Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 161 The young master’s condition is getting worse

At this time, someone discovered another thing.

"Su Cheng's soul ring..."

What appeared at his feet at this moment were five black soul rings, none of which were at the level of less than 10,000 years.

"Is it because of the twin martial spirits?" Ju Douluo Yueguan hesitated and whispered.

But they had clearly seen before that Su Cheng's soul ring appeared together with the Eternal Sword.

And with his strength, there is no need to add a soul ring to the second martial soul in advance.

It was understandable that Tang San converted to Clear Sky Hammer in advance. After all, the Blue Silver Grass Spirit was recognized as a useless spirit with extremely low potential, but Su Cheng's sword spirit was obviously of extremely high quality.

Ning Fengzhi was also a little confused. He didn't know that Su Cheng had the second martial soul, nor did he know where his five thousand-year soul rings came from.

Turning his head to look at Chen Xin, he saw that he also had a blank look on his face, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Su Cheng didn't care about the audience's surprise.

After Ah Yin left the Eternal Life Sword, he couldn't find a way to cover up the color of the soul ring in a short period of time, so he simply revealed it directly.

It’s not a big deal if this thing is exposed anyway.

No one would be able to learn the principles behind this, and even if someone did learn it, it wouldn't matter to him.

At this moment, he was just staring at Qian Renxue opposite, thoughtfully.

"It turns out this is the unexpected gain she was talking about..."

After Qian Renxue successfully absorbed the 100,000-year-old soul ring, she came to meet him once. At that time, she mentioned that not only had the hidden danger in the soul been temporarily solved, but there were also unexpected gains.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult for an ordinary soul master to absorb a hundred thousand year old soul ring with a level 70 cultivation level.

It can even be said that it is completely impossible to do it. If you dare to try it, you are courting death.

But Qian Renxue's success in doing this was not beyond Su Cheng's expectation.

Although talking about basic conditions, she did not start absorbing soul rings over the years like in the first simulated world since she was a child, and she continued to improve her mental strength through drugs all year round.

However, in the real world she has another advantage.

That was the change in her soul.

Although this extremely special twin state caused her soul condition to be unstable, it was undeniable that this unexpected appearance undoubtedly made her spiritual power grow much faster than the same level.

The two souls coexisted twins, and the friction between them was caused by their different attributes, but their consciousness surprisingly did not produce much rejection.

In this way, as long as Qian Renxue's body can withstand the load of a powerful soul, or one of them does not die unexpectedly, the advantages actually outweigh the disadvantages from a strength perspective.

In addition, taking Acacia Broken Heart Red also greatly improved her foundation in all aspects.

In addition, the Seraphim Martial Spirit itself is far stronger than ordinary Martial Spirits. The sixth spirit ring is also absorbed across the years. It also has the blessing of some of the soul bones in the angel suit. It is difficult to withstand the pressure brought by the 100,000-year-old spirit ring. Not too big.

But even so, the sudden move Qian Renxue used today was beyond Su Cheng's expectation.

Judging from the current situation alone, Qian Renxue may be able to reveal two twin souls at the same time when using the seventh soul skill Martial Soul Avatar.

And it seems that both of them have extremely strong combat effectiveness, and can even display their different fields.

Of course, this is just Su Cheng's speculation. The true body of the martial spirit may not be a necessary prerequisite. After all, his own knowledge of the soul is also not profound.

"No wonder she was so confident before."

Su Cheng's expression became more solemn.

He clearly felt that his two realms were somewhat suppressed at this moment.

Unlike Su Cheng's situation, Qian Renxue's dual realms are coordinated very well.

The effect of the Angel Domain is purification, which can comprehensively weaken the opponent's various abilities through the unique attributes of the Seraph Spirit, including but not limited to soul power, perception, mental power fluctuations, etc. At the same time, it can also have positive effects on one's own side.

This is a very conventional status field, but it is very powerful and has special attributes.

The other dark realm hidden beneath the feet is even more disgusting. This is an extremely pure restricted field skill. Although it is not as comprehensive as the angel field, the effect is much more obvious.

In addition, it also contains strange mental fluctuations, which has a restraining effect on the enemy and can greatly interfere with the opponent's mental state and thinking ability.

"It's not a big problem."

Su Cheng felt it silently for a moment and thought to himself.

The purification effect of the Angel Realm is actually somewhat restrained by the Five Elements Realm.

His swordsmanship field is also a special attack field that focuses on extreme attacks. In comparison, it can ensure that he is not affected too much.

The only troublesome thing is the shadow-like dark field, which will slow down his movement speed, but the spiritual attack contained in it will hardly affect his mental operation.

In fact, under the cover of Su Cheng's own strong sword intent, most of the methods that affect his mind have little effect on him.


Su Cheng glanced sideways at his pale-faced teammates and sighed secretly.

He could only protect himself, but it was difficult for him to take care of these teammates. It was hard to say how long these people could last.

"Fortunately, this area seems to be indifferent between friend and foe, and those on the opposite side seem to be having a hard time." Su Cheng glanced at Xie Yue and others.

Obviously, this dark realm is different from the angelic realm.

Although the restriction effect can avoid the members of the Wuhundian Academy team, the impact on the mental and emotional levels is difficult to avoid.

When Qian Renxue left Tiandou City many years ago, the two had a brief encounter. At that time, he felt that the other party's field was somewhat special.

Now, the effect in this field has obviously been further strengthened.

With the domain completely spread, Qian Renxue did not leave Su Cheng with too many opportunities to dig up information.

Especially when he saw the golden light in Su Cheng's eyes and the faint vertical lines on his forehead, he felt even more vigilant.

The fifth soul ring under his feet immediately lit up, and the angelic holy sword condensed in his hand.

Not one handle, but two handles.

The next moment, two figures attacked directly from the left and right sides.

Their bodies were slightly staggered, one behind the other, but they just blocked Su Cheng's dodge space. The coordination between them was so wonderful that even with Su Cheng's speed, he could only block the opponent's sword moves.

The golden long sword struck first and slashed down in the air. The golden flame burned blazingly, the hot breath rushed towards his face, and the air around him was slightly distorted.

The first and third soul rings under Su Cheng's feet lit up one after another.

The longevity sword in his hand expanded instantly, and then split into three. Two of them flew out from both sides and rushed towards the black-clothed figure.

He raised the sword blade in his hand and blocked the golden sword edge in a sword stance.

But Qian Renxue's strength is obviously not comparable to those opponents Su Cheng has encountered before.

The soul power contained in the two separated long swords was not enough to resist another person.

The black sword edge made a slight mistake, and with just a push, it diverted a sword shadow, and then slashed hard, splitting another sword shadow into water-colored ripples.

With a thought in Su Cheng's mind, the scattered water waves turned into fine pieces of sword energy, and with the blessing of the sword intention, they hit Qian Renxue's face.

But at this moment, another long sword attack arrived.


This time, the two swords clashed without any fancy, and the golden flame on Qian Renxue's sword instantly increased several times.

The next moment, Su Cheng's expression changed slightly and he took a step back.

The sacred fire has the effect of dissolving soul power, so he will naturally not engage in a stalemate with the opponent.

The three of them fought together in the square in front of the vast Pope's Palace.

The two long swords, the golden and the black, worked in perfect harmony with each other. Although they were still mostly testing at this time, they still put a lot of pressure on Su Cheng.

Obviously, the soul rings of the two Qian Renxue are shared with each other, but the soul skills they display are different, and they seem to have undergone some mutations.

Su Cheng was not in a hurry to attack.

Instead, he silently observed while resisting with a less expensive sword style.

He is still unable to fully understand Qian Renxue's current situation. If he acts blindly, he will easily fall into a huge passive situation if he fails to achieve success.

The sword used against Tang Hao before was indeed very strong and could be called his strongest attack method now, but it was obviously not something that could be used easily at this time.

He has not yet fully mastered the self-spirit fusion technique, and may be locked out of it.

Moreover, that sword consumes so much soul power that even with his current level of cultivation, he cannot use it several times.

It can be used to break formations or crush, but it is not suitable when facing opponents with similar strength to yourself.

No one else can get involved in the battlefield between Su Cheng and Qian Renxue.

Whether it was the sword energy swirling around Su Cheng or the two-color flames that occasionally splashed around Qian Renxue, they were extremely threatening to other players.

The other members of the two teams started a six-on-six battle in unison.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena were not in a hurry to use martial soul fusion skills.

Their move consumes too much, and it is a control attribute skill. The competition field is now covered by four powerful fields. Even if they use the spirit fusion skill Yaowei, it will be difficult to exert its strongest power.

Moreover, their cultivation levels are higher, and as long as they don't make mistakes and are stable, it is only a matter of time before they eliminate the other members of the Tiandou Royal Team.


Looking at the two warring parties on the field, especially the battlefield between Qian Renxue and Su Cheng, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo exchanged glances secretly, and then looked at the man sitting on the big gilded chair in the middle. Bibi Dong.

They thought in tacit agreement at the same time: "Young Master's condition seems to be getting more serious."

At first, they were not sure what was going on when the two Qian Renxue appeared at the same time. They speculated that this might be some kind of special method such as self-created soul skills.

Although it is unlikely, it is obviously more acceptable than actually becoming two people.

But seeing the two Qian Renxues working together like twins, they finally let go of the last bit of luck in their hearts.

After Bibi Dong noticed the gazes of the two elders, there was no expression on his face, but he was much more surprised and suspicious than Ju Gui and the other two.

There was also some uneasiness and worry.

She originally thought that Qian Renxue just had some problems in her training, or that she had created a new consciousness because her talent was too high and her martial spirit was too strong, but now it seems that is not the case.

You know, even if she herself took the divine test, endured the mental torture of the Rakshasa divine thoughts day and night, and had shadows from decades ago in her heart that were constantly entangled, and her emotions were tense all year round, she never had such a change. .

Bibi Dong's feelings towards Qian Renxue were extremely complicated.

The appearance of this child was more like a mark of shame that could never be erased for her.

She originally thought she only had disgust for Qian Renxue.

In fact, she has behaved this way over the past many years.

But that dream changed some of her thoughts.

On her deathbed when she was killed by the Angel God, she finally realized that she could never let go of the family ties in her blood.

But after waking up from the dream, even if my mind changes, my habits over the years will not change.

He also continued to turn a blind eye to Qian Renxue's existence.

"I hope that Su Cheng is aware of this situation."

Bibi Dong sighed secretly in his heart.

She knew absolutely nothing about these things herself.

Being able to reach this stage and become the top soul master on the continent is all due to his strong cultivation talent.

As for her understanding and comprehension of martial spirits and soul skills, she is not even as good as an average peak Douluo.

On the square, as time went by, Su Cheng and Qian Renxue's testing of each other basically ended, and they began to launch stronger attacks in unison.

The two Qian Renxue looked at each other, and the third and sixth soul rings under their feet lit up at the same time.

The third soul skill: Angel Protection.

The sixth soul skill: Angel descends.

Two light curtains, golden and black, lit up on them, and surging soul power fluctuations spread around.

At the same time, a layer of light and shadow appeared on each body, and the aura became higher again.

Su Cheng also quickly retracted the sword shadow and stopped his third soul skill, Fractal Shadow.

The second soul ring lit up, and the second soul skill, Splitting Wind and Thunder, which could greatly improve the texture and sharpness of the Eternal Life Sword, was used.

Coupled with the attribute blessing of his first soul skill, although he was slightly behind for a while, he was still able to withstand it with ease.

The confrontation between the two became more and more intense, and the area shrank little by little.

At this time, both the other members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team and the Wuhundian Academy team all breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially the former. Unlike Xie Yue and others, they have been educated many times by Qian Renxue in the field.

Although the strength of the opponent's field has increased to a large level today, after all, he has experience and the pressure is not that great.

Shui Bing'er and others have never experienced such a battle.

The golden light was not bad, although it was very oppressive and hindered the five senses.

But with the blessing of Su Cheng's five elements field, the mid-range perception has not been greatly affected.

But that shadow was extremely terrifying, causing them psychological pressure all the time, making them extremely nervous.

It's like walking on a cliff, and you may fall to the bottom at any time, which is extremely depressing.

"Rongrong, whisper." Shui Binger shouted in a low voice, signaling the two auxiliary soul masters to start performing soul skills according to the previously formulated tactics.

In this battle, she and Xue Wu were undoubtedly under the greatest pressure.

The two attack-type battle soul masters are in front, and they just need to take as much damage as possible.

In addition to being responsible for scheduling, Shui Bing'er in the middle also has to use the martial soul fusion skill Ice and Snow Piaoling to restrain Xie Yue and others, which is an extremely arduous task.

After all, other than her, no one else could be the opponent of those soul kings.

Su Cheng ignored the battle between Shui Bing'er and others. The golden light in his eyes flickered in and out, and he concentrated on observing the movement of Qian Renxue's soul power, looking for the opponent's flaws.

He couldn't delay for long.

Although he had previously said that Shui Bing'er would restrain the opposite soul king, he knew in his heart that Shui Bing'er simply couldn't do it.

During the battle between Wuhun City Academy and the Tiandou Royal Academy team a few days ago, he discovered that Xie Yue and Hu Liena were much stronger than he expected.

Therefore, today's battle actually did not leave him much time.

He had to end the battle before Shui Bing'er and others were eliminated.

Another soul ring lit up under his feet.

The fourth soul skill: Return to the Origin of the Eight Desolations.

Up to now, Su Cheng's Eternal Sword has been blessed with three status-based soul skills.

The first soul skill, Virtue Carrier, improves strength and endurance; the second soul skill, Breaking Wind and Thunder, improves the sharpness and quality of the sword's blade; the fourth soul skill, Returning to the Origin of Eight Desolations, enhances the explosive power of sword skills.

Then, he used a sword stance to block the pitch-black blade coming from the side, and found the opportunity to take a step back to avoid another angel's holy sword.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, he thrust upward slowly.

This sword was not slow, but it seemed to lift a huge weight.

In an instant, a huge sword shadow rose into the sky.

Fifteen swords, empty mountain!

His sword was far from as powerful as when he fought against the Shrek Academy team.

The soul ring's status blessing is one aspect, but deepening one's own understanding is the key.

The powerful sword force seemed to pierce the clouds, and golden sunlight fell on the blue sky.

The terrifying power at this moment made everyone on the field pause slightly at the same time.

The emptiness and silence of the destruction of all things filled the whole place.

Thousands of mountains are covered with snow, thousands of paths are covered, there is nothing and no life left.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Chen Xin, who was in the audience seat, looked moved and couldn't help but exclaimed in wonder.

Ning Fengzhi had previously described Su Cheng's sword style to him, but he had never been able to see it.

Of course, although he was curious, he was not too persistent.

After all, he himself is a great master of swordsmanship, and all his cultivation is condensed into one Seven-Kill Sword.

In his opinion, Su Cheng is still young and has low cultivation level after all. This sword may have reference value, but it can only be regarded as a stone from other people's mountains.

And he knew that Su Cheng's approach was different from his own.

His swordsmanship is all about moving forward, pursuing the ultimate in attack power and destructive power.

Su Cheng, on the other hand, pursues balance more, and the sword styles he has learned are also extremely complex and diverse.

It is difficult to judge which one is better between the two, but it is extremely difficult to confirm and learn from each other.

But after seeing this sword, he realized that he had been too one-sided before.

This sword is by no means a simple sword of destruction.

There was a deeper truth in it, but it was difficult for him to fully understand it for a while.

No, maybe not only him, but Su Cheng himself may not fully understand the true meaning.

"Cheng'er, how on earth can you understand such a sword technique..."

The next chapter will be later, typos will be corrected later.

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