Su Cheng didn't stay in the Pope's Palace for too long. After leaving behind Soul Saint's previous method of pricking acupoints with silver needles, Su Cheng walked out alone.

Although they both had their own thoughts on this conversation, throughout the entire process, they both made a tacit agreement not to mention Qian Renxue.

The reason why this exchange was made was naturally because of Bibi Dong's identity.

The King of Slaughter in the Slaughter City is not a rule-abiding character.

If there is no strong person to take him with him, the King of Slaughter will be afraid, and I don’t know if he will secretly create any obstacles. That guy will not let the God of Death be born easily.

However, as long as the King of Slaughter does not use hidden tricks, Su Cheng believes that with Zhu Zhuqing's ability and strength, he will definitely get excellent experience there and better understand the martial spirit of the Netherworld White Tiger.

As for whether the other party will die there, it is not within his scope of consideration.

Zhu Zhuqing is a tiger, not a canary. She has her own choices and decisions, and she also has her own way to go.

Su Cheng didn't feel that he had the right to restrict the other party.

All he can do is make suggestions and help the other party as much as possible.

Zhu Zhuqing did not reject Su Cheng's suggestion.

Three days later, he followed Bibi Dong, who had finished handling the affairs, and set off for the Killing City.

As they walked on the road, both of them felt a little strange.

Zhu Zhuqing was wondering what kind of bargaining chip Su Cheng had used to impress the Supreme Pope, that he was willing to condescend to act as a bodyguard for such a little soul king and send her to experience.

Her talent is indeed pretty good, but she knows that talent is one thing, whether it can be fulfilled is another.

Her teammate Tang San was gifted with full soul power and possessed the Clear Sky Hammer and Twin Martial Spirits. His talent was very high, but now he was half dead.

Bibi Dong secretly lamented Zhu Zhuqing's deep foundation.

She hadn't paid much attention to it before.

Today, when I took a closer look, I realized that the opponent's physical quality, mental strength, and even physical coordination were far beyond the level expected of a Soul King.

But apart from these, what intrigued her most was the identity of the other party.

When they first met, Bibi Dong discovered that this girl was the Soul King who almost died in Xiaoxue's hands in the competition a few days ago.

Thinking back to what Su Cheng did, I felt a little gloating in my heart for some reason.

"What's your relationship with Su Cheng?"

Although there were some distracting thoughts in her heart, Bibi Dong remained calm on the surface, fully revealing the majestic and noble temperament of the Pope.

"He is a very good friend of mine." Zhu Zhuqing said solemnly.

"Friend?" Bibi Dong glanced at her and sneered, "Do you know what price he paid for letting me take you to the Killing City?"

"I don't know." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, "I think friends shouldn't care too much about this, and I will repay him in the future."

At this time, she no longer had the usual attitude of cherishing words like gold.

Facing Bibi Dong, she kept her figure very low, answered all questions, and her attitude was extremely respectful.

In fact, she had been waiting for the other party to speak for a long time.

If Bibi Dong keeps silent, it will be difficult for her to find room to operate. The difference in status and strength between the two is too huge.

Bibi Dong looked at her and said nothing more.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said: "Su Cheng is very powerful."

"Huh?" Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this. She didn't know why the other party suddenly said this.

What does it have to do with whether Su Cheng is powerful or not? Does he want me to take more care of him?

However, Zhu Zhuqing's next words stunned her.

"I think you should avoid him having too much contact with that Qian Renxue."

"..." Bibi Dong looked at her with a slightly strange look, "What do you mean?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked respectful.

"This junior is of low strength, so I shouldn't have said these words to you, but you are the person I have always admired the most.

"You don't have family support, but you can still reach the top of the mainland as a woman. You are the goal and idol of all female soul masters, and you are a flag.

“Qian Renxue’s own talent and strength alone are naturally far inferior to yours.

"But if you get help from Su Cheng, it will be completely different. He is very capable, and with his help, Qian Renxue's improvement speed is likely to exceed your imagination.

"It might even threaten your position in the Spirit Hall one day."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know the relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

But it can be seen that they are contradictory to each other.

Many things do not need to be described in words. The identity and attitude of the parties involved are the answers themselves.

In the past, the position of pope in Wuhun Palace was always passed down by the Qian family. It was not until Bibi Dong came here that the sect was changed. There must be a hidden secret in this.

And Qian Renxue, as a descendant of the Qian family, could she be willing to give up the position that should belong to her to others?

Moreover, there is Qian Daoliu, the master of the Elder Hall, standing behind her, so there must be friction between the two forces.

Even if there are other reasons, the attitude between the two parties can prove everything.

Zhu Zhuqing had been observing for a long time during these days in Wuhun Hall, and had long discovered that the relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong was not harmonious.

As the Pope, Bibi Dong could not command Qian Renxue at all, and Qian Renxue had never taken the nominal leader of Wuhun Hall seriously.

"Little girl, you are very brave."

Bibi Dong snorted coldly, a cold light flashing in her eyes.

The cold killing intent struck like a blade, hanging between Zhu Zhuqing's neck.

"Your majesty, the Pope, forgive me. It was my fault that I made a mistake."

Zhu Zhuqing pretended to be frightened and apologized quickly.

She could feel that the killing intent was extremely false.

"I just hope you can train Su Cheng well. He will bring you many surprises."

Only then did Bibi Dong calm down and regain her composure.

But I was a little speechless in my heart.

I secretly wondered what was going on with this little girl.

"His Majesty the Pope, to tell you the truth, I actually have another identity." Zhu Zhuqing continued.

"You should have heard of the spirit fusion skill of Nether White Tiger. It is a unique skill composed of the white tiger spirit of the Dai family of the Star Luo Empire royal family and the Nether Civet spirit of the great noble Zhu family. In order to maintain rule, the Dai family has always Maintaining the tradition of marriage with the Zhu family for generations.

"The descendants of the Dai family and the Zhu family also have the royal blood of the Star Luo Empire flowing through them. The younger generation is from the Zhu family and can be regarded as half of the Star Luo royal family.

“Originally, my martial spirit was the Netherworld Civet Cat, but due to special circumstances, the martial spirit awakened and evolved again, becoming the Netherworld White Tiger, which possesses power comparable to the fusion skills of the two major families’ martial souls.

"Now that my martial spirit is exposed, I will naturally be hostile and targeted by the royal family, Dai, but correspondingly, many people in the nobles will support me."

Zhu Zhuqing spoke eloquently, with deep meaning hidden in his words.

Combined with the memory in the dream and the incident that happened in the Tiandou Empire.

She had already guessed that the person pretending to be Xue Qinghe in reality must also be Qian Renxue.

Looking at it this way, Wuhundian's ambition is clearly revealed.

The purpose of saying these words at this time is extremely clear.

It was to show Bibi Dong his strategic value.

Besides, in her opinion, there is nothing wrong with having Wuhun Palace rule Xingluo.

Wuhundian's deeds have always been well-known among the people, and they are not bloodthirsty.

If we really wait for Wuhun Palace to start a war, it may not be a good thing. It is better to resolve those hidden dangers as soon as possible.

There is essentially no difference in who controls the empire. It was originally a federation of nobles, and the emperor was just the largest noble among them. It was the same if it were replaced by the Spirit Hall.

As for herself, she has no desire for power. It is enough to preserve the family inheritance.


Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly and looked sideways, taking a serious look at the girl next to her who was not yet fifteen years old for the first time.

After a long silence, he slowly said: "What do you want?"

"I don't want to join Wuhun Palace, nor do I want to work for anyone. I want to be your personal disciple."

A few days later, the two came to a small town.

The moment he stepped into it, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly froze slightly and glanced around sharply.

This small town was small, but it had a strange atmosphere that made her feel chilly.

Bibi Dong was a little surprised when she saw this, and secretly sighed at how strong this child's perception was.

But he said lightly: "Don't worry, just follow me."

Soon, the two came to a tavern in the middle of the town.

The air in the tavern is very turbid, and the decorations are mainly black. It was still daytime, but it gave people an eerie and cold feeling.

There were not many diners in the room at this time, and no one spoke, so it seemed very quiet.

However, as the two curvaceous figures walked into it, they instantly attracted a lot of attention.

Although they all wore masks at this time.

But the figure alone is enough to make people horny and make it difficult to control themselves.

However, the people who can sit here are all desperadoes who lick blood at the tip of their swords. Naturally, they are more cautious and will not take action easily.

What's more, the breath of those two people was extremely cold.

For a moment, although greedy glances came one after another, no one took the initiative to speak.

After the two of them found a seat and sat down, a waiter wearing black clothes and an indifferent expression came over.

"What do you want?"

"Bring me a Bloody Mary."

The waiter's expression changed slightly and he looked at the two of them, "Are you sure?"

The glance on Bibi Dong's mask made him feel numb. He immediately didn't dare to say anything more, turned around and walked away.

After a while, a glass of turbid liquid was brought up.

The liquid was dark red in color and exuded a strong and pungent smell of blood.

Bibi Dong pushed the cup and moved it in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

"Drink it."

Nostrils twitched slightly, Zhu Zhuqing's brows under the mask frowned slightly, and then he looked at Bibi Dong, "Human blood?"

Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows slightly. The child in front of her surprised her again.

Immediately he nodded lightly and said, "That's right."

"Do I have to drink it?"

"Must drink."

There are many people who follow them secretly.

Seeing that he only wanted a Bloody Mary and had not made any move for a long time, he secretly guessed that the two people were just bluffing and were just two novices.

There were boos and whistles for a while, and there was a hint of madness in the words, as if they were venting some emotion.

"Two people don't even dare to drink a Bloody Mary, and they still want to be qualified to enter?"

"Two girls dare to come here, they must be crazy."

"Haha, come and play with me, maybe I can help you."


Zhu Zhuqing ignored the noisy shouts around him, picked up the wine glass and drank down the scarlet liquid in it.

The taste was very bad, fishy and salty with a bit of sourness, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled Zhu Zhuqing's mouth.

Bibi Dong also ignored those who were making fun of her, looked at her and said calmly: "How do you feel?"


As he said this, Zhu Zhuqing's tone did not fluctuate much.

And she could feel that this "Bloody Mary" contained some special energy that could enhance soul power.

But even so, she had no idea of ​​continuing to drink.

The smell was just too disgusting.

Although she doesn't shy away from such trivial matters, she doesn't want to bring trouble on herself.

And he made up his mind that if the so-called killing city was here, he would try not to drink these things in the future.

The idea had nothing to do with the taste of a Bloody Mary.

She remembered that Su Cheng once told her that when a soul master grows up, he will inevitably be contaminated with various complex attributes, but if possible, he should try to avoid unnecessary impurities from infecting his body.

Su Cheng doesn't recommend taking too much of jelly grass, let alone a drink of unknown origin.

Who knows if there are other hidden dangers.

"Kill them."

Just as Zhu Zhuqing was thinking in his mind, Bibi Dong's cold words suddenly came to his ears.

She frowned when she heard this, but did not take action immediately.

She was not bloodthirsty, nor did she ever think of taking a life for a sentence or two.

"Don't worry, no one is good here, and the number of murders on his hands exceeds at least double digits." Bibi Dong said softly.

"One by one, they are all wanted criminals in Wuhun Palace. The City of Killing is actually just a garbage dump on this continent."

Zhu Zhuqing was a little surprised when he heard these words coming from the mouth of the dignified Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Even though Xuan understood the significance of the existence of this place, he had no intention of asking the other party why Wei Guangzheng's Wuhun Palace did not destroy this place.

She is not naive and knows that blocking is worse than blocking.

There must be shadows under the light, and leaving such a place to exist is a good thing for everyone in the normal world.

Before she could take action, a thin black figure who was closest to him suddenly jumped up, "Jie, Jie, Jie, let me kill you first."

A sharp dagger was thrust out from a tricky angle and struck directly at the vital part of Zhu Zhuqing's chest. He obviously had considerable experience in sneak attacks.

Zhu Zhuqing's face was unusually calm under the mask. He turned slightly, stretched out his right hand and easily grabbed the dagger.

Immediately, he stabbed with his backhand, piercing deeply into the opponent's heart.

The opponent's aura was not strong, and he was no more than a soul master at best. For her, she could easily deal with him without even releasing his martial soul.


Zhu Zhuqing looked back in surprise, scanning his surroundings.

After she took action, no one of the thirty or so people in the tavern escaped.

Except for the seven soul masters, the others were ordinary people who did not even possess soul power.

But even so, they all quickly drew their weapons and prepared to fight, without hesitating for a moment because they had just easily killed a soul master.

"This is a test, a test given to us by the Killing City. If we kill them, we can enter the Killing City."

Someone suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone's eyes turned red instantly, and they rushed over like crazy.

The shadow of a huge white tiger floated behind him, with its transparent wings stretched out. Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, five terrifying soul rings appeared instantly.

The next moment, a light breeze suddenly blew through the entire tavern.


Bibi Dong, who was watching with cold eyes, was suddenly a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing also had a talent field, and he seemed to be at a very high level.

Moreover, this is also not a conventional comprehensive blessing field, but an extreme field that focuses on special attacks, similar to Su Cheng's sword field.

Then, a figure like Sunda Wind flashed in the air.

Claw blades streaked across one after another, without even using soul skills. In less than a minute, the entire tavern was filled with corpses.

Bibi Dong pursed her lips and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

"You are indeed good, you fit in here very well.

"Remember, when you enter the killing city, the only person you can rely on is yourself. There are no friends or partners there, only enemies.

"Kill everyone who can pose a threat to you and become the annual champion of the Hell Killing Fields. I will naturally come to pick you up."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded gently, "Okay, teacher."

"When you come out alive, call me that again."

She didn't say anything more after hearing this, turned around and walked to the bar, tearing it apart easily with one claw.

Then, a powerful wave of soul power condensed in his right hand, and it hit the ground heavily.

Amidst the loud noise, a huge hole appeared on the ground, and a cold wind blew up from under the cave.

Without hesitation, Zhu Zhuqing jumped down and jumped directly into the dark cave on the ground.

After falling a few meters, a long corridor stretched downwards in front of her, and the cold breath kept blowing on her body.

Walking in the corridor, she was thoughtful.

Before leaving Wuhun City, Su Cheng gave her a rough description of this place.

This is an excellent place to exercise your will and hone your combat skills.

Moreover, the inheritance of the gods is hidden here.

But Su Cheng also told her that even if there was a chance, she should not covet the inheritance of the divine throne, as it would not make much sense.

In addition, the final reward of the Killing City, the Killing God Domain, is also not important.

To her, the most valuable thing about this place is the understanding of life and death fighting, as well as the unique environment and atmosphere here.

Her own Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit has great potential for development.

As long as you can really make good use of this martial spirit, other external objects are actually irrelevant.

What she has to do here is to enjoy the battle as much as possible, but never indulge in the pleasure of killing...

After Zhu Zhuqing walked more than a thousand meters, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions.

"Welcome to the City of Killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, at the cost of your life."

Thousands of days

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