The most indispensable thing in Wuhun City is soul masters.

The elders made simple arrangements, and soon many people came to deal with the remaining traces after the battle.

The soul masters with healing soul skills quickly began to treat the students from various academy teams and members of the Spirit Hall who were unconscious or slightly injured in the aftermath of the battle.

The battles between titled Douluo basically took place in the air, around the Pope's Palace, and the damage to the ground was not serious.

With the financial resources of Wuhun Palace, the repairs can be completed in one day.

Bibi Dong, who had a gloomy face, glanced at Qian Renxue, who was calm and composed, and the scarlet 100,000-year-old soul ring that had emerged.

After a moment's hesitation, Bibi Dong announced in front of everyone: "There was an unexpected incident today. The top three finals will be postponed for one day and will proceed as normal tomorrow."

In any case, Qian Renxue's ability to become stronger is not a bad thing.

No matter how tit-for-tat the two of them were, it was just an internal conflict.

If it weren't for Su Cheng and Qian Renxue's successful sneak attack today, Tang Hao might have been able to escape quickly with the soul beast just after the attack.

She knew in her heart that in order to protect the Pope's Palace, it was too late to intercept the opponent's retreat.

And it has to be said that the layout and planning of these two people today really exceeded her expectations. From this point of view, the exposure of the transformed soul beast may have been a part of their plan.

In addition, there is also the issue of the ownership of the three soul bone prizes.

Bibi Dong was willing to take out these soul bones as a championship reward because she believed that with Qian Renxue's strength, she would be able to lead the team to win the championship.

Qian Renxue has an angel suit herself and does not need soul bones, so naturally these soul bones will eventually fall into the hands of the three martial soul hall juniors she has carefully trained.

But after seeing Su Cheng's fighting prowess today, she felt a little unsure.

Qian Renxue was promoted to Soul Saint, so she was sure of winning.

Of course, the premise is that these two people do not engage in match-fixing.

Everything gradually became quiet, and those who needed to leave were almost gone.

Flanders, Liu Erlong, and Yu Xiaogang, who had been spectators for a long time in the previous battle, looked slumped.

After looking at the remaining Shrek team, they all recovered their soul power after a brief exchange.

"Your Majesty the Pope, I need an explanation!"

Yu Xiaogang shouted loudly.

Then, regardless of the attention attracted by him, he cast his angry gaze on Qian Renxue, who was standing in front of the Pope's Palace.

"How can a member of Wuhundian pretend to be a student of our Shrek Academy for no reason! What happened to the real Jiangzhu?!"

There is definitely no way to pursue Xiao Wu's matter openly now.

But regarding Jiangzhu, he believed he had the right to speak out.

"That student of yours is having a good time in the hotel right now. As for what he did today, he had to do it out of necessity. After all, no one knows whether Tang Hao, the wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace, and this hundred thousand year soul beast have any other An accomplice or human spy, just like the Tang San who just escaped."

Qian Renxue waved her hand, signaling other members of the Spirit Hall not to get excited.

She was in a good mood at this time, and did not pay attention to the other party's questions and impolite words, with a false smile on her face.

"After spending so long with the transformed soul beast, you must all have lingering fears now, right? Master Jade doesn't need to thank me. You can take your team members back to recuperate physically and mentally. We will still have competitions later."

Having said this, she glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, who was bowing his head and saying nothing, with a deep look.

She had a clear view of all the impulsive actions of this girl before.

On the other side, Liu Erlong was so sad that he was on the verge of collapse.

She truly treated Xiao Wu as her own daughter.

Although he didn't accept it as quickly as Tang San, he had already let go of the distinction between humans and spirit beasts in his heart.

Xiao Wu almost died in front of her today.

In just ten minutes, she felt like she was going crazy.

If it weren't for Yu Xiaogang's tight grip on her arm, she might have been unable to bear it and rushed forward to fight Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

Seeing that everyone in Shrek Academy was silent for a moment, their expressions were either sad or angry, with some vague hostility hidden behind them.

Qian Renxue's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and her voice became colder.

"Why, could it be that I was right? Have you been in contact with the transformed soul beast before?"

"...No." Yu Xiaogang said with a dry voice.

"It's fine if you don't."

Glancing at Liu Erlong, whose eyes were red, Qian Renxue was too lazy to argue with them.

This is the Spirit Hall after all, and she also has to consider some implications.

He waved his hands and said casually: "If nothing happens, you can leave. Didn't His Majesty the Pope just say that we can continue the game tomorrow."

Not long after, Su Cheng's aura gradually stabilized.

Although most of his mind was immersed in realization just now, he was not completely ignorant of the subsequent changes that had taken place in the outside world.

After opening his eyes and standing up, not only were the injuries all over his body wiped away, his vitality was even like the rising sun, which made the titled Douluo look askance.

After glancing at Ah Yin who was standing not far away, Su Cheng had a change of heart, but didn't say anything else for the time being.

At this time, everyone else in Tiandou Royal Academy had already left.

Only he, Chen Xin, Dugu Bo, and Ning Fengzhi are still here.

After meeting Qian Renxue's eyes for an instant, Su Cheng turned slightly, bowed deeply to the two titled Douluo who had just taken action, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Teacher and Senior Dugu, for taking action just now."

The two nodded and said nothing more. This was not the place to talk.

Ning Fengzhi nodded gently to Bibi Dong.

"Your Majesty the Pope, we will take our leave first."

"Go." Bibi Dong said calmly.

Seeing this scene, except for Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and others who knew the inside story, the elders all looked surprised.

Su Cheng had just made a desperate move, but was seriously injured afterwards. Although it seemed like a blessing in disguise, the final spoils were taken by someone else. No matter who it was, they probably wouldn't be so calm.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo couldn't help but look at each other, and sighed in their hearts.

At this age, the opponent can have such a powerful state of mind, and it is almost certain that he will become a titled Douluo or even a peak Douluo in the future.

After several people left the square in front of the palace, Ning Fengzhi silently cast an inquiring look at Chen Xin.

Chen Xin's expression changed slightly, and then he walked to Su Cheng's side.

"Cheng'er, how are you doing now? Are you still injured?"

"It's okay now."

Chen Xin nodded and continued: "Come here with me, I have something I want to ask you."


As the two of them left, Dugu Bo and Ning Fengzhi soon left alone with their own thoughts.

The former went to find his granddaughter.

The latter glanced at Ah Yin, who was standing not far away with a confused look on his face, sighed silently, and then went to find Ning Rongrong. He had something to talk to his daughter.

On the other side, Su Cheng and Chen Xin were walking on the empty street.

After a moment of silence, Chen Xin finally said: "Cheng'er, it's strange to say that, actually, I had some vague impressions of you before I accepted you as my disciple. I can't figure out the reason, but it's probably because It’s our fate as master and disciple.”


Seeing that Su Cheng didn't speak, he didn't care and continued to consider his words and said slowly:

"What happened there any other secret behind it? What exactly do you want to do?

"You deliberately took action to attract Tang Hao's attention before, so that you could help the man from Wuhun Palace kill the transformed soul beast, right? Or maybe you had this plan from the beginning when you asked Feng Zhi to sell the potion.

"Cheng'er, I know you always have your own thoughts, but there is no need to keep everything in your heart.

"And I also believe that you will not do anything to harm the sect."

Su Cheng paused and looked at Chen Xin.

"Teacher, I am going to join the Wuhun Hall next."

Chen Xin didn't get angry when he heard this, but asked calmly: "What do you want to do?"

"Have you ever heard of the inheritance of the divine throne on Douluo Continent?"

Hearing this, Chen Xin didn't seem surprised, "Can you inherit the divine position in Wuhun Palace?"

"I have no intention of inheriting the divine throne." Su Cheng shook his head and explained patiently.

"But the divine throne represents the path above Titled Douluo. If you want to break through the shackles of the world, you definitely need to understand it. The inheritance of the divine throne in Wuhun Temple is the easiest for me to have the opportunity to come into contact with. and……"

After hesitating for a moment, he continued: "I suspect that the inheritance of the divine throne in Wuhun Temple has been tampered with."

Whether this kind of thing is said or not has little impact.

The trust brought about by years of getting to know Chen Xin is only part of the reason. The ambiguous stance of the Qibao Glazed Sect itself is also important.

Things that are too high-level will not make people covet them too much. The survival wisdom of a top-level sect with an auxiliary soul master as its core is extremely terrifying.

And Su Cheng didn't know how specific Chen Xin's so-called "some impression" was.

Since we have reached this point today, it is better to be honest and honest.

Chen Xin's state of mind was extremely cultivated. Even after hearing these messages, his face remained as calm as ever.

He looked at Su Cheng and said in a slightly strange tone, "So, is it still for that woman just now?"

"That's only part of the reason." Su Cheng emphasized.

"Alas." Chen Xin shook his head and stopped talking about Qian Renxue.

Then he said: "Did you know that Wuhun Palace has great ambitions?"

"It's not that the Wuhun Palace is ambitious, but that of the current Pope. But there is more than just the Pope Palace faction in the Wuhun Palace. You also know that the ninety-ninth-level Ultimate Douluo Qiandaoliu is still alive." Su Cheng said seriously.

"Besides, I will not help Wuhun Palace deal with the Qibao Glazed Sect in any case. You can rest assured on this. If I were in Wuhun Palace, it would not necessarily be a bad thing for the sect. At least the situation would be serious and irreversible. At this time, this can be regarded as a way out. You and the sect master must also know how strong the hidden strength of Wuhun Palace is."

Chen Xin opened his mouth when he heard the words, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

He also understood Su Cheng's character.

After a long silence, he just smiled and patted Su Cheng on the shoulder.

"Now that you have made your decision, I won't say anything more. Everyone has their own choice. But remember, Cheng'er, Qibao Glazed Sect will always be your home no matter what."

After separating from Chen Xin, Su Cheng saw A Yin's slightly thin figure not far away on his way back to the hotel.

After thinking about it, he walked over.

"Why are you still here?"

Ah Yin glanced at him, then lowered his head and muttered: "I'm sorry..."

Su Cheng's face was a little surprised.

"Why do you need to apologize to me? It's not your fault."

"You don't blame me?" Ah Yin raised his head in surprise.

"Why should I blame you?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"I only blame myself for being careless and not keeping enough vigilance against you. We have been together for too long, and because my own strength has improved so quickly, I have relaxed my guard against you."

By this time, he had long since calmed down.

Based on Su Cheng's current state of mind, this kind of thing can only affect his mood for a moment, and he will never get too entangled with it.

"Be on guard..." Ah Yin's face turned pale.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you leave with Tang Hao today?"

Su Cheng was a little confused.

He had already prepared for the worst.

"I...I don't know either."

Ah Yin spoke hesitantly.

Perhaps if she didn't choose to leave immediately when she regained her freedom, she was destined not to follow Tang Hao today.

As for what her mental journey was like, even she herself couldn't tell clearly.

Too much time has passed.

"Then let's go back to the Bluesilver Grass Forest." Su Cheng said casually, "Since you didn't choose to side with Tang Hao and make things worse for me today, then we are not enemies. Of course, we are not friends either."

Ah Yin's face was startled, "Can't I return to the Sword of Eternal Life?"


"Then I can stay with you."

Su Cheng frowned, "You finally regained your freedom, why are you still following me? And, do you know what I'm going to do next?"

"..." Ah Yin really didn't know what his next plan was.

"So, you'd better go."

"Are you going to stay in Wuhun Hall?" Ah Yin's eyes lit up, "I can also join Wuhun Hall."

"Join the Spirit Hall?" Even now, Su Cheng was almost amused by her innocence.

"Why did you join the Spirit Hall? Besides, have you forgotten who made you sacrifice yourself to death?"


Upon hearing this, Ah Yin's complexion instantly turned pale.

How could the shadow of death fade away so easily.

"I consider myself not a very kind person, but I value the word 'fairness' and will not owe anything to those who have helped me."

Su Cheng turned his eyes and stopped looking at her.

"You once helped me practice and made me take a big step forward.

"I helped you resurrect. Although it was a coincidence, you are now free again, so we will owe nothing to each other from now on.

“As for what happens to you in the future, it’s up to you.

"But if possible, I hope you can keep the secret for me."

"I won't tell." Ah Yin said quickly, "I won't tell anyone what you told me."

"That's your business." Su Cheng smiled.

"Even if you say it, it's your freedom. Of course, if you say it and I kill you in the future, don't blame me."

"Kill me..." Ah Yin's body trembled.

Su Cheng sighed, said nothing more, turned around and passed her by, and returned to the hotel alone.

He didn't know how to evaluate A Yin's behavior.

He didn't expect that the other party would expose his state just for Xiao Wu.

Not for Tang Hao, nor for myself.

Is this a betrayal?

There was no connection or commitment between Ah Yin and him. At best, it was just a master-slave relationship created by accident.

And during the day, she did not follow Tang Hao away until the end, nor did she take the opportunity to attack herself.

He also didn’t mention anything about his secrets.

All he did was take the initiative to protect Xiao Wu.

This kind of stupid behavior really leaves people speechless.

From the moment Ah Yin unexpectedly appeared and escaped control, he was mentally prepared for the worst.

But no matter what, the other party is obviously no longer suitable to stay by his side.

There was no way he would make the same mistake a second time.

Regarding today's changes, Su Cheng was actually not angry at all, and was more just reflecting on his carelessness.

As for Ah Yin's choice to conceal her regained freedom, she can't be blamed.

Everyone has their own secrets, and it is personal freedom to tell them or not. It is human nature to conceal the truth for the sake of one's own safety.

If it were Su Cheng, the follow-up actions would only be more exaggerated.

The only thing to blame is that he was not cautious enough, did not dig deep enough into the Eye of True Sight, and did not do enough research on the soul.

The entrance to the Papal Palace.

Seeing that the only two elders, Yue Guan and Gui Mei, were left here besides them were the Pope and his daughter, they looked at each other and left voluntarily.

Only then did Bibi Dong glance sideways at Qian Renxue.

He didn't ask her why she thought she could be sure to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring with her level 70 cultivation level. She just said coldly: "You must be very proud of yourself."

"Slightly better, I accept it."

"...You have known the true identity of that girl for a long time? Do you also know that Tang Hao has been hiding in the dark?"


Bibi Dong couldn't help but grit her teeth secretly after hearing this.

Sure enough, he was used as a gun.

"Su Cheng told you," she said flatly, "In other words, Su Cheng planned all of this in advance."

Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows slightly and looked sideways, "What do you mean?"

"I think your relationship is not that simple."

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, "The breath-absorbing potion invented by the Qibao Glazed Sect was probably also made by that guy."

Qian Renxue frowned and remained silent, secretly wondering how much the other party knew.

Then he relaxed quickly.

By now, whatever she knew didn't really matter.

Although the two people may have different positions and belong to different factions in Wuhun Palace, at least the other party is loyal to Wuhun Palace.

Except for the question of Qian Xunji's death, everything else was fine.

However, it was clear that Qian Daoliu also knew the secret behind Qian Xunji's death. Since he didn't say anything, Bibi Dong must still be trustworthy.

He said calmly: "Yes, today's events were all planned by him."

"..." Bibi Dong looked complicated after hearing her answer.

After a long silence, he finally said, "Do you trust him so much?"

Today's confrontation involved many titled Douluo, including Tang Hao and even experts of his own level.

Even though Su Cheng and Qian Renxue were far more powerful than their peers, doing this would definitely involve taking a lot of risks.

And in the process, they almost entrusted their lives to each other.

If anything goes wrong, the lives of both of them will be in danger.

"Trust?" Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Her expression became serious, and her eyes shone with a strange light.

"I could die for him."

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