Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 152 It turns out that she is Qian Renxue

As the competition date approaches, everyone in Shrek Academy is a little anxious.

The finals format is different from the previous qualifiers and promotions. At this point, the teams have entered an extremely cruel knockout stage.

A total of thirty-three teams from the two empires plus Wuhun Palace competed in five rounds. Except for the last round, a large number of teams had to be eliminated in the first four rounds, and there was no chance to start over.

The three seeded teams in the first round had a bye, the top seed in the second round had a bye, the second seed in the third round had a bye, and finally six teams were left to compete in the fourth round, and then the final places were decided.

Because Shrek Academy is the first place in the promotion competition of the Tiandou Empire Division, it has the privilege of a bye in the second round.

But despite this, there are also strong players in other teams, and it is also extremely difficult to win two rounds.

Not to mention that you may encounter three seed teams and the second Tiandou Royal Team where Su Cheng belongs.

"Where did Zhuqing and Mubai go, and why haven't they come back yet?"

"Yes, if Zhuqing is not here, it may be difficult to predict the next game."

Yu Xiaogang's face was gloomy, and Flanders was also a little anxious.

Next, he was going to draw lots for the competition. Without Zhu Zhuqing, the team's strength would only be in the middle of the pack at best.

Tang San opened his mouth to say something, but was speechless for a moment, and his expression became gloomy.

Xiao Wu on the side saw this and gently held his palm.

The knockout rounds went quickly.

To the great joy of everyone at Shrek Academy, they had quite good luck in drawing lots, and they made it through three rounds of knockout rounds in a row.

In the first and third rounds, they faced respectively the Tianshui Academy team, whose strength had been greatly reduced after Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu left the team, and the bottom-ranked team from the Star Luo Empire.

Coupled with a bye in the second round, they unexpectedly became one of the six remaining teams.

But by this time, luck could no longer help them go further.

There are no weaklings among the remaining teams.

In addition to the three seed teams, there are also the Tiandou Royal Team 2 where Su Cheng belongs and the reorganized Kamikaze Academy team.

In the hotel, Yu Xiaogang looked solemn.

"The results of the draw are out. Tomorrow we will face the Star Luo Royal Academy team. If Zhu Zhuqing can't come, it will be difficult to win this battle."

Flanders sighed after hearing this, "Xiao Gang, you should arrange your tactics first. No matter what, you must try your best."

In these days' knockout rounds, the strength of each team has been fully demonstrated.

The Xingluo Royal Academy team had six soul sects, and it was unstoppable along the way, winning both games with a crushing force.

On the other hand, at Shrek Academy, only Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San, and Xiao Wu have the strength of the Soul Sect so far.

However, Zhu Zhuqing, the most powerful among them, still doesn't know where he is.

Looking at it this way, the next battle is almost certain to be lost.

But now that we have finally reached this point, no one wants to give up easily.

Yu Xiaogang had no choice but to bite the bullet and start explaining the next round of battle plan.

Several people in Shrek Academy didn't know that Zhu Zhu had actually arrived at Wuhun City early in the morning, but he just didn't go to join them.

She had no interest in participating in the first few rounds.

Zhu Zhuqing knew the strength of each team well.

In her opinion, since Su Cheng only asked her to lead Shrek Academy to the finals before, there will definitely be follow-up arrangements, and presumably there will be no surprises if she doesn't need to play at all.

But in the next game, she was not prepared to avoid the battle.

"Xingluo Royal Academy..."

Zhu Zhuqing looked towards the center of Wuhun City.

"Dai Mubai, I will save your life this time. From now on, we will owe nothing to each other."

Walking on the slightly empty streets of Wuhun City, she had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

From a distance, there are two buildings that are very eye-catching on the hills in Wuhun City.

Even if the distance is extremely far, it is still clearly visible.

The golden Pope Palace represents the supreme power of the Wuhun Palace. The golden outer wall shines with a scorching golden light under the sunlight, which is extremely dazzling.

But above it, there is another building.

Its scale is not as large as the Papal Palace, and its appearance is not as high-profile as the Papal Palace. The walls are as white as jade.

But anyone who looks at it will feel that the status, layout and presence of this building far exceed that of the luxurious Papal Palace.

"Is that the Douluo Palace?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked calm and whispered to himself in his heart.

She knew the architectural structure of the Wuhun Palace. No matter where the Pope's Palace was built, the Douluo Palace would be built along with it, and its location would definitely be higher than the Pope's Palace.

In the Wuhun Palace, the Douluo Palace has a very special status.

It is precisely because of the existence of this building that Wuhun City was recognized by the soul master world as a holy land for soul masters after its establishment.

She also knew that the descendants of the Qian Family of Wuhun Palace were the masters of Douluo Palace.

In the first game of the fourth round knockout, the Wuhundian Academy team will face the main team of Tiandou Royal Team.

A large number of spectators, as well as team members from many participating colleges, gathered in the auditorium of the competition venue and watched silently.

In the previous competition, among the seven players on the Wuhundian Academy team, the legendary three who had won the Purple Record Medal did not appear, and they had already won easily.

Now, the team members have finally changed.

There were four unfamiliar faces in the Wuhundian Academy team.

Dugu Bo appeared silently in the Tiandou Royal Team 2 and stood next to Su Cheng.

In addition to him, Ning Rongrong, Feng Qingyu, Shui Binger, Hu Yanli and others were also among them.

"Those three people in the second row are the three wizards who are hailed as the golden generation by Wuhun Palace.

"The black-haired young man in the middle is named Xie Yue, he is a fifty-level attack type fighting soul king, and his martial soul is the Moon Blade.

"The red-haired man on his right is named Yan. He is a fifty-level fire-attributed attack spirit king. His martial spirit is the flame lord.

"The girl on the other side of the evil moon is his sister, named Hu Liena, the fifty-level control-type war soul king, and her martial soul is a fox.

"Xie Yue and Hu Liena inherited their parents' surnames and martial spirits respectively."

Shui Bing'er and others suddenly felt heavy in their hearts, "Sure enough, there are three soul kings."

But compared to these three people, the woman walking at the front of the crowd——

"...She is Qian Renxue. It is said that she is the daughter of the previous Pope Qian Xunji. She is extremely talented and her strength is unknown, but it is certain that she is now at the peak level of the Soul Emperor."

Among the Shrek Academy team, Yu Xiaogang's heavy words sounded at the right moment.

"Soul Emperor..."

Tang San and others couldn't help but remain silent.

Su Cheng, a Soul King, already felt suffocating pressure. How powerful should the Peak Soul Emperor be?

I have always avoided this issue before, but the team has finally reached this point and has to face this reality.

Although before that, they still have to fight against the Star Luo Royal Academy team.

But now that we are standing here, who doesn’t want to win the final championship?

The uniforms of the Wuhundian Academy team are all white, with six patterns symbolizing Wuhundian embroidered on them.

The three people in the middle, two men and one woman, all wear a purple book-shaped badge on their left chests. It is their symbol of honor, the rare Purple Record Medal in the Wuhun Palace.

There seemed to be an invisible faith bursting out of them.

That is the invincible momentum that can only be possessed by those who have experienced countless victories and defeated countless opponents.

But no matter how powerful their momentum is, there is no room for them in the eyes of others.

In other words, everyone's eyes were subconsciously focused on the leading woman.

Zhu Zhuqing in the crowd stared blankly at the huge competition arena.

The person on the stage was beautiful, with a calm demeanor, and always seemed to have a careless smile on his lips.

But there was no warmth in this smile, which made people feel chilly in their hearts.

On the contrary, it becomes more and more cruel and ruthless, like a god overlooking all living beings.

It was as if the talented soul masters in front of her were nothing more than fireflies and mayflies, not worth mentioning.

She didn't even have the intention to take action at this time.

Just standing there with his arms folded across his chest suppressed all the members of the Tiandou Royal Team with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Nana, Xie Yue, you two go. Don't waste time, finish it quickly."

Qian Renxue remained motionless and spoke lightly.

Xieyue and Hu Liena immediately stepped forward without saying a word.

Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan and others were not dissatisfied by this slight. They immediately moved their eyes away from Qian Renxue and looked at the two people in front of them solemnly.

With a slight step, Hu Liena turned around and reached the front.

As the martial spirit was released, a big fluffy tail grew from her back, making her already very charming even more enchanting.

The next moment, the five soul rings on Hu Liena's body flickered very regularly.

First there was the black fifth soul ring, then the fourth, third, second, and finally the yellow first soul ring. Every time the soul ring fluctuates, the red light on her body becomes stronger.

Then, Xie Yue, who was standing behind her, also moved.

The two moon blades in Xie Yue's hands were blood red, like a crescent moon. At this time, with the movement of his body, he stretched out his hands and hit his sister from behind.

The red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread. At the moment when Xie Yue and Hu Liena's bodies collided, the red light wrapped their bodies together. At the same time, the red light exploded instantly, spreading like a ball of light, covering nearly half of the competition stage.

Martial soul fusion skills, bewitching!

As the red light flashed, the original two people turned into a figure with long red hair, indistinguishable between male and female.

Then, the figure started to dance. The two moon blades, which were enlarged to twice the size, were quietly cut out with a rainbow-like brilliance.

A crushing battle soon began.

Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of watching the one-sided battle, but fixed his eyes firmly on the figure who was clearly in the battlefield, but seemed to be independent of the world.

Yin Ya bit her lips gently.

"It turns out she is Qian Renxue..."

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