Su Cheng is ready to leave Poseidon Island.

What he said to Bo Saixi before was actually true.

After all, after so many years, the two of them have accumulated a deep relationship.

Not to mention this is a simulation, even in the real world, Su Cheng does not need the sacrifice of those close to him to pave the way for himself.

Of course, this is only part of the reason. On the other hand, it is also about making plans for the future.

Whether Bo Saixi is allowed to enter the human world in person to experience the various conditions of the world, or whether she is allowed to have more bonds in her heart, it is all to prepare for the destruction of the Poseidon inheritance in the future.

She is one of the most central and key figures in this mission.

But it was true that Su Cheng didn't want to inherit the throne, but the reason wasn't limited to Bo Saixi.

There are too many hidden dangers here.

Poseidon is a first-level god.

The powerful man from Douluo Continent who has just become a god is only at the level of a third-level god at best.

Even if Poseidon cannot come to the world in person, his divine thoughts cannot be resisted by oneself.

Moreover, during the assessment process, the two of them will meet head-on.

Poseidon cannot step into Douluo Star, but this rule does not affect Poseidon from entering his own inheritance space.

When the opponent's body arrives, the variables that may occur are beyond one's control.

Su Cheng would never underestimate any god.

No matter what the opponent's character or strength is, those who can stand out in an era are all outstanding people.

To underestimate your opponent is to underestimate yourself.

The key to destroying the Poseidon inheritance is not the status of the god, but the Poseidon himself.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, is another key figure in this mission.

Otherwise, it is also the inheritance of destruction. Why is the difficulty of this task so much higher than the inheritance of the destruction of the angel god and the inheritance of the destruction of the Rakshasa god? Isn't the reason because of the existence of the sea god?

On the shore outside the forest of Poseidon Island, Lorelai was standing next to Su Cheng in a pretty way.

Several years have passed, and her appearance has hardly changed, but her strength is completely different from the past.

Because of the rewards from the black-level assessment and her own cultivation talent, this beautiful mermaid princess has now broken through to the realm of Titled Douluo, officially taking over the position of the Ama Douluo's Holy Pillar and becoming a new generation of Ama Douluo.

However, she does not need to stay under the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar all year round to practice hard.

As for the reason, it was naturally due to Su Cheng's help.

Su Cheng kneaded the soul auras of his predecessors, Sea Witch Douluo and Lorelei, and combined them with the blood of the Sea Witch clan to build a temporary barrier on the Sea Lady Holy Pillar.

From now on, Lorelai only needs to go regularly to replenish her own blood source to ensure the normal operation of the Holy Pillar.

The reason why this can be done is also related to the special nature of the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar.

Unlike other holy pillars, which are always held by soul masters who inherit the martial souls of the corresponding sea soul beasts, the sea maiden holy pillar is entirely held by sea witches, who are descendants of the mermaid clan. This gives Su Cheng an opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

In contrast, he has not been able to find any loopholes in other holy pillars yet.

However, the seven holy pillars are connected with each other by the same energy. With the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar as an entry point, he can try to slowly erode it in the future, and it may not necessarily be necessary to cut off the seven pillars of faith that connect the sea gods to the lower world in one fell swoop. Su Cheng had already planned this.

"Lorelai, I'm ready to leave Poseidon Island." Su Cheng glanced at the Sea Witch standing beside him and said casually.

"Leave Poseidon Island?" Lorelai was stunned when she heard this, "What do you mean, aren't you about to accept Lord Poseidon's test?"

She knew that Su Cheng was about to turn eighteen.

With a roll of his eyes, a gloating smile appeared on his face again, "Ha, I understand. Did you offend the high priest? I knew there was something wrong with you. Tell me what good things you have done."

Su Cheng slapped her on the head angrily, "Can you think of something better, how could I offend the teacher?"

"Um." Lorelai scratched her head, "It seems so. You've always disguised yourself very well."

Su Cheng sighed after hearing this.

The two have known each other for a long time, and he understands each other's character. These words may not be a metaphor, but more of a joke.

Maybe there was some temptation mixed in, but Su Cheng didn't care.

This is how the two get along, like playmates.

Moreover, the thoughts of this mermaid girl are completely different from those of ordinary Poseidon believers.

Of course she also believes in Poseidon, but she is not fanatical. In contrast, "whether it is interesting" is her biggest concern.

But even so, Su Cheng couldn't show any signs of weakness in front of her.

All the things shown to her have always been demonstrable and can withstand scrutiny.

Including those remarks and those teachings, there is nothing to criticize in them.

Su Cheng continued: "I am going to Douluo Continent to spread the glory of Lord Poseidon to the people on land."

"Mainland?" Lorelai was a little confused, "I know the existence of Douluo Continent, and those fleets often go to the ports along the mainland's coast for transactions. But I heard that land soul masters are not easy to get along with, and they don't believe in Poseidon. You go There won't be any danger if we go over there, right?"

Speaking of this, there was a trace of worry in her eyes.

"It's not dangerous." Su Cheng said casually, "The soul masters under the title Douluo pose no threat to me. However, it is indeed difficult to preach there. I'll see if I can get some cooperation with Wuhun Palace."

"Martial Soul Hall?" Lorelai frowned, "What kind of force is that?"

Although she also knew some news from far away, she mostly heard it from other people's mouths.

Given her status, she would obviously not take the initiative to ask those people anything.

"It's similar to our Poseidon Island, but they don't seem to have any beliefs, they are just powerful."

"No faith?" Lorelai looked surprised, "That's really pitiful."

"..." Su Cheng glanced at her speechlessly, with no intention of correcting her opinion.

He just said: "After I leave, I hope you can help me make things easier for the Ming Cult members. After all, you are also one of the Ming Kings. You also know who the core of the nearly ten thousand people are."

"Okay, okay, I get it." Lorelai waved her hand, looking a little ugly, "Don't call him Ming Wang anymore, it's such an unpleasant title."

"This shows that your belief is very firm and is the core strength of Mingjiao. Don't be ignorant of good and evil."

"I don't care." Lorelei curled her lips, stretched out her finger to tap her red lips, and glanced at Su Cheng beside her, "Su Cheng, what exactly do you want to do? You, a member of the Ming Cult, are getting more and more... More and more."

"It's not my Mingjiao, it's the Mingjiao of Poseidon believers." Su Cheng corrected, "Freedom and hope, the people on the sea need this."

Lorelai raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, but hesitated to speak.

Although she is only a child in the mermaid clan and her mentality is immature, she has lived for many years and has the incredible ability to read minds, so her understanding of people's hearts is not shallow.

After getting along with each other for many years, I instinctively felt that Su Cheng had other deeper plans.

But when it comes down to it, everything seems to be normal and no flaws can be found.

Half a month later, nearly ten thousand people gathered on a huge island thousands of kilometers away from Poseidon Island.

"I've seen the divine envoy..."

Li Qing, Feili, Mi Wei and others stood at the front of the crowd, their faces full of piety and fanaticism, looking at the young man standing alone on a high place.

At the man's feet, seven soul rings silently surrounded him, and the scarlet seventh soul ring was particularly eye-catching.

This person is Su Cheng.

Seeing the nearly ten thousand people in front of him with solemn faces and enthusiastic eyes, Su Cheng felt very emotional.

In these years, in addition to studying souls and improving cultivation, most of his energy has been focused on developing Mingjiao.

These people in front of me are all core members of the Ming Cult, and the light of their souls is extremely pure and dazzling.

In addition to the absolute core of the Ming Cult gathered on this island at this time, there are tens of millions of peripheral members, and their influence in the sea is already quite mature and huge.

It is conceivable that as the number of people increases, the development speed of Mingjiao will further accelerate in the future.

Later, it will even radiate back into Poseidon Island.

However, Su Cheng is not ready to attack Poseidon Island yet.

In his policy, the penetration into Poseidon Island should not be too severe in a short period of time, and the peripheral fundamentals must be stabilized first.

Except for the initial development, it is not too difficult for Mingjiao to expand in the middle stage.

There are many reasons why this effect can be achieved.

The first is doctrine.

On the sea, all kinds of risks are everywhere.

Attacks by hordes of sea soul beasts, powerful soul master gangs that come and go to rob ships, sea storms that may break out at any time, etc., are all things that all sea soul masters need to be vigilant about at all times.

No one who grows up in this environment does not yearn for freedom, strength, equality and unity.

The second is the reward mechanism of Mingjiao.

Su Cheng has taught these core members the simplified version of the Nirvana Sutra exercises.

It's not that he is too arrogant. In fact, it doesn't matter if he teaches the complete version of the cultivation technique, but that version is not suitable for these sea soul masters.

The Nirvana Sutra practiced by Su Cheng has a specific effect. It can only perfectly match the twin martial souls of his real body. In addition, it has the greatest effect on the sword martial soul.

But among the soul masters on the sea, very few possess this kind of martial soul.

Although the abbreviated version of the Nirvana Sutra is far less effective than the technique he is practicing, it is better because it does not require a martial spirit and is applicable to all soul masters and even ordinary people.

Human beings born in this world are all born with martial souls, the only difference is the amount of innate soul power.

After practicing the Nirvana Sutra, even those who were born with zero soul power have the opportunity to become soul masters. Under such stimulation, why can't they be respected.

Of course, the practice itself must be prevented from spreading to outsiders.

This uses another of Su Cheng's skills - hypnosis, which is somewhat similar to the self-hypnosis method he used when he broke through to the Soul Saint cultivation level.

This is a little technique he developed by combining his research and understanding of the soul with the talent of a professional clergyman.

Use words, emotions and atmosphere to influence others. Although it is not so magical that it can directly enslave others, it can rewrite people's subconscious and way of thinking to a certain extent.

Only those who have great trust in him and whose mental strength is much weaker than his, or those who are weak in heart, will be affected.

Taken together, this avoids the possibility of the skills leaking out.

The first people to be given the Nirvana Sutra are those with transparent souls. This kind of transparency does not mean that they have no distracting thoughts and no selfish motives, but that they deeply believe in the beliefs Su Cheng talks about and can resonate highly with them.

There is almost no possibility of betrayal for such a person. On this basis, coupled with Su Cheng's hypnosis, the hidden danger will naturally be eliminated.

In addition to the temptation of doctrines and exercises, Mingjiao also gave them the opportunity to realize their self-worth and dreams. Since the God of the Sea has not appeared for a long time, the authority of Su Cheng as the envoy has naturally been greatly strengthened.

Coupled with the strength of Mingjiao itself, it is logical to gather forces.

At least outside Poseidon Island, the Mingjiao's strength is definitely outstanding.

Almost all of the strongest sea soul masters gathered on Poseidon Island, and most of the people outside the island were ordinary people.

Correspondingly, these core members who possess the Nirvana Sutra naturally stand out.

In addition, they have firm beliefs and are extremely united, so it is natural for them to be invincible in the sea.

Su Cheng looked at the people in front of him, used his soul power to increase his volume, raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Next, I will go to the mainland to spread the glory of Poseidon. Under the light, the world is like a shadow. Gentlemen, let the name of Mingjiao, let freedom Let the faith of equality spread to every corner of the sea."

"Best congratulations to the envoy..."

"Best congratulations to the envoy..."

Half a year later, Tiandou Empire, Star Dou Forest.

Su Cheng, who is now eighteen years old, has returned to Douluo Continent.

He must come to the mainland.

Since the difficulty of this mission lies in the Seven Sacred Pillars, Bo Saixi and Poseidon himself, then of course it is not enough to rely on his own efforts.

Simple beliefs are easily overturned.

But if there is a true God based on faith, more complicated methods are needed.

He could only try to mislead and influence Bo Saixi, but he could never turn her into someone on his side.

The meaning of Mingjiao's existence is not force.

If you want to borrow help, you still have to come to the mainland to find it.

Su Cheng was thinking about the follow-up plans as he moved forward.

At this time, a fierce sound of fighting came from not far away.

After thinking about it, he decided to go over and take a look.

Even if he encounters a hundred thousand year soul beast here, he is confident that he can save his life. In this case, if a human being is in trouble, there is no harm in saving him as much as possible.

However, when he came near the source of the sound, he was stunned, "How is it possible..."

Su Cheng frowned and looked at the familiar figure among the two warring parties.

This person is clearly the future Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong!

However, what is different from her memory is that Bibi Dong still looks like a young girl today, looking like she is only around 20 years old.

When Su Cheng saw it was her, he didn't rush to take action. Instead, he hid in the dark and watched the battle while concentrating on his thoughts.

The Douluo Continent is so big and the Star Dou Forest is so big. It would be too much of a coincidence to meet them by chance.

What's even more coincidental is that there is no one else around the other party at this time.

You know, Bibi Dong is now the Saint of Wuhun Palace, and the Star Dou Forest is not safe either.

Whether it is for hunting soul beasts or simply for training, she should not be alone. At least she should be accompanied by other elders, or even her teacher Qian Xunji himself.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, remembering the original talent and destined person that had once played an important role.

"Destined person..." He hesitated for a moment, "Then, do you want to change the plan?"

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