Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 168 Destined Person (Two in One)

The first is the difficulty division of several tasks, which is very illustrative.

There is no difference only in terms of the strength level of these three gods. They are all first-level gods, and there are no strong ones at the god-king level, but the difficulty is completely different.

And judging from the level of power behind the inheritance of the three gods, there is no reason why the difficulty of destroying the inheritance of the Rakshasa God is higher than that of the Angel God.

In addition, the destruction of Poseidon's inheritance, which is designated as an S-level mission, is also a bit exaggerated.

It is true that Poseidon Island itself is powerful and its beliefs are unified. But just from the perspective of high-end combat power, it is still not enough to suppress Wuhun Palace, and it is set as an S-level difficulty task.

Now Su Cheng's own background is different from the past.

After experiencing two simulations, even if his talent at the beginning was average, he was able to rely on the accumulation of knowledge to make himself far stronger than his peers.

Therefore, the most likely reason for this situation is that the Poseidon Island in this simulation is probably the same as the Poseidon Island in reality, and Poseidon itself may intervene.

The same goes for A-level difficulty tasks.

Although the inheritance of the Rakshasa God itself is ordinary, it is hidden in the Killing City and is inextricably linked to the Shura God Test, which makes this task more difficult.

"Will we finally reach the level of gods, or will a true god set his sights on the lower world?"

During the first simulation, Su Cheng had observed Tang San's situation.

Although a child named Tang San was born at that time, his body was not occupied by another soul.

This shows that the simulated world at that time did not completely replicate the situation in the real world, or was somewhat incomplete.

Now, the simulation mission has finally begun to truly touch external variables.

"Samples of divine power, samples of natural power, samples of original power..."

Su Cheng felt a little hesitant.

In fact, he really wanted to get the divine power sample and the natural power sample in the reward.

With these two things, he can better understand the nature of the divine throne.

But the power of origin is undoubtedly something more precious.

Although he still doesn't know what it means, it is not the first time he has seen this term.

When I completed the second simulation mission a few years ago and received the attached soul bone as a reward, I learned that it contained the original power.

Su Cheng now naturally understands how powerful the Eye of True Sight is.

Although this externally attached soul bone does not have any offensive capabilities, it is of great help to him.

Whether it is the understanding of martial spirits, the condensation of soul rings or the understanding of laws, the Eye of True Vision plays an excellent supporting role in this process.

It can be said that the reason why his strength has been promoted to the current level is the existence of this external soul bone.

Otherwise, just relying on his own accumulation, he may be far superior to the same level, but his background is at most higher than Qian Renxue. He will never be able to suppress Qian Renxue, who has greatly improved in strength, with the strength of the Soul King, let alone comprehend. Those are extraordinary high-level artistic conceptions.

Moreover, it’s not like he doesn’t have other channels to gain access to divine power, and he doesn’t necessarily have to rely on mission rewards to obtain it.

Bibi Dong has now started the Rakshasa Divine Examination, so she may not have the chance to get it in the future. Besides, isn't there an Angel God inheritance in the Spirit Hall?

[You have chosen the final mission goal of this simulation: destroy the Poseidon inheritance. 】

[Optional initial time and location:]

[1. Fifty years ago, Poseidon Island. 】

[2. Twenty-five years ago, Wuhun Palace. 】

[3. Fifteen years ago, Holy Soul Village. 】

"Hey, it's not the initial identity this time?"

Seeing these three options, Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then his heart sank.


Fifteen years ago, Holy Soul Village...

The time and place of birth are very telling.

That was the birthplace of Tang San from another world.

It must be Tang San from another world.

If you are just a native, and a native with insufficient congenital qualities, you won't be able to make any waves even if you have twin martial arts souls.

"So, this simulation has indeed completely replicated the situation in the real world, even Tang San's factors have been taken into account."

Obviously, choosing to be born in Holy Soul Village means borrowing Tang San's power.

"But why should I borrow Tang San's power?"

Su Cheng shook his head. He and Tang San had different ideas, so it would be very difficult to guide him.

And if he chooses this path, the final decision is not in his own hands.

There was nothing we could do in the first simulation. He was too weak at the time, so he had to take advantage of the situation and use his strength to gain strength.

But now, there is no need for this at all.

"Then which one should I choose..."

If possible, Su Cheng naturally hopes that the time can be chosen earlier, preferably before the three peerless Douluo meet, or even before the Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi succeeds in his cultivation.

Of course, the latter is just a thought, it is impossible no matter how you look at it, otherwise this mission would not be difficult at all.

But even if he can do it before the three peerless Douluo meet, it will give him a lot of room for maneuvering, but it seems that he has no chance.

Even if I choose to be born fifty years ago, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up.

Not to mention that Su Cheng didn't know when those people met. Even if he knew, it would be too late. He always needs time to develop before he can intervene, otherwise he would just be looking for death.

However, according to the simulator's task distribution, as long as the rewards are the same, there should not be much difference in difficulty between these three options.

The purpose of giving these choices is actually different paths to completion.

The first option is considered a regular start, and the third option relies on Tang San. Then the goal represented by the Spirit Hall twenty-five years ago is obvious.

Angel God Qian Renxue.

"So do you want to try this road again?"

Su Cheng felt a little resistant.

He didn't want to use Qian Renxue anymore, even if it was a simulated world.

And although this path can be called a familiar one, there are also variables in it.

Poseidon is not a man of martial ethics. If the Angel God takes action, it is hard to say how strong the obstruction he will face will be.

In addition, people like Bibi Dong and Tang San may also become a big or small resistance.

Poseidon Island's own strength is not weaker than Wuhun Palace, and it is even stronger when fighting at home at sea.

"Let's choose the path with the least variables."

Since the difficulty between the three options is relatively balanced, I think the initial talents will also compensate for it.

In addition, being able to be born on Poseidon Island is actually an advantage in itself.

What's more, who said that there was no way to leverage the power fifty years ago?

[The initial time and place has been selected: fifty years ago, Poseidon Island. 】

[You can choose three from the following ten talents as initial talents:]

[Innate soul power, twin martial souls, swordsman genius, soul scholar, theoretical master, professional clergyman, handsome appearance, extraordinary origin, son of the ocean, destined person]

Su Cheng's eyes lit up.

The first time he saw the talent panel, he was sure that the "Soul Scholar" in it was a must-select.

Whether it was for Qian Renxue's current status or for his own future development, he would never give up this talent.

Even if this talent does not help this mission, it is still profitable to select it.

"As for the rest..."

Su Cheng glanced at the other nine talents, his eyes lingered on the "Swordsman Genius" for a moment, and then he looked away helplessly.

Came across this thing again.

But unfortunately, this mission was too difficult. He could not waste any more credits after he had already chosen a talent that was not guaranteed to be conducive to the completion of the mission.

"Would you like to choose the power route?"

The combination of twin martial souls and innate full soul power is almost equal to one's own self in reality.

Once he gets it in his hands and relies on his basic qualities such as skills and sword intent, he will improve very quickly.

But Su Cheng soon gave up these two talents.

He didn't want to be noticed by the sea god who often peeked at the screen.

You must be obscene in the early stage, as being too ostentatious will cause bad things.

What he wants is to destroy the inheritance, not to inherit the divine throne. It will do him no good to be too conspicuous at first.

And with his current background, his future development will not be hampered by the awakening of martial souls.

As a result, the similar talent of Son of the Ocean cannot be selected.

It looks very high-end, but without knowing the specific effects, the price/performance ratio is too low and a bit too risky.

"The key lies in that Poseidon Douluo."

Su Cheng frowned and looked at the remaining talent options.

If you want to destroy the Poseidon inheritance, there are many obstacles.

Poseidon Island is very powerful, and the Holy Pillar Douluo are also extraordinary, but the biggest obstacles are undoubtedly Bo Saixi and Poseidon.

He couldn't touch Poseidon in the early stage and didn't dare to touch it, so whether he could get close to Bo Saixi was extremely important.

Don't think that if you were born on Poseidon Island, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with this high priest.

There are many soul masters on Poseidon Island, and ordinary sea soul masters are simply inconspicuous there.

To Bo Saixi, the sea soul masters on Poseidon Island are like the residents of Wuhun City to the Pope. They have no chance to get close to each other.

It's even more difficult.

In Wuhun City, if you have extraordinary talent, you might at least be able to join the Wuhun Palace Academy, and then move closer to the center of power little by little.

But Bo Saixi is different from the Pope.

The Pope is the core of power, a being above all others, and has his own ambitions.

However, Bo Saixi has always regarded himself as a servant of Poseidon. He has devoted his whole life to his belief in Poseidon and has no desire for power at all.

Su Cheng looked at the last talent.

"This is probably the most likely option, right? Even if you can't get in touch with Bo Saixi, with this kind of talent, the possibility of getting other opportunities will be much higher."

[The selected initial talents are: Soul Scholar, Professional Priest, and Destined Person. 】


[Free exploration mode has been selected. 】

[Note that everything in the life simulation is a projection of the real world, and it will also affect the fate of this plane, so please take it seriously]

[Simulation begins. 】

As the prompt appeared, Su Cheng's consciousness instantly left his physical body and entered another world that seemed both real and illusory.

[You were born in Hanhai City, the largest coastal city located in the far west of the Tiandou Empire. Your father is a mainland soul master, and your mother is a sea soul master from Poseidon Island. 】

[After you were born, your parents prepared to take you to Poseidon Island. 】

【something unexpected may happen any time. When you were approaching your destination, you were attacked by a swarm of evil killer whales. After struggling to resist, your father died first to protect you, mother and son. 】

[Your mother's fighting ability on the sea is even stronger than your father's. But unfortunately, Soul Saint's cultivation could not resist for too long in front of the powerful group of evil killer whales, and he was soon seriously injured. 】

[At the critical moment, Poseidon Douluo, the high priest of Poseidon Island, rushed to the scene, drove away the terrifying group of evil killer whales, and rescued you, mother and son. It's a pity that your mother is dying at this time, and even Bo Saixi is unable to save her life. 】

[It turns out that your mother was born on Poseidon Island and is extremely talented. Because of his extraordinary talent, he successfully passed the third test of the purple level in the test of the eighteen-year-old Poseidon Island soul master. If she can pass them all, she has a high probability of becoming the strongest among the people under the Holy Pillar Douluo on Poseidon Island. 】

Seeing this, Su Cheng's heart moved.

Poseidon Island has always had its own special rules.

The sea soul masters living on the island need to pass a test when they reach the age of eighteen. Those who pass the test can stay on Poseidon Island to "serve Poseidon". If you fail, you will be expelled from Poseidon Island. Some of these tests are so difficult that people can even die during the tests.

Different people experience different tests, which are divided into white-level assessment, yellow-level assessment, purple-level assessment, black-level assessment and red top-level assessment. Just like the color of the soul ring, from low to high, the further back, the more difficult it becomes. After passing assessments at different levels, you will also get corresponding powers on Poseidon Island. The difficulty of the assessment not only depends on the strength of the person being assessed, but also is determined by their potential and talent.

If you can reach the black level assessment, once you succeed, you will basically be able to reach the level of a titled Douluo in the future, and you will become the Holy Pillar Douluo on Poseidon Island, with power second only to the High Priest Poseidon Douluo.

However, the success rate of this level's assessment is extremely low and the mortality rate is extremely high. There is almost no such thing as failure. Failure means death. Therefore, relatively speaking, the purple-level assessment should be the most cost-effective assessment level.

Land-based soul masters who enter Poseidon Island from outside also need to undergo a test if they want to stay here.

The difference is that after accepting the assessment, Poseidon Island soul masters only need to complete one test every ten years, while land soul masters need to complete one test every year.

As a mother of her own status, since she can pass the purple-level assessment, her talent is not too low, and her innate soul power is at least around level five.

It seems that the innate soul power of this body should not be too weak.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng continued to look back intently.

[But unfortunately, although your mother passed the first assessment, she failed the second assessment ten years later. According to the rules, she could only be expelled from Poseidon Island. At this time, Bo Saixi took the opportunity to give her a special task. It was also because of this task that she went to the mainland alone and met your father. 】

[After completing the mission, her original plan was to return to Poseidon Island and leave you there to lay a solid foundation. After all, for soul masters, compared to ordinary cities on the mainland, the growth conditions on Poseidon Island are much better. Although she has no chance to return to Poseidon Island, she still hopes that you can get better education as a soul master. 】

[With your mother’s prayers, Bo Saixi agreed to her last wish before her death. I promise that as long as you can awaken your martial soul and have soul power, no matter how talented you are, I will do my best to train you as a direct disciple. 】

[After Bo Saixi brought you back to Poseidon Island, he did not take you to Poseidon Mountain. Instead, he placed you in the city of the most powerful Ama, and waited for you to awaken your martial soul before considering other matters. He also secretly asked the Ama Douluo, the most powerful among the Seven Sacred Pillars, to take care of you on your behalf. 】

[There are currently seven cities on Poseidon Island, namely Haenv City, Sea Dragon City, Sea Spear City, Sea Fantasy City, Sea Horse City, Sea Ghost City, and Sea Star City. Seven titled Douluo who have passed the black-level assessment serve as city leaders. . 】

[Because of the test of adulthood, the population of various cities on Poseidon Island is around a thousand people, and everyone can be called the most loyal believer of Poseidon. Among them, there are more than 3,000 soul masters with good strength. These people are also called Poseidon warriors, and they are all strong men who have passed the test of Poseidon. 】

[You have lived in Haenyeo City for four years. Because you were personally brought by High Priest Bo Saixi, and you were secretly looked after by the Sea Girl Douluo, you enjoyed good treatment in the city. However, the people on Poseidon Island are all Poseidon believers. They only have different identities, but there is no distinction between high and low. You will not get much preferential treatment because of this, but you will have access to more learning materials and know more high-level soul masters. During this period, you also learned a lot about Poseidon Island. 】

[The main mission begins. 】

With a jolt of energy, Su Cheng felt that his body was only four years old at this time, and the memories of the past four years were quickly integrated into his mind.

Children on Douluo Continent develop relatively early. They can basically move on their own after the age of three, and even have quite good learning abilities.

Some children with good backgrounds have already begun to lay the foundation for their future martial soul awakening at this age.

However, this situation has nothing to do with whether the person has the qualifications to practice.

Probably because the world contains a large amount of ownerless energy, even ordinary people develop very quickly. This is especially obvious in early childhood.

After feeling it for a while, Su Cheng had a rough idea of ​​the qualifications of his body.

The innate soul power level is three to four, and he inherited his father's sword martial soul instead of his mother's higher quality swordfish martial soul.

For Su Cheng, this is a good thing and a bad thing.

It's a good thing of course because his martial spirit is a sword, which can greatly enhance his combat effectiveness.

Su Cheng is really experienced in using the sword spirit.

It can be said that most of his amazing fighting power lies in the way of the sword.

However, there is also a disadvantage to inheriting this martial spirit, that is, the innate qualifications are more than a little weaker.

Although when offspring inherit their parents' martial arts souls, they will generally inherit the one with relatively higher quality.

But this situation is not absolute, especially when there is not much difference between the two, it is difficult to say what the final result will be.

His current martial spirit is somewhat similar to that of the first simulation.

One of his parents is a mainland soul master, the other is a sea soul master, and they have metallic and water attributes respectively. By coincidence, he awakened a metallic martial soul, which led to some malignant mutations and lowered the quality of the martial soul. .

But these things don't matter.

With the Nirvana Sutra in his body, as well as ways to replenish his martial soul and even condense his soul rings, his innate qualifications will not cause much trouble to him.

But Su Cheng is not ready to practice the Nirvana Sutra for the time being.

Everything will have to wait until the martial soul awakens, which is related to his future layout.

Anyway, Bo Saixi had promised his mother that as long as he was a soul master, it was enough. It didn't matter what his talent was.

Since the talent of the "destined person" has already helped him get through an important hurdle, there is no need to bother with it.

And apart from his own plans, it may not be a good thing if he raises his innate soul power level too high and attracts too much attention.

Su Cheng learned from the memories of the past four years that the strongest titled Douluo on Poseidon Island now was not Sea Dragon Douluo, but Sea Lady Douluo and Starfish Douluo, who were about to reach the end of their lifespan.

However, the residents of Poseidon Island were not too worried about this.

Now these two old Title Douluo have their own descendants who are undergoing the fourth black level examination, and they are not far away from the realm of Title Douluo.

In the future, there is a great chance that he can inherit the title of his predecessor, become the new Holy Pillar Douluo, and serve as the city lord to protect Poseidon Island.

If those people all pass the fourth black level exam, maybe there will be a few more new Holy Pillar Douluo based on the Seven Holy Pillars.

Moreover, the people of Poseidon Island also believe that those Holy Pillar Douluo who are nearing their end of life will go to serve "Lord Poseidon" after their death.

Su Cheng was actually speechless about what these people thought.

Not to mention whether this matter is credible, even if it is true, you will live for that "Poseidon" all your life while you are alive, even if you die.

What kind of capitalist is this?

The sky is clear and the clouds are light, and the blue sky is clear.

Su Cheng took a deep breath as he walked on the road. The moist and pure air poured into his nose, feeling indescribably comfortable.

Poseidon Island is indeed very different from the mainland style. There are many differences in both natural scenery and cultural environment.

It's not just the influence of the ocean climate, but it may also be related to the divine power that exists on Poseidon Mountain. In this place, it is like spring almost all year round, and you don't feel the cold or the heat.

"It's such a good environment. This place is destined for me. After returning to the real world, I have to find an opportunity to find a way to occupy this place."

There are not many people on the road.

To be precise, there weren't many people in this city.

The atmosphere of this place is actually somewhat similar to Wuhun City.

Regardless of the pedestrians coming and going, or the shop owners on the roadside, there are almost no ordinary people who do not have soul power.

The clothes of the adult soul masters are also very interesting, and their levels can be distinguished directly by their clothes.

It is also the same as the soul ring, from low to high, it is divided into white clothes, yellow clothes, purple clothes, black clothes and red clothes. What it represents is also the difficulty level of the test they have accepted.

However, at present, the only person on Poseidon Island who is qualified to wear red clothes is the high priest Bo Saixi.

Not long after, Su Cheng arrived at the library hall of Haenv City and said hello to the yellow-robed soul master who was in charge of guarding.

"Hello, Uncle Chen."

"Su Cheng, are you here to learn Poseidon's teachings again?"

Chen Yuan, who was standing at the door of the hall, nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

I sighed secretly in my heart.

What a good boy. At such a young age, not only does he not indulge in playing, but he also spends all his time understanding the greatness of Lord Poseidon.

Putting understanding of Lord Poseidon’s spirit first, you will definitely become Lord Poseidon’s most devout believer in the future.

Su Cheng naturally didn't know what the other party was feeling at this moment.

He walked to the area where Poseidon's experiences were displayed in the library hall with ease, picked up a book he had not read before, and started reading.

Before awakening his martial soul, he wasn't going to have too much contact with anything related to cultivation, so there was no need.

There are too few books that can give him theoretical guidance now, and what he really wants to read cannot be found here.

Regarding the soul, people in this world have no research at all, and there are very few related books.

Whether it's in Wuhun Palace or here, there are only a few books in total, and the content is even more superficial.

If he wants to study it, he can only rely on himself to explore it in the future.

All of his current energy is basically focused on studying Poseidon's teachings.

"The talent of 'Professional Priest' is really outrageous. It is indeed produced by a simulator. It is really extraordinary..."

Su Cheng complained secretly in his heart while flipping through the book in his hand.

In the past, in his opinion, since there was real extraordinary power in this world, there was no need to spread the existence of "god" through words and words.

But looking at it now, I have a completely different feeling and understanding from the past.

This kind of understanding does not mean that there is something profound in these teachings, but that it is easy to discover the flaws and flaws in them, and to find the loopholes and inadequacies in them.

He even has his own unique understanding of the way he preaches the doctrine.

"It turns out that some people are born to preach..."

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