As the battle ended, Su Cheng also reached out to recall the Eternal Life Sword.

There is no need to continue using this sword skill.

If he continued to accumulate strength, he might not have no chance at all. In fact, Su Cheng himself could not determine the upper limit of the power of this sword.

He had just realized it and had not used it completely yet. He could only confirm that it would be better than the previous sword skill.

It would be difficult for people like the other party to easily interrupt his sword.

But there is no need.

The probability of winning is very low, and it will be a disastrous victory for both sides.

The opponent also has an auxiliary soul master to maintain his endurance, and an extremely powerful control soul fusion skill like You Mei.

Of course, the most important thing is Qian Renxue.

In the previous one-on-one situation, Su Cheng had a slight advantage, but with the cooperation of the other team, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

Especially in Wuhundian Academy, the team now has skills in two fields, which can greatly increase their combat power.

Su Cheng's goal has actually been achieved, and he has shown enough strength.

This was not shown to Bibi Dong, but to the elders.

He could vaguely notice that in the Pope's Palace behind the square at this moment, there were several eyes focused on the competition field.

Considering that Qian Renxue took action in this battle, maybe Qian Daoliu was secretly observing.

But with that person's level of strength, it was obviously not something he could feel.

After walking off the field, Su Cheng gently nodded to Shui Bing'er and said, "I'm sorry, the soul bone I mentioned before was ruined this time."

Others didn't care, but he felt a little sorry for this girl.

The opponent obviously doesn't have a strong desire to fight. He participates in this battle more for the championship reward.

Moreover, the immortal core in her martial soul inspired me greatly.

Shui Bing'er shook her head, "I should be the one to say this. We are not strong enough and we are holding you back."

As she spoke, there was a strange flash in her eyes.

She also saw Su Cheng's sword move just now. The strange resonance she had felt appeared again, and it was much clearer than the last time.

"Perhaps I should really find an opportunity to ask him for more advice."

Shui Bing'er thought secretly in her heart.

As the people from the Tiandou Royal Academy team walked out of the field, only the people from the Wuhundian Academy team were left in the square.

They won the final championship.

Although the final was more difficult than expected and Su Cheng was stronger than expected, they still won in the end.

He didn't let the Pope down, and he didn't let the captain down either.

At this time, the Pope and all the titled Douluo all stood up, and Bibi Dong couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy on her face.

The three soul bones as prizes are the collection of Wuhun Palace.

In order to legitimately give it to the three soul kings of the golden generation, she took it out as a reward, and she took a lot of risks.

Fortunately, I got my wish in the end.

"The final champion of this continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is the Wuhundian Academy team. Congratulations to you."

The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team stood in a row. Except for Qian Renxue, everyone else's eyes fell on the brocade plate containing three soul bones.

The cardinal, who was the referee, said loudly: "Representatives from Wuhundian Academy, please come forward and receive the championship reward."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Qian Renxue in the team.

Qian Renxue didn't pay attention to their looks and said casually: "Nana, go ahead."

Although she won the game, she couldn't really say she was very happy.

Even after absorbing the 100,000-year seventh soul ring, he is still slightly inferior to Su Cheng.

However, these team members did not disappoint her, and the three soul bones were the rewards they deserved.

Turning her head to look at Qian Renxue, and then looking at the excited expressions of her teammates around her, Hu Liena couldn't help but smile.

After such a long period of special training, all the efforts were not in vain.

Thanks to Qian Renxue's strict requirements in the past few years, they did not take it lightly.

Under that person's terrifying pressure, the final victory was achieved.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Liena walked towards Bibi Dong.

When she stood in front of the other person, she raised her head and looked at this relative who was both a teacher and a mother to her.

After so many years, time seems to have never left the slightest trace on her body, and she still displays amazing nobility and beauty.

I would always feel ashamed in front of her.

Bibi Dong also looked at her, with gentle and satisfied eyes in her eyes, and nodded: "Nana, congratulations."

He said and handed over the brocade plate in his hand.

"Thank you, teacher."

Feeling the powerful aura on the three soul bones, Hu Liena reached out and took them.

Especially when I saw the skull of spiritual condensed wisdom that shone with light blue light, I felt even more excited.

These three soul bones are actually almost predetermined.

When she returned to the team, the assignment was quickly completed.

The three soul kings Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan each got one of them, and respectively took away the left leg of Zhui Feng who was moving forward rapidly, the skull of wisdom that condensed the spirit, and the right arm of the bursting and burning flame.

It has to be said that Bibi Dong is indeed very fond of Hu Liena. This head soul bone is extremely valuable and can be regarded as the most valuable treasure after the 100,000-year-old soul bone and the external soul bone.

Bibi Dong glanced at everyone in Wuhun Hall, and then turned her attention to the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

He asked calmly: "Members of the Tiandou Royal Academy team, your performance today is also extremely outstanding, and you are the hope of the future of the soul master world. Now let me ask you, are you willing to join the Spirit Hall?"

After saying that, her eyes passed from Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong to Shui Bing'er, Xue Wu, Feng Qingyu and others who performed well.

Especially Shui Bing'er, she admired it very much. Even though they faced three soul kings today, they still led the team to persist for a long time.

"I do."

However, what Bibi Dong didn't expect was that the first person to join the Wuhun Hall was Su Cheng, who she thought was the most unlikely.

Not only her, but also Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and other people from the Spirit Hall had a strange look on their faces, looking a little surprised.

The two of them are loyal to Wuhun Palace.

After seeing Su Cheng's performance today, I secretly felt that his talent was even higher than that of his young master.

Even if he grows up normally like this in the future, he will definitely become a top powerhouse.

It would be a great blessing to be able to join the Wuhun Palace.

Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi's expressions were slightly complicated. Although they had been prepared for it, at this moment, their hearts were still unavoidable.

On the contrary, Dugu Bo, who was the first to know the inside story, was the calmest at this time.

Compared to the reserved douluo on the stage, Su Cheng's teammates' emotions were extremely obvious.

Ning Rongrong lowered his head, looking a little struggling.

In fact, when Ning Fengzhi was talking to her that day, she also asked her father if she could join the Spirit Hall together.

But Ning Fengzhi told her that her identity now is different from the past.

Ning Rongrong, who possesses the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit, is already the hope for the future of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and will definitely be the next candidate for the sect master.

It doesn't matter to others, she is not suitable to join them.

Feng Qingyu looked stunned, glanced at Su Cheng strangely, and then looked at Qian Renxue in the direction of Wuhun Hall with the corner of her eye.

Shui Bing'er was also a little dazed. She originally wanted to reject Bibi Dong directly, but now she hesitated.

But she also has a special status. As the most talented young generation in Tianshui Academy, she is not suitable to join Wuhun Palace directly. At least she cannot agree to the Pope's invitation in her personal capacity.


Bibi Dong was stunned at this time, and couldn't help but frown secretly, "What does this guy want to do?"

In her opinion, the most unlikely of these people to be willing to join Wuhun Hall were Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was born in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and her martial spirit has evolved, so she will naturally not come to the Spirit Hall again.

As for Su Cheng, since he has become a disciple of Sword Douluo Chenxin, he can be considered as half of the Qibao Glazed Sect. In addition, the other party has a complex mind and is obviously very ambitious. How could he be willing to submit to others?

It's not that she doesn't know that Su Cheng and Qian Renxue have a close relationship and have been connected for a long time.

But when she thought about it, since Su Cheng didn't choose Wuhun Hall many years ago, there was no reason to agree to her invitation now.

At this time, she couldn't help but recall that in her limited memory, this guy frantically dug holes for herself after entering the Spirit Hall.

I suddenly felt a little wary.

"His Majesty the Pope?"

It wasn't until she heard Ju Douluo's gentle reminder beside her that Bibi Dong came back to her senses.

He glanced at Su Cheng with a complicated expression, nodded slightly, and then looked at the other people, "What about you?"

Shui Binger saluted respectfully: "Thank you for your kindness, His Majesty the Pope. However, I am extremely honored to be able to participate in this competition. As for joining the Wuhun Palace, I have to wait until I discuss it with the elders in my family before I can do it. Make a decision.”

Others saw this and made similar remarks.

When Bibi Dong saw this, she didn't force herself. She waved her hand and said, "Members who are not members of Wuhun Palace can leave. Everyone else can go their own way."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards Wuhun Hall, saying, "Su Cheng, come with me."

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then quickly followed.

He happened to have something to do and wanted to find an opportunity to chat with the other party alone.

Seeing this scene, the members of Wuhun Palace, Hu Yanli and others immediately cast envious glances.

As soon as you join the Wuhun Palace, you can get an invitation from the Pope and have the qualifications to enter the Pope's Palace. This is quite extraordinary.

Sure enough, with his talent, even the Pope attaches great importance to it?

In a side hall of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong and Su Cheng stood facing each other.

There is no warm picture of being eager for talents and caring and caring as other people imagine.

Bibi Dong looked extremely cold, looked at Su Cheng and said solemnly: "Su Cheng, why do you want to join the Spirit Hall?"

Su Cheng was shocked when he heard this, this attitude was a bit wrong.

Even if she is on good terms with Qian Renxue, there is no need for her to be like this, right?

Is it because of the hundred thousand year soul ring?

Or is it because of Yu Xiaogang?

He was wary in his heart, but his face showed no expression, and he said sincerely: "Martial Soul Palace is the holy place in the hearts of all soul masters. As a civilian soul master, I am naturally not exempt from the secular world. Today I heard your invitation from His Majesty the Pope, and I felt even more excited. I am extremely excited. I am deeply honored by this junior to be able to join the Wuhun Palace."

"..." Bibi Dong stared at him for a moment before asking: "If I remember correctly, you previously worshiped Sword Douluo Chenxin as your disciple?"

"Indeed." Su Cheng nodded, "No matter in the past, present or future, he will always be my mentor. However, the Qibao Glazed Sect has never prohibited me from joining any force. In fact, the master of the sect also has great respect for Wuhun. I have great favor with you."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at him suspiciously.

Ning Fengzhi is not very strong, but he is a famous old fox. Although he has never openly opposed Wuhun Palace, he often makes small moves secretly.

However, Su Cheng knew well that for a top-level sect established by an auxiliary soul master who had no ability to protect himself, it was a basic operation to intersperse among multiple forces for the sake of inheritance.

Even supporting the Tiandou royal family was because the sect was too close to Tiandou City.

In fact, for Ning Fengzhi, there is always only one core appeal, that is, the sect's inheritance cannot be lost and cannot be annexed by any force.

As long as this condition is met, it doesn't matter who you hang out with.

Su Cheng's words now can be regarded as paving the way for the future, lest Bibi Dong lose his mind and be the first to take action against the Qibao Glazed Sect.

However, the subordinates of Wuhun Highness currently lurking in the Tiandou Empire are not very powerful, so they should not be so irrational.

In comparison, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which is remote and weak, is obviously much easier to deal with.

"His Majesty the Pope, you seem to be somewhat hostile to me?"

Seeing Bibi Dong examining him but not speaking, Su Cheng took the initiative to test him.

"You are overthinking, but I have paid some attention to you before. I didn't expect that you would be willing to join Wuhun Palace, so I was a little surprised." Bibi Dong said calmly, "In this competition, you were in the Tiandou Division. Such a big limelight. Wuhun Palace’s power is spread all over the mainland, how can no one care about it.”

"That's it." Su Cheng nodded, feeling secretly relieved.

"Don't worry, since you made a wise choice, Wuhun Palace will naturally not treat you badly."

At this time, Bibi Dong's desire for destruction was not particularly strong, and she had always wanted to recruit and cultivate talented people.

You can get a glimpse of the attitudes and rewards of the golden generation trio in Wuhundian Academy.

If Tang San and others perform outstandingly in this competition, she will also recruit them.

It was only because of special reasons that she was prejudiced against Su Cheng, so she was indifferent at first.

Su Cheng did not comment on her remarks. Anyway, Bibi Dong liked to write down checks for a long time.

"His Majesty the Pope, since you have known me before, you also know that I have had the experience of absorbing soul rings many times across the ages. I am willing to contribute this secret method that helps soul masters absorb soul rings across the years to Wuhun Palace. , benefiting the soul master world."

Bibi Dong was a little surprised when she heard this, her delicate eyes widened slightly, looking at him.

"Are you willing to contribute?"

At the same time, I couldn't help but think to myself: "Am I really paranoid?"

She really wanted to get Su Cheng's secret method of absorbing soul rings across years, and she also coveted the various other special skills he had.

Such as those powerful sword moves.

For example, why he can use twin martial arts at the same time.

For example, why can he resurrect and control the 100,000-year-old soul beast that has been sacrificed...

But Bibi Dong also knew that there were other forces standing behind the opponent.

Whether it is the elder who is preparing to join Wuhun Hall recently, the peak Douluo Dugubo, or his teacher Sword Douluo Chenxin, or even the group of worshiping forces represented by Qian Renxue, they all need to be considered.

And she herself is currently limited by the Rakshasa Divine Examination, and is subject to many constraints, and she has no choice but to do it for Su Cheng.

I have to say that now that Su Cheng is willing to stay in Wuhun Hall, it will indeed be of great benefit to Wuhun Hall.

Even if other factors are not considered, his current combat power alone is extremely rare.

There is no need to wait for him to become a Titled Douluo. As long as he becomes Soul Saint, there is no telling where his strength will reach.

In addition, Bibi Dong also has another thought in her mind, and that is her divine test.

The Rakshasa Divine Test has been stuck for a long time since she started it, and many of the problems are very inexplicable.

Maybe Su Cheng's ability can help her think of some solutions.

But this matter needs long-term consideration and cannot be discussed lightly.

As for her hatred for Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong has never forgotten it.

She wanted to destroy the angel lineage, but Qian Renxue obviously would not allow such a thing, and Qian Daoliu was also difficult to deal with.

So you have to think carefully about what to do.

There was also the inheritance of the divine position in the Douluo Palace, which also made her feel entangled.

The dream was specious, some things were verified, and some were completely inconsistent with reality.

It is difficult for her to predict whether Qian Renxue will become an angel god in the future.

Fortunately, she still had time and could afford to wait.

Suddenly, Su Cheng spoke again, "But I have a small request."

"..." Listening to these familiar words, Bibi Dong's face paused slightly, but she didn't get angry and said calmly: "What's the request?"

"I heard that you have been to the Killing City?"

Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows slightly, "Yes, you have been there. Do you want to go to the Killing City?"

She was not surprised that Su Cheng knew the news.

It is not a secret in Wuhun Palace that she has been to the Killing City. Considering the relationship between the other party and Qian Renxue, it is not surprising to know this.

I just wonder why the other party mentioned this.

"With your strength and talent, it doesn't mean much to you there. It would be a waste of time to go there."

Bibi Dong said calmly.

She had also felt Su Cheng's sword intent before.

That kind of implication is even more terrifying than the realm of the God of Death.

It's just that Su Cheng's cultivation is still shallow and he can't fully demonstrate his potential.

Is it for the inheritance of the legendary Shura God?

Bibi Dong couldn't help but secretly guess how many secrets Su Cheng knew.

"It's not that I want to go." Su Cheng explained at this time, "I have a friend who is more suitable to go there to improve her strength. If it is convenient, I hope you can give her a ride and take her to see the world."

"Your friend?" Bibi Dong frowned, her eyes slightly strange, "Not your enemy?"

The City of Killing is not an easy place to deal with.

Even if she takes him there, she can't guarantee the other person's safety. At least he must be a being above the Soul King to have the possibility of successfully coming out.

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