Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 159 Qian Renxue’s Killing Sword (2-in-1)

Su Cheng glanced at the Shrek Academy team leaving the square.

He turned back to the other confused teammates and said helplessly: "Go back first and prepare for the final tomorrow."

Until now, some of the other members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team had not come over yet.

I was originally thinking about how to deal with the single battle with the Wuhundian Academy team, but in the blink of an eye the situation suddenly changed and I was directly ranked among the top two?

Everyone needs to digest such ups and downs.

Of course, in addition to surprise, most of the emotions in my heart were excitement.

Although I don’t understand why such a powerful Wuhundian would choose to fall into the loser group, this is obviously a happy event.

Except for Su Cheng, the other players in the team, let alone Qian Renxue, even Xie Yue and others were unsure.

Even if one cannot use martial soul fusion skills in a single battle, the chance of winning is still slim.

What's more, on the Tiandou Royal Academy team, there are several auxiliary soul masters among the main members.

Su Cheng had no intention of staying here any longer and was about to turn around and leave after saying that.

At this time, Feng Qingyu suddenly coughed and whispered: "Teacher, look over there, that scary sister is coming."

Su Cheng looked back after hearing this.

He saw Qian Renxue leading several members of Wuhundian Academy towards him.

When the other members of the team saw this, their expressions changed more or less.

Shui Bing'er looked solemn and looked at the soul kings on the opposite side. In the subsequent games, she was the core of the team, and she needed to find ways to restrict these opponents.

Hu Yanli didn't think too much about it, and he wasn't that eager to win the championship. He just looked at Qian Renxue who was walking at the front with a hint of flattery. The Xiangjia Sect had already surrendered to Wuhun Palace, and Qian Renxue knew at a glance that he would be a high-ranking member of Wuhun Palace in the future.

Ning Rongrong lowered her head and looked slightly pale.

Yesterday, Ning Fengzhi had already talked to her about some things about Su Cheng and Wuhun Palace. After the initial shock and anger, my mood has calmed down with my father's comfort.

But when she saw Qian Renxue approaching, a hint of fear still arose in her heart. The shadow he had left on her was too profound.

Moreover, she is an auxiliary soul master and does not have a strong ability to protect herself. Unlike Zhu Zhuqing, who has been tempered and tough since childhood, it can be said that the biggest grievance she has suffered in her life is that meeting with Qian Renxue.

Even though she knew that Xue Qinghe was pretending to be her, and now knew that the force behind her was the Wuhun Palace, she never thought of telling this matter to the Tiandou royal family who had been investigating the hidden truth.

Although Ning Rongrong is not old now, she is not stupid either. Even if Ning Fengzhi didn't mention it, she still knew it.

There is no point in making this kind of thing public.

Qian Renxue will not admit it, and neither will Wuhun Palace.

As one of the prestigious upper three sects, the Qibao Glazed Sect naturally has an excellent reputation, but compared to the Spirit Hall, it is nothing.

And even if this matter is known to the Tiandou Empire royal family, the final result will definitely be nothing.

Compared to the Star Luo Empire, the Tiandou Empire dared not offend the Spirit Hall and could only make some small moves to fight with them openly and covertly.

After all, without the Wuhun Palace to act as a check and balance, it would only be a matter of time before the Star Luo Empire unified the continent. The strength gap between the two empires was really too big.

Qian Renxue ignored the expressions of others and walked over with a smile.

"Brother Su Cheng, thank you for being the king's pioneer yesterday."

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, wondering what the other party wanted to do when he suddenly came over.

In front of outsiders, it is understandable for her to say such sarcastic words.

The two are now in different camps, and their relationship has not been exposed. There will be a game between the two teams in the future.

If there is too much tacit understanding, it will easily make Su Cheng's position more embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng said calmly: "Captain Qian is the one who can calm down and fish in troubled waters. It has nothing to do with me."

"Don't say that. Your style yesterday impressed me deeply. I just got it by luck. I'm still looking forward to your performance tomorrow."

After saying that, she patted Su Cheng on the shoulder and said, "If you have time, let's chat together?"

The others looked at their unobtrusive conversation and looked a little strange for a moment.

However, if the other members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team were just a little surprised, the members of the Wuhun Palace team were almost horrified.

They are very familiar with what their captain looks like on a daily basis.

His eyes are almost on his forehead. He has never looked at anyone in the eye, let alone anyone who is so kind to him.

Even if Hu Liena can occasionally talk to her, she rarely gets positive feedback, let alone such intimate gestures like patting on the shoulder.

Even in the presence of the Pope, Qian Renxue never gave an inch.

Is this a sign of goodwill or solicitation? Did you take a fancy to Su Cheng's talent?

It seems not.

Although the conversation between the two of them seems to be tit for tat, there seems to be a strange atmosphere.

It was as if standing next to them, the others were not even considered backgrounds, and they were simply in two worlds.

But the person opposite...

Brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena looked at each other silently.

Not long after yesterday's incident, these people quickly passed out because they could not withstand the impact of the violent power fluctuations caused by the fight between peak Douluo. Everything that happened next was only heard about.

But even so, it was enough to feel how terrifying the scene was at that time.

Dare to take action in the battlefield created by the peak Douluo, the courage is simply boundless, of course, the strength is also terrifying.

Hu Liena was particularly touched.

In the past two years, she has been trained by Qian Renxue, and her mental development has progressed very quickly. Her perceptual ability is one level higher than her own level, and she can more or less understand Su Cheng's current state.

The majestic vitality as deep as the sea and the unfathomable accumulation of soul power are definitely not the level of strength that a soul king should have, and are not even much worse than Qian Renxue.

You must know that this sister of hers has just absorbed a hundred thousand year old soul ring and been promoted to Soul Saint.

One can imagine how profound its background is.

After Su Cheng and Qian Renxue left together, Xie Yue looked at her sister.

"Nana, that person is the opponent that the captain has always told us to be careful about?"

Only then did he dare to speak.

When the two people were talking before, the people next to them had no room to interrupt.

"It should be him." Hu Liena raised her arms and tapped her lips with her slender fingers, her eyes thoughtful.

"You also know that my sister has stayed in Tiandou City for many years, and the two of them should have been in contact with each other for a long time."

"Yeah." Xie Yue nodded after hearing this.

Qian Renxue's return from the Tiandou royal family is now known to everyone in the core members of Wuhun Palace.

Although the specific process and what the plan was, they, the younger generation, still don't know much about it, but they still understand the general situation.

Hu Liena turned her head and saw other people around her dispersed one after another, then she lowered her voice and said softly: "The teacher seems to be a little wary of that person."

"You mean His Majesty the Pope? Are you wary of Su Cheng?"

Xie Yue's expression became more astonished, her eyes widened slightly, "Why would His Majesty the Pope be wary of a Soul King?"

"I don't know either." Hu Liena shook her head, with a bit of confusion on her face. "I don't dare to ask for specific details, but the teacher has collected a lot of information about that person, and I saw it accidentally."

She has a very good relationship with Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong is not very defensive about her. She has the opportunity to see some of the various information on the table.

"How dare you say these nonsense, you shouldn't tell me even if it's me." Xie Yue frowned, feeling that her sister's move was inappropriate.

"It doesn't matter. These are not secrets. It's just that our strength is too weak and the teacher is too lazy to pay attention to it."

Hu Liena shook her head slightly, indicating that it was okay.

"But that Su Cheng, he is really strong, I can feel it." She continued, "At least, he will never be weaker than an ordinary soul saint."

"Soul Saint..." Xie Yue pursed her lips and glanced sideways at the backs of the two people, "What a monster."

"Yes, it's really a monster." Hu Liena sighed, then laughed again.

"But it's okay, sister will definitely win."

"Of course, the captain is a prodigy at level 70 who can absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring."

Speaking of this, Xie Yue's face was also filled with strong confidence.

On the other side, Su Cheng and Qian Renxue left the square together and walked towards the foot of the Pope Mountain.

"It's really a familiar scene. It's been so many years..."

A subtle sense of familiarity emerged in my mind.

During the first simulation, he and Qian Renxue often walked in Wuhun City like this.

Su Cheng looked sideways.

The morning sun was bright but not dazzling. It reflected on Qian Renxue's fair cheeks, diluting the faint hint of evil and making her look even more holy.

The mountain breeze blew by, and the long golden hair fluttered gently, shining dazzlingly in the sun.

Her figure is already tall and straight, and her steps are not as gentle as those of ordinary women. Instead, she is filled with a brisk and unrestrained sense of strength.

The dark eyes also lost some of their usual aggression and became a bit softer, but I don't know what they were thinking about at this time.

Su Cheng quickly calmed down the strange emotions in his heart, and took the initiative to ask: "What do you want to say? Why do you suddenly come to see me now?"

He did have some doubts.

The finals are about to end, there is no need to create extraneous matters at this time.

The captains of the two teams just walked together like this. Although the impact was not big, it was inevitable that they would attract people's attention.

In addition, Su Cheng originally wanted to take advantage of this moment to talk to Zhu Zhuqing and persuade her to abstain directly.

With their strength, trying to fight Qian Renxue is like hitting an egg against a stone.

"I have nothing to do, and I just want to go for a walk with you. What's the matter, are you busy now?"

Qian Renxue turned her head and looked, her eyes seemed to be searching.

"...It's okay." Su Cheng said dryly.

"That's fine, I just happen to have nothing to do."

"..." Su Cheng paused slightly, then asked, "Why do you want to admit defeat?"

Qian Renxue chuckled lightly, "Why else? Of course it's to save you some trouble and directly help you enter the finals. Shouldn't you thank me?"

"Well, thank you very much."

Is it because of this?

Su Cheng was a little unsure for a moment.

"By the way, have you taken the soul bone I gave you yesterday?" Qian Renxue suddenly asked.

"It's not on me."

Su Cheng shook his head, changed the subject and asked, "I just have something to ask you. How is the Pope's current condition? Have you sensed any signs of deterioration in her mental state?"

Qian Renxue's eyes sparkled when she heard this, but she did not continue the topic just now. Instead, she followed Su Cheng's question and said, "You mean Rakshasa Divine Mind?"

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded lightly.

"I feel that her condition is much better than I expected. But she is too strong and I cannot sense it. I can only judge it from her words, deeds, and fighting style."

Qian Renxue thought slowly and said: "When you put it this way, she seems to be quite normal now, and her temper doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. Even if I sometimes mock her, she won't be particularly angry."

"So that's it..."

Su Cheng's eyes looked slightly strange.

I secretly thought that it was because two abnormal people had been together for a long time that one of them became normal, right?

"Don't mention her anymore." Qian Renxue waved her hand and looked at Su Cheng with a smile, "Come have lunch with me later."

"You don't need to prepare for the afternoon game?" Su Cheng hesitated for a while.

"What's there to prepare for? That academy doesn't have any strong opponents."

After saying that, she looked at Su Cheng and asked again: "Do you have anything else?"


Su Cheng's face was calm, but his heart sank.

There was indeed something wrong with Xiaoxue's previous admission of defeat, and there was definitely another reason for it.

The air in the early morning is the coolest and most comfortable, but by now, the sun is already high in the middle of the sky, and the temperature has risen a lot.

The seven members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team headed by Su Cheng stood quietly aside. In the square in front of the Pope's Palace, the other two teams were standing opposite each other.

To be precise, it is a team facing one person.

Zhu Zhuqing stood at the front of the Shrek Academy team, flanked by Tai Long and Ma Hongjun.

Behind them stood Jing Ling and Huang Yuan, and at the end were Oscar and Jiang Zhu.

Opposite them, there was only Qian Renxue.

Seven against one.

At this time, it is obviously against the rules for the Wuhundian Academy team to play like this, and it violates the competition system of this Soul Master Competition.

Just like Su Cheng's previous games.

Even if he is the only one to take action, other team members will follow suit, just because of the requirements of the competition system.

However, at this moment, no one on the Wuhun Palace side objected, and no one mentioned the issue of competition rules. It was obvious that they had acquiesced in Qian Renxue's behavior.

The teachers and students of Shrek Academy were all shocked by her support. Of course, they would not be foolish enough to ask for a fair duel.

On the contrary, my mood was uplifted, and I instantly felt that my chances of winning had improved a lot.

But, is this really the case?

The answer was quickly revealed as the referee announced the start of the game.

The despairing scarlet seventh soul ring appeared at Qian Renxue's feet.

In an instant, the entire audience was silent.

A soul saint who is less than twenty-five years old!

There are three different thresholds recognized by the soul master world, below the Soul Saint, from the Soul Saint to the Titled Douluo, and above the Titled Douluo.

As for the greater strength difference between ordinary Douluo and Peak Douluo, Extreme Douluo, generally few people mention it.

Because the number of titled Douluo is too small, they are too far away from ordinary soul masters. And when it comes to the Ultimate Douluo level, it only exists in legends. Most people have never heard of it, let alone seen it.

But for ordinary soul masters, soul saint is a big threshold for a leap in strength.

After reaching this level, the Soul Saint can obtain a vital soul skill - the martial soul true body.

As long as any soul master reaches the soul saint level, the seventh soul ring attached to him must be this soul skill.

The spirit avatar's ability to improve a spirit master's combat power is unmatched by any state-gaining spirit skills.

What's more, the seventh soul ring shining with scarlet light at Qian Renxue's feet is reminding everyone all the time that this is the true form of a hundred thousand-year-old martial soul!

Yesterday, Bibi Dong and Tang Hao just taught everyone a lesson about how powerful a hundred thousand year soul ring is.

Even if they are both peak Douluo, the power of the others is far different from those two.

Everyone in Shrek Academy no longer cared about wondering why Qian Renxue could successfully absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring at the seventieth level, and despair instantly enveloped their hearts.

Liu Erlong's eyes turned red instantly.

Obviously, this soul ring was taken from Xiao Wu.

When Qian Renxue took action yesterday, she was still at the soul emperor level.

On the other side, the eyelids of the team members from the Tiandou Royal Academy also trembled slightly.

Even Shui Bing'er, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, and then looked at Su Cheng with a slightly trembling voice and said: "Captain, then, that is...?!"

Su Cheng raised his hand, coughed lightly to calm down his teammates, and then whispered: "It's okay, just watch quietly. Your opponent is not her, your goal is to restrain the other soul kings tomorrow."

After saying that, he ignored these teammates.

"Yu Xiaogang."

The next moment, Yu Xiaogang suddenly heard clear words in his ears. He came back to his senses and looked to both sides in surprise.

However, he saw Flanders and Liu Erlong next to him, their expressions were as usual, their eyebrows were furrowed, and they were looking at the field attentively.

At the same time, Su Cheng's lips moved in the distance.

He was transmitting messages to Yu Xiaogang alone.

"I advise you to admit defeat quickly, otherwise the lives of those in your college may be at stake."

Yu Xiaogang looked sideways, then turned his gaze back, turning a deaf ear to what he said.

The Wuhun Palace side was so generous that only one person was allowed to play.

How could he let go of this opportunity.

No matter if he is a Soul Saint, as long as there is a slight possibility, he cannot give up. This is also his principle. This is his persistence.

Besides, what happened to Soul Saint? It's not like I haven't seen the strength of the Soul Saint before. He is the real leader of the Golden Iron Triangle's martial soul fusion technique, the Golden Holy Dragon.

That Su Cheng was simply alarmist.

The rules of the competition are here. Malicious injury or endangerment of human life is not allowed. In serious cases, the competition will be directly disqualified.

Yu Xiaogang looked arrogant and wanted to intimidate himself, but that boy might have chosen the wrong person!

What's more...

Yu Xiaogang narrowed his eyes slightly, and Su Cheng's words reminded him.

If the descendant of the Thousand Family was afraid of attacking because he was worried about hurting someone too much, wouldn't it actually give the Shrek Academy team a greater chance of winning?

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Su Cheng couldn't help but frown secretly. This bastard was simply risking the lives of the students in the team.

Not to mention Qian Renxue's true thoughts, even if there is no reason, if a soul saint cannot hold back during the battle, it is very likely to cause serious injuries to members of their team.

"Ready to fight."

In the square, Zhu Zhuqing's calm words also woke up the Shrek team members who looked slightly dazed.

Everyone forced themselves to calm down and used various soul skills one after another.

Transparent wings formed by hurricanes appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing, and huge flame wings also spread out from behind Ma Hongjun.

A faint light suddenly appeared behind several other people, and then turned into wings, speeding up their bodies at the same time and rising directly into the air.

This is the effect of Oscar's third soul skill, Flying Mushroom Sausage.

The next moment, the three soul rings under Tai Long's feet lit up at the same time, turning into a powerful gorilla and pounced towards Qian Renxue.

At the same time, Jiangzhu raised his scepter and cast a healing halo to provide benefits to his teammates. Oscar immediately used his first soul skill and started making a large number of recovery sausages non-stop.

This is their tactic, a war of attrition.

Having a food-type soul master is their biggest and only advantage at this time.

As the absolute main force, Zhu Zhuqing did not take action immediately as usual in this battle. Instead, under the powerful speed blessing effect of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, he nimbly walked on the edge of the battle.

In this competition, other attacking soul masters except her were used as cannon fodder. Their only purpose was to test and try their best to find out Qian Renxue's soul skill composition and fighting style.

After all, since the beginning of the game, Wuhundian, the mysterious and unpredictable captain, has never made a move.

It wasn't until everyone in the Shrek team was ready to fight that Qian Renxue took action unhurriedly.

As the martial soul possessed her, her body slowly floated in mid-air.

Two pairs of jet black real wings stretched out from the back, and then raised high.

At this moment, she seemed like a god looking down from the clouds.

Majestic and cruel, he judges all living beings.

However, at this time, she was neither using her domain nor her martial spirit avatar.

Only after being possessed by the martial spirit, the fifth soul skill was used.

Then, a huge flaming sword with black flames appeared in her hand.

After glancing at Zhu Zhuqing who was walking on the edge of the square, she didn't pay attention and directly slashed diagonally with her sword, colliding with the incoming powerful gorilla Tailong.

Nothing stands in the way.

With one strike of the sword, Tailong, who used all his strength to activate three soul ring skills when he came up, was instantly blasted out of the square.

The game had just started, and the Shrek Academy team lost an attack-type war soul master, leaving a huge gap in the entire team's formation.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the changes in the field with a horrified expression. He was slightly absent-minded for a moment, unable to understand why the opponent was so strong.

Flanders and Liu Erlong were not surprised by this.

They know how strong Soul Saint is.

Yu Xiaogang may have some idea of ​​the strength of ordinary soul saints, but the man from Wuhun Palace is obviously not an ordinary soul saint.

That is a hundred thousand year soul ring!

In the entire soul master world, including all titled Douluo, how many people have a hundred thousand year soul ring?

I'm afraid only Bibi Dong and Tang Hao have it on the entire continent.

Except for everyone in Shrek Academy, others were not surprised at all by the situation on the field.

The moment the Soul Saint appears, the outcome has actually been decided.

On the square, the battle did not slow down for a moment due to Tai Lung's instant defeat.

Qian Renxue and Su Cheng had different fighting styles before.

Su Cheng's purpose was to experience the magical effects of the various soul skills of the Elemental Academy teams. Qian Renxue didn't have such complicated thoughts. She just decided who was going to kill whom, and without mercy, she killed them off the field.

Although after taking flying mushroom sausage, the members of Shrek Academy also have the ability to fly, but they are obviously far behind Qian Renxue.

It was just that she was too lazy to take the initiative to pursue him, and with a sweep of her sword energy, she easily seriously injured several spirit masters who came forward to test him.

During this period, she had not even used any other soul skills.

In the blink of an eye, only Jiangzhu, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were left in the field.

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and when the other party nodded slightly, he did not hesitate.

Gritting his teeth, the third soul ring and the second soul ring under his feet lit up one after another.

After using the third soul skill Phoenix Wings Tianxiang and the second soul skill Phoenix in Fire, the fire power and attack range of his attacks immediately increased significantly.

Lines of phoenix fire spurted out and fell in the direction of Qian Renxue.

Zhu Zhuqing also took action at this time.

She could see that with the strength of these teammates, they couldn't force out many of the opponent's trump cards.

I really want to know how strong this woman is. After all, she still has to rely on herself.

Although she felt a little depressed in her heart, this slight fluctuation in her mood was not enough to affect her fighting instinct.

The two blessed soul skills of the fourth soul ring and the fifth soul ring at his feet have already been used.

The wind god's wings spread out slightly behind him, and an afterimage of Zhu Zhuqing appeared beside Qian Renxue in an instant. Then he closed his hands, fingertips and claws merged together, turning into a sharp blade and slashing down.

Qian Renxue gently raised her eyes to look at her, but instead of fighting back like before, the wings behind her back fluttered, her body turned slightly, and the next moment she appeared next to Ma Hongjun.

The long sword slashed horizontally.

The phoenix flame was melted inch by inch the moment it touched the black flame of the sword blade, and his figure was instantly knocked away.

Su Cheng frowned even more tightly and glanced in the direction of Shrek Academy.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang still had no intention of speaking, he secretly cursed an idiot in his heart.

While looking at the competition field attentively, he sent a message to Dugu Bo: "Senior, please pay attention to the battle on the field later, and come to the rescue when necessary."

In Su Cheng's own judgment, his strength should be on par with the current Qian Renxue.

If it really comes to a critical juncture, with his speed, it might be too late to take action.

But with Dugu Bo's peak Douluo's reactions and strength, he would definitely be able to catch up.

In fact, he didn't want Dugu Bo or himself to take action unless he had to.

Because if someone notices her relationship with Zhu Zhuqing, it will not be of any benefit to her or herself.

But now, it's obvious that he doesn't care about that much anymore.

As for asking Zhu Zhuqing to admit defeat, given her temperament, it would be useless even if she said so. I had already mentioned this when I gave her the soul bone yesterday, but she still came in the end.

If she mentions it at this time, it will cause her mood swings, which will make her even more disadvantaged in the battle.

Thinking of the soul bone, Su Cheng's uneasiness eased slightly.

If you have those two soul bone skills as a means of saving your life, there shouldn't be any big surprises.

In the blink of an eye, the situation on the field changed again.

Jiangzhu was hit by a sword light from Qian Renxue and was injured and left the field.

In the huge square, Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing were the only two people left standing facing each other.

Zhu Zhuqing did not have any emotional fluctuations due to his teammates leaving the field one after another, and his expression was as cold as ever.

The first soul ring under his feet lit up, and his forward speed more than doubled in an instant, like a tiger descending a mountain and pounced on by a gust of wind.

The claw blades of both hands were like daggers, shining with a dazzling cold light.

Netherworld Thrust!

However, the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing's forward figure froze slightly.

The dark realm instantly spread with Qian Renxue as the center.

It was cold and depressing. In this area, not only her movements, but also her thinking seemed to have entered a brief state of stasis.

Off the field.

The moment he felt this field, Su Cheng's expression changed instantly.

Not only has this field evolved, but there have been new changes, and the effect is completely different from the angel field in his memory!

"Senior, take action!"

After hearing his voice transmission, Dugu Bo's figure instantly appeared in the competition field.

However, when he touched that area, his figure also stagnated for a moment, his soul power was blocked, and his thinking was not functioning smoothly.

The black flame giant sword in Qian Renxue's hand expanded to more than double in an instant, and a deep light shone on the sharp blade.

She didn't even look at the Poison Douluo who suddenly appeared.

She has a good idea of ​​how effective her field is.

Without stopping for a moment, the giant sword slashed out with all its strength, and the extremely violent soul power fluctuations instantly reached her peak level.

The method of breaking pulses and resuming qi!

Except for the martial soul avatar, which was not used, almost all the methods she could use were used.

At this moment, Qian Renxue's true strength burst out in an instant.

Even the martial spirit avatar was not used in order not to waste time and cause other variables to appear.

Her momentum at this moment was several times stronger than before.

Soul bone skills can be cast instantly, Qian Renxue certainly knows that.

But if my sword is faster than your reaction speed, can you still use it?

My domain blocks everyone who can save you, can you survive?

Qian Renxue's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she used all her cards in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind. She didn't even care about the so-called rule of not harming lives in the game.

The next moment, the dark sword edge slashed down instantly!

It’s been 3 days in a row. I’ve finished filling up the previous one, and it’s still the monthly subscription plus 4 updates. I’ll give it a break for two days.

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