Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 171 Surprised Bo Saixi (please vote every day)

Chapter 171 Surprised Bo Saixi (please vote every day~)

"Su Cheng, can you really feel the guidance of Poseidon?"

Just when the market on Poseidon Island was over and Su Cheng was about to return, a soft and melodious voice came from the coast.

He turned around and saw a girl lying on the stone platform on the shore, looking at him with a smile.

The girl looks extremely beautiful, but when ordinary people look at her at first glance, they will never pay attention to her appearance, but to her lower body.

What grew there was not the legs like a normal person, but instead a huge fish tail, slender and charming, with a graceful arc that spread all the way to the waist. The upper body was wearing a black coat, not even covering her navel.

Su Cheng knew her.

Lorelai, the granddaughter of the mermaid clan leader and the daughter of the current Sea Lady Douluo, is undergoing the fourth black-level exam. If nothing goes wrong, she will be the next Sea Lady Douluo of Poseidon Island in the future.

At this time, her fish tail was gently lapping the sea surface on the shore.

A pair of big sky-blue eyes are as clear and flawless as the sky on Poseidon Island, and the beauty of her face is no less than that of her mother.

It's just that their temperaments are completely different.

Compared to the soft and deep look of the current Haenyeo Douluo, she looks much more lively, with a faint smile always hanging at the corner of her mouth.

The fish's tail kept slapping the water, looking very interested in playing, and often emitting sweet laughter like silver bells, making it impossible to be hostile at all.

Even though Lorelai is now at the level of Contra, she is not too old, and her mental age is extremely young.

From a human perspective, he is still in his early teens.

According to the leader of the mermaid clan, she is a genius that the mermaid clan sees only once in ten thousand years, and is the destined guardian of the holy pillar.

This assessment is no exaggeration.

The life span of the mermaid clan is far longer than that of humans, but their spirituality is far worse than humans, but their cultivation methods are similar to humans.

It is not impossible to cultivate to such a state at this age and reach the level of Ultimate Douluo in a lifetime.

However, despite her childlike innocence, Lorelai is extremely smart because she has a unique gift, the ability to read minds. She can use this ability to feel what others are thinking.

Unless the opponent's mental power is equal to or higher than hers, her success rate in using mind reading is extremely high.

Lorelei has always been curious about Su Cheng.

As a child brought by Bo Saixi personally, and still living in the city lord's palace, she, the biological daughter of the Sea Lady Douluo, naturally had frequent contact with him.

But what intrigued Lorelai the most was that she couldn't see through Su Cheng's thoughts.

Because of this, she always wanted to try to explore Su Cheng's heart.

Su Cheng didn't care.

Lorelai's ideas are very different from those of traditional sea soul masters.

She doesn't have such exaggerated awe and belief in Poseidon.

Su Cheng didn't know what caused her temperament.

Maybe it's because of talent, or maybe it's because of the unique ability to read minds.

But no matter what, the unique character of this sea witch made Su Cheng happy to communicate with her.

As for the opponent's innate ability not being able to take effect on him, this is a matter of course.

Su Cheng's mental strength is indeed not high.

He has just started practicing now, and he has no foundation at all before his martial soul awakens.

But he has sword intention in him, and the meaning in it is extremely high.

The will of the sword travels with you and has nothing to do with other factors. Even if he has no cultivation, it will not affect the existence of this powerful will.

The accident that happened after the first simulation was completed is still fresh in Su Cheng's memory.

When he returned to reality, he was almost pierced through the sea of ​​consciousness by the sword he brought out. If it weren't for the mission reward, he might have died on the spot.

Of course, nothing like this happens in simulation.

The simulator will restrain the fluctuations of his sword intent, making it impossible for him to be killed by his own strong will as soon as he is born.

Su Cheng looked at Lorelai with a smile on his face, "Stop shaking your big tail, let's go ashore first."

On this island full of fanatical believers, Lorelai was one of the few people he could feel close to.


Lorelai didn't resist after hearing the words. The long fish tail lifted up from the sea and landed on the shore.

The next moment, the fish tail turned into real legs, with a long black skirt directly covering them.

She curled her lips, with a trace of sadness on her face, "I went to see the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar. It's so boring there. I don't like that monotonous life. It would be nice if I could give up the mission."

At this point, Lorelei's eyes suddenly lit up, "Su Cheng, didn't you say you can sense the will of Poseidon? Can you help me give up the fourth black level test?"

Su Cheng sneered: "I think you shouldn't ask me about this, but should go to your mother."

The current Ama Douluo's time is running out, and Lorelei is destined to take over the power of the Ama Pillar in the future, whether she wants it or not.

"What about you, what do you say?" Lorelai squinted her eyes, with a hint of suspicion in her expression, "Didn't you say that you can feel Lord Poseidon's will? Then don't you plan to say something about me wanting to give up the mission? What?"

"Lord Poseidon only saves and guides those who need to be saved." Su Cheng said lightly, "You are obviously not among them."

Lorelai thought for a while and found that she seemed unable to refute, so she hummed lightly and stopped testing.

"Lorelai, do you know how many people envy you?" Su Cheng walked up to her and said softly, "The price of failure in the black-level assessment is life."

When he said this, his eyes were slightly dark, implying a deep meaning.

"Master Haixing's life is about to come to an end. You know what it means when the next Haixing Douluo is confirmed, right?"


Lorelai frowned when she heard this, but did not speak.

Just as Su Cheng said just now.

In the black level assessment, there are only two options: success and death, and there is no third way.

The Seven Holy Pillars only have seven positions, and there have been no redundant options since ancient times.

When all seven Holy Pillar Douluo return to their positions, it is self-evident what the outcome will be for the others.

"Actually, I'm a little surprised." Su Cheng said thoughtfully, "With the kindness of Lord Poseidon, he would never want his people to die in such a worthless test. What's more, a soul that can get the black-level assessment Master, who is not a person with extraordinary talents? Why do you think this happens? Is our understanding of the Seven Sacred Pillars wrong?"

Lorelai did not realize what Su Cheng meant by saying this. Instead, she laughed and said, "I thought you knew everything, Lord 'God Envoy'."

"How is that possible?" Su Cheng also laughed, "Master Poseidon is omniscient and omnipotent, I just borrowed a tiny bit of divine power. Maybe in the future, as my understanding of Poseidon's teachings deepens, I will be able to know more connotations, but now I still can't Far from it. I’m just getting started with the study of Poseidon’s teachings.”

"Okay, okay, let's start your endless theories again." Lorelai waved her hand impatiently.

Then he asked: "When are you going to tell your mother about your promotion to a soul master? Didn't the high priest say before that he would accept you as his disciple?"

"Those things don't matter. Being able to better understand the spirit of Poseidon is the most important thing. As for the improvement of cultivation level, it is just a tool and not important to me. As for whether I can be accepted as a disciple by the high priest, that's it. Same thing."

At this point, Su Cheng suddenly looked at the other person and said with a smile: "Do you think life is boring? I have something going on that maybe you will be interested in."

"What's the matter?" Lorelai raised an eyebrow.

She didn't think Su Cheng had any good suggestions. In her opinion, the two of them were not thinking on the same channel at all.

But the fact that the other party was immune to her mind-reading abilities always made her curious.

Although Su Cheng always said that this was the blessing of Poseidon, she didn't really believe it.

"How about you come and work with me to perfect Poseidon's teachings?"

"This kind of thing is meaningless at all." Lorelai was immediately disappointed when she heard this.

As expected, it is in line with this guy's usual style.

But she didn't refuse immediately.

"To be honest, although your proposal is boring, you are an interesting person, so I can consider it."

Lorelai tapped her red lips with her slender fingers and said slowly, "But if the process doesn't satisfy me, don't blame me for giving up midway."

Su Cheng smiled, looked at her and said softly: "Don't worry, this matter must be far more interesting than you imagine."

Soon another three months passed.

During this time, more and more people came to the Poseidon Island Market to listen to Su Cheng's speech.

The catalyst for all this came from Li Qing.

After Li Qing absorbed the first soul ring, his martial soul indeed improved to a great extent.

Although ordinary people cannot tell the specific grade, the speed of improvement in cultivation cannot be deceived.

In Douluo Star, regardless of whether it is on the mainland or in the sea, the cultivation method is the same.

That is, through meditation, the soul master can spontaneously absorb the ownerless soul power floating in the air.

This kind of cultivation method has caused the improvement of soul masters' cultivation to be almost only affected by one factor, which is martial soul talent.

Those with high talent can absorb it quickly and can contain more ownerless soul power that can be refined every day.

Those with low talent cannot contain more soul power no matter how hard they practice every day.

Now Li Qing's cultivation speed is not weaker than those soul masters with innate soul power of level four or above.

Compared with the cultivation talent that was raised to the level of a soul master in the past four years or so, his qualifications have improved by more than one step. Judging from this situation, there may even be hope for the Soul Sect.

In the past, it could be said that Su Cheng's own soul power increasing speed that was not restricted by his talent was due to the blessing of the Poseidon.

But now, it is clear that this is no longer his alone.

There are many people who truly regard him as a "god's envoy".

Although these things are still rarely spread among the high-level people of Poseidon Island, he has already become famous in the surrounding sea areas, especially among the low-level soul masters.

"Do you know how vast and vast the ocean is?

"The so-called continents and islands together are less than half of the sea area. And these lands were also created by Lord Poseidon in order to make our people who believe in Poseidon live a better life.

"Wherever the light reaches, all living creatures are the people of Poseidon..."

Su Cheng's voice echoed in the market.

Everyone is listening carefully.

His eyes are pious and his face is solemn.

Su Cheng's words were like sunshine, washing away the gloom in their hearts, making everyone feel relaxed and comfortable.

Among them, no one asked about the improvement of martial arts.

On the one hand, Su Cheng has emphasized that he is only spreading the glory of Poseidon and guiding believers. And the improvement of soul power is only a way of believing in Poseidon, and cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, whenever Su Cheng spreads Poseidon's teachings, they will unconsciously forget those irrelevant things and the various difficulties caused by their own strength.

Everyone standing here is like a family. Regardless of the level of strength, there is no distinction between high and low.

Everyone is equal, and they are all loyal believers of Poseidon.

What differentiates them is the piety of their faith.

As for who is more pious, of course it must be judged by the messenger of God...

Su Cheng's daily actions were never hindered.

Compared to the mainland, the living environment on Poseidon Island is much more comfortable.

It’s not just climate factors.

The ability to change the climate does not require divine power. Many soul masters can do it, but the scope is not so large.

The most special thing is the residents here.

It is protected by the God of the Sea, and protected by the high priest Bo Saixi, so there is no need to worry about foreign enemies. There are also seven Holy Pillar Douluo who control the Seven Holy Pillars and the Seven Holy Cities.

Everyone's future is also decided in advance. As long as they wait until they are eighteen years old and undergo the test, their future status will be determined.

In this way, there will naturally not be much competition between these people. Even the battles will only occur at sea to expel the sea soul beasts.

This also leads to the fact that most of the sea soul masters are very shallow-minded, or in other words, they don't have much foresight and are relatively simple.

Su Cheng grew up on Poseidon Island. In the hearts of the aborigines here, as long as he has not been tested and eliminated, he is a member of Poseidon Island and have great trust in him.

Although his martial spirit was inherited from his father's generation, this kind of martial spirit is not special. There are also many soul masters on Poseidon Island who have weapon martial spirits.

What's more, in everyone's opinion, Su Cheng will definitely be able to pass the test in the future.

The Poseidon warriors on Poseidon Island also maintained a happy attitude toward what he had done these days.

Although residents of Poseidon Island who fail the eighteen-year-old test will be expelled from Poseidon Island, this does not mean that Poseidon Masters outside Poseidon Island will be boycotted and discriminated against.

In fact, sea soul masters only have a strange attitude towards mainland soul masters and have no prejudice against others.

There has been no incident of Wuhun Temple attacking Poseidon Island, so even towards the land soul masters, they are only somewhat estranged and not considered hostile.

The difference in attitude is more due to the Poseidon assessment.

Because if a land soul master wants to go to the island, he must go through a much more rigorous test than the residents of Poseidon Island, and each assessment must be completed within one year.

This seems to represent the attitude of Poseidon, and the sea soul masters will naturally follow it.

Two days later, a big event happened on Poseidon Island.

The current Starfish Douluo passed away.

He did not die in battle.

In fact, so far, because of the existence of the Seven Holy Pillars, almost no Holy Pillar Douluo has died in battle.

Starfish Douluo died of natural causes when his lifespan came to an end.

Following his death, the other six Holy Pillar Douluo all gathered in front of the Starfish Statue in Starfish City to mourn him.

At this time, a little red light in the distance slowly enlarged, and the entire space seemed to be slightly distorted.

The next moment, there was another person in front of the statue.

Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island who has lived on Poseidon Mountain all year round, also appeared today.

She was still wearing a red dress and her face was radiant.

There was a trace of sadness in the blue eyes, and the beautiful face was heavy and solemn.

Titled Douluo have a long lifespan. The last time a Holy Pillar Douluo died was more than fifty years ago. At that time, she was not the high priest of Poseidon Island.

So strictly speaking, this was her first time to say goodbye to an old friend she had known for a long time.

"See the High Priest."

When several other Holy Pillar Douluo saw Bo Saixi's arrival, they all bowed and saluted.

"See the High Priest."

Not only the Holy Pillar Douluo, but also thousands of Poseidon Island residents gathered in Haixing City and stood in silence.

Not far ahead, there stood the tall starfish statue.

The statue is in the shape of a pentagon and rises up, with a huge starfish lying on its top. It is dotted with star-shaped magic patterns, which seem to be condensed by the light of the stars and the moon in the sky.

Bo Saixi looked at the several Holy Pillar Douluo beside him, nodded slightly, then nodded to the many residents of Poseidon Island below, and then prepared to speak.

At this moment, she suddenly paused, and an extremely obvious look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She noticed the child at the front of the crowd in the direction of the residents of Ama City.

The child who she had previously predicted would never achieve anything in life and whose cultivation level could not exceed level 30.

At this time, his cultivation level has suddenly reached the fifteenth level!

The original Sea Witch Douluo has no name, and other holy pillars call her "Sea Witch", but this is obviously not her real name, so I checked it here and replaced it with the name of Caspian Sea Witch in the Douluo game.

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