Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 173 The High Priest Coming Down the Mountain

Bo Saixi was stunned.

She had never thought about it.

Poseidon Island has existed for countless years.

In these countless years, although there were occasional soul beasts that caused trouble, they never caused too much trouble.

Under the protection of Poseidon and the existence of the Seven Holy Pillars, the entire sea area has always been calm.

In this case, what do the people of Poseidon have to ask for?

Firewood, rice, oil and salt?

Crisis at sea?

Soul beast invasion?

A bottleneck in practice?

These were nothing but trivial matters to her.

It's been like this for countless years, and no one has said anything.

Children born on Poseidon Island, if they cannot pass the test after turning eighteen, then leave Poseidon Island.

As for Poseidon's people in the surrounding sea areas, whether they are outsiders or indigenous people, Poseidon treats them equally.

It has been like this for countless years, and who has ever expressed dissatisfaction?

Poseidon Island is four hundred miles in diameter. Such a large place cannot accommodate too many people.

In the surrounding sea areas, there are also a large number of sea soul beasts that believe in the sea god, which can protect human safety.

Having reached this point, it seems to be enough.

"Are there no big things besides life and death?"

As if sensing Bo Saixi's inner thoughts, Su Cheng suddenly spoke softly.

"Teacher, they are human beings, the people of Lord Poseidon. Is this life just for 'living'? Could it be that low-level soul masters with weak soul power, and ordinary people without soul power, can't have their own pursuits?" Yet?"

He looked at Bo Saixi with pure but persistent eyes.

"Then I would like to ask the teacher whether this is Lord Poseidon's idea or a misinterpretation of Poseidon's will by later generations. Or maybe it is just because of the laziness and arrogance of the managers of Poseidon Island, which has led to thousands of followers of Lord Poseidon being prepared in advance. Fixed the future?

"Lord Poseidon's glory is just to ensure that sea soul masters can survive on the dangerous sea? In this case, what is the difference between us and those land soul masters?

"Teacher, if I hadn't been guided by Lord Poseidon, would I have been like those ordinary people who were driven away from Poseidon Island, and could only be busy running around to survive, and were sentenced to a lifetime in advance?

"Shouldn't the sea be free?"

"..." Bo Saixi looked at Su Cheng and opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say for a moment.

Her reaction at this time was completely expected by Su Cheng.

This is not arrogance.

This is a common problem among strong people.

Would a human being consider how ants should live in the future?

From the perspective of humans, ants are carefree every day and can survive for a long time if they pick up a grain of food. What other ideas can they have?

It is the greatest kindness not to trample them to death when passing by, or even to protect them from being trampled to death by other animals.

However, Bo Saixi is different from ordinary strong people.

From a strength perspective, the difference between her and ordinary people is not much different from that of humans and ants.

But from the perspective of Poseidon's people, both sides are equal.

Su Cheng used this as an entry point, which naturally left Bo Saixi speechless.

Bo Saixi looked a little confused.

There are two main reasons why she has been staying in Poseidon Temple.

One is that the high priest of Poseidon Island has always been like this.

Bo Saixi was not the first high priest. Before her, someone had passed the top eight exams and assumed the position of high priest of Poseidon Island.

As a servant of Poseidon, the most powerful being on Poseidon Island, he must of course put serving Poseidon first.

At least in the eyes of the high priests from generation to generation, this should be the case.

The second is that there is a saying

As the spokesperson of Poseidon in the human world, he should also stay away from the world.

It's not that there is any requirement to maintain purity in order to hold the position of high priest. High priests can also get married and have children.

This is done mainly to maintain a sense of mystery.

Of course, this is also a saying passed down from the predecessors.

But Su Cheng's words have another meaning.

Back then, Poseidon walked between land and sea, saving people and spreading faith, and he never shunned any followers.

Not only those humans, but also the sea soul beasts followed.

The leader of the Demonic Great White Shark clan that guards Poseidon Island, the Demonic Great White Shark, who has a cultivation level of 100,000 years, once served as Poseidon's mount.

In addition, Poseidon never asked the high priest to serve day and night.

In fact, she had never had any communication or communication with Poseidon after staying in Poseidon Temple for so many years.

Although she is the high priest of Poseidon Island, she has lived for more than seventy years now. The only time she really had contact with Poseidon was when she completed the eight top exams and officially became the high priest.

And that contact was just a Poseidon's divine thought that helped her break through level ninety-nine, and her martial soul transformed into a Poseidon.

As for verbal communication, there has never been one.

This is normal.

Bo Saixi's existence is certainly not insignificant to Poseidon himself, but it can't be said to be of much significance.

Moreover, the speed of time in the God Realm and Douluo Star is different. Maybe after Poseidon practices for a moment, countless years have passed on Poseidon Island.

It's just an occasional glance, or a divine appearance once every few hundred years. He obviously won't waste his energy and power to say anything to the high priest alone.

There is no time and no need.

"...Let me think about it." Bo Saixi finally said calmly after being silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Su Cheng continued to persuade: "Teacher, even if you take into account the restrictions of Poseidon Island and don't want to leave the island, you can always go down the mountain. I can break through the constraints of my innate qualifications and practice to this level in less than a year. Isn’t that enough to explain the problem?”

In fact, the restrictions on Poseidon Island are not necessary for the Holy Pillar Douluo and High Priest Bo Saixi. They can also leave Poseidon Island without being punished for it, and no one can punish them.

It's just that for the Holy Pillar Douluo, it is their mission to protect the Seven Holy Pillars. They spend most of their time near the Holy Pillars. They rarely even go back to the Holy City, let alone leave the island.

However, Bo Saixi obviously has no such restrictions and can come and go as he pleases.

But Su Cheng himself didn't want Bo Saixi to leave Poseidon Island at will.

The islands in the surrounding sea outside of Poseidon Island are his main base for preaching. If Bo Saixi gets involved, it will seriously affect his performance.

"Let me tell you your last question first."

Bo Saixi pursed her lips and took the initiative to change the topic.

Seeing that the other party was already shaken, Su Cheng stopped pushing and asked his last question, which was also his real question.

"Teacher, I can see Lord Poseidon's respect for life in Poseidon's teachings. But in the black level test, if you fail, you will die. There has never been an exception so far. Why is this?

"The number of Holy Pillar Douluo has never exceeded seven since ancient times, and there are only seven Holy Pillars. So when the Seven Holy Pillars return, does it mean that other people who accept the black-level test will fail?

"What does the black-level assessment mean, and what is the content of the test? Do the extra people have no chance of survival?"

As he spoke, Su Cheng's eyes were filled with doubts and compassion, as if he felt for the talented people of Poseidon Island.

"The black-level assessment is an honor for the people of Poseidon Island. Even if they die in the assessment, they will have no regrets. The more difficult the test, the higher the risk, but after success, the rewards will also be The bigger." Bo Saixi's expression returned to calm.

"Su Cheng, when you reach the age of eighteen, the test you receive will never be easy. Then let me ask you," her eyes became serious, "will you choose to give up taking the test because of the danger?"

When Su Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but thought to himself: "Of course I will. I'm not prepared to accept those tests at all. I won't try them no matter what level they are."

Of course, this must not be said to Bo Saixi. If he did, he could declare the mission over in advance.

"I am me and they are them. You haven't told me the relationship between the black-level assessment and the Seven Sacred Pillars." Su Cheng frowned, "Since the positions of the Seven Holy Pillars are full, is their black-level assessment Must fail?"

"Theoretically, that's the case." Bo Saixi nodded lightly.

"In fact, the Holy Pillar Douluo have already known which talents will undergo what level of testing.

"So, before their respective successors chose to accept the test, the Holy Pillar Douluo would also seek the opinions of these successors in advance, but no one chose to give up.

"Su Cheng, maybe your belief in Poseidon is different, but don't underestimate others because of this. Lord Poseidon is the spiritual pillar of all the people of Poseidon Island."

Hearing this, Su Cheng bowed slightly to Bo Saixi and said solemnly, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching. I took it for granted."

Seeing this, Bo Saixi couldn't help but secretly nod.

We had so many exchanges before, but always ended up at a disadvantage. Now we have finally come back, and we have some sense of being a teacher to teach our apprentices.

"But teacher, I don't want those people to die in vain. Can you let me understand the relevant content of the black-level assessment and help them find some ways to at least avoid the consequences of death? Based on my understanding of Lord Poseidon, it is impossible to set up It’s a certain death situation.”

"This..." Bo Saixi was a little surprised. She didn't expect Su Cheng to have such thoughts.

But when I think about the other person's specialness, I can't help but feel excited.

Naturally, she didn't want those children with extraordinary talents to die in the assessment.

Not to mention the superior qualifications of these people, it is her duty to protect the people of Poseidon Island.

Bo Saixi may not be familiar with the world and doesn't quite understand what the people of Poseidon Island want.

But as the high priest, she is responsible and philanthropic, and does not want any of the people of Poseidon Island to die in an accident.

A month later, Su Cheng was walking in the market on Poseidon Island.

Next to him, there was a female soul master wearing purple clothing.

The purple-clothed soul master is much taller than him, has a graceful figure, and looks extremely charming.

It's just that the face seems to be covered with a layer of smoke, making it difficult to see clearly.

But what attracts the most attention is the noble temperament that she exudes invisibly. One look at her and it is clear that this person's identity must be extraordinary.

But even so, no one looked in their direction, which was obviously unreasonable.

Not to mention the charm of the purple-robed soul master himself.

Even at a young age, Su Cheng is by no means unknown on Poseidon Island, and is well-known in the market.

Nowadays, the number of caravan ships traveling to and from Poseidon Island is several times more than in the past. It can be said that the vast majority of them are coming for him alone.

The reason why it was subconsciously ignored by people at this time was naturally due to the handiwork of the purple-clothed soul master.

This person is none other than Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island. With the strength of her mental power, it is too easy to cover up her appearance and presence.

After the two met this month, Bo Saixi agreed to Su Cheng's suggestion and came to the market to take a look.

Although with her strength, she didn't need to come here in person, she could clearly understand everything that happened on the island with a single glance of her mind.

But Su Cheng said that the atmosphere between the two is different.

Today was not the day for Su Cheng to explain Poseidon's teachings, and with Bo Saixi around at this time, he would not choose this time to do unnecessary things.

You can preach at any time, but there are not many opportunities to infect Bo Saixi. You must leave a deep enough impression on her first this time.

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