Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 175 The Seventh Soul Ring of One Hundred Thousand Years, the Trembling Bo Sai

Chapter 175 The seventh soul ring of one hundred thousand years, the trembling Bo Saixi (two in one)

"As long as you have a bright heart and hope, you can join our Ming Cult. Every believer of Lord Poseidon has a bright future.

"The envoy of God once said that Lord Poseidon is omnipotent. But the sea is free, and all Poseidon's people have the opportunity and right to pursue hope."

Li Qing was walking on an unnamed island that was extremely far away from Poseidon Island.

While driving away the sea soul beasts that were making trouble, he slowly spoke to the islanders living on the island.

"Boy, I'm willing to admit defeat, don't be so sad. It's your honor to join my girl's fleet."

On the sea, a huge sea ship is moving rapidly through the wind and waves.

Miwei stood on the wide deck, facing the wind with her arms outstretched.

A charming smile appeared on her youthful and pretty face, infecting everyone present with her enthusiasm.

"The divine envoy said that in the process of becoming a god, Lord Poseidon also gathered countless followers behind him to protect each other from the wind and rain and resist the storm. As the people of Poseidon, we should also unite as one.

"The glory of the Poseidon shines equally on every citizen of the sea. In the Ming Cult, there is only difference in strength, not status. From now on, we will be a family!"

On an empty island near Poseidon Island, Fili looked at the pale boy in front of him with a warm smile on his face.

He stretched out his palm and touched the other party's short, still damp hair.

The opponent's ship was overturned by the wind and waves, and the tide washed ashore.

Fortunately, he happened to be discovered by someone passing by, so he avoided suffocation and death.

"Everyone is born with an independent soul, so what does it matter if he or she has soul power? In Mingjiao, I believe you will be able to find your own value.

“In different eras, people have different missions.

“The divine messenger said that in the foreseeable future, a disaster will strike.

“Only when everyone unites can we withstand that huge storm.”

He patted the young man's shoulder gently, his eyes full of encouragement.

"Are you ready?"

In the lord's palace of Haenv City, Su Cheng looked at Lorelei beside him.

At this time, apart from her outstanding appearance, she was no different from an ordinary human woman.

The fish tail underneath her body has disappeared, turning into a pair of slender white legs, covered with a black gauze skirt, covering up the infinite scenery.

"Can you really help me find a way to avoid the requirement of guarding the Holy Pillar all year round after completing the mission?" Lorelai looked slightly hesitant, "I still have a lot of time."

"I can't guarantee it." Su Cheng was a little helpless. Although this mermaid princess looked mature, she was indeed a child at heart and not just playful.

What the two were talking about at this time was the fourth black-level test that the other party was about to face.

Lorelei's last test is to hold on to a stick of incense without dying even when the current Ama Douluo is using all his strength.

To be honest, the content of this assessment is obviously watered down.

Judging from the comparison of the strength of the two, this task is obviously extremely difficult, worthy of the difficulty level of the final level of the black-level assessment.

After all, the current Ama Douluo is a peak Douluo with a level of ninety-five, but Lorelai is only a high-level Soul Douluo. If you want to complete this task, your life will inevitably be in danger.

But the problem is that they have a mother-daughter relationship, they have the same martial arts spirit, and they are very familiar with each other.

In terms of martial soul quality, Lorelai is also far stronger than her mother.

The mermaid clan's rare genius is no joke.

In this situation, Lorelai has a great advantage.

Moreover, this concept of "all-out action" is actually quite broad.

The full strength in a life and death battle is obviously not the same as the full strength in daily sparring.

This is actually no different from a recommendation, and everyone else knows it.

But this is normal. The Haenyeo Sacred Pillar has been the descendant of their mermaid clan since ancient times, so they have long been used to it.

Su Cheng looked at her and comforted her: "For you, it's better sooner than later. Your cultivation level is still low now. Even if you pass and get the assessment reward, it will only be your Contra cultivation level. You don't need to be the Holy Pillar immediately. Douluo. If we wait until the Titled Douluo arrives, the difficulty of the operation will be much lower."

"That's true. I'm not far behind these few years anyway." Lorelei sighed, "But is it okay for you to do this? This is the mission entrusted to the Holy Pillar Douluo by Lord Poseidon."

"Lord Poseidon never imposes on anyone." Su Cheng's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke accurately.

As Poseidon's most devout believer, he has the highest authority to interpret Poseidon's spirit.

"Even the assessment itself does not have to be accepted by every Poseidon Island citizen. Everything is done voluntarily. Even you were asked by your clan leader and your mother to succeed the next Sea Girl Douluo.

"Lord Poseidon will give all his subjects ample power to choose. If you can find a way to avoid the task of guarding the holy pillar, there will naturally be no problem. It's just that you can't do it with your ability."

There were still a few years until Lorelei's final test, and her original idea was to wait until the last minute to try.

Before that, the number of years you could play was just a few years.

Because after becoming the Holy Pillar Douluo, she would protect the Sea Nymph Holy Pillar in place of her mother.

In that case, she would be like the current Haenyeo Douluo, who would have to stay near the holy pillar most of the time, and it would be difficult for her to have free time of her own.

As for helping Lorelei avoid this task, Su Cheng actually wasn't too sure, but there was definitely a chance.

This is not because Su Cheng is arrogant.

During the tens of thousands of years that Poseidon Island existed, the Seven Sacred Pillars were not always fully staffed, and occasionally became incomplete.

Obviously this means that Holy Pillar Douluo does not have to be on duty.

After parting ways with Lorelei, Su Cheng walked toward Poseidon Mountain.

Today is monthly study time.

But speaking of learning, in fact, Bo Saixi hadn't taught him anything until now.

When two people get along, they communicate more with each other.

Talk about your understanding of Poseidon’s will, the lives of the people on Poseidon Island, etc.

By now, Bo Saixi obviously no longer regarded him as a junior.

"But those few people who have accepted the black-level assessment..."

Thinking of this, Su Cheng sighed, feeling a little distressed.

It’s not that those people are hard to get in touch with.

Although those people were much older than him in terms of cultivation and age. However, Su Cheng's status as Bo Saixi's disciple, coupled with his unique talent and unique advancement in cultivation, had long been recognized by the top management of Poseidon Island.

Even in the eyes of many people, Su Cheng is likely to receive a top test in the future.

There are three candidates who have the opportunity to inherit the position of Sea Star Douluo Holy Pillar. He has communicated with them all and already knows their respective tasks.

The key problem is that he really has no chance to intervene.

The fourth test of these three people was very similar. They all went to sea to fight against powerful sea soul beasts. There was no way to defeat or even kill those sea soul beasts.

In this case, unless he uses his own trump card to help those few people improve their strength, such as potions and Nirvana Sutra, he will not be able to let them all pass the level.

But Su Cheng would never do this.

The risk is too great and totally not worth it.

These people certainly have value in their own right.

They are powerful and have broad connections. They have a high status and are respected on Poseidon Island.

With their talents and appeal, they might be able to play a better role in preaching. This is indeed what Su Cheng values.

If I have the opportunity to help, I will probably use it as a support in the future.

But that's about it.

In the final analysis, these few people are no more powerful than dozens or hundreds of people.

If you expose yourself because of this, you are completely stupid.

In addition to ways to improve his strength, Su Cheng actually has some clues about how to block the assessment mark on the opponent's head.

And it was even more impossible for him to do such a thing, it was too risky.

However, these years have not been without other gains.

In the name of helping those who were tested, Su Cheng gained an in-depth understanding of the Starfish Pillar. Coupled with the close relationship with Haenyeo Douluo, he can occasionally visit. Now, he has a deeper understanding of the situation of the Seven Sacred Pillars.

This is why he is somewhat confident that he can help Lorelai.

More than seven years have passed by in a blink of an eye. In less than half a year, Su Cheng will turn eighteen.

At that time, he will go to accept the test of Poseidon Island.

At the foot of Poseidon Mountain, Bo Saixi stood beside Su Cheng.

The sea breeze blew through her red dress and long hair, bringing with it bursts of fragrant wind.

At this time, she no longer had the aloofness and dignity that she had more than ten years ago, and became more and more like an ordinary person.

But amidst this ordinaryness, her aura became more vast and profound.

While ordinary people couldn't detect it, Su Cheng was certain that the opponent's strength had increased by at least 10% compared to the past.

Don't think that 10% is very little.

With Bo Saixi's strength, any improvement can be regarded as a huge improvement.

If she could increase her strength by another 10%, even if she left Poseidon Island to fight against the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, she might not be at a disadvantage.

Bo Saixi himself felt a little baffled by his improvement in strength, but Su Cheng understood very well what it was about.

Her soul is growing stronger.

Compared with the vast but empty texture in the past, her soul now seems much more condensed and bright.

She has not experienced the hardships of the mortal world and has not experienced the various aspects of life. No matter how old she is, it is just a wasted time. No matter how strong she is, it is just the accumulation of strength.

In these short ten years, she had gone from being a high-ranking observer to a bystander in the world under the guidance of Su Cheng.

In the end, he changed his identity and went deep into the human world, becoming a participant in it.

This state of mind is completely different from the past.

The various changes during this period are called "refining the heart" in the words of Su Cheng's previous life.

Although Bo Saixi could not truly blend in with ordinary people due to her extraordinary strength, she was still many times stronger than her previous state.

A person with deep soul power can have power far beyond ordinary people; a superb state can perfectly control the power he possesses; and a strong mind can allow people to exert power beyond their own limits.

Bo Saixi looked at Su Cheng who was standing next to her, her eyes flashing with brilliance.

She watched with her own eyes as the other person cultivated step by step to reach this state.

An inferior person with almost zero innate soul power cultivated to the peak level of Soul Emperor in just over ten years, at the age of less than eighteen years old.

The opponent's martial soul is also constantly transforming in this process.

Bo Saixi could feel that the quality of Su Cheng's long sword martial spirit was no weaker than that of those soul masters with innate soul power.

And this kind of enhancement is completely traceable. It is not a step to the sky, but a little improvement. Every time we meet, something changes.

"Do you really want to go and experience the Poseidon's Light now?" She looked at Su Cheng and asked softly.

In her opinion, Su Cheng didn't need to be so anxious.

It's entirely okay to come back after you've been tested, but it will only take a few months at best.

Based on the other party's qualifications, the assessment level is definitely above the top.

"I want to give it a try." Su Cheng nodded, but did not explain more.

Theoretically speaking, if the test level does not reach the black level, you cannot enter the Poseidon Mountain range.

But this requirement is not rigid.

As long as the high priest himself does not object and he can rely on his own strength to pass through the ring sea around Poseidon Mountain, there will not be much problem in trying Poseidon's Light.

At this time, Bo Saixi was obviously seeking his opinion and did not explicitly object.

Then just try to enter the island within the island.

Sure enough, when Su Cheng nodded, Bo Saixi didn't say anything more, indicating that he could try it on his own.

Su Cheng stretched out his hand and made a move. A long blue sword appeared in his right hand, and six soul rings circled around his feet.

When he stepped into the ring-shaped sea, a huge pressure suddenly emerged from the ring-shaped sea beneath him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow broke out of the water, aiming directly at Su Cheng.

It was a fish soul beast about five meters long. Its long mouth was like a sharp spear, occupying one-third of its body length. After jumping out of the water, a layer of light shone all over his body, and after accelerating, he rushed over like a black lightning.

Su Cheng glanced out of the corner of his eye and slashed out with his sword, but had no intention of fighting with him. He stepped forward quickly and rushed forward.

There is never just one soul beast in the water.

The longer the delay, the more trouble there will be.

The sword light slashed past, and the fish soul beast reacted very quickly, dodging the vital points with a simple swing.

But the speed of Su Cheng's attack was obviously extraordinary. Even with its speed, it could not completely dodge and was blocked by the sword light for a moment.

In just such an instant, Su Cheng jumped forward more than ten meters and distanced himself from the spirit beast.

The next moment, several more black shadows jumped out from the front, blocking all the breakthrough paths in front of him.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth black soul rings under Su Cheng's feet lit up at the same time.

"The tide is coming!"

As the soul skill was used, pressure like the tide of the sea emerged from the long sword in Su Cheng's hand and from all directions.

The formations of several soul beasts blocking the front were instantly confused, leaving a large gap.

And Su Cheng also used this force to sprint forward quickly.

As soon as he drew the long sword in his hand, he seemed to be integrated with the sea below him, and rushed to the foot of Poseidon Mountain opposite as fast as lightning.

After he landed, the originally chaotic ring sea immediately calmed down.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Crisp applause came from Bo Saixi's white and slender fingers.

At some point, she had arrived at the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

There was a hint of approval on his face, "It's very rare to have a very skilled fighting ability without wasting any spare energy."

Su Cheng's ability to pass through the ring sea did not surprise her.

Poseidon Mountain and Poseidon Temple were not originally protected by this thing.

It relies on the light of Poseidon and her, the supreme high priest of Poseidon in the world.

But the other party's handling of the battle surprised her.

At least among his peers, there is absolutely no one who can do it as neatly as Su Cheng.

After finishing speaking, Bo Saixi looked at the stairs not far away, "That's where the Poseidon's Light is. You can give it a try. If you feel the pressure is too great, just step back. There will be no danger to your life."

At this point, she chuckled again, "Speaking of which, I have been your teacher for so many years and I have never taught you anything. The Poseidon's light helps your cultivation, so it can be considered as compensation for you."

When Su Cheng heard this, he bowed slightly to her and said gratefully, "Thank you, teacher."

Before reaching the stairs, a majestic and solemn atmosphere spread over the place.

Su Cheng knew that it was extremely rich soul energy.

He walked slowly, one step up the stairs.

For a moment, he felt as if he had hit a soft wall full of elasticity. Obviously, starting from the position of the stairs, it is the range that the Poseidon's light truly covers.

Then he raised his right foot and stood on the first step.

The next moment, huge pressure surged in, squeezing his body hard, and a layer of golden mist also appeared around his body.

Su Cheng clearly felt that his soul power began to be consumed rapidly.

"The soul power here is a little special..." He concentrated for a moment and looked a little confused, "It condenses the power of faith."

After thinking about it, Su Cheng didn't rush to deal with it, and was going to take a few steps up first.

The soul power here is still a bit sparse.

Withstanding the pressure, he took his second step. Just as he expected, when he climbed the second step, the pressure increased again, about ten percent higher than the first step.

Then, the third level, the fourth level, the fifth level...

Without much effort, Su Cheng stood on the thirty steps.

At this point, even with his physical strength, he began to feel a lot of pressure.

"about there……"

The soul ring under Su Cheng's feet flashed with light.

He began to use his soul skills.

In the test of Poseidon's Light, it is true that conventional soul skills cannot be used.

Because the energy density here is too high, unless it is strong enough to break through this energy pressure, it is absolutely impossible to attack it.

But Poseidon's light cannot prevent the soul master from using auxiliary soul skills to empower himself.

As for Su Cheng's soul skills, almost all of them are auxiliary soul skills.

"The tide is coming!"

Blue waves emerged around Su Cheng, and he seemed to have turned into a sea.

In this state of being as soft as water, the strong pressure coming from all directions can be easily resolved.

Soon, Su Cheng stood on the fifty steps and looked around with a calm expression.

It's not like he can't keep going up.

At least in his opinion, there is no big problem in walking up to a hundred steps.

But that's not necessary.

The energy concentration here is enough for him to condense soul rings.

That's right, Su Cheng's purpose of entering Poseidon's Light today is to be promoted to Soul Saint here!

Su Cheng calmed down and felt peaceful.

Time passed minute by minute, and gradually, he saw the glimmer of light emanating from his soul.

But not long after, the light in his soul gradually became fainter.

This is a little technique that Su Cheng has developed over the years, "self-hypnosis."

The soul power here is indeed extremely strong.

But the problem is, it's hard to absorb.

This kind of soul power that has been condensed to a near-solid state is extremely inert, and it is not as easy to incorporate into the body as the soul power floating in the air.

Although the soul power of the Ice and Fire Eyes is strong, it evaporates and dissipates in real time.

The large amount of soul power in the Blue Silver Grass Forest comes from the active contributions of countless plant-type soul beasts.

The situation here was different from those two places, so he had to use some special means.

As the light of his soul dimmed, his aura began to change. It has become very similar to the nature of the soul power of this place, as if it can be integrated into one.

Gradually, the soul power from the outside spontaneously poured into the body, and the two began to interact with each other.

The soul power consumed when climbing the steps was quickly recovered.

The next moment, Su Cheng's energy and blood were floating all over his body, and his martial soul's bloodline was rising and appearing.

Nowadays, he no longer needs to use drugs to activate his martial soul bloodline.

Martial spirits and souls are closely related, and the two are deeply bound.

This is also a little trick developed by Su Cheng.

Under the vibration of the soul, the foundation of one's own bloodline can be easily revealed.

The Nirvana Sutra in the body was running at full strength, and a void halo appeared outside the sixth soul ring, forming a blank seventh soul ring.

Poseidon's light, or the extremely rich soul power, the massive soul power that originally only interacted with Su Cheng's body seemed to have found a new open space and quickly filled it.

White, yellow, purple, black, the colors of the seventh soul ring changed little by little, and then became deeper and deeper...

At this time, Su Cheng no longer cared about the changes in the external environment. In other words, he had no time to be distracted at this time and tried his best to stabilize this new soul ring.

Soon, the age of the seventh soul ring reached the limit of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and a faint red light appeared on it.

At this time, Su Cheng's body was already approaching its limit.

But at this moment, everything came to an abrupt end, and the last step could no longer be taken.

Su Cheng felt confused for a moment, "What's going on? I still have enough strength and energy, and my physique and will can fully support it..."

The reborn seventh soul ring was suspended and trembling at Su Cheng's feet, as if it might break at any time.

In this situation, his best choice is to directly stabilize it and solidify it into the seventh soul ring. But in that case, there would be no chance of obtaining the 100,000-year-old seventh soul ring.

After all, in this world, he has not yet perfected the five elements, nor can he make all the soul rings resonate and increase the life of past soul rings.

If you continue to force a breakthrough, with the current state of the soul ring, it will easily fall short.

At the very least, all his previous efforts would be wasted and he would lose his seventh spirit ring and suffer backlash. At the most serious degree, it might destroy his martial spirit bloodline, and it might even affect his soul. After all, this time he generated his own spirit ring, and he used the power of his soul to stimulate its condensation.

The bloodline and body of the former are relatively good, but if something goes wrong with the latter, it will obviously be extremely fatal.

"Wait! Soul..."

Su Cheng's heart moved and he understood what he lacked.

Ten-year spirit rings and hundred-year spirit rings are all concentrated energy, there is nothing to say.

The thousand-year soul ring carries a bit of resentment, the ten-thousand-year soul ring has a certain impact on the soul, and the core of the soul ring is still the law, so it has little effect.

However, at the level of one hundred thousand years, there has been a qualitative change.

"The power of the soul..."

Su Cheng quickly calmed down and felt a little lucky, "Fortunately, fortunately, this simulation is available."

If it weren't for these years, he had some understanding of the power of the soul. Otherwise, even if he returns to the real world, he has long understood the method of condensing soul rings, and his physical strength far exceeds his cultivation level. He can even go one step further and can continuously increase the life of his soul rings, but he will never be able to do so without killing. On the basis of the soul beast, he condensed his own 100,000-year soul ring.

Because a hundred thousand year soul ring contains all the energy and spirit of a hundred thousand year soul beast, a life form that is close to a human being.

He used the martial soul law as the core and the rich soul power in the Feng Shui treasure land as energy, but after all, he lacked that trace of charm.

"So, how to make up for it?"

Su Cheng was silent for a moment, and the image of the Phoenix Fire that he had seen rekindled flashed through his mind, as well as the image of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone condensing into a true core of life, and then reviving again.

Immortal true meaning!

This powerful connotation is far superior to the charm of ordinary creatures, and it is completely his own unique artistic conception.

Whether it is death or immortality, they are existences beyond the secular level.

Even if Su Cheng's understanding is only superficial, it is far better than countless mortals.

next moment.

The dark soul ring was filled with brilliant red light!

Su Cheng's seventh soul ring finally appeared!

The scarlet 100,000-year-old soul ring was floating quietly at his feet, shining with a soul-stirring light.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Bo Saixitan opened his mouth slightly, his delicate eyelashes trembling slightly, looking absently at the figure on the steps of Poseidon Mountain.

At this time, her mind went blank, and her thoughts had even stagnated.

With his own strength, he condensed a hundred thousand year soul ring that perfectly suited him!

That is the authority that belongs to God!

ps1, I have a social event today, so the update is a bit late, sorry.

ps2, Poseidon Mountain is said to be a forbidden area. In fact, if you can cross the ring sea, you can try Poseidon's Light. In the original work, Bai Chenxiang took the yellow-level assessment, followed him in, and even tried the Poseidon's Light. The Poseidon Temple on the top of Poseidon Mountain is the only one that outsiders are not allowed to enter.

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