperor Xueye undoubtedly gave him another impassioned encouragement.

Next, the finals will begin soon, and that will be the real battle to decide who is the strongest academy in the mainland.

As an emperor, Emperor Xueye of course cannot leave Tiandou City without permission.

After the speech, Emperor Xue Ye announced that Prince Xue Beng would represent him as the envoy of the Tian Dou Empire to participate in the judging of this competition. The fifteen teams from the Tiandou Empire will also be accompanied by him personally to Wuhun City at the junction of the two empires for the finals.

There is only three days for each team to adjust. Three days later, fifteen teams, accompanied by teachers and five hundred Royal Knights soldiers, and thousands of people set out for Wuhun City together.

It takes almost twenty days to travel from Tiandou City to Wuhun City.

Because the finals are completely elimination rounds, the game time is not very long. There are thirty-three teams in total, and the winner will be decided in less than ten days.

Wuhun Palace attaches great importance to this finals.

During the promotion competition, Wuhun City has specially opened up a venue as the venue for the finals of this continent's elite soul master academy competition.

At the same time, Wuhun City announced a decree that during the start of the competition, non-soul masters were not allowed to enter to watch the competition, not even nobles, which added a bit of mystery to the finals.

The common people will not be dissatisfied because of the decree of Wuhun Palace. After all, the soul master is a superior existence to the common people. Wuhun Palace is the temple and holy place in their hearts. Who dares to say anything more about the decree issued by His Holiness the Pope himself?

Three days passed quickly.

A group of thousands of people set off in such a mighty manner.

Although each academy operates independently, they all represent the Tiandou Empire after all, and as they get along with each other over time, the students begin to appreciate each other.

Among them, several colleges that are relatively close to each other are even closer together.

Because of Su Cheng's presence, Tiandou Royal Academy was undoubtedly the party that received the most attention. Even Shrek Academy, which ranked first in the promotion competition, was far behind.

Many people are secretly looking forward to what kind of sparks will be created when the deputy team arrives in Wuhun City and meets the main team.

In order to allow the participating team members to have a good rest, the Tiandou Empire specially built a total of fifteen luxurious giant carriages specifically for the participating team members to ride.

Some basic soul guidance technology is even used on these carriages. The shock absorption performance is excellent, and sitting on them is extremely smooth.

From the day of departure, Shrek Academy has lost two team members, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

In fact, the college teachers are somewhat dissatisfied with this matter.

When Zhu Zhuqing asked the college for temporary leave, he was rejected on the spot by Yu Xiaogang and Flender.

The reason is that they are worried that they will not be able to make it in time for the finals, and they also need to adjust their condition well on the road.

But he didn't expect that the night before the team's departure, they would just leave without saying a word.

It didn't matter whether Dai Mubai was there or not.

His potential now seems to have been completely exhausted, and his cultivation has not improved at all over the years.

But Zhu Zhuqing is different.

She is the main force of the team.

If she wasn't here, Tang San alone would obviously have no chance of winning the game.

The one-on-one duel between him and Su Cheng in the previous promotion match had already proven this.

But Zhu Zhuqing has always been willful, and Dai Mubai obeyed her words.

Now that the two have chosen to leave the team directly, the others have no choice but to hope that they will not delay the game time. Or when the time comes, we will draw a few good teams, and the first team we encounter should not be too strong.

On the other side, in the carriage of Tiandou Royal Academy, Su Cheng was sitting in the corner with a calm expression.

He has no worries about the upcoming finals. Qian Renxue will make arrangements then.

The so-called drawing of lots can be done behind closed doors. It can be said that it is not difficult to send Shrek Academy to the fourth round.

At this time, in the huge carriage, in addition to the original team members, Feng Qingyu from Shenfeng Academy and Hu Yanli from Elephant Armor Academy were also sitting in it.

Ning Rongrong is not here at the moment.

At the end of the promotion competition, she finally broke through to level 40. At this time, she was following Chen Xin to hunt the soul beasts to obtain the fourth soul ring and prepare to be promoted to the soul sect.

She has also made an agreement with Su Cheng and the others to meet directly at Wuhun City.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly changed his expression and said, "Open the car door."

The other team members looked puzzled when they heard this, but they didn't ask any more questions. The person near the front reached out and opened the car door.

Not long after, several beautiful figures suddenly poked their heads out of the door.

"Captain Su Cheng, classmates, excuse me."

The visitors were none other than the team members from Tianshui Academy.

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