Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 158 Two teams surrendered one after another

At night, a strange smell passed through the window.

Su Cheng's expression moved slightly.

He immediately jumped out of the window.

Sure enough, Qian Renxue's tall figure was standing silently not far from the street corner.

Soon he came closer, and he immediately felt that the other party's aura had changed a lot, and it was much stronger than before.

Obviously, Qian Renxue had successfully absorbed the hundred thousand year soul ring at this time.

Not only that, her current state also appeared to be very harmonious, without the slightest hint of disharmony before.

"What's going on with the soul?"

Su Cheng asked in a low voice.

This was his biggest concern at this time.

The improvement in strength brought by the soul ring was only secondary. Whether the 100,000-year-old soul ring could reconcile the internal friction caused by her twin souls was the most critical.

"It has been completely solved, and there are even some unexpected gains."

Qian Renxue's eyes flickered and she looked at Su Cheng with a smile.

"What's the catch?"

Su Cheng was startled when he heard this.

To be able to make her so happy, the effect is quite extraordinary.

As for what it was, he couldn't guess it at all, let alone feel it.

Regarding the soul level, Su Cheng only had a superficial understanding of it, and was only slightly better than ordinary people.

This is based on his understanding of martial arts and the bonus brought by his past research on the state of A Yin's soul and body.

When it comes to the connotation of the soul, let alone the essence, we cannot even touch the basic elements.

"You'll know in two days, and she's fully awake."

Qian Renxue did not answer immediately, but changed the topic.

"Well, that's not bad." Su Cheng didn't care about her pretentious words and said thoughtfully.

"But this is not a long-term solution. Don't be too happy and say things like 'complete solution'. As your strength increases, the 'anchor' needed to fix and reconcile your conflicts must also be continuously strengthened." OK."

After all, a hundred thousand year soul ring is only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

Maybe because of the feedback effect it brings, Qian Renxue's soul risk will become more and more serious as she continues to get stronger.

After all, as the cultivation level increases, Qian Renxue's twin souls will definitely also strengthen, but the soul ring itself will be difficult to improve, and the soul power in it will also be continuously worn away.

This move can be called "drinking poison to quench thirst".

As for relieving this situation by not practicing anymore, it is also unrealistic, and may even be a foolish act to stop eating due to choking.

Not to mention that Qian Renxue is extremely talented. Even if she does not practice physical training, she will spontaneously absorb the soul power that escapes in the world and naturally increase her cultivation level.

If she stops here, not only will her way forward be completely blocked, but her energy will also be continuously drained away, causing even greater damage to her soul.

But no matter what, at least the difficulty is over for now.

There are also the eighth soul ring and the ninth soul ring behind. It can be said that there will not be any big problems before reaching the peak Douluo realm.

Regarding Su Cheng's warning, Qian Renxue looked unconcerned and waved her hand gently.

"It's okay, aren't you still here? Just tell me when you think of a solution."

After speaking, he took out a piece of soul bone and handed it over, "This is for you."

There was a faint red light emitting from the soul bone. It was the hundred thousand year old soul bone from Xiao Wu, a left arm bone.

As Qian Renxue's trophy, Bibi Dong had no intention of snatching this soul bone.

What she needs is a soul ring, and soul bones are actually dispensable.

Bibi Dong herself has clues about other hundred thousand year soul beasts, and the soul bones of hundred thousand year soul beasts must be lost when they die.

She is very ambitious.

For Bibi Dong, obtaining a corresponding soul bone that perfectly matches her own soul ring is the best choice for the future.

Su Cheng glanced at the soul bone, but didn't reach out to pick it up. He shook his head and said, "I don't have any use for it."

He no longer needs to rely on these things to improve his strength and foundation.

Even the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor had been completely removed, so there was no need to waste any time absorbing this new soul bone that was incompatible with his attributes. Adding such a foreign object to him would be harmful rather than beneficial.

Qian Renxue ignored his refusal and stuffed it directly into his hand.

"I have an angel suit, so I don't need this. What's more, I also have the three soul bones as a championship reward. You can handle this yourself."

It can be said that the fact that she was able to kill Xiao Wu and obtain the 100,000-year-old soul ring this time was entirely due to Su Cheng.

Although she didn't want to be polite to him, she didn't want to take advantage of him, let alone seem greedy.

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "So confident that you can win the championship? Are you afraid you don't know my strength?"


Qian Renxue sneered, but did not refute, as if she was dismissive of his words.

Then his face turned grim and he stared at Su Cheng.

"What's going on with that woman?"

As he spoke, he tilted his head slightly to the side.

Far away over there, there is a breath hidden at this time.

Although it was extremely hidden, it was obviously impossible to hide it from the two of them.

Su Cheng then slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

He knew that Qian Renxue came here at this time, obviously not just to tell him that she had successfully absorbed the soul ring, or to give him a piece of soul bone.

There is no need to rush into what you want to say about these things.

The main reason for coming here is probably because of Ah Yin.


Su Cheng didn't hide anything, and simply described Tang San's life experience, the story of Tang Hao and A Yin, and the process of controlling A Yin by chance.

He also talked about the sudden accident during the day and the separation between himself and the other party.

After Qian Renxue listened carefully, she glanced at him suspiciously.

"I don't think she hates you?"

"Indeed." Su Cheng nodded.

Then he added: "But this is normal. In fact, I didn't do anything to her. I took her soul bone, but also resurrected her. It can be regarded as balancing grudges."

"In this case, let her disappear forever. If you are not willing to do it, I can deal with her for you."

The corners of Su Cheng's eyes twitched slightly, "Don't be so murderous. This is not a matter of reluctance. I have made it clear to her that she will leave."

As he spoke, he glanced in that direction in the distance.

"The reason why I'm still here now is probably because I don't know where to go next."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue looked at Su Cheng in silence for a while.

Seeing his calm expression, he nodded slightly hesitantly.

The atmosphere in the room where Shrek Academy was located seemed extremely solemn at this time.

Tang San left the team and Xiao Wu died.

All kinds of bad news happened almost simultaneously, and no one could accept it easily.

What is even more uncomfortable is that they cannot tell or explain their current situation to others.

On the mainland, Haotian Douluo Tang Hao was not only famous for his fame, but he also had a vicious reputation.

He was the main culprit behind the death of the previous pope.

For ordinary soul masters, the Wuhun Palace has a high status, so Tang Hao, who killed the Pope, naturally became the incarnation of a thug. Even the Haotian Sect was implicated by it and closed the door for many years.

As his son, Tang San naturally had to bear this responsibility.

There is nothing to say about Xiao Wu's death.

Soul beasts are the public enemies of mankind. This is a consensus in the soul master world, and the same is true for transformed soul beasts.

Even because the transformed soul beasts themselves are hundred thousand year old soul beasts, their reputation is even worse.

In addition, whether to continue to participate in subsequent competitions is also an extremely serious issue.

In fact, they wanted to participate.

At this time, the team is ranked among the top three, just a short distance away from the championship, but this is only one of the reasons.

The people from Wuhun Palace killed Xiao Wu in public and forced Tang Hao and Tang San away. The two culprits who caused this situation were now in the other two teams. How could they be willing to give up so easily.

Looking back at the Shrek Academy team, one of them, Tang San, was the son of a sinner, and the other one was a transformed soul beast.

As a result, their entire academy has simply become a joke in the soul master world.

And if you can win the championship in subsequent games, you can not only slap Wuhundian in the face, but you may also have the opportunity to further reverse the reputation, which has many benefits.

Yu Xiaogang values ​​reputation, Liu Erlong wants revenge, and Flanders is concerned about the academy. At this time, compared to the team members, the teachers leading the team are more eager to win the championship.

But where do they get the chance to win the championship?

Not to mention the hard power, there is now an extremely difficult problem before us.

There are not enough members in their team.

Tomorrow's first round of the top three competition will be the same individual knockout as the promotion round, but instead of two teams competing against each other, three teams will participate together.

Although this is not the final battle for the championship, it is also very important. Being able to win not only means entering the top two, but also means being able to wait for work and participate in the final battle on the last day.

The competition method is that the members of the three teams take turns to play, and the order of the players' appearance is determined by drawing lots.

There is no doubt that the one who appears last will have a huge advantage, and can wait for the two in front to fight and then go up to clean up the mess.

But regardless of the luck of the draw, they now only have seven players left, namely Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tailong, Jingling, Huang Yuan, and Jiangzhu.

Among them, Oscar and Jiangzhu, one is a food-type soul master, and the other is an auxiliary-type soul master, and they cannot participate in single-player combat at all.

How should we deal with five people playing against seven people when their strength is already inferior?

Not to mention that the Wuhun Palace also received a hundred thousand year soul ring and a hundred thousand year soul bone.

Even if the soul ring cannot be absorbed by that soul emperor, the soul bone can't be absorbed.

You know, a hundred thousand year soul bone possesses two extremely powerful soul bone skills.

Looking at everyone in front of me, they all looked solemn and frowning.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said: "I have an idea."

The next day, the same three teams as yesterday lined up again and stood in the white jade square in front of the Pope's Palace.

But this time, the leader of the Wuhun Palace side has changed back to Qian Renxue.

Su Cheng glanced in the direction of Team Shrek and frowned secretly.

He took the time to meet with Zhu Zhuqing last night. In addition to confirming the other party's situation, he also wanted to persuade the other party to withdraw from the competition. Unexpectedly, she still came for some reason.

Looking at the team members with different expressions in front of him, Bibi Dong looked calm, as if all the changes yesterday had never happened.

"This morning, there will be an individual elimination match for each of your three teams with seven players. Now, you can send out the first player to play."

As she finished speaking, a row of gilded chairs was placed in front of the Pope's Palace.

At Bibi Dong's signal, she sat in the middle, with Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Dugu Bo sitting on her left, and two elders Ju Douluo Yue Guan and Ghost Douluo Gui Mei sitting on her right.

Just as the referee, the cardinal, was about to step forward, Yu Xiaogang suddenly said loudly: "Please wait a moment for the game to start."

The referee frowned and was about to scold him, but Bibi Dong raised his hand to stop him.

She looked at Yu Xiaogang and said calmly: "Tell me your reasons."

Yu Xiaogang looked at her coldly, "My reason is that Shrek Academy gave up the first half of the finals and voluntarily entered the loser's group finals in the afternoon."

Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this, "Why?"

Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, looking up at the Douluo Hall behind the Pope's Hall with a proud expression, and said coldly: "For no reason, I think it should be our right to admit defeat."

His words were calm, but they immediately caused an uproar.

These words, tone and attitude are simply contradicting the Pope.

The various behaviors of Shrek Academy yesterday and the mixed feelings among their internal members have already made many people question the situation of this academy.

As a result, this situation is still happening now. Even if Yu Xiaogang has the Elder Token in his hand, many viewers are secretly frowning.

But Bibi Dong didn't care, and just nodded gently, "You're right, this is your right."

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard that the other party had spoken so calmly.

He spoke like that before because this situation reminded him of the series of events that happened yesterday.

Thinking of the grief-stricken look on his proud disciple's face.

Thinking of Xiao Wu whose vitality was instantly wiped out.

He even thought of Tang Hao's helplessness in leaving the stage sadly.

Being moved by the situation, he impulsively spoke out.

In fact, after what he said just now, he already felt a little regretful.

If you are deprived of the right to compete, or if the Wuhun Palace takes the opportunity to convict you or take away the elder's token, then it won't be worth the loss.

What I just said could have been explained in other ways.

Moreover, when he said those words, even if Bibi Dong himself didn't care, what would the many soul masters in the soul master world who worship the Pope think?

He is just a soul master who is less than level 30 and has no ability to protect himself. How should he deal with it in the future?

Now Shrek Academy is on the cusp of a storm, and Flanders and Liu Erlong have nothing to do but worry about themselves. Even if he has an Elder Token for protection, is he really safe?

As for admitting defeat, this was the plan they had discussed last night.

In the first round, with their current member strength, they would have absolutely no chance of competing for a spot in the winner's bracket.

It would be better to simply give up, wait for work, and fight against the losing team whose soul power was depleted after the battle in the afternoon, so that the chance of winning would be greater.

Su Cheng, who was watching at this time, breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to continue to waste time competing with Qian Renxue and the others for this dispensable top two spot. Anyway, tomorrow was the time to see the real results, so there was no point in starting a personal battle in advance.

Even if he was ready to speak directly, he would admit defeat and enter the loser group.

However, at this time, another voice sounded first.

"We also admit defeat."

Su Cheng was startled and turned his head suddenly to see Qian Renxue looking at the Shrek Academy team members with a smile on her face, not knowing what she was thinking.

Not only him, but this time even Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qian Renxue meant.

The dramatic change caught many people off guard. The Tiandou Royal Academy team led by Su Cheng unexpectedly won without a fight and directly entered tomorrow's finals.

Not even a single game was played, and the first half of the finals was over.

Only then did Zhu Zhuqing raise his head and glanced coldly at Qian Renxue across from him.

He didn't stay much after that and left quickly with other teachers and teammates to prepare for the loser's match in the afternoon.

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