Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 169 He exudes the glow of a pilgrim (2)

Chapter 169 He exudes the glow of a pilgrim (2-in-1)

"Every sea soul master believes that the sea god is real, in charge of everything in the sea, and is the ancestor of sea soul masters. It is under the blessing of the sea god that sea soul masters can have powerful abilities and use the power that comes from the sea. the power of……

"Poseidon walks on the sea, creating Poseidon Island and surrounding islands out of nothing, creating a place for his people and believers to settle down...

"Poseidon Island is the holy land of Poseidon Masters and a place where Poseidon is worshiped. Poseidon High Priest, as Poseidon's envoy, leads the most powerful Poseidon Masters to worship Poseidon on Poseidon Island...

"There are seven holy pillars scattered on Poseidon Island. Legend has it that the formation of the seven holy pillars came from Poseidon's seven powerful sea soul beast partners. For countless years, they and Poseidon Mountain have formed a huge formation to protect Poseidon Island...

"The God of the Sea has given the seven holy pillars the power to spread God's will through the seven holy pillars. Any one of the holy pillars can test foreign soul masters..."

"The Seven Sacred Pillars can communicate with the Sea God and give trialists different assessments. They are not only the place where the souls of Sea Soul Beasts return, but also the gathering place of the beliefs of thousands of sea people and Sea Soul Beasts..."

Seeing this, Su Cheng frowned.

"Since ancient times, there have only been seven holy pillars on Poseidon Island? So the number of these holy pillars is fixed? Then why do black-level assessments occur so many times?"

He closed the book in his hand and pondered.

As far as he knew, there had been no less than twenty black-level assessments on Poseidon Island in the past hundred years. In addition to Sea Dragon Douluo, Sea Spear Douluo and others who achieved the position of Holy Pillar, there were not a few people who died in the test.

In other words, except for those who completed the assessment and those who were in the process of assessment, all the other soul masters who had obtained the black-level assessment died in the test.

Judging from the information I have seen during this period, the existence of the Seven Holy Pillars is by no means just symbolic.

It has a huge effect on both the sea soul masters on Poseidon Island and Poseidon himself.

It is actually not easy for Poseidon to communicate with the lower world. He needs some media to do it.

For example, Bo Saixi.

As the high priest of Poseidon Island, this peerless Douluo who uses Poseidon's Dharma as her martial soul, if she sacrifices herself, there is a high probability that she can directly summon Poseidon to come.

In addition to Bo Saixi, I'm afraid the Seven Sacred Pillars will be needed.

As for those tests under the black level, Su Cheng probably doesn't really have anything to do with Poseidon. Even the black level assessment has nothing to do with Poseidon.

It may be that the Seven Sacred Pillars used their divine power to form some kind of special logic or operating rules to automatically release test content.

Otherwise, with so many sea soul masters undergoing tests every year, how would Poseidon have the time to arrange various assessments for them.

After thinking about it, it was difficult to draw a conclusion with too few clues, so Su Cheng put it aside for the time being.

Picked up another book and read it.

"Lord Poseidon really exists, and most of the soul masters on Poseidon Island have seen Lord Poseidon appear with their own eyes...

"Poseidon's followers include not only sea soul masters, but also a large number of kind-hearted sea soul beasts. When they are about to die, they will spontaneously go to the Seven Sacred Pillars and donate their soul rings and soul bones to the people of Poseidon Island... …

"The appearance of the Holy Pillar Douluo comes from the unique prophecy of Lord Poseidon, which is tested by the high priest. The high priest is the servant of Lord Poseidon, guarding Lord Poseidon's authority throughout his life, and at the same time exercising Lord Poseidon's rights...

"Lord Poseidon is kind and loving. Not only sea soul masters, but also land soul masters, as long as they pass the test, they also have the opportunity to be recognized by Lord Poseidon. These tests are not given by the soul masters on Poseidon Island, but by Lord Poseidon. Given personally...


After reading it, Su Cheng sighed.

It is indeed extremely difficult to destroy the Poseidon inheritance.

The key point is that the inheritance of destruction may not only refer to the inheritance of the divine throne.

Does the belief in Poseidon count as inheritance? Do I need to cut off all these beliefs if I want to complete my mission?

"Fortunately, the Poseidon's belief has not formed an overly complete and detailed system." Su Cheng thought to himself.

Absolute faith is difficult to change.

Especially when the teachings of a certain faith are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have self-consistent logic, and become the spiritual support of many people, it is even more difficult to eradicate it.

But in Douluo Continent, it has not reached this point.

Because here the great power is attributed to oneself, and the gods in the world are not fictitious, but real.

As a god, there is no need to refine the doctrine. As long as it is "manifestation", it can maintain the rule of this belief.

This gave Su Cheng an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

Compared with the mainstream sects in previous lives, Poseidon's method of collecting faith is undoubtedly extremely crude.

Of course, he doesn't need any too clever methods, because he is strong enough.

But even so, it is still extremely difficult to change this situation.

Compared to the mainlanders' belief in the Angel God and the Spirit Hall, the people of Poseidon Island are obviously much more loyal and firm in their belief in Poseidon.

"We must first find a way to cut off the channel through which Poseidon appears, that is, the seven holy pillars."

Su Cheng held the book in his hand and quietly thought about perfecting the plan in his mind.

"We have to understand the composition principles of those things, as well as those Holy Pillar Douluo, and we have to find opportunities to get in touch with them more."

Fortunately, Poseidon himself obviously does not often contact the lower world, at best, he only occasionally takes a look.

Even Tang San in the original timeline received Poseidon's help many times because he carried a ray of Poseidon's divine will with him.

Although Su Cheng didn't know what the structure of the God Realm was, in the final analysis, those so-called "gods" were just more powerful beings, and most of them were human beings.

Since they are human beings, they must have their own independence, have desires and demands, and there must be conflicts between their wills.

Douluo Star is not simple, and it is not an ordinary plane with no name in the God Realm.

In this case, Poseidon, as a god born in Douluo Star, even with a communication medium, it would be difficult for him to interfere in the affairs of the lower world unless necessary.

Moreover, the time flow rate between the God Realm and Douluo Star is very different.

As long as Su Cheng himself hides behind the scenes and his talent is not outstanding to an outrageous level, he should not attract too much attention from Poseidon.

Of course, if Poseidon wants to show his holiness, in addition to using the Seven Holy Pillars, High Priest Bo Saixi is also a way.

But he obviously couldn't deal with Bo Saixi in a short time.

But if he had no other choice, Bo Saixi would not sacrifice himself to make the Poseidon appear.

Therefore, if you want to cut off the connection between Poseidon and the lower world, the key lies in the seven holy pillars.

"Second, there is Bo Saixi. This person is the key core of this mission and must influence her ideas to a certain extent."

It is definitely impossible to change the belief of this high priest. It is impossible to achieve it without even thinking about it.

For people who have cultivated to this level, who are not extremely confident and determined, how can they abandon their faith in their hearts.

But just because you can't change it doesn't mean you can't influence it.

Her extreme respect for the Poseidon turned out to be a weakness that could be exploited.

"The last step is to change the meaning of the totem 'Poseidon' to the people of Poseidon Island."

Su Cheng closed the book with a snap and put it back to its place.

Then he walked out of the library hall.

It is obviously not easy to complete these points, and it requires him to spend time to lay out the layout bit by bit.

In contrast, the force showdown in the later period is just a means of ending the game.

Two years passed quickly.

In a side hall of the Lord's Mansion of Haenyeo City, six-year-old Su Cheng was standing in the middle of the hall.

In front of him, there was a magic circle and a crystal ball used to test soul power.

Today is the day for his martial soul awakening.

"Kid, stand up."

Standing next to the magic circle, the beautiful young woman said slowly.

She is the current Haenyeo Douluo.

Although he looks extremely young, his true age is now hundreds of years old, much older than Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island.

It's just that she has the blood of the mermaid family flowing through her body.

The mermaid clan is neither a soul beast nor a human being. It is a special race in the ocean, half human and half sea soul beast.

The lifespan of this race is five times that of humans, and their appearance is fixed after adulthood and will never grow old.

However, the Haenyeo Douluo does not stay in the Haenyeo City most of the time, but lives in the sea in front of the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar.

This is determined by the characteristics of the mermaid family.

When they leave the sea, they will turn into human form, but this time is relatively short, otherwise their lives will be in danger.

Su Cheng knew that her daughter was now undergoing the fourth black level exam, and had already completed the first three exams, leaving only the last level to be completed.

After her daughter completes the assessment, this sea girl Douluo, whose life is short, will return to her clan and quietly wait for her death.

The reason why she appeared here today was specifically for Su Cheng's awakening ceremony.

After all, Su Cheng was a child brought back by Bo Saixi himself. Regardless of his true identity or his talent, he was worthy of the Holy Pillar Douluo personally coming forward to awaken him.

Besides, even if Su Cheng has nothing to do with Bo Saixi, Haenv Douluo will take more care of him.

The sea spirit masters on Poseidon Island are all loyal believers of Poseidon, and the seven Holy Pillar Douluo are the best among them.

Over the years, Su Cheng's devout belief in Poseidon has been obvious to everyone, and it has long been impressive.

And no one thought he was faking it.

Not to mention that it is normal for the residents of Poseidon Island to believe in Poseidon, the words and deeds he displays in his daily life are also convincing enough.

In the eyes of Haenv Douluo, Su Cheng has been obsessed with studying in the library since he was a child, which is completely different from other people of the same age.

What's even more commendable is that he neither reads the legendary stories about the Poseidon Masters nor understands the Poseidon's training methods and use of soul skills. Instead, he focuses on understanding Poseidon's thoughts and past.

Haenv Douluo has lived for hundreds of years and thinks she has met many people, but she has never seen a child like Su Cheng.

No, not just kids.

Even the adult Poseidon Masters and Poseidon warriors who have been practicing for a long time do not have such devout faith as Su Cheng.

After Haenv Douluo finished speaking, Su Cheng nodded and stood in the awakening array.

As the Sea Girl Douluo injected soul power, golden light flashed from the formation.

Su Cheng stretched out his right hand, and the light spots converged on the palm of his hand. Then, a long sword appeared in his palm.

The hilt looks a little rough, and the blade is not sharp either.

Any soul master with some experience can tell that the quality of this martial soul is not too high.

As a powerful peak Douluo, Haenv Douluo has lived for so many years, so naturally she can tell a general idea at a glance.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart, feeling a little helpless and a little regretful.

But some things are destined by God. The awakening of martial souls has blocked many young soul masters with lofty ideals.

Su Cheng is not the first, nor will he be the last.

She pointed at the crystal ball and said softly: "Let's test the level of innate soul power."

As Su Cheng placed his still immature palms on the crystal ball, a faint halo of light flashed in it, which was almost invisible if you didn't look carefully.


Haenv Douluo was speechless for a moment.

She glanced at Su Cheng and opened her mouth, unable to bear to tell the result.

"Lord Ama, what is my innate soul power level?" Su Cheng retracted his palm and asked respectfully to Ama Douluo.


Hearing this, Haenv Douluo sighed in her heart again and said lightly: "The innate soul power is less than the first level."

In fact, it is not only less than level one, it is almost infinitely close to innate zero soul power.

He only retained a glimmer of hope for cultivating his soul power, but the difference in cultivation talent was simply outrageous.

But what surprised her was that after telling the result, Su Cheng didn't show any trace of loss or sadness on his face.

His expression was unusually calm, and there was a firmness in it that was incomprehensible.

"I understand, thank you for awakening me, Ama-sama."

"...Su Cheng, aren't you sad?" There was a hint of curiosity in Haenv Douluo's voice.

For a soul master, the level of innate soul power almost determines the future destiny.

But at this time, Su Cheng was actually indifferent to this almost worst outcome.

Before Su Cheng could answer, another figure silently walked into the hall and came to her side.

Seeing this, the Sea Girl Douluo bowed slightly, saluted the man and said, "See the high priest."

Su Cheng looked up and saw that the person's whole body was covered in a layer of bright red robes, and his long sea-blue hair was spread behind him, falling close to the ground.

She has an extremely beautiful face, and looks to be no more than thirty years old. She has a noble and elegant temperament, and her clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea.

Even if Sea Girl Douluo, a member of the mermaid race who was famous for her beauty, stood beside her, her face was completely blocked by her brilliance.

In her right hand, she holds a three-meter-long golden scepter. The whole body is engraved with magic patterns, and the head of the staff is a rhombus-shaped protrusion like a spear, with a rhombus-shaped golden gem inlaid underneath.

This person is the high priest of Poseidon Island, the ninety-ninth level Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi.

When Su Cheng saw her first, he seemed to be startled for a moment, and then he quickly bowed and said, "See the high priest."

"No need to be polite."

Bo Saixi spoke softly and stared at the long sword Wuhun in Su Cheng's hand.

"The level of innate soul power is almost non-existent, Su Cheng, do you know what this means."

Su Cheng shook his head and said calmly: "I don't know."

"This means that no matter how hard you practice, you may not be able to break through to level 30 or above in your lifetime."

Hearing this, the Ama Douluo on the side hesitated to speak.

She felt that what Bo Saixi said was a bit too straightforward.

In any case, this is just a six-year-old child in front of me.

It would be a bit too cruel to speak bluntly about the other party's future at this time.

But the next moment, Su Cheng's unusually calm voice made her stunned.

"Master High Priest, the glory of Poseidon shines equally on every citizen of Poseidon Island. The level of innate soul power is nothing more than a small and insignificant obstacle in the face of Poseidon's glory."


Hearing his words, the two titled Douluo silently exchanged glances, with a little surprise in their expressions.

Then Bo Saixi thought that Su Cheng accepted the fact that he was not talented enough, so he nodded slightly and his expression returned to calm.

"Is it your goal to spread the glory of Lord Poseidon? That's not bad. Becoming a powerful Poseidon Spirit Master is not the only way out for the people of Poseidon Island.

"Su Cheng, I promised your mother that if you can awaken your martial soul and possess soul power, I will train you as my direct disciple, no matter how talented you are.

"I'm asking you now, are you willing to become my teacher?"

Hearing this, the Ama Douluo who was standing aside immediately looked sideways at Bo Saixi, with unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

For so many years, Bo Saixi has lived alone on Poseidon Mountain and has never accepted a single disciple.

Even if the child in front of him is only a disciple in name, he is still extraordinary.

And looking at Bo Saixi's meaning, it seems that he is not just a disciple in name, but one who is prepared to cultivate him seriously.

There was a burst of curiosity in my heart, who is Su Cheng's mother?

It's just a pity that this child's talent is too low.

Even if there is a peerless strong person like Bo Saixi as a teacher, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve anything.

"My Lord High Priest, please forgive me for not agreeing."

What was even more unexpected to the Haenv Douluo was that Su Cheng actually rejected Bo Saixi's proposal.

I saw him bowing and saluting again, looking at Bo Saixi and explaining seriously: "It's not that I don't appreciate praise. Being able to become your disciple will be the honor of my life. But compared to these, you have not You understand what I mean, but it makes me even more disappointed.”

Su Cheng looked solemn, and his words were full of strong and passionate emotions.

"Master High Priest, please give me half a year. Within half a year, I can be promoted to a soul master, and then you will understand my will."

"..." Bo Saixi was also a little stunned.

Not just because the other party rejected his proposal to accept a disciple.

What he said was also incredible.

Promoted to soul master in half a year?

Not to mention a useless practitioner with less than one level of innate soul power, even a soul master genius with six or seven levels of innate soul power would never dare to boast like this.

Su Cheng ignored the surprise of the two people in front of him and continued: "I can feel that the spirit of Poseidon is guiding me. For me, the road ahead is both glory and homecoming."

But surprisingly, at this moment, Bo Saixi and Haenv Douluo, two extremely powerful men, did not utter any words to refute, let alone anger and disdain.

It wasn't that they believed his words, it was the look on Su Cheng's face at this moment that was too shocking.

At only six years old, his eyes were pure and fiery, and his expression was solemn and sincere, as if it could burn people.

Often what moves people the most is not words, but attitude.

At this moment, Su Cheng exuded a light that was almost like that of a pilgrim.

Even Bo Saixi and Haenv Douluo, two loyal followers of the Poseidon, found it difficult to look directly at him.

Walking on the streets of Haenyeo City, Su Cheng's expression was filled with enthusiasm and confidence, which was extremely contagious.

But his heart was as cold as ice, without any ripples.

That's right, when Su Cheng came to awaken his martial soul, he once again reduced his bloodline potential.

This step is actually a bit risky.

If Bo Saixi directly gave up on him because of his poor talent, it would really ruin the great advantage brought by the "destined person" at the beginning.

But fortunately, Bo Saixi showed up after all.

As long as the other party is willing to show up, this move is already more than half successful.

But this is normal.

Bo Saixi herself is a peerless genius. Is innate soul power really that important to her?

Unless she was born with full soul power and twin martial souls, to her, no matter how outstanding her talent was, she would probably just call her "genius" at most.

Further lowering the level of innate soul power was a decision that Su Cheng made after thinking for a long time.

Severe cases require strong medication.

The innate soul power of the third and fourth levels is still not outstanding enough, at least it will not be able to blind other people's eyes in the future.

With the medicine that specializes in martial souls, he can actually weaken himself to the point where he has zero innate soul power. At least with the martial soul test, he can't feel the existence of his soul power.

But if you do that, it's just a gamble.

Having zero soul power was not part of Bo Saixi's promise. He could never give up this opportunity.

Then you can only awaken with the lowest soul power.

Not long after the soul power awakening ceremony, it became known throughout the city that Su Cheng's innate soul power level was almost non-existent.

Those two titled Douluo obviously wouldn't be so free to tell others this trivial matter.

Su Cheng took the opportunity to publicize this matter himself.

In the past two years, Su Cheng has basically become familiar with the people in Haenv City.

There are not many residents on Poseidon Island, and Su Cheng's identity is unique. He can come and go freely in the city lord's palace. He also knows all kinds of Poseidon doctrines, classics, legends and history by heart. His belief concentration is close to 100%, which naturally attracts the attention of many residents. .

Because of their common beliefs, the residents of Poseidon Island actually don’t have too many evil thoughts towards each other.

Compared to the intrigues on the mainland, the folk customs here are much simpler.

In the minds of the residents of Poseidon Island, everything they own is a gift from Poseidon.

The test that begins after the age of eighteen represents their final way out for the future.

Everyone is working silently to pass the test, and there is almost no conflict of interest among residents.

This situation will certainly limit everyone's upper limit, but it also guarantees their lower limit.

Now that they have learned about the awakening of his martial soul, many people have a pity and pity attitude towards it.

Regarding other people's concerns and inquiries, Su Cheng's explanation is also very simple.

"So what if the level of my innate soul power is low? Over the years, I have studied Poseidon's teachings intensively, and have continued to deeply understand Poseidon's thoughts and will. Under the guidance of Lord Poseidon, it won't take long for my martial soul to naturally transform and help I will continue to follow in Lord Poseidon’s footsteps.”

Of course, most people don't believe what he said.

But as believers of Poseidon, they were unable to refute Su Cheng's words.

Especially his attitude and emotions when he speaks can easily infect others.

Gradually, many people have changed from initial skepticism to doubt.

I wanted to see if he could really raise his soul power to level ten and become a soul master within half a year, as he said.

Similar situations were expected by Su Cheng.

These years of studying the history of Poseidon Island were not without success.

Su Cheng discovered that not only was the Poseidon's method of collecting beliefs rather crude, he actually didn't care much about the spread and development of Poseidon's teachings.

Even within those collections, there are many contradictions.

Obviously, more than 90% of these legends and sayings about Poseidon are probably not written by Poseidon himself, but are supplementary explanations from later generations of believers.

This also leads to the fact that although the sea soul masters here all believe in the sea god, their methods of belief are different.

The understanding of its core spirit is also very different, but it is only because of strength that it is united together.

When it comes down to it, at best, it's just something like "Poseidon protects the island, Poseidon protects the people, Poseidon drives away the evil sea soul beasts, Poseidon bestows tests and selections on managers" and the like.

If it weren't for the existence of extraordinary power, this would not be a unified sect at all, and it would not even be as good as the Spirit Hall.

Normally, the final result would be to split into pieces and then turn into multiple schools.

"Amateur, really amateur." Su Cheng sighed secretly.

"Wait until I show you what professionalism means."

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