"Everyone from Tianshui College, come in and talk."

Su Cheng nodded friendly and greeted Shui Bing'er and others.

The next moment, the smile on his face froze slightly, and he saw seven or eight people pouring in from outside the door, including substitutes from their team.

"Captain Su Cheng, how did you practice? I heard that you are only fifteen years old now."

"Qingyu, how do you feel here? Where is that guy Feng Xiaotian? Isn't he coming?"

"Classmate Ning Rongrong is not here?"

"Why don't you go to the home team to play in the game?"


Along with a burst of chirping, these people entered the carriage one after another, making the originally wide and huge space become a bit crowded.

The other members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team rarely saw this kind of scene, and they all lowered their eyebrows and remained silent for a while.

Su Cheng felt a little helpless.

He did feel several auras headed by Shui Bing'er just now, but he didn't distinguish these people carefully because they were mixed together. He didn't expect so many people to come.

Shui Binger smiled apologetically at him.

The sisters from these teams wanted to come over to see the excitement, but she couldn't stop them.

After the girls' discussion subsided, Su Cheng straightened his expression and looked at the beautiful girl with long aqua hair opposite him, "Captain Shui Bing'er, have you made your decision?"

"Captain Su Cheng, there's no need to be so polite. Just call me Bing'er."

"Okay." Su Cheng said obediently, "Just call me by my name."

Shui Bing'er nodded and did not immediately answer Su Cheng's previous question, but asked: "Does Captain Su Cheng know the general situation of the Wuhundian team?"

Su Cheng nodded lightly and said, "I understand a thing or two."

Shui Bing'er looked at Su Cheng with a solemn expression.

"As far as I know, they have three soul king-level combat capabilities. They are called the 'Golden Generation' by Wuhun Palace. They are extremely powerful.

"I don't know what their martial spirits and soul skills are, but what I am sure of is that among the three, the one with the lowest soul power is level 51, and the other two are at level 52.

“Moreover, he was awarded the Purple Record Medal of Wuhun Palace by the Pope himself, setting a record for Wuhun Palace.

"Even if they are no match for you individually, if the three of them join forces, can you cope with it?"

She was indeed willing to accept Su Cheng's previous proposal and join the opponent's team to participate in the finals.

These colleges also know about the situation of Wuhundian team.

At present, they don't know the existence of Qian Renxue, but they have long heard of the name of the Golden Generation trio.

There is no chance of winning the championship among the three soul king-level warriors.

Although they were determined to lead the Tianshui Academy team to achieve good results and strive for honors, the championship rewards promised by Su Cheng also made them excited.

In contrast, if you cannot win the championship, your honor will actually be very limited.

What's more, the other teams are not weak, but Shrek Academy alone has no chance of defeating them now.

One Zhu Zhuqing was troublesome enough, but adding Tang San with the Clear Sky Hammer meant his combat power soared.

Although Tang San was killed by Su Cheng with just one strike, that was because Su Cheng was too strong.

Although the contestants saw the joke, they knew very well that among all the contestants, Tang San's strength was definitely at the forefront.

But even if he joins the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, will he still have a chance to win the championship?

She was unsure.

Shui Bing'er knew that Su Cheng's strength seemed to be far beyond that of ordinary soul kings, but no matter what, it would be difficult to face three soul kings, right?

She herself is not at this level. Although she has met many soul kings and soul emperors, she does not have an accurate understanding of it. She does not know what level Su Cheng is among them.

"Or are you planning to merge with the main team of Tiandou Royal Academy to form a new team after arriving at Wuhun City?"

"No merger. In addition to me, the members of our deputy team who are confirmed to play include Ning Rongrong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect of the Soul Sect and Hu Yanli of the Elephant Academy, as well as Feng Qingyu of the Divine Wind Academy of the Soul Sect level. .and……"

Having said this, Su Cheng chuckled and said, "Those soul kings are not my targets. I need to rely on you to restrict them."

Shui Bing'er couldn't help being stunned when she heard this, "What do you mean?"

"Their captain has the cultivation of the peak Soul Emperor, and may even reach the Soul Saint level by then. I need to deal with that person."

As soon as these words came out, not only Shui Bing'er and the teammates she brought with her turned pale.

Even the original members of the team, including Hu Yanli and Feng Qingyu, were a little out of breath.

Shui Bing'er looked stunned and murmured: "Su Cheng, the age requirement for this competition is no more than twenty-five years old..."

"That person is indeed less than twenty-five years old, but I may not be able to defeat her." Su Cheng looked at her with a serious look on his face.

"Your team leader is also at the peak of Soul Emperor cultivation. What does she think of my strength?"

"...Teacher thinks he is no match for you."

Shui Bing'er hesitated for a moment and then told the truth.

She didn't quite believe the leader's comments at first, but looking at Su Cheng's demeanor at this time, it seemed that this was the case.

"Your teacher is right." Su Cheng nodded, "However, the Soul Emperor in Wuhun Palace is not an ordinary Soul Emperor. I have to go all out against her, so it is difficult to take care of others."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Shui Bing'er was silent, but there was a blood boiling quietly in her heart.

As a genius soul master, he is the most talented person of this generation in Tianshui Academy.

Although she is young, she is the most powerful in battle, and she naturally has arrogance in her heart.

Although on the surface he is as gentle as water and is indifferent to the world, how could he not have the desire to compete with the strong.

At this time, she suddenly felt a unique aura coming from Su Cheng across from her.

She couldn't help but feel reverence and intimacy at the same time.

"This is?"

Shui Binger looked over in surprise.

It's very similar to the sense of fit of martial soul fusion skills, but it's also paradoxical.

This is of course her illusion.

The essence of martial soul fusion skills is that martial souls and bloodlines complement each other.

The aura Su Cheng exuded at this moment was derived from the immortal connotation in her martial soul. The two could be said to have the same origin.

"Your martial spirit is extraordinary, but I guess that the teachers in your academy, including yourself, are not aware of that essence."

Su Cheng and Shui Bing'er looked at each other and said after careful consideration: "You can consider practicing with me for a while, maybe you can gain something. Especially on the subsequent configuration of soul rings, I may be able to give you some suggestions."


Shui Bing'er didn't speak, she was still in an extremely shocked mood.

The martial spirit and the spirit master's soul reflect each other, and no one can be fooled by that feeling.

The person in front of her vaguely revealed the path for her Ice Phoenix Spirit to take a further step.

"Sister Bing'er, you can think about it."

At this time, Feng Qingyu, who was sitting beside him, suddenly spoke.

She and Shui Binger have known each other for a long time.

Both of them came from extraordinary backgrounds, and both belonged to the School of Elements faction.

Unlike the Elephant Armor Sect, which is behind the Elephant Armor Academy, and has taken refuge in the Spirit Hall, and the Thunder Academy, which is affiliated to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the three academies of Divine Wind Academy, Blazing Fire Academy, and Tianshui Academy have relatively pure teaching philosophies and do not exclude talented civilians. Students have always had a good relationship with each other.

Of course there are many opportunities to get to know each other.

Shui Binger turned to look at Feng Qingyu.

"Sister Bing'er, although I am a smart teacher, I do know a lot of things. You also know about my martial arts spirit. Even my grandfather can't understand it, but he can analyze it very thoroughly. I will never let you down. .”

Su Cheng glanced at Feng Qingyu and didn't care about the slander, quietly waiting for Shui Bing'er's decision.

Shui Bing'er thought for a moment, then turned to look at the encouraging eyes of other teammates.

Finally, he nodded slightly and said: "We are willing to temporarily join the Tiandou Royal Academy team, please trouble you."

A satisfied smile appeared on Su Cheng's face, "Let's not talk about trouble. Let's work hard together in the next game. Those three soul kings are not easy to deal with."

The team of spirit masters competing in the Tiandou Empire continued to move forward, and there were no surprises along the way.

Although Tang San exposed the existence of the Clear Sky Hammer, the soul hunting operation in the original timeline did not appear.

Su Cheng didn't care, just thinking that Qian Renxue had made arrangements in advance.

Because of the large number of people, they relied on horse-drawn carriages to travel all the way.

More than half a month later, the entire team finally arrived outside Wuhun City.

Afterwards, fifteen teams of soul masters entered the city together.

Compared with a huge city like Tiandou City, Wuhun City is much smaller, not even one-tenth of the area of ​​Tiandou City.

But for the young soul masters, this place is of extraordinary significance.

The huge granite city wall, which is 80 meters high and more than 30 meters thick, looks majestic and majestic from the outside, and one can tell at a glance that it was extremely expensive.

The team responsible for patrolling was all composed of soul masters, wearing the uniform uniforms of Wuhun Palace, walking back and forth on the city wall to patrol.

Su Cheng silently raised his head and took a look at the distinctive hexagonal wall of Wuhun City, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Martial Soul City, it's been such a long time."

There are not many pedestrians in Wuhun City.

There are very few shops on the street, and most of them sell items needed by soul masters, and even space storage soul tools are sold.

Under the leadership of a cardinal, more than two hundred people from each team were quickly settled and stayed in a hotel on the west side of Wuhun City.

Here, even the staff in the store are all great soul masters with at least level 20 soul power.

Not long after entering the hotel, a middle-aged man with a beard and a handsome look came to the door. It was Dugu Bo who had accompanied his granddaughter to Wuhun City.

He rushed here directly after hearing that Su Cheng's team had arrived.

"Senior, you're here." Su Cheng nodded towards him.

"Let's go out for a walk together?" Dugu Bo said casually and winked at him.

Su Cheng thought for a while, and there was nothing wrong with staying in the hotel. When Ning Rongrong came, someone would naturally bring him here, and he didn't refuse, so he prepared to go out with him.

"Teacher, I'll join you too!"

Seeing that Su Cheng was about to leave, Feng Qingyu hurriedly shouted.

She had never been to Wuhun City before, so she was naturally very curious.

Dugu Bo was a little strange. He glanced at Feng Qingyu and then turned to Su Cheng, "Who is this?"

"The disciple I just accepted is Feng Qingyu from Kamikaze Academy."

"How old are you when you accept a disciple? This little girl is interesting. She actually recognizes you as her teacher."

"This shows that she is smart enough."

While talking, the three of them came to the streets of Wuhun City.

Walking on the road, Dugu Bo seemed to want to say something, but considering Feng Qingyu beside him, he seemed a little embarrassed to say it.

"She's a little brat and doesn't understand anything. Just say whatever you want."

Feng Qingyu rolled her eyes when she heard this and didn't say anything. She just looked around at the various shops around her.

However, Dugu Bo understood what Su Cheng meant, no longer evasive, and sighed softly: "The ambition of Wuhun Palace is not small."

Hearing this, Su Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "What do you say?"

"Although the soul masters here were born in two empires, they only know about Wuhun Palace but not the two empires. Do you think this is normal?"

"So, what do you think?"

Dugu Bo looked at him in surprise. This boy's reaction was a bit strange.

But when I think about the woman who once pretended to be Xue Qinghe, there is obviously some deeper secret here.

But looking at Su Cheng, it was obvious that he knew a lot.

"What can I have in mind? I'm alone." Dugu Bo said casually, "But looking at this situation, it may not be a good thing to get involved at this time."

"It's the same everywhere. For you, Wuhun Palace is the best choice." Su Cheng said lightly, "Besides, you are a peak Douluo, so what do you have to be afraid of?"

Dugu Bo sighed, "That's true."

With the current scale of power of Wuhun Palace, if you are really ambitious, do you need to think too much about what you want to do?

If there really is a change that sweeps the continent, there really won't be much difference between where we are, then Wuhun Palace is indeed the best camp.

It didn't take long for the three of them to reach the center of Wuhun City.

Not far away stood a huge competition arena.

"That's your playing field."

Dugu Bo stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the arena.

The diameter of the arena is a hundred meters, and it is completely repaired from granite. It looks extremely solid.

On this huge competition stage, there are also a large number of soul guides, which can be used to reinforce and prevent damage.

"I heard from people in Wuhun Palace that this site is strong enough to withstand any attack from the Soul Emperor or below."


Su Cheng nodded, thoughtfully.

From the looks of it, Xiaoxue probably won't make a move before the finals.

Otherwise, if we accidentally destroy this place, how can other teams compete?

"Oh, what do you mean?" Dugu Bo glanced at him sideways.

"Oh, what I mean is, I can chop this thing into pieces with just one strike of my sword."

"..." The other two people were suddenly speechless.

Feng Qingyu said unceremoniously: "Teacher, you are really pretending."

Dugu Bo also chuckled, and then said: "When the final three showdown comes, the Pope will appear in person to crown the final champion. It seems that he really takes this game seriously."

While several people were talking, Su Cheng's eyes suddenly moved.

Then he turned around and looked toward the end of the street in the distance.

A figure was standing there at this time, with long golden hair flying in the wind, and black eyes flashing, watching Su Cheng quietly.

She stood tall and straight, with her hands behind her back, a slim-fitting black crown covering her whole body, and a smile on her lips.

Su Cheng also laughed.

After Dugu Bo and Feng Qingyu noticed his movements and expressions, they followed his gaze and spotted Qian Renxue standing in the distance.

Dugu Bo was a little surprised.

With his impressive peak Douluo cultivation, he couldn't feel the opponent's aura fluctuations. If it weren't for Su Cheng, he wouldn't have noticed that someone was secretly observing.

But isn't that person Su Cheng's old friend? Isn't that a sign of strength and improvement?

Another monster.

Different from Dugu Bo's emotion, Feng Qingyu was a little uneasy.

Just now, when the other party looked at her with a vague look, his eyes were extremely cold, which frightened her whole body.

"What a fierce sister."

Qian Renxue did not stay in the city for long, she just nodded lightly to Su Cheng and turned around to leave.

Only then did Feng Qingyu dare to speak.

"Teacher, I didn't expect that you would actually collaborate with the enemy! You were flirting with people from Wuhun Palace!"

"Don't talk nonsense here."

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