The next day, the competition between the last three teams will be held in the square in front of Wuhun Palace.

The eliminated teams had all left at this time, and were not even allowed to watch the last day's battle.

Only the truly young and powerful are qualified to set foot on the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

Under the sunlight, the Papal Palace looks more and more magnificent.

In front of the Pope's Palace, two rows of knights guarding the palace lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the bottom of the mountain. Their bright silver armors and thick knight swords made the entire Pope's Mountain more majestic.

Early in the morning, the three teams that entered the finals had already appeared in front of the Pope's Palace and were waiting quietly.

Teachers from the three major colleges were not allowed to stand in the square and could only wait outside.

A total of twenty-one finalists stood quietly in the square, waiting for the final moment to come.

The strange thing is that Qian Renxue is not in the Wuhundian Academy team at this time, and the leader is Xie Yue.

The square in front of the Pope's Palace is no smaller than the competition platform used in previous games.

The ground of the square square is paved with special stones, which shine with a faint luster, like jade.

You can tell at a glance that its defensive power is far greater than the previous playing field.

Twelve cardinals whose status was second only to that of the platinum bishop slowly walked out from the side door of the Pope's Palace and arrived in front of the Pope's Palace. They stood on the left and right, with six people on each side.

The leader said loudly: "His Majesty the Pope has arrived."

"Long live, long live, long live." Three loud shouts echoed throughout Wuhun City like landslides and tsunamis.

That was not only the voice of the orderly guarding knights on the Pope's Mountain, but also the cry of all the soul masters in the entire Wuhun City who were not allowed to approach the Pope's Mountain.

For them, the Pope is the highest faith.

The huge palace door slowly opened, and the six emblems on the two doors gradually deviated from the track.

Everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on the direction of the open door.

A bright golden dress covered her whole body from head to toe, a purple-gold crown was placed on her head, and the papal scepter was held in her hand. Bibi Dong took the lead to walk out of the papal hall with a solemn look on her face.

Under the dazzling sunlight and the Pope's Palace behind her, her whole body, which attracted everyone's attention, gave people an illusory feeling, as if she was infinitely tall.

No one even paid attention to her beautiful face. At this moment, she represented the majesty of the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

All the members of Wuhun Palace knelt down on one knee at this moment, "See His Majesty the Pope."

The atmosphere at this moment was indescribable. Under the shouts coming from all directions, everyone had the urge to worship.

This is the power of the human heart.

There were five more people following Bibi Dong.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan, Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, Sword Douluo Chen Xin, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, and Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

There are only three types of people who can walk out of the main entrance of the Pope's Palace.

The first type is, of course, the Pope. The second type is the titled Douluo who proves himself with his strength. The third type is the elder of Wuhun Palace. Apart from these three, even the Platinum Bishop and the emperors of the two empires are not qualified to enter or exit this door. Among them, Ning Fengzhi, one of the three sect leaders, is the honorary elder of Wuhun Palace.

The participating team members looked at the six people who walked out of the Pope's Hall. At this time, all seven people in the Wuhundian Academy knelt down on one knee.

Su Cheng naturally had no intention of kneeling down. There is no need, and Bibi Dong doesn't care about these things.

Seeing that he didn't move, the other team members naturally wouldn't kneel down on their own initiative.

The Shrek Academy team members also did not kneel down.

Zhu Zhuqing understood the true meaning of Wuhun and could not bow down to anyone.

Tang San thought that he was proud and no one was worthy of him except his father and teacher. Ma Hongjun also thought similarly. Tai Long followed Tang San's lead and made the same choice as him.

Oscar's idea is simple. He has never taken Wuhun Palace to heart. He only thinks it is good when he receives the golden soul coins issued by Wuhun Palace.

Xiao Wu lowered her head to cover up the hatred in her eyes.

Jiangzhu looked at the teammates beside him, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Bibi Dong's eyes immediately locked onto Su Cheng, who was standing in the crowd.

A subtle sword shadow flashed in his eyes, blocking the other party's prying eyes that contained spiritual power.

Bibi Dong suddenly understood. After glancing at the dark golden vertical lines between his eyebrows, she looked away quietly.

He waved the scepter in his hand slightly and said calmly: "Get straight."

All the people who were kneeling on the ground waited until they stood up.

A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and her eyes swept from left to right over all the twenty-one young soul masters participating in the top three finals.

After his eyes passed by the students of Wuhundian team, his brows moved slightly and unnoticeably, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He immediately said: "I see hope from you. In front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see all your talents and strength. The final winner will receive the biggest reward from the Spirit Palace."

As she spoke, she waved the scepter in her hand.

No one saw clearly how she did it. Three points of light instantly magnified in front of Bibi Dong and floated in the air, with three colors of fiery red, light blue and dark green lights flashing on them.

Those are three soul bones!

For a time, the entire Wuhun City was completely boiling.

It can be seen from the light that these three soul bones are all of extraordinary quality. Even the people in the Wuhun Palace have greedy eyes.

Ghost Douluo, who was standing behind the Pope, spoke in a low and clear voice.

"These three soul bones are the skull of wisdom that condenses the spirit, the right arm that explodes and burns with flames, and the left leg that chases the wind that moves forward rapidly. All three soul bones come from ten thousand year soul beasts.

"Among them, the skull of spiritually condensed wisdom comes from a soul beast that is more than 50,000 years old. It was obtained by the last Pope himself. It is the best among soul bones, second only to the external soul bones and ten The top soul bone produced by the ten thousand year soul beast."

Bibi Dong also solemnly said: "There is always only one winner, and the same is true for the champion. Therefore, these three soul bones will all belong to the final champion team. I hope that the three colleges you entered into the top three can go all out and win. This honor.”

No matter what level of soul master he is, no one will glow red when they see a soul bone, let alone three soul bones.

Strong fighting spirit surged out of the participating soul masters almost immediately.

Bibi Dong continued: "This morning, there will be an individual elimination match for each of your three teams with seven players. The remaining teams will take the lead and directly enter the championship competition tomorrow. The two losing teams will compete for another finals spot in the afternoon. Now, you can send out the first one——"

At this moment, a strange wave suddenly flashed out from nowhere.

Xiao Wu's expression in the Shrek Academy team suddenly changed drastically.

Bibi Dong's voice suddenly paused.

In front of the Pope's Palace, five eyes instantly fell in the direction of the Shrek Academy team.

To be precise, it fell on Xiao Wu who lowered his head.

These glances came from Pope Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo Yueguan, Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.

Su Cheng and Dugu Bo looked at each other and nodded slightly.

The faces of the other four titled Douluo all showed expressions of shock, as well as uncontrollable mood swings.

Xiao Wu clearly felt the pressure coming from them, her face suddenly turned pale, she lowered her head, trying not to let the light of fear and resentment in her eyes reveal.

The astringent medicine has failed.

The Pope looked at each other with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside him, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's lips moved and he said something to Ning Fengzhi. Ning Fengzhi's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes immediately fell on Xiao Wu, who was in the Shrek Academy team, and his expression became strange.

At this time, other people also gradually noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

With the sharp gaze of his Purple Demon Eyes, Tang San could find that the eyes of the strongest people present seemed to be focused on Xiao Wu beside him.

How is this going?

At this time, Bibi Dong raised her arm and pointed at Xiao Wu.

"Elders Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, take down that girl."

In an instant, everyone in Shrek Academy was shocked.

The teachers of the college ignored the rules for a moment and rushed to the square in front of the hall.

Tang San almost subconsciously turned his body and stood in front of Xiao Wu.

Yu Xiaogang had a look of surprise on his face and shouted angrily: "His Majesty the Pope, what do you mean?"

Yue Guan and Gui Mei would not stop taking action because of his words, and were ready to take action.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang had also arrived, striding forward and arriving in front of the Shrek team members.

With a flip of his wrist, the Elder Token appeared in his palm.

He shouted coldly: "I am also one of the elders of Wuhun Palace, and I have the right to know the truth of the matter. His Majesty the Pope, you can arrest people, but you must speak clearly first. Why do you arrest my Shrek Academy disciples?"

The Pope frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you want to know why? Then why don't you ask your disciple. If she is just a student of Shrek Academy, I will naturally not arrest her. But if she is A soul beast that takes human form, I have every reason to take her down.”

"What did you say?!"

Yu Xiaogang suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Wu.

Among the Shrek people gathered at this time, except for Tang San, everyone else also showed extremely horrified expressions.

If a soul beast wants to transform into a human form, this is only possible if it has been cultivated for more than 100,000 years.

Xiao Wu looked very calm and did not show any signs of panic due to the concentrated gazes. At this moment, there was only a touch of coldness and hatred on her pretty face as she silently stared at Pope Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong looked at Xiao Wu with sharp eyes, "If my guess is right, you must be the fish that slipped through the net."

Deep resentment suddenly burst out from Xiao Wu's cold eyes, "Yes, you are right, I was the fish that slipped through the net back then."

Bibi Dong immediately sneered after hearing this, "I didn't expect that you would actually deliver it to your door yourself."

Tai Long, who was standing beside the two of them, couldn't help but asked: "Xiao Wu, what on earth is going on?"

At this moment, Tang San suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his shoulder, saying calmly: "Tailong, don't ask. Xiao Wu, she is not a human being."

As he spoke, Tang San finally slowly turned around and faced Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's eyes also moved from the Pope to him.

When Xiao Wu raised her head with difficulty and looked into Tang San's eyes, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

She discovered that there was no surprise, doubt, surprise, or disgust in Tang San's eyes at this moment. These emotions that should have appeared were only tenderness.

"Brother, you..."

Tang San sighed softly, "Don't say anything, I understand. In fact, I already knew that you are not human."

"You knew this a long time ago?" Xiao Wu looked at him in disbelief.

"But..." The moment the breath-taking potion expired, she already had a premonition that the Pope would order her arrest. Then, what Tang San said at this moment was beyond her imagination.

Tang San took a step forward, raised his hands to hold Xiao Wu's cheek, and said softly: "Silly girl, there is nothing good to do. No matter you are a human or a spirit beast, you are my sister and the one I love. .”

Xiao Wu stared blankly at Tang San in front of her, tears pouring out of her eyes uncontrollably.

The moment her breath leaked, she knew that the Pope would definitely not let her go, and she also thought about the emotions her friends would have towards her.

But Wei Wei didn't expect that Tang San would already know that he was not a human being.

And at this moment, instead of rejecting him, he showed his love.

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly felt that everything was no longer important. No matter what others thought of her, she didn't care. Only Tang San's love shown in this crisis was deeply integrated into her heart.

Tang San opened his arms, hugged Xiao Wu's body, and said with words that could be heard by the whole audience: "If you want to catch her, then step over my body first."

The whole place was silent, even Pope Bibi Dong did not give any additional orders at this time.

Looking at Tang San who was hugging Xiao Wu tightly in front of her, she was already a little lost, and there was even a hint of envy that she couldn't detect.

Once upon a time, she was in love like this.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. At this time, what Tang San said was by no means sweet words.

A man is willing to sacrifice his life for a non-human lover. How precious this love is.

"Young Master, I will come with you!"

After a moment of silence, Tailong took a step forward and stood firmly next to Tang San.

But the other people besides him had different expressions.

Ma Hongjun's face was pale, and he glanced hesitantly at the teachers in the academy, then at Tang San and Xiao Wu, and finally rested his gaze on Zhu Zhuqing, whose eyes were lowered and silent.

Jiangzhu looked on with cold eyes, thoughtful in his eyes.

Oscar narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at his companions, and said nothing for a while.

At this time, Flanders suddenly laughed.

He, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other, and the Golden Iron Triangle raised their right hands at the same time.

In an instant, brilliant golden light rose out of the sky, and the surging light instantly outlined an extremely dazzling golden triangle in the sky.

"Our old ones are not dead yet," Flanders said loudly.

"His Majesty the Pope." Ju Douluo opened his mouth to remind Bibi Dong, who was a little dazed, to wait for her order. After all, one of the opponents was holding an elder's token.

Bibi Dong woke up from her confusion, with a complicated and unspeakable light in her eyes. She took a deep breath and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

He shouted sternly: "Take it down! Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy."

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo moved at the same time.

Although the Golden Iron Triangle is a true trinity of martial soul fusion skills, facing two peak Douluo who are above level 95, can the three Flanders with insufficient levels be able to stop it?

The answer must be no.

Both Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were very fast. Although the two of them only faced the Golden Iron Triangle, which was much weaker than themselves, they were not careless at all and both released their martial spirits.

Nine soul rings each circle around the body.

"A chrysanthemum, a kid. How dare you hurt my son? Get away!"

The next moment, a low sound suddenly sounded, like exploding in the air.

The voice was not loud, but the domineering power contained in it made everyone's body tremble unconsciously.

Hearing this voice, Tang San, who hugged Xiao Wu and covered her body with his back, suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with surprise.

On the other side, Pope Bibi Dong's expression suddenly became solemn and he stared into the sky.

Amidst the low explosions, the bodies of Ju Douluo Yue Guan and Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, the two titled Douluo, were bounced back like cannonballs.

The expressions of the two people changed drastically at the same time. As titled Douluo, they faced such a result after taking action at the same time. This was something they had not experienced in many years.

A black figure appeared silently in mid-air, floating there quietly, as if he should have belonged there.

It was a middle-aged man, who looked to be in his fifties. He was tall and burly, but his appearance was unflattering.

The torn robe was worn on the body, without even a patch on it, revealing the bronze skin underneath. His normally straight facial features were covered with a layer of waxy yellow, giving him a sleepy look. His hair was as messy as a bird's nest, and his beard had not been trimmed for an unknown number of days.

Seeing this person, Tang San's eyes suddenly showed strong surprise.


This person is Tang Hao.

Behind him, a huge black hammer floated out of thin air.

"Tang Hao!"

Bibi Dong shouted sharply and stared at Tang Hao in the air with sharp eyes.

A huge shadow quietly rose from behind her, nine brilliant soul rings rose instantly, and huge pressure swept the entire place.

The aura was so strong that even the two previous Kikui ghosts combined could not match it at all.

In everyone's shocked eyes, the terrifying configuration of two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red soul rings was revealed.

If the first eight soul rings did not come as too much of a surprise, then the last soul ring shining with crystal red light was enough to shock everyone present, including the titled Douluo.

A hundred thousand year soul ring!

Thousands of days

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