As the competition came to an end, each team returned to their own academy under the leadership of their respective teachers.

There were very few spectators in the final stage of the Soul Master Competition.

In order to ensure that the strength of these young generation of top soul master geniuses is not too exposed, the number of spectators has been restricted starting from the first round of knockout.

All teams that were eliminated during this period will not have the opportunity to continue to participate in subsequent games.

When it came to the final battle, only the people from Wuhun Palace and the teachers and students from Tiandou Royal Academy, the other participating team, could watch the battle.

Because many college teams themselves have been eliminated and cannot continue to watch the games if they stay here, many teachers and students from other colleges have left Wuhun City early.

Only Tianshui Academy and Shenfeng Academy had been eliminated, but because some of their own students were being "borrowed" by the Tiandou Royal Academy team, they didn't leave in a hurry.

On the way back, Xue Beng, the crown prince-to-be of the Tiandou Empire, looked a little heavy.

In the last game, he also went to watch the game as one of the representatives from Tiandou Royal Academy.

Although the academy achieved quite impressive results in this competition, a rare genius soul master like Su Cheng also appeared.

Even if the average cultivation level of the members of the Wuhundian Academy team was not too high, Su Cheng would have been able to defeat the weak and the strong, and defeat the Wuhundian Soul Sage with a hundred thousand year soul ring.

But now, these factors have further increased the pressure on him.

Su Cheng joined the Wuhun Hall, Dugu Bo, the only titled Douluo Keqing of the Tiandou royal family, also joined the Wuhun Hall, and even his granddaughter Dugu Yan also joined the Wuhun Hall.

Not only did he not gain anything from his trip, but he was kidnapped by three people. How could he not feel resentful?

"Damn, what an ignorant white-eyed wolf."

Xue Beng had a gloomy look on his face, but he had nothing to do. At this time, he no longer knew how to explain to his father when he returned.

Before leaving, the scene where Emperor Xue Ye solemnly asked him to get closer to these young geniuses and win over them as much as possible is still vivid in his mind.

But Su Cheng didn't give him much chance to talk along the way, so he had no way of starting.

In the carriage of Xingluo Royal Academy, the atmosphere was also somewhat silent at this time, or it might be more appropriate to say that it was awkward.

Both the players who had participated in the competition before and the teachers who led the team all had different expressions and thoughts at this moment.

The reason for this scene was naturally the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit displayed by Zhu Zhuqing in the battle a few days ago.

Many days have passed since the incident occurred.

Many people have now recovered from the shock and confusion at that time.

The Xingluo royal family's martial soul fusion skill, Netherworld White Tiger, is very famous. Even if others don't know much about it, they know it all.

The martial soul fusion technique Netherworld White Tiger is the fundamental reason why the two noble families of the Star Luo Empire, the Dai family and the Zhu family, have been able to stand firm for countless years.

But who among the upper-class nobles doesn't know that the Zhu family is actually just a vassal of the Dai family.

Without the Nether Civet, the White Tiger Spirit is still the mainland's top beast spirit that can rival the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. Every once in a while, one or two peerless geniuses with innate spirit power above the ninth level will appear in the family.

But without the White Tiger Martial Spirit, the Nether Civet Cat can only be regarded as a good high-level beast Martial Spirit, and cannot reach its current heights at all.

However, from now on, everything may be different.

That martial soul fusion technique, Netherworld White Tiger, turned into the fourth young lady of the Zhu family's own martial soul.

Why this happened, they had no idea.

After all, the two bloodlines have been married for countless generations for countless generations, but no one has had a similar situation in this long time, not even twin martial souls.

The creation, awakening or mutation of martial spirits is inherently mysterious, and few people on this continent can touch its essence.

But do those things matter?


At least it doesn't matter to these people.

From the moment the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit appeared, it was enough to explain everything.

The descendants of the Zhu family have a super martial spirit that surpasses the White Tiger Spirit. From now on, even the spirit fusion technique Netherworld White Tiger may no longer have the need to continue to exist.

Because it is common knowledge that martial arts spirits can be passed down.

Davis looked slightly gloomy, his eyes dim and uncertain, and he was thoughtful and silent all the way back.

Zhu Zhuyun sat not far away from him in the carriage, avoiding each other's eyes.

These days, there are many careerists who have secretly contacted Zhu Zhuyun, and the two of them have a tacit understanding of each other.

She held her chin with her bare hands and lowered her eyes, covering the bursts of joy in her beautiful eyes.

"Who can say for sure what the future holds?"

Ning Rongrong did not follow the team back to Tiandou City, but walked with Ning Fengzhi and others, preparing to return directly to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

After this competition, she had decided not to stay in Tiandou Royal Academy.

Looking at Ning Rongrong who looked downcast, Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi looked at each other silently and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

But this is inevitable. Differences between people are the norm.

But fortunately, she is still young after all, so she should be fine after some time.

Chen Xin took out a stack of manuscripts from her arms and handed them to Ning Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, Cheng'er gave me this when we parted. You should read it first."

He reached out to take it, and after browsing it roughly, a light flashed in his eyes. He looked up at the other person, his voice was slightly trembling, "This is..."

"These are the various secret techniques he has developed that can improve the basic quality of a soul master."

Ning Fengzhi pursed her lips, then lowered her head to read carefully.

"Absorbing soul rings across multiple years, laying the foundation for medicated baths, medicines that can be used to enhance mental power..." He gently turned over the manuscript, moving slowly, as if what he was holding was not paper, but some kind of priceless treasure, "With this , the future strength of the Qibao Glazed Sect will increase by at least 30%, this child is really..."

After a long time, he sighed, many emotions surged in his heart, and his expression became increasingly complicated.

"Fengzhi, you'd better think about how you should treat the Tiandou Empire in the future, and how you should view the Spirit Hall."

Ning Fengzhi was startled when he heard the words, and immediately reacted.

Now Wuhundian's strength has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Bibi Dong, the peak Douluo Pope who possesses the ninth spirit ring that is one hundred thousand years old and is only fifty years old;

The genius Soul Sage Qian Renxue, who possesses the seventh soul ring of 100,000 years and is only in his early twenties;

The ultimate Douluo with a cultivation level of ninety-ninth level worships Qian Daoliu;

Several young soul kings under the age of twenty-five;

Plus Su Cheng and Dugu Bo who have just joined Wuhun Hall;

There are also those unknown number of titled Douluo elders...

"Uncle Jian, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, I just want to remind you." Chen Xin said lightly, "You are the sect master, and I shouldn't consider these things."

Upon hearing this, Ning Fengzhi suddenly fell silent and nodded seriously.

The deans and teachers from several major element academies also learned about everything that happened in this Soul Master Competition with the return of their respective teams.

Although everyone in Blazing Academy was eliminated in the fourth round and missed the last game.

However, their college has always been on good terms with Shenfeng College and Tianshui College, and they also learned about the situation through Feng Qingyu, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu who returned.

They also learned that Feng Qingyu and Shui Binger had the intention to go to Wuhun City to exchange and study with Wuhun Palace Academy.

These two people had a high status in the academy. Not only were they top-notch in talent, they were also direct blood relatives of the deans of their respective colleges.

The attitudes and ideas of the two of them will naturally greatly affect the final decision of their respective elders.

However, in comparison, the attitudes of the other two element academies are extremely clear.

The Thunder Academy team did not achieve very good results in this competition, and they did not have the opportunity to watch the last two rounds of the competition. I don’t know the specific situation.

What's more, the force behind their academy is the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

There are still many unresolved conflicts within this family, many family elders have always thought highly of themselves, and the entire sect has been hidden from the world for a long time, so naturally they don't have many ideas.

The Elephant Academy is completely opposite to the Thunder Academy.

The Elephant Armor Sect behind them had already defected to Wuhun Palace, and this time Hu Yanli from the academy team followed Su Cheng to the finals, and his performance and results could be said to be far beyond expectations.

Originally, with the Elephant Armor Sect's sect background, being able to serve as a peripheral force in the Spirit Hall was considered to be the limit, and there was no chance of contacting the core level. After all, their sect master was only a talented soul Douluo.

But after the finals, with Pope Bibi Dong's personal recruitment, Hu Yanli also had the opportunity to go to Wuhundian Academy, which was a great gain.

There is a valley hidden among the rolling mountains on the Tiandou border.

On one side of the valley, a waterfall about twenty meters wide hangs high on the cliff like a jade belt, constantly impacting the pool below, making loud rumbling sounds.

Surrounded by mountains, the rare beauty of the mountains and greenery all shows the magnificence and beauty of creation.

This is the place where Tang Hao hid Ah Yin's soul bone.

Tang San couldn't remember how many times he was washed down into the pool by that huge waterfall.

Tang Hao's requirement for him was to swing the forging hammer eighty-one times with the random cloak hammer technique in the wash of the waterfall without using soul power.

The impact of the waterfall pouring down from a height of 200 meters is so huge that it is difficult to describe it in words.

Tang San, whose soul power was sealed, would find it difficult to climb up the huge boulder, let alone practice hammer training in the waterfall.

Three whole days had passed, and he had not even stood firm on that extremely smooth stone, nor had he even swung a hammer.

Every day, when I was exhausted, I reluctantly climbed ashore to rest. Once I regained my energy, I went back to work hard under the waterfall.

But he didn't mean to complain at all.

The scene of Xiao Wu's death was replayed in his mind all the time.

At least this physical pain can relieve some of his mental pressure.

Tang Hao, who was sitting aside, looked at the waterfall with a numb face. Occasionally, I would look at the figure that was hit and fell again and again, and there would be a few fluctuations in my eyes.

Until now, he has not figured out what the cause of the series of changes a few days ago was, and where he lost.

That Su Cheng, a mere Soul King, could actually break the suppressive force field he created with the Great Sumeru Hammer, and even ignore his God of Death Domain.

That Qian Renxue seemed to have been prepared to lurk aside and kill Xiao Wu instantly at the critical moment.

What puzzled him the most was Ah Yin's attitude.

When the other party said those words, he knew that Ah Yin still remembered him and everything in the past.

But in this case, why did she choose not to leave with her, and why did she say that Tang San was not her son.

Tang Hao never believed that A Yin's words and deeds were out of her own will. She must have been controlled by that hateful thief.

For her own sake, Ah Yin would rather sacrifice herself and give up her own immortality to save the lives of their father and son.

Now, how could it be possible to make the choice to abandon yourself? !

"Damn bastard, it doesn't matter if you are seriously injured and die. If you are lucky enough to survive, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

Tang Hao's eyes turned to Tang San.

This son is his hope for the future.

It is not only the hope of revenge, but also the hope of saving A Yin from the sea of ​​suffering.

As for the reason why Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit could not be awakened, he had already guessed a thing or two, and it was probably related to Ah Yin's resurrection.

Thinking of this, he felt a little complicated.

But even without the Blue Silver Emperor, this son's talent is still unparalleled.

Tang Hao himself is already outstanding enough. He is the strongest among his generation and the youngest titled Douluo in the world.

And Tang San's talent was even better than him, and his will was more mature and tenacious than he was back then.

"If it doesn't work, just return to Haotian Sect. With my eldest brother's temperament, after knowing A Yin's situation, he will definitely be willing to train the mistress and will be willing to help us."


At this time, a huge sound of falling water reached his ears, awakening him from his meditation.

Looking up, he saw Tang San falling off the rock again.

"Xiao San, just stay here and practice with me for two years. After two years, I will take you to a place where you can completely control the magical effects of murderous energy."

Although Tang San's mental power is now stronger than that of ordinary people, he has never taken fairy grass after all, so he is far from powerful.

In Tang Hao's senses, it is still difficult for the opponent to withstand the murderous aura in the Killing City.

Having once walked through the hell realm, he knew it very well and knew that with Tang San's current strength alone, there was no chance of success.

Tang San didn't speak when he heard this, just nodded silently, but he had other thoughts in his heart.

"Dad, if you want revenge, my strength alone is not enough. Although the students in Shrek Academy are average in talent, they are much stronger than ordinary people. If they use it well, they will also have excellent power.

"In addition, the Wuhun Palace has been suffering for a long time. As long as we unite with the major sect academies, the imperial royal family and even many nobles, we will definitely be able to cause chaos to the rule of the Wuhun Palace.

"What's more, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are from Star Luo nobles, so they are excellent candidates for allies..."

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