The members of Wuhun Palace are mainly divided into three parts.

The core are the elders who live in Wuhun City. Their main activities are in the Elders' Hall and the Pope's Hall. They all have a lot of real power in their hands and can even veto the Pope's proposals sometimes.

These people are not only extremely powerful, but also extremely powerful. Normally speaking, those who have not reached the level of Titled Douluo cannot hold the position of elder in the Spirit Hall.

The second part is the core members assigned to the main martial arts halls and the martial soul sub-halls in various places.

For example, the Wuhun Temple in the capitals of the two empires is a typical representative.

For example, Salas, the master of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City, although his cultivation level is only Contra, he has a high status in the Wuhun Temple system. Even in Wuhun City, he can still speak, and his actual power is not necessarily lower than that of ordinary elders.

As for the members of the Wuhun Branch Hall, they basically have no access to Wuhun City, so they have recruited all the members locally. Even the masters of some sub-halls or branch halls will never have the chance to come to Wuhun City once in their lives.

The third part of Wuhun City is the core members of the younger generation.

These people also live in Wuhun City, and their main scope of activities is Wuhundian Academy located in the back hill of Wuhun City, which is somewhat similar to the meaning of Tiandou Royal Academy to the Tiandou Empire.

Although these people do not have much real power in their hands, they are the core force of the new generation. They can be said to be upright and popular. In the future, at worst, they can become the masters of the Wuhunzi Palace.

Now that Su Cheng has joined Wuhun Hall, he belongs to this group of members.

However, compared to Hu Liena and others, he is somewhat different, and his identity is relatively more complicated.

First of all, they have different backgrounds. After all, he is not a person trained by Wuhun Palace, so there is a layer of distance between them in terms of closeness.

But his own talent is too high, and his performance in the Soul Master Competition is obvious to everyone, and no one dares to look down on him because of his identity.

The most important thing is that the secret technique he contributed is too precious.

From soul masters to soul saints, he can continue to help soul masters of corresponding levels absorb soul rings across the years. It is not an exaggeration to call him the founder of the system for cultivating young soul masters in Wuhun Palace.

In the past few days after joining Wuhun Hall, Su Cheng did nothing but deal with Bibi Dong.

The main thing is to meet with the elders, exchange the secret method of silver needle pricking with many titled Douluo, and compile it into a book.

Regarding this secret method, Wuhun Palace's current attitude is to keep it secret for the time being and use it for the training of its own soul masters first, without announcing it in a hurry.

Of course, there is no shortage of relevant credit, and all of it belongs to Su Cheng himself.

If it is really to be released publicly in the future, it will be published one after another, and it will also be signed with Su Cheng's name.

Everyone understands that this will be a powerful tool for Wuhun Palace to recruit talents, and it must be used properly and must not be announced at once.

To Wuhundian, the value of this secret method is even more important than Su Cheng's current talent.

As for Qian Renxue, Su Cheng has not met her in private yet.

He didn't think about how to face the other party.

Qian Renxue's emotions seem to be a little sick now, which is not a good sign.

Whether she first met Ning Rongrong a few years ago or faced Zhu Zhuqing two days ago, her murderous intent was too strong. Even without knowing the whole story, the first choice is to kill.

Especially the battle a few days ago, it was obviously not a sudden move, but a long-planned one. He has a deep mind and ruthless methods.

The most important thing is that on the surface, he actually has nothing to do with Zhu Zhuqing.

In fact, it's not just Zhu Zhuqing.

Regardless of Ning Rongrong, A Yin, Feng Qingyu, etc., it can be said that whenever someone of the opposite sex is noticed by her, she will show shocking murderous intent.

Just out of some intuition, I started planning directly. This kind of possessiveness is really scary.

Of course, Su Cheng could still be righteous about other people, but when it came to Zhu Zhuqing, he had no intention of defending himself. The root of the mistake still lay with himself.

From Qian Renxue's point of view, this was normal. With her status, she didn't have to accommodate anyone.

This has nothing to do with strength or weakness, her character is like this, and so is her attitude towards relationships.

Su Cheng also believed that no matter what happened, Qian Renxue would never betray him.

This is the trust accumulated by the virtual and real people who have been together for decades, and the two people have gone through countless tests.

Especially after knowing that the other party also remembered everything that happened in the simulation, he was able to confirm this.

But just because she can indulge herself doesn't mean she will be willing to accept others.

The identities of the two were reversed, and Su Cheng himself couldn't accept it.

But Zhu Zhuqing was also different to him.

After decades of getting along in the simulated world, she is his only friend in that world and the only support for each other.

Even after returning to reality and those memories settled, they still left a heavy weight in Su Cheng's heart.

Su Cheng was surprised by Qian Daoliu's sudden summons.

Although this great priest of Wuhun Palace is extremely powerful and has a high status, he usually keeps an unusually low profile.

Even with his status in the first simulation and his status as Qian Renxue's teacher, the number of actual meetings with Qian Daoliu combined was only a handful.

He didn't expect that he would be taken seriously by him enough to meet him just a few days after joining Wuhun Palace.

Although he had some doubts in his heart, he was not worried.

The moral bottom line of this great priest of Wuhun Palace is surprisingly high. He can be called a strange flower in Douluo Continent. There is no need to worry about any accidents when meeting him.

"Junior Su Cheng has seen great offerings."

Looking at the tall middle-aged man in plain clothes with black hair and a shawl in front of him, Su Cheng bowed respectfully.

"Su Cheng, you are very good."

Qian Daoliu looked at Su Cheng quietly with warm eyes.

Although there is a connotation of scrutiny in it, it is not objectionable. This may also be related to his calm and tranquil aura.

"I have been watching the battle between you and Xiaoxue. Your talent is very high, much higher than Xiaoxue. With time, it is only a matter of time before you become a Titled Douluo. It is not impossible to reach my level."

"The big offering is ridiculous."

"That's not the case." Qian Daoliu shook his head gently and said, "I never exaggerate. In you, I see the possibility of a higher level."

In the decisive battle that day, everyone else was amazed by Su Cheng's terrifying fighting power, his five soul rings that were beyond common sense, and his twin martial soul talents.

Only he and Chen Xin felt emotional because of the meaning of swordsmanship that contained the aura of annihilation.

When Su Cheng heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment. He couldn't help but secretly wonder, is this the reason why he is looking for him? It's impossible, this is not Qian Daoliu's character.

No matter how strong he is, he is only as good as a Soul King at best. He is still far from being able to make Qiandaoliu see Hunter Xinxi.

"But I want to see you, actually because of another thing." At this time, Qian Daoliu said again, "I have read your theory on absorbing soul rings, and also looked at your self-created soul skills, and found that you are A very thoughtful kid.”

Su Cheng looked at the other person quietly, waiting for the next step.

"I know that you and Xiaoxue have a good relationship. I don't care much about you young people. But you have also seen Xiaoxue's current state. Do you have any opinions?"

Su Cheng suddenly realized.

That's right, only when it concerns Qian Renxue can Qian Daoliu feel troubled.

"I have some ideas," he said thoughtfully.

"Xiaoxue probably didn't have a good childhood. But she had a tough personality and high talent, which led to some special circumstances."

Hearing his address to Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu's eyes looked strange for a moment, then returned to normal and continued to listen to his explanation quietly.

"If she was not talented enough, she would have been swallowed up by the darkness in her heart when she was young, and her personality would have changed directly at that time. But because she was too talented and too strong, the dark side gradually grew and accumulated, and now it has formed This kind of soul-divided situation.”

"..." Qian Daoliu was silent for a long time after hearing this.

Then he spoke in a difficult voice, "I see..."

His tone was a little guilty.

He naturally knew exactly why Qian Renxue had accumulated a lot of shadows deep in her heart during her childhood.

"Then these two souls..." Qian Daoliu sounded slightly hesitant.

That dark Qian Renxue is obviously contrary to the inheritance will of the angel family.

Su Cheng glanced at him and instantly sensed some of his thoughts.

He frowned and said coldly: "Master, with all due respect, these two are both your granddaughters, and there is essentially no difference. You should not blame her for the emergence of the second soul, but you should blame her." As an elder myself.”

Upon hearing this, Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "You're right, I was wrong."

Su Cheng's expression softened upon seeing this, and the scene became a little quiet for a while.

If it were any other peerless strong man, he would definitely not say such a question directly, but for Qian Daoliu, there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Is there any remedy? I think her state may not be a good thing in the long run."

"It may not be a good thing, and it may not be a bad thing." Su Cheng said slowly after thinking, "This state does have some hidden dangers. The key is whether it can be stabilized. If it is stabilized, her future potential will surpass all the soul masters in the world."

Qian Daoliu was surprised when he heard this.

He did not despise or ridicule Su Cheng for saying such big words with his small Soul King cultivation level. Instead, he patiently asked, "How to stabilize?"

"I don't have a clue right now, I need some time to understand it deeply."

Qian Daoliu nodded lightly when he heard the words, "Okay."

The reason why he said this was not because he had much trust in Su Cheng or because he thought he was far smarter than ordinary people.

It's just that now, except for Su Cheng, no one else has a clue. On the other hand, Su Cheng can at least give a rough idea, which is already extremely rare.

"Su Cheng, Xiaoxue's childhood was indeed unhappy. I hope you can help her untie her knot." Qian Daoliu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to add something more, but fell silent in the end.

Su Cheng nodded and said solemnly: "I understand."

The next day, Su Cheng was about to go out to the conference room of the Elder Hall, but was blocked back by a figure.

Recently, because of frequent discussions with the elders, he did not go to live in Wuhun City for the time being, but temporarily lived in a room in the Elder Hall.

It can be said that he received great courtesy and attention.

"Teacher, why haven't you come to see me since you came to Wuhun Hall?"

"Xiaoxue?" Su Cheng froze when he saw the person coming. Surprised: "Why did you come here?"

"I asked you why you are hiding from me." Qian Renxue waved her hand and closed the door, holding her head high, her delicate eyebrows raised high, and a pair of phoenix eyes staring at him closely.

"I've been busy lately, and the elders of Wuhun Palace have been pressing me hard, so I didn't go to see you."

"You're lying." Qian Renxue's voice slowed down and she bit her lips, "You're just avoiding me."


Seeing Su Cheng's silence, Qian Renxue took two steps forward.

"Are you doing it for that little girl from the Star Luo Empire?

"Because I want to kill her, so you can't bear it?

"You helped her improve her martial spirit.

"What is her relationship with you? Are you even willing to give her a hundred thousand year soul bone?

"Teacher, what use is she to you?

"She's just a Soul King, she can't even catch one of my moves.

"I have talent and strength. I can be a sharp sword in your hands. You won't need her at all."

"Xiaoxue, this is not a question of strength." Su Cheng frowned, feeling a little headache.

I feel more and more that there is something wrong with Qian Renxue's current ideas.


However, before he could finish his words, a tall figure rushed over, bumped into his chest, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Qian Renxue's speed was extremely fast, and Su Cheng was caught off guard. Su Cheng was unable to dodge and took two steps back to stabilize his body.

Her plump and delicate body instantly pressed tightly into his arms, and a faint fragrance flowed into her nostrils.

Qian Renxue, who is in her twenties, now has a fully developed figure.

Su Cheng couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster at such a close and intimate contact.

She hugged Su Cheng tightly and raised her head to look at him, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

"From now on, we will stay in Wuhun Palace and not go anywhere, okay?"

The soft words reached his ears, making Su Cheng's heart tremble.

The look in the other person's eyes at this time made it difficult for him to resist.

What I wanted to say, I couldn't say for a while.

The fair-skinned face continued to move closer, murmuring softly: "Teacher, you really don't need to pay attention to them."

The bright red lips opened slightly, and a slightly moist fragrance hit her face.

"I am willing to die for you, can they do it? No matter what you want, I am willing to do it."

As she spoke, her red lips slowly moved towards his cheek.

Su Cheng had no choice but to tilt his head back slightly, avoiding the other person's eyes.

If this continues, he will never be able to say anything he wants to say.

However, the next moment, another figure suddenly appeared behind him, also stretching out his arms to hug his lower back.

"Su Cheng, aren't we enough? Why are you so greedy?"

The whisper echoed in his ears, and a few strands of flying hair swept across his neck, making him itchy.

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