Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 153 Qian Renxue’s murderous intention

The first battle ended quickly.

Enveloped in the rich red light curtain, Yu Tianheng and others were thrown out one by one and fell out of the arena.

With the last roar, the red light receded, and the previously merged figure turned into two people again.

After winning, Xie Yue's eyes did not stay on her opponent for long. Her eyes drifted and fell on Su Cheng who was watching the battle.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, Xie Yue nodded and turned back behind Qian Renxue. Hu Liena also looked at him curiously.

Although they had just experienced a battle, Xie Yue and Hu Liena seemed to be in good condition after winning, and their strong strength was fully revealed.

The expressions of everyone watching the match became more and more solemn. Only two people were on the field, and they easily eliminated a seed team. How terrifying.

Especially Shui Binger.

She knew that as the core control soul master and commander in the team, these soul kings would have to rely on themselves to organize their teammates to restrict them during the decisive battle.

However, Su Cheng could see that Xie Yue and Hu Liena seemed to be able to handle this battle with ease, but in fact they were spending a lot of money.

Logically speaking, with their powerful martial arts and soul king-level cultivation, it would be easier to defeat the Tiandou Royal Academy home team, but it would just take a lot more time, unlike martial soul fusion. The efficiency of technology is so high.

However, the stronger the soul fusion skill is, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the consumption of soul power is extremely huge.

There are many reasons for this.

First of all, this kind of skill relies on multiple people to perform it. No matter how close the soul masters are to each other, the compatibility cannot reach 100%.

In addition to the influence of soul masters on each other, the same is true for martial souls.

Even if the soul masters are really indifferent to each other, there will still be friction after the souls are fused.

The essence of martial soul fusion skills is to complete the core information of the bloodline, but the martial soul itself not only contains the core information, but also the self-evolved martial soul attributes and attack methods.

In addition, during the promotion process, due to many reasons such as absorbing soul rings and absorbing soul power, there will be other additional changes. Although these things can continuously enhance the strength of the martial soul, they are all kinds of impurities to the core essence.

It is precisely because of the existence of these factors that martial soul fusion skills can generally only be used as a decisive weapon for soul masters.

The first game ended, and then it was the showdown between the Tiandou Royal Academy deputy team led by Su Cheng and the Shenfeng Academy team.

When passing by the home team, Yu Tianheng looked a little complicated.

They also heard about the opponent's performance in the qualifiers.

From this point of view, the final ranking of the second team in this game may be better than that of the home team.

But even so, there is no hope of defeating the Wuhundian team.

Those soul kings were okay. Judging from his understanding of Su Cheng, the pressure of fighting at the same level would not be too great.

But the sense of oppression brought by the leading woman was too strong. Even just standing there makes people afraid to look directly.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan looked very free and easy.

Looking at Su Cheng, he smiled and said, "Junior, come on."

Su Cheng also nodded to her, and then led the team onto the ring.

Just as Su Cheng and others were fighting with the team composed of Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu, Zhu Zhuqing also silently came to the team where the Shrek Academy team was.

When Flanders saw her return, he was happy at first, and then shocked.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation had reached the Soul King realm.

As for the specific level, even the two soul saints Flanders and Liu Erlong in the team couldn't understand clearly. They only knew that she was definitely not at the soul king level for the first time.

"Zhuqing, have you been promoted to Soul King?!" Flanders couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hearing his words, the others were suddenly horrified.

At the end of the promotion competition, Zhu Zhuqing had just reached level 48.

In less than a month, he was promoted to two levels in a row, and successfully absorbed the soul ring to be promoted to the Soul King?

how did you do that?

The three people in the Golden Triangle looked at each other with confusion and a bit of solemnity.

Liu Erlong didn't have too many scruples. He immediately took hold of Zhu Zhuqing's arm and used his soul power to explore it.

This speed of advancement made them wonder if the other party had used some evil means.

As his soul power circulated, Liu Erlong's expression gradually softened, and he slowly shook his head at Flanders, Yu Xiaogang and the others, which made the two of them breathe a sigh of relief.

Not to mention their stance on evil methods, this is the Spirit Hall.

With so many masters on the side, it was impossible to hide the presence of an evil soul master in the team. The final result was that the entire team was wiped out in one fell swoop.

However, according to Liu Erlong's senses, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power at this time was extremely pure, even much purer than that of an ordinary soul master. This was simply not the level that an evil soul master could achieve.

"Zhuqing, why has your cultivation progressed so quickly?" Flanders asked in confusion.

This is what puzzles everyone at Shrek Academy the most.

Although Zhu Zhuqing had a similar experience of rapidly improving his cultivation level before, with the fourth soul ring of tens of thousands of years and the long time period, it was at least acceptable.

The current situation is somewhat beyond common sense.

"Where's Mubai?"

At this time Flanders continued to ask.

He and Dai Mubai spent the longest time together and had a deep relationship.

Although Dai Mubai's potential is now exhausted, for him, he no longer regards him simply as a student, but as his junior.

"My cultivation is due to some special adventures in recent days, which led to the reawakening and evolution of my martial soul."

Zhu Zhuqing looked calm and gave the reason he had prepared long ago.

Several people looked at the words and thought about the truth or falsehood of the words.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang showed a look of surprise, thinking of the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline contained in Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

He looked at the others and nodded: "Some martial spirits do have similar situations."

When others saw that even he recognized this statement, they no longer doubted it.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment. She had no idea that Yu Xiaogang would be so cooperative and actively endorse her nonsense.

"As for Mubai, on the way to Wuhun City, he thought he was not strong enough and didn't want to participate in the finals and hinder everyone. He told me that he wanted to go out alone to practice and find ways to break through the bottleneck."

This is also a lie.

Dai Mubai had already been hidden by her after she took away his martial soul bloodline.

After so many years, Zhu Zhuqing certainly didn't do anything except practice. He also secretly managed some connections of his own.

With her natural strength and personal skills, it shouldn't be too easy to win over some low-level soul masters.

Flanders didn't suspect anything when he heard this.

He just sighed: "Mubai has matured now."

In his impression, although Dai Mubai seemed strong and brave on the surface, he was actually very lack of opinion and a little weak.

It is not easy to face one's own problems now and face them bravely.

As for safety issues, there is no need to worry.

Although a mere soul master is nothing in this competition of geniuses, in most places on the mainland, people with this level of cultivation can already run sideways.

The battle between the Tiandou Royal Academy deputy team and the Kamikaze Academy team ended quickly, with an unexpected crushing victory.

But for the Kamikaze Academy team, it is actually quite good to have reached this point.

Next it was the turn of the Shrek Academy team to compete.

Because Zhu Zhuqing had just returned, Yu Xiaogang had no time to formulate new tactics and just let her play freely.

But at this time, the members of the team seemed extremely confident.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing's strength is far higher than that of the same level, and with his cultivation now reaching the soul king level, he has a high chance of winning this battle.

On the other side of the competition stage, a group of seven people slowly appeared on the stage.

The person at the front had blond hair hanging down his back, his eyes were shining with purple light, and he looked somewhat similar to Dai Mubai.

Behind him was a tall girl with plump skin and a faint smile on her face.

The girl is very beautiful, very similar to Zhu Zhuqing, but she is a little less cold and indifferent, and her expression is softer.

The leading young man looked at Zhu Zhuqing, somewhat surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be in this academy. Where is my useless brother?"

Zhu Zhuqing ignored his intention. Only when his eyes passed by Zhu Zhuyun behind him, there was some fluctuation.

As the referee announced the start of the game, the players from both sides released their martial arts spirits at the same time.

The seven members of Xingluo Academy are all pretty good, including six soul sects. The soul power fluctuations of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, who were standing at the front, were above level 47. The white tiger and ghost spirit cats appeared, both with two yellow and two purple soul ring configurations.

The strength of this team is much better than the home team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the Star Luo Empire, the admission requirements for the Royal Soul Master Academy are much higher than those in the Tiandou Empire, and one cannot easily enter just by relying on status and money.

However, compared to the shock Zhu Zhuqing brought to everyone, this was nothing.

As her martial spirit was released, her aura was also revealed.

Level fifty-seven!

Compared with before leaving the team, it has improved by nine levels, and it has crossed a big level!

For Zhu Zhuqing himself, this improvement is nothing.

In another world, after she merged with Su Cheng's White Tiger bloodline, she became a Titled Douluo from Soul Saint, and even rose to two major levels after level seventy.

However, Dai Mubai's foundation was weak after all, and his cultivation and bloodline were far from being comparable to Su Cheng at that time.

Coupled with the soul power brought by absorbing the soul ring, she was able to reach the current level, which was within her expectation.

But the strength Zhu Zhuqing showed at this time made it difficult for others to accept it.

Including her teammates.

However, for Davis, compared to his strength, the martial spirit that appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing shocked him more.

The huge translucent white tiger crouched on the ground, its black stripes were mysterious and deep, and its purple eyes flashed fiercely.

And behind it, there is a pair of transparent wings flying freely like a hurricane.

Netherworld White Tiger!

There is no mistake, that is the Netherworld White Tiger!

But what about those wings?

The Xingluo royal family's martial soul fusion skill, the Netherworld White Tiger, does look like this, but it doesn't have those wings.

Davis's voice was slightly trembling, "Zhu Zhuqing! You, what are you?!"

Behind him, Zhu Zhuyun looked at his little sister with a complicated expression.

"Zhuqing, you can actually do this..."

She still remembers the conversation between the two four years ago.

"Sister, I will not compete with you for the so-called family inheritance, and Davis is not worthy of you. These are the shackles the Dai family has put on us, and I will break them in my own way. Wait a few years for me We will meet at the Soul Master Competition sometime, and I will prove it to you then..."

Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of caring about other people's opinions at this moment.

As the soul ring flickered, the whole person jumped forward.

With the blessing of the Wind God's wings, her speed is far faster than that of ordinary soul kings.

At this moment, the remaining thirteen people on the field could hardly see her movements clearly.

Soon, the game turned into a stage for her to perform alone.

Seeing the unstoppable figure on the field, Su Cheng felt a little solemn.

He had long ago discovered that Zhu Zhuqing had not been in the Shrek team during this period, and thought that the other party would not come to participate in the finals as he said before.

Although I regret not being able to see each other alone again, I can understand it.

But after seeing the changes in Zhu Zhuqing, he instantly realized what she had done during these days.

Silently observing the battle situation on the field, Su Cheng's mind had already drifted away, secretly thinking about how the situation would change in the future and how he should deal with it.

The Nether White Tiger, in the form of a martial spirit, was exposed to everyone at this point in time. Although it was not the best time, it was not too bad either.

At least in Wuhun City, Zhu Zhuqing is definitely safe...

On the other side, Xie Yue and others from the Wuhun City Academy team suddenly felt a chill at this moment.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Hu Liena was startled and looked at Qian Renxue who was standing in front of her. Then she glanced at the Soul King on the playing field, feeling a little confused.

The Wuhun Palace has extremely rich information, so she naturally knows what it is.

The soul fusion skill exclusive to the royal family members of the Star Luo Empire, the Netherworld White Tiger.

The martial soul fusion skill now appears in a person in the form of a martial soul. This kind of thing is indeed a bit mysterious.

But even so, it would not cause the sister next to her to have any mood swings.

The Netherworld White Tiger Spirit with two wings is indeed extremely powerful, but at best it is a god-level spirit. The Seraphim Spirit is no worse than her.

Moreover, I heard from the teacher that Qian Renxue's potential has greatly improved, and her martial spirit strength is even stronger than the Seraphim martial spirit inherited by Qianjia.

Qian Renxue ignored Hu Liena and stared at the unopposed figure lying across the ring.

Su Cheng once led a Shrek Academy team member to practice for a period of time, and she knew about this.

Su Cheng also explained to her that this was to help them enter the finals so that they could kill the 100,000-year-old soul beast.

But what Zhu Zhuqing looks like now is far from as simple as "a little training" as Su Cheng said.

The fourteen-year-old high-level soul king, the god-level martial soul Netherworld White Tiger.

Others don't know what's going on, why doesn't she know?

Who else but Su Cheng could come up with such a baffling thing?

"This person will never be allowed to stay."

Qian Renxue's expression returned to calm.

Different from her previous dissatisfaction with Ning Rongrong, she truly felt threatened by this girl.

The match between the Shrek Academy team and the Star Luo Royal Academy team ended quickly.

Even faster than the previous two games.

The speed bonus of the Nether White Tiger Spirit combined with the Wind God Wings is simply too great.

Under the crushing power of the soul king level, the opponent has no room for maneuver.

As the game ended, loud shouts of anger came from the opposite side.

"Zhu Zhuqing, how did you do it?!"

On the side of Xingluo Royal Academy, the royal members among the leading teachers finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Others couldn't understand, they just felt that Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit was so powerful that he ended the battle just like chopping melons and vegetables.

But how could the people in the Star Luo Empire not know the inside story?

That's the Netherworld White Tiger!

The martial soul fusion technique Netherworld White Tiger can only be used by descendants of the Dai and Zhu families.

As a result, this powerful martial soul fusion skill has now become Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul.

Not only that, she also raised her level to the high level of Soul King at such a young age.

How could there be no problem here!

Zhu Zhuqing ignored the scoldings of those people and walked back to Shrek Academy with a calm expression.

This is Wuhun City.

No matter how suspicious those people from the Star Luo Empire were, no matter how much they coveted the secrets, they would never do anything openly here.

The other party's reaction at this time was also what she expected.

In fact, this was one of the reasons why she chose to fight today, to draw the attention of those people to her side.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one would care about Dai Mubai, the other heir to the Dai family whose martial spirit had been abolished.

It is indeed dangerous for her to do this, but it is not fatal and there is a lot of room for mediation.

Zhu Zhuqing knew the situation of the Star Luo Empire clearly.

There are many nobles, many forces, and ambitious people emerge one after another.

The Dai family is just the largest and most powerful noble among them.

Among these forces, some people can't stand her, and there must be others who are happy to see her success.

The Netherworld White Tiger Spirit that appeared in her body at this moment would not only make her a target, but also a flag.

Some nobles who want to muddy the backwaters of the Star Luo Empire will not give up this hope.

Of course, she will definitely not return to the Star Luo Empire in a short time.

Directions to Shrek Academy.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who looked calm, Yu Xiaogang hesitated to speak.

He was born in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and knew a lot of information. He also knew something about the Netherworld White Tiger, but at this time he was a little confused about what was going on.

After examining Zhu Zhuqing for a moment, he still chose to remain silent.

For now, the team's victory is the most important.

The finals are right in front of them, and they are only one step away from the final championship.

As the leader of a team, if he can lead his team to win the championship in this competition filled with talented people, it will naturally prove his ability.

The Zhu Zhuqing in front of him gave Yu Xiaogang, who had already given up, a glimmer of hope of winning the championship.

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