Su Cheng ignored A Yin's question.

He glanced at Tang Hao in the sky.

Forget it, at least the purpose has been achieved. No matter what, the opponent's suppressive force field had been broken by himself, and Tang Hao's next target would definitely be himself.

It is enough to achieve this step.

Although a hundred thousand year soul ring is good, there is no need to work too hard for this thing. At worst, go find Qian Daoliu and take Xiaoxue to intercept Hu Bibi Dong's one.

For the sake of his granddaughter's schizophrenia, it was time for the old guy to take action.


He turned his eyes and looked at Ah Yin.

This situation is a bit tricky.

Fortunately, she chose to be exposed in advance in order to save Xiao Wu.

Otherwise, if the critical moment comes, he may be in danger of his life.

You should be careful in the future. If it is not necessary, you really can't put this kind of time bomb around you.

As for those secrets...

Su Cheng thought quickly in his heart.

Eyes of ice and fire...

No problem, there is nothing there now, only some immature ordinary rare treasures. The fairy grass has long been taken away, and there is no harm in giving the remaining ones to Tang Hao and the others.

My relationship with Zhu Zhuqing...

The other party didn't know that it was just a chance for her to experience life at that time. If she just missed it, it would not be regarded as a flaw in her.

Qian Renxue...

It's okay for her to know this, since she will join Wuhun Hall next time anyway.

The rest is a matter of one's own identity.

This may seem serious to adults’ thinking and memory, but in fact it has a limited impact.

Even if you publicize it, people close to you won't care, but it would be troublesome to explain.

Compared to this, Tang San is where they should be struggling.

After Ah Yin returns, the subsequent events may not necessarily evolve, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Fortunately, the existence of the emulator was not exposed.

The Nirvana Sutra technique, the secret method of silver needle pricking, the preparation of medicines, and even the method of self-condensing soul rings, Ah Yin did not know the specific details of these things, and there was no problem.

"However, since she was out of control a long time ago, why didn't she choose to trick me? It's really strange."

A trace of doubt flashed through his mind, but he immediately ignored it. Now was not the time to dwell on it.

"It's a pity that next time we meet, I'm afraid it will be time for you and me to live and die..."

Su Cheng sighed in his heart.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't have a good impression of Ah Yin, otherwise with his temperament, he would never talk so much nonsense to others.

These days, the other party has been extremely helpful to him, which is only part of the reason.

More importantly, he admired A Yin's flash of courage.

However, that is all in the past.

The dazzling sunlight shone from the sky, reflecting the various expressions of fear or anger on the many powerful men below.

The originally majestic Pope Mountain was now in chaos.

But perhaps it adds a touch of legend to this sacred place in the soul master world.

Several titled Douluo fought against each other, and among them were two rare blood-red hundred thousand year soul rings that complemented each other.

It's a pity that most of the spectators were unconscious at this time and had no chance to see this grand occasion.

Ah Yin didn't wait for Su Cheng's answer.

All she received was an indifferent look, which made her slightly startled.

Immediately, Su Cheng showed no interest in fighting and immediately retreated.

The remaining energy left before came into great use at this time.

With a flick of the sword's light, he can quickly change his moves and exit.

The next moment, overwhelming murderous intent swept over.

Tang Hao's God of Killing Domain!

In this kind of field, it can greatly suppress the opponent's will, and those who are weak-minded will even be unable to move on the spot.

But this murderous intention is of no use to Su Cheng.

What he is least afraid of is this kind of momentum suppression. Unless it is a god-level pressure, his level of sword intent is enough for him to face any similar skills.

Is the murderous intent in the realm of the God of Death the sublimation of courage?


This kind of murderous intent that relies on killing is nothing, it is worthy of being compared with courage.

Seeing Su Cheng's movements flowing smoothly, as if they were not affected by the God of Death's realm in the slightest, they quickly moved away without any lag.

Tang Hao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then anger surged in his heart, and he was on the verge of losing his mind, so he chose to explode the ring without hesitation.

The moment he saw Ah Yin appear, he understood.

The disappearance of the Blue Silver Emperor seedling and the theft of the 100,000-year-old soul bone must be inseparable from this Su Cheng.

And no matter what method the other party uses to resurrect Ah Yin, he is now on the death list.

The next moment, the dark fifth and sixth soul rings under his feet shattered silently.

The secret skill of Haotian Sect's Great Sumeru Hammer: Ring Explosion!

This is also the most domineering secret skill in the Great Sumeru Hammer.

Each soul ring can be exploded once. After the ring is exploded, the power of the soul ring will burst out completely and instantly become the user's own power and blend into the attack, producing attack power beyond the limit. The higher the quality of the soul ring when exploding the ring, the greater the effect.

However, the price of ring explosion is also huge. When all of the user's soul rings have gone through ring explosion, the user himself will also enter a weak state. In addition, every time the Great Sumeru Hammer's ring explosion is used, all the user's soul rings will disappear within three days, leaving only the soul power. After using the ring explosion once, it must be at least thirty-six days before it can be used again, otherwise there is a risk of the soul ring being truly destroyed.

But at this moment, Tang Hao did not hesitate at all, and exploded two ten thousand year soul rings at the same time.

As the soul ring beneath his feet shattered, the huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared again.

Moreover, the power of the hammer swinging into the wind this time was even far greater than before.


The giant hammer burst through the air in an instant, and its speed was so fast that it caused a brief sonic boom.


The tiger's roar sounded, and the soul ring appeared under Zhu Zhuqing's feet.

Then, a pair of wind god wings stretched out in the wind behind him and flew towards Su Cheng.

With the blessing of hurricane wings, she was already extremely fast at this moment.

But, it was completely too late.

After all, she is still just a soul king.

Just as despair appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

A huge turquoise snake shadow appeared in the sky, with a thick dark steel shield condensed around its body, facing the huge hammer head like a hill.

Immediately afterwards, a soaring sword light followed closely behind, surrounded by a large amount of sword energy like a shield, and also hit the direction of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Dugu Bo and Chen Xin took action.

After Su Cheng saw Zhu Zhuqing's reaction with his peripheral vision, he felt a little moved.

The other party didn't know his back-up plan, nor did he know the attitudes of Dugu Bo and Chen Xin.

Under such circumstances, he actually dared to stand up and lend a helping hand to provoke Peak Douluo, which was beyond his expectation.

Since Zhu Zhuqing remembers everything in the simulated world, it is impossible not to know how powerful Tang Hao is now.

But even so, she still chose to do it.

Su Cheng himself never thought that he would be favored like this.

Then he thought, of course he himself would not sit still and wait for death. As soon as the sword formation changed, a purely defensive sword posture was instantly formed.


With a loud bang, the huge Clear Sky Hammer was pushed back, and Su Cheng, Dugu Bo, and Chen Xin were also knocked away at the same time.

With Tang Hao's background and the full force blow of the Clear Sky Hammer from exploding two soul rings, it was indeed too powerful.

In other words, the Haotian secret art created by Tang Chen has indeed raised the level of the top martial spirit of the Haotian Hammer to another level.

Fortunately, Dugu Bo and Chen Xin were quite powerful after all. They were both peak Douluo with cultivation levels above level ninety-five. After this blow, although his breath was floating, he was not injured.

But Su Cheng, who was already on a very different level from Tang Hao and whose soul power had bottomed out, was seriously injured.

But for him, as long as the injury was not fatal, it was nothing to worry about and he would recover quickly.

After passing through the Blue Silver Grass Forest and completing his five elements, his vitality was too strong.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly looked surprised.

He clearly felt that the point in his body that was condensed and transformed from the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, and contained a trace of the true meaning of immortality, had strange fluctuations.

It seems that because of this severe injury to the body, it was stimulated by the outside world, and thus had an instinctive reaction to further eruption.

As soon as his heart moved, Su Cheng did not choose to use the five elements field to heal immediately. Instead, he suppressed the self-healing ability brought by his strong vitality, and his aura became lower and lower.

"Cheng'er?" Chen Xin looked over with sparkling eyes.

"Boy, are you okay!" Dugu Bo couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

"It's okay, I just had some insights. Teachers and seniors don't need to worry."

After transmitting the message to the two of them, Su Cheng sent a mental message to Dugu Bo alone: ​​"Senior, if Xiaoxue fails to make a move later, please help me block another blow. I will thank you greatly afterwards!"

This opportunity was rare, and he wanted to understand it for a moment longer.

If you can grasp the true meaning, you don't have to worry about your life being in danger even if you face Tang Hao later.

"No thanks, just don't kill yourself!"

Dugu Bo couldn't help but grit his teeth secretly after hearing this. This kid is really brave.

Seeing that this attack was not fully effective, Tang Hao roared angrily and immediately prepared to strike again.

However, at this time, something suddenly changed behind him.

Among the teammates of Team Shrek gathered around Tang San and Xiao Wu, one of them suddenly had a sharp increase in aura, quickly breaking through the Soul Emperor level, and the fluctuations in his soul power were approaching that of a Soul Saint.

It's Jiangzhu!

I saw a human-shaped light and shadow appearing behind her, but I couldn't see the specific appearance. There were three pairs of illusory wings raised high.

At the same time, the clothes on her back were torn, and two pairs of real black wings emerged from it and spread out.

Possessed by a martial spirit!

The soul ring shines, the pulse-breaking and qi-reviving method!

Immediately, the long sword condensed in his hand and thrust straight forward.


Tang San's painful roar echoed in the huge square.

Tang Hao turned around in shock.

A long black sword with burning black flames had already penetrated Xiao Wu's body.

The next moment, her life was completely gone.

The whole square suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was stunned.

Only Tang San's desperate wailing echoed through the sky.

At this time, Bibi Dong and others had also neutralized Tang Hao's previous offensive.

Several eyes looked at the figure in the square that was hugging Xiao Wu and retreating quickly.

What happened here is a long story.

In fact, it was just Tang Hao's effort from beginning to end.

Bibi Dong also immediately realized what was going on.

He looked at Xiao Wu's body where the soul ring was gradually emerging, then at Qian Renxue, who was grabbing her body and running towards the Spirit Hall, disguised as a member of the Shrek Academy team, and finally looked at Su Cheng, who was weak and seriously injured. .

Suddenly I understood the reason for everything.

"What a Qian Renxue, what a Su Cheng, that's it!"

Tang Hao was also stunned at this time.

He didn't expect that there was such a person hidden among those students.

At the moment before, he was not aware of the other party's existence at all, and just regarded him as an ordinary Soul Master student, without any threat at all.

But when she showed her fangs at the last moment, people were shocked to realize that this person was the fisherman who finally benefited!

Tang Hao's waxy face turned red at this moment, and veins popped up on his forehead, obviously he was extremely angry.

At this time, an urge arose in his heart to destroy everything desperately.

However, amidst the burning anger, he still had a trace of hesitation.

Tang Hao clenched the handle of the hammer in his hand and looked at the crowd in front of him as if he was ready to go.

The situation at hand is already very clear.

Su Cheng made a sudden attack, but failed to achieve any success and did not gain much benefit. At this time, there were two peak Douluo guarding him.

However, he seemed to be dying, and he was probably severely injured.

What's more, the attack method he used before was definitely not something that the Soul King could unleash. It was definitely some stimulation method to break through his potential. He might not have much time left to live.

There is no need to worry too much about him for the time being.

Wuhundian is the ultimate beneficiary.

Although Pope Bibi Dong failed to capture Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu was successfully killed by the people from Wuhun Palace.

Not to mention whether the soul ring can be absorbed by it, the 100,000-year-old soul bone must be theirs.

But facing this opponent, he now has no confidence.

And every time you stay in this place, there will be more risks.

Of course, he still has the background to continue to explode.

But Bibi Dong over there is not bad either.

It was only through a forcible raid on the Pope's Palace that he was restrained.

If it were a real face-to-face direct collision, he would definitely not be the opponent of so many people.

If you delay for a long time, you may even be left here at the same time as Tang San and his son.

What's more, there's Ah Yin...

Tang San also gradually calmed down at this time.

No matter how sad and angry I am now, it will not help.

His eyes were red, and he stared at the figures in front of the Pope's Palace, firmly remembering each of their faces.

These people will all pay with blood in the future!

When his eyes passed by Zhu Zhuqing, they softened slightly.

Tang San didn't know the real purpose of Zhu Zhuqing's action at that time, but he did see her lunge at Su Cheng, so he thought she was acting with hatred at that time, and he was still a little moved in his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing ignored Tang San's gaze. She frowned and lowered her head, thinking carefully about what happened today.

The person who benefited in the end turned out to be Qian Renxue.

Was this planned long ago, or was Su Cheng also plotted?

As the scene calmed down, Tang Hao's anger gradually subsided. Looking at the opposing lineup, he felt like retreating for a moment.

He turned his gaze and locked his gaze on the tall, slender blue-haired figure.

Hatred can be left for later, but she...

"Ah Yin!"

Tang Hao shouted loudly.

Ah Yin didn't look at him, and remained frozen in place without moving.

She knew only a little bit about Su Cheng's entire plan. She only knew that Su Cheng seemed to be coveting Xiao Wu's 100,000-year soul ring.

But Su Cheng took action even though he promised not to kill Xiao Wu.

Maybe it's because of Xiao Wu's identity, or maybe it's because of other reasons.

For some reason, she appeared on impulse and stopped Su Cheng's offensive.

But what happened next began to develop in a direction that she couldn't understand at all.

First, Su Cheng retreated without any hesitation, and that terrifying sword strike seemed like a false move.

Later, under the protection of two titled Douluo, he took an attack from Tang Hao and his life was in danger.

Immediately afterwards, another person jumped up and successfully killed Xiao Wu.

A series of changes happened between the rise of the rabbit and the fall of the falcon.

It dawned on her.

It turns out that this is what Su Cheng meant at that time...

Indeed, he did not kill Xiao Wu himself.

But this is just a play on words.

He concealed the existence of another person.

Is concealment considered cheating?

If it were Zhu Zhuqing, he would definitely say without hesitation: Forget it!

But Ah Yin is much more shallow-minded.

What's more -

"I've hidden it from him for so long, so what does it mean..."

Looking at Su Cheng's almost silent body in the distance, A Yin's mind went blank.

He didn't even notice Tang Hao's shouts.

She is now completely disconnected from the Five Elements Realm, and cannot feel the other party's specific state.

But her perception of vitality is extremely keen, and she is very sure that the other party seems to have only a weak remnant of life in his body.

She didn't understand how Su Cheng could be injured like this by a single blow given his vitality.

But if he is still the center of the Five Elements Domain, he will definitely be able to help him resolve this blow.


Ah Yin pursed her lips and her eyes gradually calmed down.

"No, he became like this because of me. I have to save him."

"...A Yin!"

Only then did she notice the voice coming from Tang Hao's mouth not far away.

"What?" Ah Yin was slightly startled.

"Let's go quickly, let's get out of here first!"

At this time, Tang San had already stood not far behind Tang Hao, and looked at Ah Yin with dim eyes.

Tang Hao looked a little anxious and didn't understand what was wrong with her.

There was some fear in my heart, the other person became a little different from the person in my impression.


Ah Yin was stunned again, seemingly unable to realize what the other party meant.

"Leave here with us, or things will change later!"

Tang Hao resisted Bibi Dong who resumed his offensive, but he did not dare to use all his strength.

At this time, the other elders of Wuhun Palace were still holding the formation not far away, and they had no intention of besieging them together for the time being.

It seemed that with Xiao Wu's death, they were no longer so anxious.

But Tang Hao didn't dare to relax at all, and was already ready to continue to explode the ring.

However, Ah Yin never spoke, which made him very uneasy.

Thinking of the scene where the other party appeared from Su Cheng's body before, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Ah Yin, what happened? Are you controlled by that Su Cheng?!"

Hearing this name, Ah Yin came back to his senses.

The distracting thoughts in my heart instantly became clear.

Turn around and run in the other direction.

Seeing her actions, Tang Hao was shocked.

His resisting movements were instantly slowed down by half a beat, and he was hit hard by Bibi Dong's blow, causing a mouthful of blood to spurt out from his mouth.

But he didn't care and shouted loudly: "Look at him, he is our son, won't you come and reunite with us!"


Ah Yin paused when he heard this.

"Tang Hao, let's go. Everything I did in the past was done voluntarily. There is no need for you to wallow in regret. He is not my son either."

Tang Hao left with Tang San.

He had to go.

At this time, everyone in Wuhun Palace was in good condition, but he himself was hit hard again. After experiencing the explosion, his ability to continue fighting also declined significantly.

In addition, Tang San's safety and mental state were also issues that he needed to consider.

As for revenge and Ah Yin's matter, we can only leave it to the future.

At least now he knows that A Yin is still alive, which is great news for him.

In front of the Wuhun Palace Square, as Tang Hao left, others began to quickly clean up the mess, and began to treat the students and Wuhun Palace guards who were knocked unconscious by the aftermath of the Title Douluo battle.

Ah Yin quickly came to Su Cheng without caring about others.

He thought about reintegrating into the opponent's Five Elements Domain to adjust the operation of the domain and help Su Cheng regain his condition.

However, the next moment she was stunned.

The soul connection between the Eternal Life Sword and her has been completely broken.

Even if the other party was close at hand, she could not feel the familiar martial spirit breath at all.

This is a given.

The moment the accident happened, Su Cheng quickly cut off the connection between the two.

This kind of variable hidden danger is definitely impossible to continue to exist.

In fact, even at the very beginning, if it weren't for the unexpected change that helped him control A Yin's soul body, he would not have allowed the other party to remain in his martial soul.

I will only use this as a bridge for a short period of time to occasionally take her out to see her as a reward for research.

Everyone looked at A Yin's dazed figure, and their expressions looked a little strange.

But now the place was in chaos, and few people could care about her. After one glance, they stopped paying attention.

Only those titled Douluo looked at each other, secretly wondering what kind of existence the other party was, and their aura was too strange.

"this person……"

Bibi Dong looked at Ah Yin silently.

She had some impression in her mind, wasn't this person the one who caused Qian Xunji to be severely injured by Tang Hao?

That 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor.

But the person in front of him was obviously not a transformed soul beast, even if he could hide his true form in his mature stage.

The other party's aura is inhuman, and the soul beast never looks like this at any stage of its transformation.

And if I remember correctly, she seemed to have emerged from Su Cheng's body at first, and her soul ring and soul bones were all in Tang Hao's body.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Su Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"This guy has done some weird things..."


At this moment, several titled Douluo near Su Cheng were stunned at the same time.

The weak breath of life in his body suddenly began to increase sharply.

At the same time, his cultivation level was also rising rapidly, and he soon reached the fifty-eighth level, only one step away from the peak of Soul King.

ps1, A lot of preparations have been made for Ah Yin to break free from control. It was also her soul body state that was initially controlled, and the protagonist himself couldn't figure out the reason. It is reflected in every dialogue since leaving the Bluesilver Grass Forest, but this needs to be written very cryptically, otherwise the protagonist will not notice the unreasonableness.

ps2, why Qian Renxue needs this soul ring has been written very clearly in the previous article. If you skip reading, just pretend that I didn’t say anything. But I think that if you skip the plot, it should be just to see some of the character interactions, so there is really no need to get too obsessed with the plot...

ps3, I really don’t have time to manage the group. I consulted the senior leaders, and the answer I received was that the Fugai authors were not worthy of establishing a group (they themselves did not establish a group), so they disbanded it first. There will be an extra chapter at the end of this volume, so we’ll see what happens next.

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