Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 172 Three Questions to the High Priest (two in one)

Starfish Douluo's memorial ceremony didn't last too long.

For his death, the residents of Poseidon Island had also been mentally prepared for a long time.

What's more, in the eyes of the people of Poseidon Island, the Holy Pillar Douluo will return to Poseidon's embrace after death, which is not a tragedy.

The other Holy Pillar Douluo have long been accustomed to seeing life and death, and they are not too sad.

After the ceremony, Su Cheng followed the team from Haenyeo City back to his home holy city.

Soon, a purple-clothed soul master came to his door and told him that Haenv Douluo asked him to come over.

After hearing the news, Su Cheng immediately knew what was going on and quickly arrived at the city lord's mansion without any delay.

As expected, Bo Saixi had arrived here one step ahead and was standing with the Ama Douluo.

Although the hall of the city lord's palace is not gorgeous, the two peerless beauties standing side by side immediately make this place show infinite scenery.

Bo Saixi at this time was very different from when they first met half a year ago.

At that time, Bo Saixi's temperament was profound and noble, giving people a sense of unattainable vastness.

But now, he is more like a living person.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly bowed and saluted, "See you, Lord High Priest, and see Lord Haenyeo."

"Su Cheng, didn't you say that all people of Poseidon are equal and do not need to be addressed as 'sir'?"

Bo Saixi spoke calmly, staring at Su Cheng with a strange light in her deep blue eyes.

The Sea Girl Douluo who was standing nearby moved slightly when he heard this, but did not speak and looked at him quietly.

Su Cheng was not surprised when he heard this.

What he did on Poseidon Island could never be hidden from the high priest.

The other party didn't know about it before, just because he was too lazy to understand those trivial matters.

When she really started to understand, all the information could not escape her eyes and ears.

Su Cheng himself also paid great attention to the fact that nothing he said or did was in any way shameful, and he would not allow himself to be used as an excuse.

However, he did not expect that Bo Saixi would ask about it first.

"The glory of Poseidon shines on every believer. Naturally, there is no distinction between high and low among Poseidon's people." Su Cheng said frankly, "But to me, the High Priest and the Sea Lady Douluo are both respectable elders. Naturally different.”

"You do know how to talk." There was a smile in Bo Saixi's eyes, and her attitude was completely different from the last time they met.

At that time, although Su Cheng was devout in his faith, he was nothing special to Bo Saixi.

After living on Poseidon Island for decades and being the high priest for decades, she has never met anyone, including countless people who are devout in faith.

It is indeed surprising that Su Cheng has such ideological awareness at such a young age, but it is only surprising.

On this continent, for soul masters, especially for powerful soul masters, only those with strength have the right to speak.

Su Cheng's pitiful talent was obviously not enough for her to treat him differently.

The offer to accept a disciple was just for the promise he had made.

"But you really surprised me." Bo Saixi looked at Su Cheng, with curiosity in his eyes, "How did you do it?"

Now with careful perception, she was more and more clearly aware of Su Cheng's transformation.

Not only has his cultivation improved by more than ten levels in less than a year, but the quality of his martial soul has also been greatly improved.

This change could not be noticed by ordinary people, but it could not be hidden from Bo Saixi.

In her eyes, Su Cheng's aura was clear and agile, and could not be created by inferior martial arts.

"Master High Priest, I have said before that in front of the glory of Poseidon, the level of innate soul power is just a small and insignificant obstacle."

Noticing the change in Bo Saixi's expression, Su Cheng felt more confident about his future plans.

The high priest's state of mind was much more active than he imagined.

But it's normal when you think about it. Compared to her ninety-nine level of terror, Bo Saixi's real age is actually not that old now.

Although she took the top eight exams, she has amazing talent. When he accepted the test in the early stage, he did not complete it every ten years like ordinary sea soul masters. Instead, he passed eight tests in advance, and it only took less than forty years in total.

When she was in her fifties, she had already become a level ninety-nine peerless Douluo.

In addition, since receiving the top test, she has been living in the Poseidon Temple on Poseidon Mountain all year round. She has not had much contact with people, and not many people are qualified to talk to her.

So at this time, Bo Saixi's mentality was far from as dry as an ancient well.

After hearing Su Cheng's similar answer as more than half a year ago, Bo Saixi had a different feeling in her heart.

After thinking about it, she didn't bother to ask in detail, and instead said, "I heard that many people call you the 'Angel of God' now?"

"Yes." Su Cheng nodded, his eyes pure.

"What I want in my life is to spread the glory of Poseidon and spread his kindness and love to Lord Poseidon's people."

"Messenger of God...Messenger of Poseidon..." Bo Saixi pursed her lips and looked at Su Cheng, "I, the high priest of Poseidon Island, only dare to call myself the servant of Poseidon."

Upon hearing this, Su Cheng bowed slightly again and replied seriously: "High Priest, your understanding of the spirit of Poseidon is still lacking."

"..." The Sea Girl Douluo standing nearby looked at the conversation taking place at this moment, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

He looked at the child who was less than seven years old in front of him, then turned to look at Bo Saixi beside him, feeling strange in his heart.

"Is there something missing?" A look of astonishment flashed across Bo Saixi's face, and then her slender brows furrowed slightly, and her beautiful, sculpture-like face revealed a different aura than before.

"Then you should tell me where I am lacking."

"In many aspects." Su Cheng's tone was calm and his voice was neither impatient nor impatient, not unlike a child under seven years old.

His expression was solemn when he spoke, and he really had the demeanor of a "messenger of the sea god".

"You have not understood the true will of Lord Poseidon, nor the true power of Lord Poseidon, nor the good intentions of Lord Poseidon in arranging various tests for his believers and people.

"Half a year ago, when I told you that the spirit of Poseidon was guiding me forward, you didn't believe it in your heart.

"In your opinion, innate qualifications can determine a soul master's future, and belief in Poseidon cannot affect the consequences."

"..." After hearing these words, Bo Saixi suddenly felt unable to refute, because that was what she really thought at the time.

"So, you really feel the guidance of Lord Poseidon?"

"Just a little bit." Su Cheng looked downcast, "Now, my understanding of Poseidon's will is still too shallow."

"..." Bo Saixi looked slightly confused after hearing this.

Why didn't she feel it at all?

Could it be that this child is the successor chosen by Poseidon?

Is it the person I am destined to wait for?

Is it the person that Poseidon Island is destined to wait for?

Bo Saixi tightened her white fingers on the scepter, hesitated for a moment, and then asked again: "Su Cheng, let me ask you again, are you willing to become my disciple?"

Su Cheng raised his head and looked at her, solemnly saying: "This is my honor, teacher."

Seeing that he didn't refuse, Bo Saixi felt a hint of joy in her heart.

She reacted immediately and couldn't help but laugh at herself.

She would actually worry about gain and loss for a child. She had lived so many years in vain.

Su Cheng and Bo Saixi left Haenv City together and were on their way to Poseidon Mountain.

The entire Poseidon Island is more than four hundred miles in diameter, and Poseidon Mountain is not close to Haenyeo City. It used to be nearly two hundred miles away.

It was called the forbidden land of Poseidon Island.

Generally speaking, only the Holy Pillar Douluo or the high priest himself can go.

Just like the Pope Mountain in Wuhun City, no one else can approach it unless there are special circumstances.

Of course, if Bo Saixi, the high priest, spoke up, it wouldn't be a big problem to bring one or two people with him.

For ordinary people, the distance of two hundred miles would take a whole day even by horseback riding. But for a soul master running with all his strength, it obviously won't take that long.

At this time, Bo Saixi was like a red cloud floating in the air in front of her, controlling her forward speed.

She determined this speed based on Su Cheng's soul power level at this time.

She also wanted to see what Su Cheng's true background was and whether his strength matched his cultivation.

But what Bo Saixi didn't expect was that Su Cheng looked equally at ease at this moment and followed him easily without any effort or reluctance.

When the sun set in the west and cast a faint sunset glow on the horizon, the two of them arrived near their destination.

Passing through a dense forest, the vision suddenly opened up.

Su Cheng looked at the beautiful scenery and was a little surprised for a moment.

The sparkling sea water reflects the brilliant colors under the sunset, and surrounded by the sea water, a small island stands in the middle of the ring-shaped water.

The terrain on the island is very high, about five hundred meters high. What's even more amazing is that the island is shrouded in a faint golden light. Although the light is not strong, it has nothing to do with the sunset, but is the light emitting from the island itself.

At the top of the island, a white jade palace with a square dome stands on it. Its periphery is composed of huge white stone pillars, which looks extremely sacred.

Bo Saixi landed on the shore and looked at the palace on the mountain island not far away.

"That is the Poseidon Temple dedicated to Lord Poseidon, and it is also the true core of Poseidon Island."

She looked back at Su Cheng and explained softly, "Those white jade stone steps at the bottom of the mountain are the steps to the island. There are a thousand and one steps in total. After you take the assessment at the age of eighteen, if you get the black level assessment or above, You are qualified to come here and step on the steps to accept the test of Poseidon’s light.”

"Light of the Poseidon?" Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly and he looked up.

Outside Poseidon Mountain, there is a ring of sea surrounding it, with a width of about two hundred meters. The waves in the sea are not big, it's more like a circular lake, but it's all sea water.

Directly in front of the Poseidon Temple, a series of stone steps extend downward. Under the shining of the sunset, the white stone steps are like jade belts lightly resting on the Poseidon Mountain.

"That's right." Bo Saixi nodded, but had no intention of explaining in detail.

He just said: "However, even if you have not accepted the test, you are not unable to experience the Poseidon's Light, but the prerequisite is that you can rush through the ring sea. And it is not easy to withstand the pressure of the Poseidon's Light."

Su Cheng silently stared at the hill in the distance, and suddenly thought, "This kind of fluctuation... so it is like this!"

Much like the Ice and Fire Eyes!

Although the soul power surging like a tidal wave was extremely condensed with almost no aftermath, Su Cheng was still aware of the essence of that thing with his keenness.

But the difference is that the danger of the Ice and Fire Eyes lies in the ultimate properties of the ice and fire aura, and the Poseidon's Light is the ultra-high density contained in it.

Su Cheng felt a hint of joy in his heart. This place could help him gather his self-generated soul rings.

He turned to look at Bo Saixi, "Teacher, that is not a test, but a blessing bestowed upon believers by Lord Poseidon."

He was thoughtful, but what came out of his mouth was something else.

"Lord Poseidon is willing to guide his followers and provide help. But this is not raising pets, but training and training.

"God will help those who help themselves. If you can't work hard, you will naturally be given up by Lord Poseidon.

"Just like me, I was born with low soul power. This is also a test. If I accept the reality, then I am not worthy of the guidance of Lord Poseidon."

Bo Saixi was startled again when he heard this, "Is that so..."

Of course she knew the function of Poseidon's Light, but she had never thought of this level.

Combined with Su Cheng's own experience, she felt a little enlightened for a moment.

Looking at Su Cheng, Bo Saixi said sternly: "But it's too early for you to come into contact with the Poseidon's Light. From now on, you can come here once a month, and I will teach you the knowledge you want to learn."

Obviously, even if Su Cheng really becomes her disciple, Poseidon Temple is not a place that can be entered casually.

Normally, Poseidon requires at least seven Holy Pillar Douluo to open it together. In addition, only Bo Saixi can open it alone.

But she couldn't just break the rules and cheat and take Su Cheng into the Poseidon Temple.

In fact, Su Cheng had no intention of letting her break the rules, let alone enter the Poseidon Temple.

Although it's unlikely, it's still somewhat conspicuous to go there.

When dealing with gods, one can never be too cautious.

If Poseidon notices his existence, he will have absolutely no ability to resist at this time, and it is easy for big problems to occur.

There was no need for Poseidon to take action. As long as he relied on the Seven Sacred Pillars to transmit his divine thoughts, it was enough to make it difficult for him to move even an inch.

"What knowledge do you want to learn now?"

Bo Saixi said calmly. There was also some curiosity in my heart about what choice this child would make.

But what surprised her was that Su Cheng didn't ask anything about soul master training, but said, "I want to hear about Lord Poseidon's past experiences."

But Bo Saixi didn't know that this was his plan long ago.

Su Cheng didn't need anyone else's guidance, and no one else could teach him about his own situation, not even Bo Saixi.

The purpose of this master-disciple relationship was just to gain a reputation and a bridge to be close to Bo Saixi.

But when getting along, we should try our best to seek balance and equality.

If he lowers his mind, it will be difficult for him to try to influence the other person's thinking.

There are many kinds of geniuses in this world. Cultivation genius, fighting genius, management genius, etc.

But who said that being able to deeply understand the spiritual will of gods is not an ability?

Even to the believers, Su Cheng's talent is more worthy of their respect, including the high priest of Poseidon Island, a peerless Douluo at level 99.

Bo Saixi didn't know what he was thinking, but she patiently explained it anyway.

"Su Cheng, do you know how big the sea is?"

"Of course I know." Su Cheng nodded, "The area of ​​the sea is more than four times that of Douluo Continent. Even if other scattered islands and other continents are included, the area of ​​​​the sea is more than twice that of land."

Bo Saixi nodded lightly.

"In this vast sea, there are far more creatures living than on land. If these sea creatures lose their restraints and continue to launch wars, the consequences will be even more chaotic than on land.

"Many, many years ago, the sea was in such chaos. Heroes emerge from troubled times. Among the many sea soul masters, a stunning genius appeared. With his own strength, he spent his whole life traveling to every corner of the sea. .

"He holds a trident and relies on his powerful strength and unparalleled charisma to conquer races in the sea one after another.

"It took one thousand and one years to finally unify the oceans, and was respected as the God of the Sea by all the sea races, creating an immortal myth."

"A thousand years..." Su Cheng repeated softly.

"That's right, a thousand years. Are you a little surprised? The original Lord Poseidon spent more than a thousand years to conquer the sea with his level 99 strength."

"Level 99?" Su Cheng looked at Bo Saixi, "Teacher, you are also at level 99, right?"

"It's different." Bo Saixi chuckled, with a look of longing in his eyes.

"When the soul power exceeds level ninety-five, unless there is a special opportunity, according to the normal practice of absorbing soul power, the time required for each additional level is based on a hundred years.

"Above level ninety-seven, there is an absolute bottleneck. According to normal conditions, it is impossible for humans to cultivate to level ninety-nine. Because levels from ninety-seven to ninety-eight require a full three hundred years. Time, from ninety-eight to ninety-nine, requires a full six hundred years of non-stop hard work.

"I am able to reach level ninety-nine because I passed the top eight exams, received the honor bestowed by Lord Poseidon, and was promoted to high priest. Most of my strength comes from the gift given by Lord Poseidon."

Su Cheng nodded when he heard this.

After a moment of silence, he continued to ask: "But Master Poseidon finally became a god. He was not as simple as a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo."

"That's right. Even with the strength of Lord Poseidon, it took him a thousand years to break through level 100 and achieve the position of Poseidon.

"Because our world has its own rules. The strength of a ninety-ninth-level Titled Douluo is the upper limit of this rule. Once you reach this level, you can't even think about making any further progress.

"When you break through this level, it is equivalent to breaking through the rules and being above the rules, which is the so-called god. But that can no longer be accomplished by one's own strength.

"Lord Poseidon relied on the power of faith of thousands of sea soul beasts and sea soul masters to achieve a breakthrough."

"Are these things handed down from history?" Su Cheng suddenly asked at this time, "I haven't seen many stories about Lord Poseidon becoming a god in the various classics in Haenv City."

Bo Saixi was stunned by his question, and then hesitantly said: "Not exactly, there are some things my teacher, the previous high priest, told me."

Su Cheng nodded and did not continue to delve deeper.

He stood there in deep thought for a long time.

Bo Saixi was not in a hurry and stood aside patiently waiting.

After a long time, Su Cheng slowly spoke, "Teacher, I want to ask you three questions."

"you say."

"I once read through the classics and learned that there is a powerful soul beast overlord in the sea, named the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. Do you know anything about it?"

Bo Saixi was a little strange. She didn't know why Su Cheng's first question was about this sea soul beast, but she still answered it.

"I know it. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is extremely powerful, and can even be said to be the strongest spirit beast in the world today. Even I am not sure of defeating it.

"If measured by human strength, it should also be a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo. It has even broken through the limit of a hundred thousand years of soul beast life, and is only one step away from transforming into a dragon.

"The so-called dragon transformation means that it can become a real sea dragon. If this step can be successful, then it will become an existence second only to God.

"But for a soul beast, this step is difficult to reach the sky. To achieve this, it will take a full million years, during which time it will have to survive nine catastrophes. It is even more difficult than a soul master cultivating to become a god."

"One million years?" Su Cheng pretended to be surprised.

"That's right. But that guy didn't live that long." Bo Saixi shook his head, "It has been practicing for more than 300,000 years. But by devouring other sea soul beasts, as well as what he has learned, The special skills he possesses have allowed him to survive eight catastrophes, which is equivalent to nearly a million years of training. Apart from being afraid of Lord Poseidon, he is the true overlord of the ocean."

"I see." Su Cheng nodded slowly.

Then he looked at Bo Saixi and asked, "Teacher, my first question is, Lord Poseidon could obviously kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, why didn't he kill it in the first place?"

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Bo Saixi's face paused slightly.

She really didn't know why Poseidon didn't kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

In fact, Su Cheng himself had some speculations about this issue.

Perhaps it was a gift prepared by Poseidon for his future heir to the throne, or perhaps the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was originally intended to be left to him by Poseidon, but he had not had time to use it. Of course, it is not ruled out that he had good intentions at the time and felt that It’s not easy to let him go as he cultivates.

But these reasons were obviously not something Bo Saixi could think of.

In fact, Bo Saixi himself has always been somewhat doubtful about the existence of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Seeing that Su Cheng was still staring at her, a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes, she shook her head and sighed softly: "I don't know either."

"Teacher, I have some thoughts on this matter." Su Cheng said softly.

"I have said before that Lord Poseidon is kind to believers, but he is also strict to believers.

"Lord Poseidon is omnipotent, but everyone is an independent individual. Poseidon will not let his followers lose their independent will and become domesticated pets.

"God will help those who help themselves. The existence of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is an example. There are always some difficulties that we need to overcome by ourselves.

"Lord Poseidon's spirit will guide me, but he will not order me. Whether we can achieve something in the end depends on our own efforts."

"..." After hearing his explanation, Bo Saixi frowned and thought for a moment.

This seems to make some sense.

But is it a little too harsh for Lord Poseidon to leave such a huge hidden danger?

Su Cheng didn't wait for her answer.

It is enough to ask this question to the other party first, and there will be plenty of time for her to think about it later.

Su Cheng then asked his next question.

"Teacher, my second question is, since Lord Poseidon traveled around the world and traveled to the sea back then, why do you, as the high priest of Poseidon, live in Poseidon Temple all year round? Does Poseidon really need you to serve day and night on Poseidon Mountain?

“Although I am still young, I know a lot and understand the desires in the hearts of Poseidon’s people.

"If you are always high up and can only overlook all living beings, how can you truly know the inner desires of Poseidon's people?"

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