"Why did you come out too?!"

Su Cheng's expression changed slightly, and the fire that had just been ignited in his heart was extinguished in an instant.

He was not distracted by the charming moment. He grabbed the wrist of the beautiful figure behind him and looked back with an unusually cold expression.

"Are you seeking death?"

After receiving such a glare from him, the other Qian Renxue who had just appeared sluggishly moved and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Su Cheng didn't care what to say.

There was a burst of golden light in the vertical lines between the eyebrows, and a light suddenly appeared in the eyes.

Under the real vision, the other party's current state was clearly revealed in his eyes.

As expected, without the blessing of the martial soul's true body, this second personality rashly appeared in a state of incomplete soul body, which was very bad.

Wisps of faint smoke appeared on the black clothes that covered the body, rising into the air and then quietly dissipating.

Although this process is extremely slow, it is extremely obvious.

It seemed like she didn't consume much, but she was like water without a source at this time, and every bit of loss was actually irreparable.

Her soul body is different from A Yin's.

Although Ah Yin, who had just woken up at that time, was also in a soul state, she had the Blue Silver Grass seedling as her body, and later she was incarnated in the Sword of Eternal Life.

The most important thing is that although Ah Yin is also a soul body, his essence is perfect. There is no gap in the soul and the origin will not be lost.

Qian Renxue is in another situation. She is obviously not complete now.

Although they split into twins and the two souls were entangled with each other, they definitely did not become two independent individuals, but shared the same body.

Appearing like this is undoubtedly a huge drain on her soul.

"You have just recovered somewhat, and you have obtained some soul energy from a hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring. Are you just consuming it at will? Do you want to fall into a deep sleep again?!"

Su Cheng shouted in a low voice, with a little anger.

In his opinion, the other party's behavior was a bit ignorant.

Seeing him acting like this, even the dark personality, who had always had a bad temper and arrogant person, was a little stunned at this time. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you go back quickly!"

Hearing his scolding, Qian Renxue, who was dressed in black, moved her lips slightly, but finally fell silent. After looking at the other figure in white, he didn't say anything more and dispersed on his own the next moment.

Su Cheng was relieved.

Looking at Qian Renxue in white who was very close to him, he snorted angrily, "Sit down first."

After saying that, he turned around and sat on the seat next to the coffee table in the room. He took the teapot and poured two glasses of water on the table.

"Although the two of you coexist, your attributes are opposite to each other. You cannot transform each other at all, and you cannot find a way to complement each other, and you cannot form a positive cycle.

"I also observed your situation during the battle a few days ago. If you are under the blessing of the true body of the martial spirit and in the containment of the domain, both of you are actually deeply connected with the main body, and the impact is not big. But if it appears directly like this , the harm to you has not only increased dozens of times.

"I have warned you before. Even if you have a hundred thousand year soul ring, it can only alleviate the urgent need. This is a temporary solution but not the root cause. Don't think that you can sit back and relax."

"Oh." Qian Renxue nodded as if she understood, and sat on the chair on the other side of the coffee table. Her original aggressive posture became much weaker.

Seeing how well-behaved and obedient she was at this time, Su Cheng's serious expression softened a bit and he handed over another cup of tea.

He was no longer in a hurry to go to the meeting hall, and planned to simply take this opportunity to have a good talk with the other party.

Anyway, the elders had many other matters to discuss, so his being late for the meeting for an hour and a half would not have much impact.

"Which of you can dominate the body on weekdays, that's your business. I see that you guys have a tacit understanding. I don't think I need to say anything more in this regard, but I can't be so willful anymore.

"I don't quite understand your current situation, and I don't know what hidden dangers there are. If you don't pay attention to the risks yourself, no matter how hard I try, I will get half the result with twice the result.

"Xiaoxue, there are many secrets in this world, and your current situation is unprecedented. When you are not sure, it is actually best to maintain the status quo."

Having said this, Su Cheng tapped his fingers on the table and added thoughtfully: "Of course, your self-created soul skill is indeed very creative, and I support you in trying this kind of thing. But what you did just now, It's obviously pointless."

Qian Renxue nodded silently, held the teacup in both hands and took a sip.

Su Cheng glanced at her, and after a moment of silence, he spoke again: "In fact, I also want to talk to you about Zhu Zhuqing."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue suddenly came back to her senses.

That's right, I'm obviously here to call for punishment, but now I'm unknowingly becoming the one being educated.

But seeing that Su Cheng was willing to take the initiative to talk about this topic, she naturally would not refuse, and immediately calmed down and waited for the other party's explanation.

At the same time, the black figure in her heart also sneered coldly.

Su Cheng didn't know what Qian Renxue was thinking at this time, but he could roughly guess a thing or two, so he carefully considered his words before speaking.

"Xiaoxue, you are of noble birth and have extraordinary talents. You were originally a proud person, and you still have the potential to become a god in the future.

"What's more, you also have a grandfather who is a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo, and behind him sits the huge power and resources of Wuhun Palace. No matter what happens, there is someone who can take care of you.

"Not to mention that you are not a murderous person yourself. Even if you are, then whoever you want to kill is a matter of using your hands. These are your freedoms and naturally you do not need my consent."

Su Cheng raised his eyes and stared at Qian Renxue.

“But I don’t want your original intention of killing someone to be because of me.

"If you really kill someone because of me, I really can't do anything to you. I won't and don't want you to pay the corresponding price, let alone say bastard things like asking you to pay for it with your life.

"But I also have my principles."

He looked down at the teacup in his hand, his voice deepened and his expression became serious.

"If the source of similar things comes from me, then naturally I should bear all the consequences of these things you do.

"To tell you the truth, I have a way to save their souls.

"If you are forced to kill someone to vent your anger because of me, then I will resurrect them no matter what the cost, even if the cost is my life."

Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head, her face instantly turned pale, and her breathing suddenly became much faster.


Su Cheng raised his hand and interrupted what she wanted to say.

"Xiaoxue, don't think that I have any close relationship with them, and don't feel dissatisfied because of it.

"Those people were originally just my friends or teammates. It's just that these people are very talented. They will definitely be our help in the future and will definitely be useful one day."

If what he said before can be regarded as half-truth, his words are a pure lie.

His relationship with Zhu Zhuqing is indeed very deep.

But Qian Renxue now has a mental problem, her feelings are a little morbid, and she is even possessive to the point of murdering anyone she sees, which is really too dangerous.

Unless he doesn't care about Qian Renxue's mood and feelings, this situation is obviously not suitable for continued stimulation.

But to stop her from continuing to do similar actions, some roundabout methods are needed.

Su Cheng was not a psychiatrist. After much deliberation, he could only use his own way to delay the attack.

At least suppress the other party's similar thoughts and never cause any deaths.

What happened that day really startled him.

Even if it is not Zhu Zhuqing, but ordinary friends like Ning Rongrong, Shui Bing'er or Feng Qingyu, such a situation should not be allowed to happen again.

At this point, Su Cheng slowed down and his voice became much gentler.

"Besides, you can't let me stop contacting people and practicing cultivation from now on. Who doesn't have a few friends in this world?"

"I have no friends." Qian Renxue replied seriously.

"..." Su Cheng choked at these words, and then said: "Then you should still make some friends. I think those people in Wuhundian Academy are pretty good."

"I don't need friends, teacher, you are enough for me." Qian Renxue shook her head with a calm expression.

"Those people's talents are only average. What's the point of letting them practice for another few decades? It won't take long. After I become a god, we will no longer be invincible in this world."

"Invincible? This world is not as simple as you think."

Su Cheng smiled, took the teapot and added some water to the cup.

"Do you think it's enough to be strong enough on this continent? You also know about the inheritance of divine status. In this Wuhun City, there are two people who have the potential to become gods."

"It's three." Qian Renxue corrected.

"Heh, okay, none of that matters."

Su Cheng stood up and looked up at the sky outside the window.

“But what you don’t know is that outside this continent, in the starry sky above your head, there are many real gods.

"Third-level gods, second-level gods, first-level gods, there are even strong men at the level of god kings. Even if you become an angel god, your power is far less than a finger of those god kings.

"This world is like a huge chessboard and a huge cage. We trapped on this planet are the chess pieces on the chessboard.

"But the chess pieces are okay. No one will take a second look at the useless chess pieces in the corners, and it's easy to survive.

"It is a pity that even among the countless worlds under the command of the God Realm, the continent we are on is not unknown. Just from the number of divine inheritances, we can guess that there is no way out of this continent. How many first-level gods and second-level gods have you passed?

“The plans and plans of those god kings may not necessarily affect us at any time.

"Because our presence on this continent is astonishingly strong."

This is certain. Many talented people on Douluo Continent are often observed and noticed by people in the God Realm.

As the best among them, Qian Renxue and herself cannot escape the eyes of those people.


Hearing this, Qian Renxue looked at Su Cheng with a dazed expression, being constantly impacted by the shocking news.

For a moment, he had no time to think about how Su Cheng knew these huge secrets that even the Spirit Hall didn't know.

"So you understand?"

After a pause, Su Cheng continued: "If you want to fight against those existences, it's not enough for us alone. I don't want to be anyone's pawn, and I don't want you to become anyone's pawn, not even gods."

After finishing speaking, Su Cheng picked up the teacup and waited quietly for the other party to fully digest the information before answering her questions.

"...Douluo Continent, what's so extraordinary about it?"

Su Cheng was startled when he heard this. Unexpectedly, the first thing Qian Renxue thought of was not the existence of the divine world, but this issue.

She is indeed very perceptive.

"There are some very high-level beings buried on this continent. As for their situation, I don't know much about them now. But it is precisely because of this that this continent condenses extremely huge destiny. Even if the gods The industry also attaches great importance to it.”

Qian Renxue nodded thoughtfully, without further investigation, and instead asked: "What level is the Angel God? What level of power is the God King you just mentioned?"

Having said this, she continued to add: "Is the ancestor of our Qian Family, the first-generation angel god, also in the God Realm now?"

Su Cheng shook his head.

“Angel God is a first-level god, but in the period when he first became an angel god, his strength level was at best that of a third-level god in the God Realm.

"As for the ancestor of your Qian family, the legendary figure who became the angel god, I don't know where she is, and she can't even tell whether she is alive or dead.

"So, it's better not to put your hope in those unknown things."

"So that's it..." Qian Renxue whispered softly.

But the mood soon adjusted.

The first generation angel god is just a legend among thousands of families. He is a figure with similar spiritual beliefs, but he has never been seen before, and naturally there is no emotion.

In other words, before Su Cheng mentioned the God Realm, none of his family members thought that their ancestor was still alive.

"Do we need to look for clues about the inheritance of the divine throne?"

Because of the simulated world memory, Qian Renxue is also able to determine that there is a inheritance of divine status in the world. She and Bibi Dong are examples.

Su Cheng also mentioned just now that many first-level gods and second-level gods have come out of this continent. From this point of view, perhaps there are still divine thrones like angel gods in other places, waiting for the destined people to inherit them.

"Inheritance of the divine throne?" Su Cheng was silent for a moment, then said attentively: "I have my own path to walk, and so do you. How can you break free from the shackles of the world when you inherit someone else's path?"


Qian Renxue was stunned and stared at the figure standing in front of the window.

Before this, she had never known what Su Cheng's true ambition was.

Su Cheng looked back at her and said slowly: "Xiaoxue, I'm not saying this to put pressure on you, but to make you face the problem, don't underestimate the enemy, and unite all the forces that can be united."

He slowly stepped forward and approached Qian Renxue.

"Your talent is rare in the world, but when dealing with people who have lived for who knows how many years, you can never be too cautious.

"There are people outside the world. Those who can become gods are not the proud ones of heaven, and those who are not unique among ten thousand. If you look down on them, you are actually looking down on yourself.

"Also, if you really kill someone because of me, then I will definitely make compensation. If I don't atone for you, it would be my fault and the price I should pay."

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue lowered her head and her long hair hung down.

After a long silence, he whispered: "I understand."

Su Cheng stretched out his palm and gently stroked Qian Renxue's brilliant blond hair, as smooth as satin.

"Xiaoxue, you should believe in yourself, stop thinking wildly, and stop doing things that may make us regret. I will always be by your side."

Qian Renxue silently raised her head and stared at him.

Then he stretched out his fair and slender arms and held his palm tightly between his fingers.

At night, Su Cheng sat on the bed.

The emulator is now ready for use again.

Previously, due to the external soul bone reward, it seemed that its energy consumption was too huge, causing it to have a long cool-down period.

But later, with the Blue Silver Grass Forest and his party, Su Cheng's Five Elements were perfected, and the simulator's condition also recovered somewhat.

But the most important thing is that he benefited from the condensation of the true core of life after he realized the true meaning of immortality.

A light blue panel unfolded in front of you.

[The villain life simulator is starting...]

[Please select the final mission goal of this life simulation:]

[1. The inheritance of the Destruction Angel God. Mission reward: Divine power sample; Difficulty: B]

【2. Destroy the inheritance of Rakshasa God. Mission reward: divine power sample + natural power sample; difficulty: A]

【3. Destroy the Poseidon inheritance. Mission reward: Source power sample; Difficulty: S]

"Judging from the difficulty levels of these three tasks, there seems to be a lot of explanations in them, and the rewards for these tasks..."

Looking at the blue light screen in front of him, Su Cheng fell into deep thought.

ps1, sorry, that’s it for today. I still need to sort out the detailed outline of the third volume and optimize it. I will update it tomorrow.

ps2, let me briefly explain the composition of Wuhun Palace. The original description here is a bit confusing. I read it a few times and sorted it out. Wuhun City is mainly divided into three parts, the Pope's Palace, the Elder's Palace, and the Douluo Palace. Among them, the Douluo Hall is also called the Douluo Enshrinement Hall. There is usually no one inside. Only Qian Daoliu, as the ruling elder, has the right to enter. The so-called seven major offerings are actually called enshrining the elders, and Qian Daoliu is the master of the elder hall.

ps3, the group is temporarily unavailable. When we were disbanded before, it was because someone told me that the group was blowing up, but I didn’t pay close attention at the time. I didn’t have much time to watch the group, and I couldn’t control the rhythmic ones. I just took a closer look at the chat history, and found that there are really all kinds of monsters and monsters in it, including those who make remarks about cerebral palsy, those who criticize others, those who mess with the rhythm, and those who complain about others. There are only a few people who are serious about discussing the plot. There are also a few old trolls among them. These people are there every time I set the rhythm. If someone comes out and expresses a different opinion, they say it is my trumpet. The double standard really makes these people understand. If you have the guts, don't make random noises in the group. Post those words directly to the book review section. If I can't help but say it, you'll be done.

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