Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 160 Overlay Domain, Two Gods of Light and Darkness (Two in One)

All Qian Renxue's previous offensives were all preparations for this final sword strike.

No, it’s not just the battle on the field today.

Before that, she had been making preparations since she sent the soul bone.

Qian Renxue did not covet these things, and she did intend to give this soul bone to Su Cheng, but she did not necessarily give it away the day before the showdown between the three powers.

The reason why she chose to hand it over to Su Cheng at this time was because she wanted to see what the relationship between the two people was.

If this soul bone does not reach Zhu Zhuqing's hands, it proves that they are nothing more than this to each other. At least to Su Cheng, the girl is not important.

Zhu Zhuqing had no means to save his life, so he would naturally admit defeat in time as the team's decline became apparent. Taking a step back, Qian Renxue didn't care even if he was accidentally killed.

But if Su Cheng really handed over the 100,000-year-old soul bone to Zhu Zhuqing, then there would be one more reason for Zhu Zhuqing to die.

The life-saving skills in the soul bone are her life-saving talismans.

When she pinned her hope for survival on those two soul bone skills, she was already halfway through the gate of hell.

Qian Renxue didn't know the skills contained in the soul bones that Xiao Wu dropped, but she could guess a little bit.

There is a wealth of information in the Wuhun Palace, and there is also research on transformed soul beasts.

Their soul skills are not obtained from hunting soul beasts, but generated by themselves, so the soul skills attached to the soul ring are the embodiment of their own soul beast bloodline.

Therefore, when these transformed soul beasts die, the soul bone skills generated must contain the soul ring skills they possessed during their lifetime.

Even the soul ring skills are likely to have the same roots as their former soul skills.

Qian Renxue had secretly observed Xiao Wu's battle before because of her plot to acquire this hundred thousand year old soul beast.

After the competition entered the finals, Xiao Wu was also promoted to the forty-level threshold, and was promoted to the Soul Sect on the way to Wuhun City.

During the several battles in Wuhun City, her fighting style has been exposed. Her four soul skills are waist bow, charm, teleportation, and invincible golden body.

Among them, both teleportation and invincible golden body are extremely powerful life-saving skills.

However, it would be useless for Zhu Zhuqing to obtain any one of them.

Because she couldn't use it at all.

This is indeed the case.

The pitch-black sword edge flew through the air.

As fast as the wind and as powerful as thunder, it is extremely fast and powerful.

In an instant, the sword struck Zhu Zhuqing completely without any hindrance.

With the sword cutting down.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment, as if he had not yet fully recovered.

The next moment, several layers of faint light in the external blessing state dispersed. After the martial spirit possessed him, the pair of long wings formed by the hurricane turned into air currents and disappeared without a trace.

In just one breath, her breath fell to the bottom, and then completely dissipated.

The fire of life is completely extinguished.

She is dead.

All these changes are a long story, but in fact they happened in a blink of an eye, and even the titled Douluo who were watching the battle were a little confused.

Dugu Bo stood frozen on the spot, not even daring to look back at Su Cheng's expression.

Although Qian Renxue's domain binding power is strong, her own cultivation level is low, and she has not used her martial soul avatar. It is obviously impossible to trap a peak Douluo for a long time.

But even this moment of effort was enough to prevent him from catching up with the rescue.

Bibi Dong was also stunned, her thoughts couldn't be completely turned around for a while, and she didn't understand why Qian Renxue was so crazy that she wanted to directly kill people here.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened, and he gasped heavily from his open mouth, but his throat seemed to be stuck and he was completely speechless.

Flanders and Liu Erlong stood up in shock, equally unable to control themselves.

Although due to their personality differences and Zhu Zhuqing's disobedience to discipline, the relationship between them was not deep. But after all, teachers and students who have been together for many years cannot remain indifferent after seeing this scene.

What's more, now that Xiao Wu is dead, Tang San has escaped, and Dai Mubai is nowhere to be found, if Zhu Zhuqing dies here again, then almost all of the six earliest Shrek Academy students will be left.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

His heart was beating vigorously in his chest, and Su Cheng's mind went blank for a moment.

At some point, he had reached the edge of the playing field involuntarily.

However, there is a remedy...

Su Cheng calmed down quickly and without having time to say anything else, he was ready to take action and search for Zhu Zhuqing's soul with the true vision of the Eye of True Sight.


At this time, Su Cheng's eyes suddenly moved and looked in another direction.

He felt a breath of new life.

In front of Qian Renxue, the body that had been struck by the sword and whose vitality had dissipated gradually turned into black mist and drifted away.

Then, a slim figure appeared more than 20 meters away from where the two men had met.

The pale Zhu Zhuqing gasped lightly.

It could be clearly seen at this time that her condition was extremely poor, her soul power was at its lowest, and even her body was trembling slightly due to the loss of power.

But he didn't die after all.

Glancing at the pale-faced Su Cheng not far away, she opened her mouth slightly and said softly: "I give up."

The fifth soul skill: Nether Substitute Death.

This is the fifth soul ring that comes with the soul skill she absorbed when she was promoted to Soul King.

After using this soul skill, it is somewhat similar to her fourth soul skill Nether Possession in the normal state. It can improve various attributes of oneself and provide a good buff state, and does not consume much soul power during the process.

But in addition, when she receives fatal damage, this layer of buffs will turn into a substitute, blocking a fatal attack that does not exceed her own endurance limit.

If the surrogate skill takes effect, her fifth soul skill will need to cool down for a month before she can use it again.

Qian Renxue underestimated Zhu Zhuqing after all.

For all the preparations she had made, the target of her precautions was not Zhu Zhuqing himself, but Su Cheng behind him. Almost all her thoughts were focused on Su Cheng.

Qian Renxue knew Su Cheng very well, but Su Cheng only knew little about her new second personality.

So everything she did before was not to lower Zhu Zhuqing's vigilance, but to lower Su Cheng's vigilance.

Zhu Zhuqing was killed just because of her relationship with Su Cheng.

But in fact Qian Renxue has never really taken this girl seriously.

In terms of talent, strength, and status, the two of them are not on the same level.

In Qian Renxue's view, Zhu Zhuqing was only fourteen or fifteen years old and did not have much combat experience.

Even if you have an extremely powerful martial spirit and a level of cultivation that far exceeds your peers, so what?

Arena competition is completely different from a life and death battle.

Little did she know that Zhu Zhuqing was also experienced.

This experience is not only limited to combat, but also included in the style of conduct.

Zhu Zhuqing is not afraid of crises, but she is not blindly confident. She is just cold on the surface, but in fact she is delicate.

If she didn't have the ability to save her life, she wouldn't put herself in danger.

The soul bone Su Cheng gave her was just an unexpected surprise. She never thought of relying on this soul bone to save her life.

Her real way to save her life in this final is her fifth soul skill.

However, this skill seems to be ridiculously powerful, but it is actually within the normal category. The biggest advantage is that it can prevent sneak attacks.

Because it is a status skill, after blessing itself, there is no need for the soul master to actively activate it.

When it comes to positive actual combat effects, they are actually not as good as Xiao Wu's two soul bone skills.

Because if you are facing an enemy head-on and are killed, even if the soul skill kills you once, the opponent only needs one more sword strike.

But for Zhu Zhuqing at this time, this skill was obviously of great use.

Qian Renxue looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who had reappeared on the other side, unscathed except for a slightly worse condition, and her expression became gloomy for a moment.

Then she regained her composure and had no intention of taking any further action.

She knew in her heart that there was no chance now, and there was a Poison Douluo watching next to her.

After being prepared in advance, if you want to kill the opponent in front of everyone, there is no possibility of success.

As Zhu Zhuqing surrendered, the game came to an end.

Even though she had just walked through the gate of hell, her expression did not change much.

In fact, she never thought she could win this battle today.

I just want to fight the woman opposite me personally to see how strong she is.

Qian Renxue stopped paying attention to Zhu Zhuqing, turned to look at Dugu Bo next to her, and said coldly: "Senior Poison Douluo, what advice do you have?"

Dugu Bo stood proudly in the air with a calm expression and deep eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "I see that you are all geniuses, and I was worried that something might happen to you if you couldn't hold your hands for a while, so I came here to have a look. Since nothing happens, just do it yourself."

He spoke with an air of calmness and extraordinary bearing, and his words were filled with the powerful aura of a peak Douluo.

In fact, he felt extremely embarrassed at this moment.

On the other side, Yu Xiaogang saw that Zhu Zhuqing was safe and sound, and then he shouted angrily: "I am complaining that the members of the Wuhundian Academy team violated the rules. They shot too hard during the battle and had malicious intent to kill!"

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue looked sideways and asked coldly: "Is she dead?"

As her voice fell, Yu Xiaogang was speechless for a moment.

It's not that he's wrong, but that although the other party's face is calm at this moment, his eyes are really scary.

There was no fluctuation in the dark eyes, and there was a dead silence.

Obviously, her mood was not as calm as it seemed at this time.

"Qian Renxue, come down."

At this time, Bibi Dong's calm voice sounded, easing the awkwardness in the scene.

Qian Renxue snorted coldly when she heard this and ignored the others. She glanced at Su Cheng expressionlessly and then returned to the team.

Xie Yue and others were even more silent, and no one dared to speak easily.

Not to mention everyone in Shrek Academy, even they were frightened by Qian Renxue's sword strike just now.

Although Yu Xiaogang's question was blocked by Qian Renxue with one sentence, everyone present was not a fool. Who couldn't see that Qian Renxue was just here to kill people?

On the Tiandou Royal Academy side, all the team members also looked solemn.

Feng Qingyu turned pale and whispered to Su Cheng: "Teacher, why don't we stop fighting tomorrow? That sister will really kill someone."

"Don't worry, you won't die as long as I'm here."

Su Cheng sighed, not in the mood to pay attention to this cheap apprentice now.

As the game ended, the people in the square quickly dispersed.

Although there were some interludes in the middle, the overall progress was not much different from what most people expected. The next step is to see the final battle tomorrow.

For the last game, no one can predict who will win in the end.

Although Qian Renxue is extremely powerful, she not only possesses the Soul Saint cultivation level, but also possesses a hundred thousand year old seventh soul ring.

But Su Cheng's attack that broke through Tang Hao's powerful force field with one sword that day was also vivid in his mind. No one would look down upon him because of his level of cultivation.

After everyone in Shrek Academy returned to the hotel, their faces looked a little heavy.

Although this result was expected, it was inevitable to be a little disappointed at the end of the day.

Yu Xiaogang's expression became even more gloomy, "The Wuhundian Academy team has obviously violated the rules and should be disqualified. It's really abominable."

Flanders and Liu Erlong looked at each other helplessly after hearing this.

They knew that Yu Xiaogang had obsessions, but now it was obviously useless to talk about them.

Liu Erlong took the initiative to take his arm and comforted him softly: "Xiao Gang, Wuhun Palace itself doesn't abide by the rules. We all know it. They have done similar things more than once or twice. Don't worry, everything is fine." It will be decided in the future."

"Yes, Xiaogang, don't put too much pressure on yourself, our results are already very good." Flanders also said at this time.

"This is just a big competition, and there will be many more days to come. Those members of the Wuhun Palace are just relying on their age to gain a few years, and they are ahead of us in terms of cultivation. Don't forget, our How old are the students now?”

"That's right." Yu Xiaogang's expression softened a bit and he nodded gently.

There was a look of thought on his face, "Besides, if Xiao San follows Haotian Mianxia to practice, he will definitely be able to make rapid progress. With accumulated experience, his achievements in the future may not be weaker than those of those few people."

"And Zhuqing." Flanders added from the side.

He looked at the silent girl, thinking that she was still feeling down about today's failure.

"Zhuqing, you are less than fifteen years old now, nearly ten years younger than Qian Renxue, and your talent is by no means weaker than hers. You must know that it is becoming more and more difficult for a soul master to improve his cultivation level. In the future, It’s not impossible to catch up with her.”

Zhu Zhuqing looked up at him and nodded silently.

The other students' faces became more relaxed as they listened to the discussion between their deans and teachers.

But they actually weren't too disappointed.

Compared to Yu Xiaogang and others, they actually know how much they weigh. Even in the first few rounds of the finals, I had a lot of luck to win, and I got several good draws.

Zhu Zhuqing was not in the team at that time, and if they had not encountered some weak opponents, they would have been eliminated long ago.

Being able to get to this point is already satisfying.

Jing Ling and Huang Yuan were originally substitutes. Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Jiangzhu didn't have much ambition. Tailong had lost his ambition to win the championship because of Xiao Wu's death and Tang San's departure.

Flanders suddenly sighed with emotion in his voice.

"At the end of the competition, you have all officially graduated. It can be said that the academy has offended Wuhundian now, and the future may not be easy."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but look at each other.

Indeed, with Tang San's identity exposed and their high-profile behavior during the competition, it is difficult to say whether they will be targeted by the continent's number one force.

"But you don't have to worry too much, as long as Shrek Academy keeps a low profile from now on. By the way, what are your plans in the future?"

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyes and said softly: "I am going to practice on the mainland and then return to the Star Luo Empire."

Now she has two extremely powerful soul bone skills, and they are soul bone skills that have not yet been exposed. Coupled with her current strength, even if she encounters an ordinary soul saint, she still has a chance to deal with them.

On the mainland, except for a few people in the Star Luo Empire, other powerful people had no reason to take action against her.

And based on the background of the soul masters in the Star Luo Empire, it is also almost impossible to send a large number of powerful people to the Tiandou Empire to deal with her.

What's more, it's hard to say what the current Xingluo Empire's senior officials' attitude towards Zhu Zhuqing is. I'm afraid there will be huge differences.

The power struggle in the Star Luo Empire was bloody and cruel. It was always about survival of the fittest and strength. There was never any so-called loyalty.

The emergence of Zhu Zhuqing may not be an opportunity and hope for many people.

On the other side, Oscar said casually: "I'm a food-based soul master, and I don't have a good place to go, so I'll just stay in the academy."

Ma Hongjun chuckled and said: "I prefer freedom. I have finally graduated, and I also want to travel around the mainland and gain experience."

"I plan to return to the family to practice for some time..."

As everyone talked about their future plans, the previous dull atmosphere gradually dissipated.

Flanders looked at the students in front of him and said with a smile: "Remember to go back to the academy in a few years. Let's take a look and compete for the championship in the next competition."

"Tuk, dun, dun."

At night, someone knocked on Su Cheng's door.

He stood up and opened the door. The person standing outside was Zhu Zhuqing.

"I gotta go."

Su Cheng sighed secretly and moved away, "Come in and talk."

Zhu Zhuqing stared at him silently for a while, then stepped into the room.

Standing in front of the window, with her back to him, she whispered: "Su Cheng, if I were killed by her today, what would you do?"

After getting the soul bone from Xiao Wu yesterday, she had already understood that killing Xiao Wu was not Su Cheng's plan alone, but the idea shared by him and Qian Renxue.

"You won't die." Su Cheng said solemnly, "I have a way to keep your soul body, and then find a way to resurrect you."

Zhu Zhuqing fell silent after hearing this.

That wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Cheng took the initiative and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"……Not ready yet."

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, his long black hair gently rising in the breeze outside the window.

With the exposure of the Nether White Tiger Martial Spirit, she no longer needs to care about her family's thoughts, nor does she need to consider the so-called selection of the heir to the Xingluo royal family.

She just wants to practice and become stronger now, but she doesn't have many definite ideas about other things yet.

"I have a suggestion."

Zhu Zhuqing's mood had gradually calmed down at this time, and he turned to look at Su Cheng, waiting for his next words.

"You stay in Wuhun City for a few days first, and I will tell you when I have the news. It will definitely be much more effective than blindly practicing on your own. Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting for too long."

Early the next morning, the Tiandou Royal Academy team headed by Su Cheng appeared at the door of the hotel very early.

After glancing at the team members, he nodded slightly and said, "Let's go. I don't have many requirements for you today, just do your best. No matter the outcome, at least show your style."

Su Cheng didn't talk about himself.

Everyone can see how strong he is.

But for these young teammates, today is a huge stage.

The one with the highest level of cultivation among them is only Shui Bing'er, who is at the forty-fourth level. Facing a strong warrior at the Soul King level is an extremely difficult challenge for them, and it is also an excellent opportunity for experience.

Later in the battle, it was difficult for Su Cheng to take care of these teammates. He had to concentrate on dealing with Qian Renxue.

Just the range of areas shown by the other party yesterday made him feel a little troublesome.

If the opponent performs it in the spirit's true form, it will inevitably cause even greater pressure.

In addition, the strength gap between him and these teammates is too big. If he puts himself into the tactical system of team combat, it will not only be meaningless, but it will also increase the difficulty of Shui Bing'er's command.

For Su Cheng, it is enough that these teammates can restrict the opponent's soul kings. Don't let those people affect his performance.

Soon, the Pope's Palace was in sight.

Pope Bibi Dong, as well as Yue Guan, Gui Mei, Chen Xin, Dugu Bo, Ning Fengzhi and others who watched the battle yesterday have already taken their seats.

The three soul bones as a reward were also lying quietly in the red brocade plate beside them, emitting a faint halo, silently attracting everyone's attention.

Members of the Wuhundian Academy team were already standing on the square in advance, waiting silently.

As Su Cheng and others also arrived at the venue, the air around them seemed to become a little stagnant.

The momentum confrontation between the two teams has begun.

"The finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition are about to begin. Team members from both sides are preparing. The competition will begin in a quarter of an hour."

Following the referee's order, the members of the two teams quickly organized their formations and returned to their positions.

Qian Renxue's eyes scanned the seven people opposite, no longer as lazy and casual as before.

"Leave Su Cheng to me to deal with it, and you can deal with the others. Those people's cultivation level is not as high as that of the Soul Sect. If they lose, you know what the consequences will be."

She and Su Cheng unexpectedly chose the same tactic.

"Prepare for the competition, both sides can release their martial spirits."

After the two sides looked at each other, surging soul power fluctuations instantly burst out from their respective bodies.

On the side of Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue, who was standing at the front, had the same seven soul rings as yesterday, two yellow, two purple, two black, and one red, floating quietly.

But at this time, she was different from yesterday. After being possessed by the martial spirit, the two pairs of wings were no longer pitch black, but as white as snow.

The eyes that lit up were also filled with golden light.

Behind her, the three soul kings headed by Xie Yue were also in the best configuration of soul rings, and their five soul rings were dazzling.

While they were releasing their martial spirits, Su Cheng also revealed his own martial spirits.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted to Su Cheng.

Everyone is already very familiar with the longevity sword in his right hand, but at this moment, there is another martial spirit floating on his left hand.

It was a profound and mysterious energy array diagram.

In terms of quality alone, it was not weaker than the Immortality Sword in his right hand.

Twin martial souls!

Only then did everyone realize that not only Tang San, but Su Cheng also had a twin martial spirit! They are still two top-notch twin martial spirits!

And looking at his appearance at this time, it seems that his two martial spirits can be used at the same time!

No, he had used both.

When Tang Hao and Bibi Dong fought that day, Su Cheng's second martial spirit appeared once.

It's just that at that time, his attack was sudden and extremely fast, and there was no follow-up after just one sword strike.

No one noticed that he was using two martial arts spirits at that time.

In other words, no one would think in this direction.

Although they didn't understand the circumstances of Su Cheng's attack, they just thought it was some kind of wonderful self-created soul skill.

How did he do that? !

For a moment, all the spectators present were shocked by him.

The scene in the finals was not as lively as the previous games, and there were not many people watching.

But the people who can watch the battle here are all powerful or high-status people.

But even with their knowledge, it is difficult to imagine such a scenario happening.

Even Bibi Dong frowned tightly at this moment.

The game that I was originally confident about now has a lot of suspense added to it.

"Game start!"

After being stunned, Cardinal Wuhundian, as the referee, reacted first and immediately announced the start of the game. At the same time, he quickly retreated and gave up the field.

At the same time, Qian Renxue's scarlet seventh soul ring shone instantly.

The seventh soul skill: Martial Soul True Body!

Different from yesterday, today Qian Renxue didn't mean to be careless at all. She directly used her martial soul avatar blessed by a hundred thousand year soul ring.

She was also not surprised by Su Cheng's twin martial souls, nor was she dazed for a moment.

Unlike others, she never underestimated her teacher.

With the dazzling golden light shining, the shadow behind Qian Renxue quietly moved forward, and she quickly overlapped with the shadow.

The entire person, including skin and hair, was rendered pure gold.

Then, dazzling golden flames enveloped her body, and even the soul rings under her feet were rendered golden.

On the two pairs of white wings behind Qian Renxue, golden light spread from the roots to the tips of each feather.

With a sneer, another pair of wings spread out from her back, and the true form of the seraph was fully revealed under the influence of the seventh soul ring martial soul's true form.

The amplification effect of the martial soul's true form is directly proportional to the quality of the martial soul itself. In other words, the higher the quality of the martial spirit itself, the stronger the increase will be to oneself after using the martial spirit avatar.

The higher the martial spirit, the greater the significance of possessing the seventh soul skill, because only after the martial spirit's true form is used can the true power of the martial spirit be displayed.

Accompanied by Qian Renxue's melodious whistle, she stretched out her arms and golden light spread around, covering everyone.

Angel realm!

Facing Qian Renxue who had used his martial spirit true form, Su Cheng did not dare to be careless at all.

He raised the Eternal Life Sword in his hand with a solemn expression, and the innate formation diagram in his left hand fell silently to the ground.

Subsequently, the Five Elements Domain with the Eternal Life Sword as its core spread silently, confronting the opponent's Angel Domain, cannibalizing and resisting each other.

However, the next moment, two realms appeared again on the field, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

All around Su Cheng's body, sword energy floated around, filling it with unparalleled sharpness. Just one look at it gives people a feeling of being like a light on their backs.

The field of kendo!

But although his second area was unexpected, the changes in Qian Renxue's side were even more astonishing.

Under the bright golden light, a layer of deep shadow quietly emerged.

Like shadows in the sun, they are distinct from each other, yet appear to be extremely harmonious.

Next to her, another figure appeared.

Three pairs of jet-black wings flew freely, and the deep eyes were solemn and cold.

Two Qian Renxue!

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