Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 155 The following defeats the superior, the Eternal Sword Formation!

In the world of soul masters, a hundred thousand year soul ring has always had the reputation of being the most precious treasure. This is no joke.

If a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast is hunted, in addition to its hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring, it will inevitably drop a soul bone.

If the two are combined into one, if they are absorbed by a Contra-level strongman, then after this Contra is promoted to a Titled Douluo, his strength will definitely far exceed that of his peers.

It's a pity that the hundred thousand year soul beast is too rare and too powerful. If it weren't for a team with absolute strength to capture and kill, and a certain amount of luck, it would be impossible to succeed.

Any 100,000-year-old soul beast is the king among soul beasts. Their status in the soul beast world is even higher than Titled Douluo's status among soul masters.

Seeing the red 100,000-year-old soul ring, Tang Hao was not afraid at all. In a flash, he landed in front of everyone in Shrek Academy.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo retreated to the Pope's side respectively. The soul powers of the three major titled Douluo were fully activated. The extremely huge pressure caused the surrounding soul masters to retreat quickly.

Su Cheng remained calm and retreated with everyone in the academy.

But in front of these three mountains of terrifying pressure, Tang Hao stood in the air, his hazy eyes blazing with light.

"Do you want to avenge your teacher? Bibi Dong, do you think you can keep me?"

Bibi Dong waved her hand violently, and a signal-like scream sounded. Then, four screams sounded simultaneously in the Pope's Palace.

"Have you called someone?" Tang Hao looked calm.

The next moment, soul rings one after another slowly rose from Tang Hao's feet.

Nine soul rings exactly like Bibi Dong appeared beside him, and the last soul ring among them was also one hundred thousand years old.

With the appearance of the soul ring, Tang Hao's momentum also rose, competing with the powerful auras of the three people opposite him.

In this powerful aura force field, except for the people of Shrek Academy who were under the protection of Tang Hao, no one could fit within dozens of meters.

Yu Xiaogang has always been arrogant, but now he looked at Tang Hao not far away in front of him, with only respect in his eyes. In the world of soul masters, Tang Hao was his only idol, both before and now. Dare to stand in front of the Pope's Palace with one person's power and challenge the three titled Douluo headed by the Pope. How powerful is this.

In Su Cheng's view, Yu Xiaogang's mentality is not fundamentally different from that of other weak people.

What he admired was only this kind of power that was far superior to ordinary people, not the person in front of him or some kind of spiritual will.

Because he does not have this level of power now and will never have it in the future.

The seventh soul ring under Tang Hao's feet shone brightly, and the huge black Clear Sky Hammer behind him bloomed with light. The huge hammer body was stretched out in the wind, and it expanded dozens of times in an instant. The huge hammer head was like a hill.

The true form of Wuhun!

Red lines emerged from the huge Clear Sky Hammer. The hundred-thousand-year-old red soul ring on Tang Hao suddenly lit up, and the black giant hammer suddenly turned completely red.

"The Pope's Palace, what a Pope's Palace. Haha..."

Amid a burst of laughter, Tang Hao's right hand moved.

The hundred-meter-long super giant hammer in the air suddenly fell, not towards the three titled Douluo in front of them, but directly towards the Pope's Palace behind them.

In an instant, the air in the entire Wuhun City became distorted, and every soul master who was not a Titled Douluo was unable to move at this moment.

"Tang Hao, you dare!"

Bibi Dong was furious. She, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo rose up almost at the same time, heading towards the giant hammer in the air.


With a loud bang, the minds of all the soul masters below level 70 went blank. A large number of soul masters fainted to the ground amid the violent roar, and the thunder-like sound seemed to make the entire Wuhun City tremble violently.

The seven figures rising in the air continued to retreat, and the giant hammer in the air slowly disappeared amid the force backlash.

Tang Hao spurted out a mouthful of blood and laughed wildly.

"Bibi Dong, just wait. One day I will repay all the debts Wuhun Palace owes me. This day is not far away."

This hammer will surely save the enemy. What he attacked was not Bibi Dong and the two elders, but the Pope's Palace, one of the symbols of Wuhun Palace.

If Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo attack him at this time, Tang Hao will definitely be seriously injured, but 80% of the Pope's Palace will be destroyed.

This is obviously a result that Wuhun Palace cannot accept.

Bibi Dong, together with several other elders of Ju Gui, quickly changed their moves and moved further into the air to attack.

At the same time, four other figures shot out from the Pope's Palace and also faced the giant hammer in the air.

But Tang Hao had been charging for this attack for a long time and then struck suddenly. The attack was from a direction that Bibi Dong had not expected before. It was not easy to block it.

For a time, the seven-on-one situation turned out to be a bit difficult.

After the blow, Tang Hao was ready to evacuate immediately.

It is not easy for the opponent to intercept that blow.


At this time, the long sword sound echoed through the square.

Five dark soul rings flashed one after another, a huge and mysterious energy array rose into the sky, and five long swords of yellow, white, black, green, and red were suspended above it in an inexplicable trajectory.

The next moment, the five long swords merged into one and turned into a pure sword light, erupting with energy fluctuations that far exceeded the Soul Saint level.

What was stronger than the energy fluctuations was the terrifying sword intent that contained the meaning of annihilation.

With the blessing of this will, the huge sword edge broke through Tang Hao's overwhelming suppressive force field and stabbed straight towards Tang San and Xiao Wu below him.

Su Cheng's auto-spiritual fusion technique!

Eternal Sword Formation!

Su Cheng's sword condensed all his energy and spirit, and contained his most extreme offensive sword intent, which could be regarded as the limit of his current combat power.

However, it only has the power of one blow.

The disadvantages of martial soul fusion skills are also the disadvantages of Su Cheng's sword style at this stage.

Strong enough, but weak in follow-up.

If the opponent can dodge his sword, it will be difficult for him to follow up.

But for him, that was enough.

At this moment, Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi from Qibao Glazed Sect had already retreated and acted as bystanders.

In order not to arouse Tang Hao's hostility and alertness, Dugu Bo also waited and wandered around the edge of the battlefield.

Other soul masters, including the Golden Iron Triangle, had long been excluded from the powerful field by Tang Hao's aura.

But no one expected that someone would forcefully break this suppression at this time.

Tang Hao himself didn't even think of it.

Among the group of soul masters below whose highest level of cultivation is no more than Soul Saint, there is someone who can actually achieve this step.

How dare someone dare to do this!

Su Cheng's eyes were firm and his face was stern.

His momentum at this moment has reached its peak, and his whole body is completely enveloped by the powerful sword energy.

With the blessing of the pulse-breaking and Qi-continuing method, the speed is even faster.

However, it seemed that he used all his strength with this sword, but in fact, even though he was full of momentum, he still had some strength left for subsequent changes of moves.

Although Tang Hao had just used his strongest attack, his soul power was not functioning smoothly for a short period of time, making it difficult to continue.

But if he chooses to explode the ring, the force of counterattack will also be difficult for Su Cheng to resist, and he needs to be careful at all times.

At this time, Dugu Bo was also ready to go.

But Dugu Bo's existence was more to protect Su Cheng.

He is not the protagonist in this battle, and neither is Dugu Bo.

Qian Renxue is the one lurking in the darkness.

His sudden appearance was just to attract attention.

Therefore, Su Cheng's sword seemed to be targeting Xiao Wu, but in fact it was targeting Tang San.

If Tang Hao failed to respond immediately and did not follow up, Tang San would be in danger.

He is forcing Tang Hao to fight hard!

Bibi Dong, who was in the air, instantly felt the powerful sword intent on the ground. Her expression suddenly changed and she looked sideways.

The sword light was like a white rainbow, and it covered a distance of tens of meters in just an instant, approaching Xiao Wu and the other two.

At this moment it was too late for her to stop him.

"Su Cheng, you are so brave..."

In an instant, many emotions such as surprise, horror, and shock emerged in my heart, but strangely, there was not much anger about missing the opportunity.

She knew how strong Tang Hao's pressure was at this moment.

Su Cheng's ability to do this and dare to do this even made her feel a subtle admiration in her heart.

"As expected of you..."

On the other side, Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi, who had been watching with cold eyes like outsiders, were even more horrified, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say horrified.

Su Cheng's actions at this time were simply seeking death!

Indeed, Tang Hao was being restrained by a group of titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace.

Under the entanglement of the breath, it is difficult to escape easily.

But if he takes a hard hit and attacks Su Cheng despite being severely injured, how should Su Cheng respond?

Will Tang Hao do this?

No doubt, it will.

That's his son down there!

Chen Xin is powerful and naturally has a vicious vision.

If Su Cheng's sword strikes, if Tang Hao has no other follow-up means, he will most likely be able to accomplish something, and one of Tang San and Xiao Wu will definitely die.

But what about Tang Hao's anger that followed?

He had just taken advantage of Bibi Dong's eyes. Did Bibi Dong still need to think about what choice he would make next?

Even if she takes action, she has to wait until Su Cheng is hammered to death by Tang Hao before taking action. How can she continue to do it in vain?

Of course Chen Xin himself will do his best to protect him.

But he himself was not sure whether Su Cheng could be saved.

He is good at attacking, and his style has always been to attack before defending. The same is true for Tang Hao.

In the aftermath of the fight between two titled Douluo with extremely powerful attacks, it was hard to say whether Su Cheng had a chance to escape unscathed.

"Cheng'er is confused!"

The two of them lamented in unison.

Dugu Bo moved quickly and silently.

He knew in his heart that he was definitely no match for Tang Hao.

But he knew Su Cheng's plan and knew that Su Cheng's goal was just to attract the other party's attention.

In other words, he only needs to help Su Cheng to block Tang Hao's subsequent counterattack. Then someone will naturally take away the hatred, and then just wait for the people from Wuhun Palace to take action.

After all, the final beneficiary of this game has not yet appeared.

"you dare!"

A roar that shook the sky echoed in the huge square in front of Wuhun Palace.

Tang Hao's eyes were splitting as he looked down, wanting to turn around and rescue him.

But, it's too late!

Without hesitation, he immediately chose to explode the ring.

However, before that, a figure appeared silently in front of Su Cheng's sword.

The blue-gold palace dress covers her whole body, her waist-length hair is gently flowing, and her delicate and beautiful face is filled with complex emotions such as sadness, confusion, and disappointment.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Ah Yin!

Su Cheng frowned and wanted to take it back into the realm.

The next moment, his pupils contracted violently.

Control is invalid!

She didn't know when she started to lose control of herself.


Su Cheng frowned even more tightly.

The other party had been so obedient these days that he never considered the possibility of such a situation.

Logically speaking, since Ah Yin has broken free from the shackles of the Eternal Life Sword.

So with her strength, it is definitely not difficult to escape.

After passing through the Blue Silver Grass Forest, Ah Yin, who had completely transformed and reshaped his body, not only returned to the top, but his strength even improved, and he was not far from the Contra level.

Although her combat power is limited, her vitality level is extremely high, and her mental power and control ability far exceed her own level.

But for such a long time, the other party has never had the slightest intention of leaving.

Su Cheng knew exactly how effective the Eye of True Sight was.

The advantage is in seeing through and deducing.

At that time, he didn't know the rationale behind Ah Yin's control.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid it had something to do with the other party's incomplete state like a spirit body at that time. After the body recovers, it is out of control.

The communication between the two is a direct dialogue in a spiritual way.

From the time Ah Yin appeared to the time she questioned him, the time in the outside world was only a blink of an eye.

When he saw that figure, Tang Hao froze on the spot.

"Ah Yin!"

His voice trembled slightly.

Ah Yin paid no attention to what he meant and just stared at Su Cheng.

Blue-gold light surged all over the body, stopping the sword from advancing.

She stared into Su Cheng's eyes, and the voice she heard was also trembling.

Full of complicated and difficult-to-understand emotions.

"Su Cheng! Didn't you say you wouldn't lie to me?! Why do you still want to take action and kill her!"

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