Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 174 Under the light, the world is like a shadow

The two of them walked among the crowd without attracting attention.

"Most of the sea soul masters outside these islands have extremely average talents. But their belief in Lord Poseidon is as pious as the people of Poseidon Island."

Su Cheng glanced at the people coming and going, and softly told Bo Saixi the story he had learned.

"Teacher, you see, that man's name is Feili, and he was originally born on Poseidon Island. But unfortunately, his innate soul power was zero, and he had no chance to pass the test, so he left Poseidon Island when he became an adult.

"However, he did not give up. He taught himself medical skills, spent more than ten years studying the human body's meridians and acupuncture points, and developed a set of techniques that can help people stop bleeding and block soul power.

"Although he is not a soul master, he is now relying on his skills to follow a fleet on the sea, trying his best to save those sea soul masters who are dying.

"His dream is very simple. He hopes to help everyone in need in his own way. The only regret is that he could not become a soul master, otherwise he might be able to save more Poseidon believers.

"Because he had no soul power, three people once died in front of him, but he was helpless. He has always felt guilty for this."

After saying that, he pointed to another girl.

"That sister's name is Mi Wei, and she was originally a mainland soul master. Because she longed for freedom, she came to the sea and became a sea soul master.

"She has good talent, but unfortunately Poseidon Island has a strict test for mainland soul masters. She has to pass the assessment every year, but she failed to pass.

"But she was not depressed. Because in her opinion, living at sea was the happiest thing.

"Despite her young age, Miwei is actually the captain of a fleet. Her dream is to form the largest fleet on the sea.

"That man's name is Zhang Ming. He was born on an island near Poseidon Island..."

Bo Saixi followed Su Cheng's guidance and gaze and looked at the sea soul masters coming and going not far away.

As she watched, her eyes gradually moved towards the child next to her, feeling a little lost.

No one has ever cared about the past of these soul masters outside the island, as well as their true pursuits and beliefs in their hearts.

No, maybe not just these people.

Even those soul masters on Poseidon Island, who does she know?

Probably only the seven Holy Pillar Douluo could leave some traces in her heart.

To her, other people were not even passers-by, and they had no impression in her heart. They were not as profound in her memory as the two peerless Douluo who once came to Poseidon Island.

But those two people were just acquainted with her, but the people of Poseidon Island had been with her for generations and believed in Lord Poseidon.

As a high priest, am I really qualified?

Bo Saixi's face was shrouded in light smoke, and her expression could not be clearly seen.

But his eyes were silently watching Su Cheng walking beside him.

He calls himself teacher.

But in fact, I never taught him anything.

Whether it was the cultivation of soul power level or the acquisition of soul rings, he was groping alone without asking a single question.

On the contrary, I can always find what I lack in the other person's words these days.

"Is it because he is pure enough?" Bo Saixi said to herself silently.

In comparison, she has lived for so many years, but her understanding of faith is so weak.

As the most powerful person in the world, she also serves as the high priest of Poseidon Island and regards herself as a servant of Poseidon. Her faith in Poseidon has never wavered for a moment.

Although he is also afraid of death, he is also willing to sacrifice his life for Lord Poseidon.

Is it really like what this child said before, that I am too arrogant and have never really experienced human affairs, never understood what believers want, let alone the true meaning of Poseidon's will?

Life in Poseidon Temple is naturally extremely boring.

Her own strength has already reached its limit.

It's just that Bo Saixi didn't have many worldly desires, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

She has been extremely gifted since she was a child and is unparalleled among her peers.

After taking the top eight exams at the age of eighteen, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

In the first half of her life, when her mind was most active and restless, her mind was almost entirely devoted to cultivation.

But now that my mood has gradually improved, I have lost interest in communicating with others. Coupled with the consistent style of the high priest of Poseidon Island, he just let nature take its course and hid on Poseidon Mountain.

Watching it again today, it feels like a world away.

As Su Cheng spoke, he also noticed the changes in Bo Saixi's emotions next to him.

With his current strength, it was naturally impossible to feel the opponent's aura fluctuations, not to mention that Bo Saixi was using his mental power to obscure his own existence at this time.

But he noticed another kind of fluctuation, which was the glimmer of soul.

Su Cheng suddenly felt a burst of great joy in his heart.

He had indeed had this thought, trying to see if he could see the fluctuations in Bo Saixi's soul.

The other party's belief in Poseidon is naturally extremely strong and pure. Impressed by words, coupled with his own talent as a "soul scholar", he has a good chance of doing so.

But the other party had lived for so many years, and his cultivation was among the best in the world. He originally did not dare to expect to achieve results so quickly.

But now, when I look at it, the high priest of Poseidon Island seems to be more... innocent than I imagined?

Of course Bo Saixi was sure that Poseidon really existed.

Her martial spirit is Poseidon.

But the true image of Poseidon has always been vague and unclear in Bo Saixi's heart.

After all, it was just a totem, and all the colors were added by herself based on the framework drawn by predecessors.

But what is the meaning of this totem itself, what kind of spirit and principles does it contain, how can Bo Saixi understand it.

In fact, Poseidon himself only relied on his own tyrannical strength to gather his faith and achieve the status of god. Where can you find other explanations?

But now, Poseidon has become the spiritual support of the residents of Poseidon Island, and has become a special symbol, which is naturally split into two parts from Poseidon itself.

Faith is like this, it is performed by the hope in people's hearts.

And people's hearts are changeable.

When gods are high in the sky and their occasional appearances do not spread ideas, how can they control the changes in people's hearts?

Today, when someone finally told Bo Saixi what the spirit of Poseidon was, she was naturally shocked.

And this man, with his words, attitude, emotions, and miraculous talent leaps, proved to her that Poseidon's will was truly guiding him.

Bo Saixi's wavering and shock were naturally understandable.

Three years later, Poseidon Island Market.

Su Cheng stood in front and looked at the more than 180 people in front of him.

Over the years, he has naturally developed far more connections than these.

But these people in front of me can be called the core.

Because in his field of vision, the flashes of the souls of the people in front of him were all extremely dazzling.

These people are all fanatical believers of Poseidon.

No, to be precise, it should be a fanatical believer in the "Poseidon" he calls it.

The initial preparation work has been completed. Next, it is time to enter the stage of accelerated expansion with these people as the core.

In the past few years, Su Cheng's own strength has improved at an astonishing rate, even exceeding his actual training speed during the same period. Even Bo Saixi was amazed.

At this time, he was only ten years old, but he was already at the cultivation level of a high-level soul sect, and was not far from the soul sect.

Logically speaking, just relying on medicine and the Nirvana Sutra obviously should not reach this level, because the Nirvana Sutra cannot perfectly match his martial soul.

Moreover, his current martial soul is only close to the ninth level of innate quality, which is also far behind the Sword of Eternal Life.

The reason for all this comes from his research progress on the soul.

When the body, soul power, and soul improved at the same time, Su Cheng discovered that they could create a magical resonance with each other.

Although these three powers are still far from being able to be integrated into one, the resonance during practice alone is enough to increase his practice speed by more than 40%.

It’s not surprising that he entered the country so quickly.

Su Cheng even had a premonition. When these three are truly combined, the power generated is absolutely completely different from pure soul power. It will be a leap in power level.

Because he had the Nirvana Sutra with him, Su Cheng didn't bother to add soul ring attributes to his sword spirit in this simulation.

It is difficult to find related soul beasts with ultimate attributes on the sea, and it is not appropriate to do so in such a place.

Only by letting your martial soul move closer to the sea soul master can you better reflect the purity of your faith. It is not good to lose a big thing because of a small thing.

Moreover, with the martial spirit upgraded to this level, just by supplementing the martial spirit, the benefits would be extremely limited.

Su Cheng looked at the people in front of him with a serious expression.

"Under the light, the world is like a shadow. The radiance of Poseidon shines on all living beings.

“Find your own direction and your life will be meaningful.

"Today I founded the Ming Cult, and my purpose is to find the light that can truly guide them forward for the followers of Poseidon!"

With the rapid improvement in physical fitness and soul power level, his development speed is also extremely fast.

Although he is only ten years old, he is already over 1.7 meters tall.

Although his face is still a little childish, he doesn't look like a child at all, and his speech becomes more and more solemn.

The sea spirit masters below also had serious faces at this time.

Repeated loudly: "Under the light, the world is like a shadow. The glory of the sea god shines on all living beings..."

"Hey, Su Cheng."

After the people left, Lorelei emerged from the shore and slapped the sea with her long fish tail.

He looked at Su Cheng with a suspicious look on his face, "You, the Ming Cult, are you serious? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

Su Cheng's expression remained normal as he walked slowly to the other party's side. He was now as tall as Lorelei.

Of course, that was when the sea witch transformed into legs.

"My mind-reading skills don't seem to work on those people anymore."

Lorelai's bright eyes narrowed slightly, and her cheeks that originally looked so immature actually revealed an astonishing charm at this moment, "This is very abnormal."

In the past, she couldn't see through Su Cheng, but now even those ordinary sea soul masters can block her magical powers?

How can this be!

You know, she is a peerless genius of the mermaid clan, her strength is as high as Contra level, and her mental strength is enough to crush everyone present.

"Because of faith." Su Cheng smiled.

In front of Lorelai, he seemed unusually relaxed and did not continue to maintain the same attitude as before.

"Didn't we compile that doctrine together? You still don't know if it is serious or not?"

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