Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 170 No one understands Poseidon better than me (please ask for one at the end of the month)

Chapter 170 No one understands Poseidon better than me (Please give me a vote at the end of the month~)

Haenyeo Castle is not large in area.

In fact, not only Poseidon City, but also the seven holy cities on Poseidon Island can only be regarded as small cities compared to the ordinary cities in the Tiandou Empire.

Even the city wall is only five meters high, and even from a high place in the forest outside the city, you can see the city clearly at a glance.

The most eye-catching one is the statue of a girl standing on the top of a huge stone pillar in the center of the city. Legend has it that it was the first sea witch who once followed the Poseidon.

There were only a few people in the city, and most of the Poseidon warriors coming and going were wearing white and yellow costumes. The tests these people have experienced are obviously the most basic white-level assessment and yellow-level assessment.

When it comes to purple, it belongs to the high-ranking figures in the city.

Here, people can basically be self-sufficient. The residents each grow some simple crops, and together with the nourishment of the sea, it is enough to maintain their livelihood.

There is no need for currency on Poseidon Island, and transactions are usually conducted through barter.

In addition, Poseidon Island also has a fleet specifically responsible for outbound purchases. Every once in a while, he would go to sea to trade with nearby coastal cities and buy some daily necessities that were not available in the sea.

But the fleet is not composed of Poseidon Island soul masters.

Poseidon Island soul masters who pass the test are usually unable to leave Poseidon Island for the rest of their lives.

Those fleets were all composed of sea spirit masters who did not belong to Poseidon Island, or sea spirit masters who had failed in the test. Every once in a while, these people will send a batch of supplies to Poseidon Island in exchange for some specialties on the island.

"Lord Poseidon has never and will never abandon any of his people. Just because you have not passed the test does not mean that you have not been recognized by Lord Poseidon. This is exactly the new test that Lord Poseidon has given you..."

At the market on Poseidon Island, the boy's voice slowly and clearly reached the ears of every listener.

He looked obviously young. But the strange thing is that the dozens of people in front of him are listening carefully, with serious and pious expressions, and not a single person makes a single noise.

The young man had a gentle expression, a warm smile on his face when he spoke, and a warm and pleasant light shining in his eyes.

Wherever his eyes looked, there seemed to be bursts of warmth, making people feel the power from deep in their hearts.

According to the young man, Lord Poseidon was neither a legend nor far away from them. It was as if the god had never left and was standing in the clouds watching them, encouraging them and guiding them.

This young man is Su Cheng.

Now, half a year has passed since the day when his martial soul awakened, and the time limit agreed upon by him and Bo Saixi has long passed.

But Bo Saixi did not appear.

Maybe she forgot, or maybe after her emotions calmed down, her reason regained the high ground.

Su Cheng thinks the latter is more likely.

After all, Bo Saixi came as promised when his martial soul awakened, so there was no reason to forget about him in just half a year.

It is estimated that the high priest did not think that Su Cheng had any hope of living up to his bold words at the time.

I think his original remarks were nothing more than a child's innocent fantasy.

Su Cheng didn't care, and he didn't take the initiative to prove his ideas. He was not in a hurry, and there was still room for improvement in his martial arts.

With the practice of the Nirvana Sutra, his current martial soul quality is approximately at the sixth level of innate soul power. According to Su Cheng's calculation, this should be the quality level of his father's martial spirit.

After absorbing the first soul ring, I have the capital to further improve rapidly. It is estimated that it will take about half a year to reach the seventh level.

His cultivation progress is also very fast. Not only has he reached the tenth level mentioned at the beginning, but after being promoted to a soul master and continuing to practice, his soul power level has now even reached the peak of the thirteenth level.

There is no way, he has too many ways to improve his qualifications and training speed.

These things are beyond the imagination of even a peerless Douluo like Bo Saixi.

The Nirvana Sutra has the effect of purifying the bloodline and correcting and optimizing the core information of the martial spirit.

The former is effective quickly, while the latter requires time to adjust slowly, and will be more efficient during low-quality periods.

But this is also thanks to the fact that Su Cheng awakened a sword-type martial spirit.

The Nirvana Sutra is a customized exercise.

For example, in the second simulation, the Nirvana Sutra he created had the best effect on the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit.

When used on the White Tiger and Netherworld Civet Cat, the effect is to bring the core information of these two spirits closer to completing the Netherworld White Tiger.

The Nirvana Sutra he is practicing now is the latest technique that has undergone many optimizations and natural advancements in reality.

The one with the best effect is undoubtedly Su Cheng's real body, which can act on his twin martial souls, and is also the basis for his own martial soul fusion skills.

In this world, although using this technique cannot completely transform his martial soul to the level of the Eternal Life Sword, it is barely enough. The superimposed soul ring effect can also make his own martial soul closer to the quality of the Eternal Life Sword.

In addition to the exercises, all kinds of precious herbs can also be found everywhere here.

The natural environment of Poseidon Island is much better than that on land.

If there were no geomantic treasures like the Blue Silver Grass Forest or the Ice and Fire Eyes here, it might not be impossible to stimulate the blood and directly condense the soul rings.

Under this situation, if Bo Saixi is allowed to delay for a while, maybe it will have a better shocking effect by then.

Besides, as a fanatical believer, how could he put Bo Saixi before Poseidon?

Bo Saixi should be an "unexpected surprise" to him at this time. He must not rush to find the other party. He must have enough initiative.

This is ridiculous to say.

How could a small soul master take the initiative in front of Bo Saixi?

Not to mention the mere seven-level innate soul power level, even if the innate soul power is full, what does it mean to a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo?

But Su Cheng has this kind of confidence.

Because Bo Saixi is a true fanatical believer of Poseidon, the kind who is willing to sacrifice his life for Poseidon.

There is no priority in learning, those who master come first.

Obviously, he has won in terms of his belief in Poseidon.

In terms of understanding of the spirit of Poseidon, he completely surpassed Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island who regarded himself as a servant of Poseidon.

His tricks are impossible for the other party to think of.

A child who was born with knowledge possesses a powerful skill that enhances the bloodline of martial souls?

In comparison, Poseidon's guidance may be more credible.


As Su Cheng finished speaking, he looked at the dozens of quiet audience members in front of him with gentle eyes, "Now you can ask questions."

"Lord Su Cheng, do you mean that Lord Poseidon has actually been observing us silently?"

Although Su Cheng is only a soul master, there are many people here whose cultivation level is higher than him, and their age is much older than him.

But these people seemed extremely respectful and their tone was very respectful.

They all heard about Su Cheng's deeds from the residents of Poseidon Island, and knew that it only took him half a year to train from a level of qualifications that was close to innate zero soul power to a soul master.

To ordinary people, this is almost equivalent to a "miracle".

At least there has never been a similar situation on Poseidon Island and the many nearby islands and waters for countless years.

"Don't call me 'Sir'. I have said before that under the light of God, all living beings are equal, and there is no distinction between high and low. If you don't want to call me by my name, then call me 'God's Envoy'. "

Su Cheng first corrected the other party's title, and then slowly said: "As for the question you just asked, the answer is obvious. Don't use mortal eyes to speculate on gods, you must use your heart to understand the connotation of Lord Poseidon's teachings. Lord Poseidon Omniscient and omnipotent, in his eyes, there is no secret in anything in the world. Each of you also has your own unique mission."

"Do you know what our future mission is?"

"I don't know." Su Cheng smiled and shook his head, "But Lord Poseidon knows. All I can do is convey Lord Poseidon's will. Your destiny belongs to you, and no one has the right to interfere except Lord Poseidon. Even I can only try my best to guide you on the right path."

The "Poseidon" he calls omniscient and omnipotent.

But unless he is stupid, he cannot brag about himself. He is simply digging a hole for himself.

Su Cheng knew in his heart that despite the pure eyes and respectful faces of these people in front of him, this was only temporary.

Even if today I feel a strong sense of immersion under his words, actions and emotions, I will surely find myself again as time goes by.

The human heart is the most complex thing, how can it become so easy to become dead-set.

After a period of time, I am afraid that I will become doubtful. The difference is that some people may believe more and some may believe less, so he will have to find an opportunity to come up with something real later.

Brainwashing cannot be done in a day or two.

But he also had plenty of time. He still has at least ten years left, which can be used to slowly lay out his plans. This is just the beginning.

And his reputation was just beginning to spread.

After the initial stage, the speed of spread will be greatly accelerated, and other new plans will naturally be available by then.

At this time, another person spoke. This person's aura was not even as good as Su Cheng's.

Obviously his talent is not very good and his strength is also very weak.

"Master God Envoy, I have heard about your deeds. Is it because your soul power has been improved without being affected by your innate qualifications because you were blessed by Master Poseidon?"

"To be precise, it's the guidance of Lord Poseidon." Su Cheng looked at the other party with a fanatical light in his eyes.

“Remember, Lord Poseidon will not directly help any of you.

"But he will guide you and tell you what you should do. As long as you can do it, your innate qualifications will not be a fetter on your growth.

"When I awakened my martial soul half a year ago, my innate soul power level was not even one level.

"At that time, I didn't care about the level of innate soul power. At that time, I personally said the same thing to the high priest and the Sea Girl Douluo."

Everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while after hearing this, and then looked at each other in confusion.

Although I had heard before that Su Cheng had poor qualifications but achieved cultivation results beyond ordinary people's imagination, I had never seen it with my own eyes.

Now that we know that even the High Priest and the Sea Lady Douluo know about this matter, it is obvious that there is no lie.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Can we do the same thing as you? Those of us who have not passed the test."

Su Cheng turned his head and looked over.

“Your thoughts are not pure enough, and your belief in Lord Poseidon is not pious enough.

"Whether the test is passed or not is not as important as you think. I have emphasized before that both the residents of Poseidon Island and the Sea Spirit Masters on the sea are all people of Lord Poseidon, and there is no distinction between high and low.

"Poseidon is willing to guide different people in different directions. Failure to pass the test means that it is not the most correct path for your future, but this does not affect you as a citizen and believer of Poseidon.

"Let me ask you. If you don't live on Poseidon Island, will you give up your belief in Lord Poseidon? Aren't your gains on the sea, the improvement and growth of your strength, all due to the gifts of Lord Poseidon? ?”

Su Cheng's words were loud and clear, and gradually became harsh later on.

Many people showed a little shame on their faces after hearing this, and lowered their heads to reflect.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Su Cheng nodded secretly.

Compared with the Poseidon warriors on Poseidon Island, these people who failed the test are Su Cheng's key development goals in the future.

Poseidon Island has a larger population.

Even if we include those minors who are under the age of 18 to take the test, the number is less than 10,000, which is nothing compared to the population resources of the vast outer islands.

Indeed, the proportion of soul masters in the outer islands is far less than that in the city.

In fact, among the residents of Poseidon Island, there are almost no adults who are not soul masters.

The reason for this situation is simple, Poseidon's test.

In the history of Poseidon Island, there have indeed been very simple white-level assessments, such as tasks such as picking up a specific shell.

But that kind of situation is rare. Ordinary people who get such a task can be said to have received "god's favor".

There are indeed not many high-end combat abilities among the sea soul masters outside Poseidon Island, and there is not even a single powerful one at the Title Douluo level. Because those who are above the black level assessment will die if they fail to pass, and there is no chance of being expelled from the island.

But Su Cheng didn't care about this.

For him, the combat power of a peak Douluo was of no use at all.

What's the use of turning the Seven Holy Pillars into one's own? These people combined were not enough for Bo Saixi to fight with one hand.

If you want to overthrow the Poseidon inheritance, you must start from other directions.

What Su Cheng valued was not the fighting power of these people, but their own existence.


At this time, Su Cheng's eyes suddenly moved slightly.

He noticed that one or two people in the crowd had extremely violent mental fluctuations.

"No, that's not a simple mental fluctuation. It also contains more intense emotions and desires. Mental fluctuations cannot express such details."

Su Cheng was a little excited.

He discovered that the talent of "professional clergy" can actually arouse spiritual resonance in some people when preaching.

You can even go a step further and feel some of the other person's thoughts and emotions.

It feels a bit like psychological profiling, but a little deeper.

Su Cheng looked attentively.

What was exposed to his perception at this time was the glimmer of soul.

"The willows and willows are planted unintentionally..."

In these years, it's not like Su Cheng hasn't tried to tap into his natural ability as a "soul scholar".

But the soul, body, and blood are all different.

The creatures on Douluo Continent do have souls, but their souls are hidden deep in their bodies and are difficult to reach.

This thing is not visible to the naked eye like the body, or it can be revealed through the martial spirit like blood.

Unless, like Ah Yin, he directly appears in the state of his soul body and is exposed to the real field of vision.

Or she could be as gifted as Qian Renxue and take the initiative to transform it, otherwise Su Cheng would not be able to understand the situation.

In fact, let alone others, he didn't even know how to start researching his own soul right now.

At this time, someone soon noticed his absence and followed his gaze.

The boy Su Cheng was watching at this time was not very old, only in his early ten years. He was probably born outside Poseidon Island and came to Poseidon Island with his elders today.

Suddenly surrounded by many eyes, he seemed a little panicked.

"Don't worry." Su Cheng looked at him deeply and said in a deep voice, "What's your name?"

" name is Li Qing." The young man whispered quietly.

"I can feel whether you are pious or not." Su Cheng first looked at the others and explained, then looked at Li Qing again, "Show me your martial spirit."

Li Qing pursed his lips and hesitated. But after meeting Su Cheng's encouraging gaze, he mustered up the courage to summon his martial spirit.

As a faint light lit up, a cuttlefish spirit appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It's just that this cuttlefish looks a little malnourished, it's small, and its movements are ungrateful. You can tell at a glance that its quality is extremely low.

This is also true.

Li Qing's talent is not very good, his innate soul power is only level one, and his family has few cultivation resources. Four years have passed since the martial soul awakened, and he has just reached the tenth level of cultivation, and has not yet attached the first soul ring to become a soul master.

A large part of the reason why I came to Poseidon Island today was to meet Su Cheng, a somewhat legendary peer of his age.

Su Cheng looked at him with a solemn expression.

"Li Qing, I can feel your piety, and I can also feel your determination to break through yourself. In addition, I also feel the guidance of Lord Poseidon. You need a four-hundred-year-old boneless fish as a The first soul ring, when the time comes, you will find that your martial soul will undergo different changes."

With Su Cheng's research on martial soul bloodlines, it was easy to improve such low-quality martial souls.

If it is that kind of top martial spirit, unless he uses potions and techniques, it will be difficult for him to improve the quality of the opponent's martial spirit with the spirit ring alone. Su Cheng obviously cannot easily use foreign objects like potions. Things that can be copied will reduce the credibility of his words. Moreover, similar actions are difficult to explain using the spiritual guidance of Poseidon, as the gain outweighs the loss.

Of course, people with that kind of top qualifications would probably not easily listen to his deception, so it didn't matter.

But Li Qing's martial soul bloodline is really bad, he can easily make up for it, and the effect will be immediate.

Hearing Su Cheng's words, not only Li Qing but also everyone else felt confused and surprised for a moment.

After the surprise, there is joy.

Someone hurriedly said to Li Qing: "Why don't you thank the envoy quickly!"

"Thank you, Lord Divine Envoy! I will definitely work hard! I will not let you down and Lord Poseidon's teachings!"

"I told you, don't call me Sir." Su Cheng spoke calmly, his voice echoing in everyone's ears.

"You don't have to thank me. All of this comes from Lord Poseidon. Li Qing, remember what I said, this is your first way to the right path, seize this opportunity."

After saying that, he took another deep look at Li Qing.

This person will be of great use in the future.

Not in terms of this simulated mission, but in terms of his soul research.

He lacks an entry point. Once he has an entry point, the research progress can be accelerated a lot.

As for the other people present, after what happened today, they will definitely help Li Qing obtain the soul ring, and then observe the subsequent changes.

By then, with empirical cases as profit drivers and his words as inducements, it would be easy to expand the sect.

There is one more chapter, I will post it later. Please give me a ticket, the monthly ticket will expire at the end of the month, guys! Don’t be dissatisfied with the lack of updates in the past two days, I have tried my best. Although it is the first update, it has a lot of words, mainly because some plots are not coherent when split into two chapters. During the preparation stage for the new simulation, and the plot of Poseidon Island itself, I have to think more about it, and write out some hidden lines first, which will cause some problems when writing. It will be fine if I sort them out.

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