Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 162 The spark is rekindled and the moon shines in the sky

Chen Xin's eyes were extremely appreciative, and he even couldn't help himself for a moment.

Under the floating aura, majestic soul power fluctuations spread immediately.

The ground under his feet and the seat behind him were marked by sword marks.

At this moment, he actually vaguely found a direction in which he could go further in the future.

Including Bibi Dong, everyone nearby looked over in surprise.

All of you here are top experts in the world, so you naturally know what is going on in Chen Xin.

He is a peak Douluo, and it is obviously impossible for him to be unable to control his aura.

At this moment, there must be a new breakthrough.

Although it will take a long time to finally take that step, it is already extremely valuable.

You must know that the cultivation above Peak Douluo is not a simple accumulation of soul power.

At this point, understanding is even more important.

Just relying on the efficiency of absorbing soul power may not be able to improve one level in decades.

Unless you have the unique advantage of having twin martial souls, you can increase your soul power level by absorbing soul rings.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to make any progress without understanding.

This kind of battle at the Soul Saint level can actually arouse the enlightenment of a peak Douluo, which is simply terrifying.

If it weren't for Su Cheng's current basic skills and insufficient cultivation, one can imagine his true combat power.

Qian Renxue looked at the huge sword shadow in front of her, and there was a moment of trance in her eyes.

This implication of the emptiness of all things is more disturbing than death.

But she is not an ordinary person after all.

The two figures looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Then, the wings on his back stretched out at the same time, and he rose into the sky with a long sword in hand.

"Holy Sword, Judgment!"

The golden flames on the long sword burned brightly, and her golden wings also ignited with fire.

Even though they were in mid-air, everyone on the ground felt a burning pain.

The light emanating from her body at this moment could even compete with the sun in the sky.

The strong sense of sacredness almost makes people want to worship.

"Purgatory, Judgment!"

On the other side, black flames also ignited, but not with too much momentum.

Between the floating dark light, a dark curtain of light fell down, connecting with the shadows on the ground.

The dark crown dress became darker and darker, and even the long hair was dyed dark in the shadows.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and her long eyelashes cast a large amount of shadow.

His face was full of majesty, coldness and ruthlessness.

Qian Renxue’s self-created soul skill: Divine Cutting!

This was obviously not Feng Xiaotian's simple and playful method.

His thirty-six consecutive blows from the Gale Demon Wolf were only at the technical level, and they were relatively low-level techniques.

Needless to say, Su Cheng, when Feng Xiaotian reaches the level of Soul Saint, he will never use that useless self-created soul skill again.

Qian Renxue's sword was completely different.

It contains a strong personal will.

This is the level that self-created soul skills should have.

Without this kind of will, the so-called "self-created soul skills" are just an empty shell, just some kind of special attack skills.

If the Haotian Sect's Great Sumeru Hammer didn't have Tang Chen's domineering momentum, it wouldn't be called a top soul skill.

Although Qian Renxue's soul skill can hardly be said to be superior to Su Cheng's sword move "Empty Mountain" in terms of level, her soul power level and the strength of her martial soul in her true form are obviously higher than Su Cheng's. Sincerity.


The next moment, with a sudden loud noise, three attacks collided.

The roar at this moment even made the ears of the low-level soul masters in the square buzz for a moment.

The huge sword shadow shattered into pieces during the collision. Qian Renxue also retreated violently, her face turned pale, and the fire on the sword blade went out.

But compared to Qian Renxue, Su Cheng's backlash damage was much more severe.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and a huge deep pit appeared on the extremely hard jade ground under his feet, with cracks spreading in all directions.

Without enough time to adjust, Su Cheng raised his sword and slashed diagonally.

Sure enough, just as he raised his sword, a golden light struck from the sky.

Qian Renxue's next attack came instantly, giving him no chance to breathe.

The first soul skill: Angel Assault.

The fifth soul ring under Su Cheng's feet lit up, and the fifth soul skill: Recast Qingfeng.

Under the nourishment of soul skills, the slightly disordered meridians in the body began to be quickly repaired, and the shattered kendo field also began to regain its strength.

On the other side, the expressions of other team members in the square changed slightly when they saw this scene.

Especially the Wuhundian Academy side was in high spirits for a while.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

it's time.

Hu Liena glanced at Shui Bing'er in the distance. The five soul rings on her body were beating continuously, and the red light on her body was shining.

Xie Yue held the moon blade in her hand, stretched her arms, and hit her sister.

At the same time, two golden lights shot out from the scepter in the hand of the auxiliary soul master of the Wuhundian Academy team, and quickly integrated into the bodies of Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

The red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread, and the martial soul fusion skill appeared again.

This time, their martial soul fusion skills didn't delay for a moment. With the help of his teammates, he successfully launched it in an instant.

Shui Bing'er saw this and no longer hesitated, and started to use martial soul fusion skills like Xue Wu.

Su Cheng noticed the movement behind him and felt dark in his heart.

There isn't much time left for him.

With a slight thought in his mind, the scattered sword energy around him suddenly seemed to be alive, and began to tremble slightly, and quickly intensified, and the energy surged like a tide.

Fourteen of Swords, Ember.

Taking advantage of the remaining power of the previous sword, this sword technique hardly consumed much of his soul power, and he easily completed the reshaping, and the aura was not much worse than before.

The two Qian Renxue looked at each other and frowned slightly.

It’s this trick again!

She had seen this sword move before.

It was also the time when they were saying goodbye outside Tiandou City, when she was defeated by Su Cheng's sword.

However, today was different from the past, and she was not particularly worried at the moment.

With her current strength, this sword style would hardly pose much of a threat.

Moreover, she has already experienced that she can easily interrupt this sword move by sweeping it all down before it is completely condensed.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue didn't hesitate for a moment.

She didn't dare to delay. Not only Su Cheng, but also Qian Renxue didn't want the battle to drag on too long.

Maintaining this twin state of martial soul avatar consumes a huge amount of her soul power.

If the seventh spirit ring hadn't been a hundred thousand year old spirit ring, she would have been unable to continue after continuously performing many large-scale spirit skills and dual realms.

Immediately, the flames reignited on the angel's holy sword.

As the sword blade swung, it pounced on the fragmented residual sword energy all around.

However, the next moment she was shocked to realize that although she did prevent a lot of sword energy from continuing to grow, it was difficult to completely eliminate it. And in this process, she needed to expend far more soul power than expected.

Seeing this scene, Su Cheng's pale face showed a smile.

This sword move was incomplete at the time. After so many years, it has completed the completion of the Five Elements. How could it remain unchanged?

And he also has a second martial soul.

Although there are currently no additional soul skills on the innate formation diagram, this auxiliary martial soul is not completely useless. In today's battle, he has been silently providing attribute gains for him.

During the one-month break before the start of the promotion competition, Su Cheng went to the Ice and Fire Eyes to practice.

With the help of a large amount of ice and fire spiritual energy there, he used the soul ring condensation method to improve this martial soul to a certain extent, but he had not yet condensed the soul rings.

The reason why he doesn't condense soul rings is not because of the age of the soul rings. He can now improve the quality of his own soul rings, so it doesn't matter.

The key still lies in the martial soul fusion skill.

Until now, he has not fully mastered the self-martial arts fusion skill.

Under this situation, if he added a soul ring to the second martial soul, he didn't know if he could maintain the balance between the two martial souls and successfully cast the Immortal Sword Formation.

Su Cheng stopped looking at Qian Renxue and swung the long sword in his hand, and the Eternal Life Sword was thrown away by him.

Then he was hanging high in the air under the surprised eyes of others.

The sword energy all around immediately vibrated and buzzed, swarming in like tired birds returning to their nests.

Wrapped in the sword energy, the Eternal Life Sword turned into a bright moon, which for a moment gave Qian Renxue an illusion that it was difficult to take action.

Sword sixteen, bright moon.

People today cannot see the moon of ancient times, but today's moon once illuminated the ancient people.

This is the sword intention that Su Cheng understood from the immortal true meaning of the phoenix core.

Of course, in the battle with Shui Bing'er, I only had a slight feeling, but it was still far from reaching today's level.

At that time, I just relied on my comprehension to completely absorb the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone and turn it into a life core.

The most important thing was the collision with Tang Hao the day before yesterday that made him truly understand.

Naturally, what the Eternal Life Sword transformed into was not the real bright moon.

I just took the meaning of the crowd flowing like water and the bright moon illuminating eternity.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Qian Renxue fell silent.

She also felt the power of this sword.

It is not strong in power, but strong in defense and durability.

With his remaining soul power, he can't deal with this sword, so he can only let it slowly accumulate power.

As time goes by, she will never be able to resist this sword move once it reaches its peak.

But at this moment, she was unable to perform another divine strike.

What's more, even if it can still be used, I'm afraid it won't be able to interrupt Su Cheng's sword move.

But the silence only lasted a few breaths.

Qian Renxue, dressed in black, had a smile on her face again.

"Awesome, really awesome."

She stretched out her hands and clapped softly in admiration.

Then he said: "But little brother Su Cheng, even so, will you win?"

There was a hint of pride in his words.

The figure in white clothes next to him said bluntly: "Teacher, you lose."

Su Cheng sighed softly and smiled bitterly.

He was indeed going to lose.

That's why he didn't choose to use this move right away.

The time required to accumulate power for this sword is too long.

In a short period of time, its power will definitely not be comparable to that of Sword Fifteen.

In this game, what he lacks most is time.

Because this is not his alone battle.

On the other side, as expected, Shui Bing'er and others were almost unable to hold on.

This is perfectly normal.

The difference in soul power between the two sides is too obvious.

The Tiandou Royal Academy team together is no more than the four soul sects Shui Bing'er, Ning Rongrong, Xue Wu, and Hu Yanli. On the opposite side, there were three soul kings and three soul sects.

As for martial soul fusion skills, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu have them, but Xie Yue and Hu Liena also have them.

In this case, how to fight?

Can't fight.

Shui Bing'er had tried her best.

But this is obviously not a battle situation that can be reversed by resourcefulness or tactics alone.

Su Cheng couldn't help them either.

Two Qian Renxue were right in front of them.

Indeed, she had nothing to do against Su Cheng's sword moves, she could only let the bright moon slowly accumulate strength.

But it's easy to stop Su Cheng from helping his teammates.

And I have to say that the Wuhundian Academy team is really strong and has a stable mentality.

Even when faced with such a group of soul masters whose strength was inferior to his own in all aspects, he did not lose the slightest care, and fought steadily throughout the whole process without leaving a single flaw.

Shui Binger glanced at Su Cheng, a trace of apology flashed in her eyes.

She could see that Su Cheng had gained a slight advantage at this time.

It was obvious that Qian Renxue, the strongest and most terrifying member of the opposing team, had been suppressed by him, but on his side, he was no longer able to delay further.

The soul power of the teammates has long since bottomed out.

Even a bad player like Feng Qingyu had a pale face and trembling fingers.

Su Cheng could only shake his head helplessly.

I have no choice but to do my best.

This was actually something that was expected. He didn't have much confidence in the first place, let alone underestimate Qian Renxue.

And this Wuhundian Academy team, led by Qian Renxue personally, did not disappoint, and its performance was completely different from the original timeline.

This is not a stallion novel. The female characters have their own independent personalities. If you want to read a stallion novel, you have chosen the wrong novel. Other character issues can be discussed in detail in the summary at the end of the volume.

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