Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 178: Put your clothes on first and then talk (two-in-one

Chapter 178: Put your clothes on first and then talk (2-in-1)

Su Cheng's original plan was to go directly to Wuhun Palace and reveal his identity to Qian Daoliu.

With his own age and the martial soul configuration of the seventh soul ring of 100,000 years, this should not be difficult to achieve.

Based on Qian Daoliu's temperament, after knowing that he was Bo Saixi's disciple, he would definitely not neglect him.

Then based on this, use Qian Xunji to improve yourself to a certain extent with the power of Wuhun Palace, and further study the soul by the way.

As for Bibi Dong, he probably had no chance to come into contact with her before Qianxunji died.

The identity and talent he showed were obviously not as harmless as Yu Xiaogang.

The pervert Qian Xunji regards his apprentice as a forbidden lover and will definitely be wary of contact between the two.

Su Cheng was prepared to wait for the situation to evolve. After Bibi Dong came into contact with the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, he would find a way to help her become a Rakshasa God and act as a helper in the future.

However, this plan obviously also has great uncertainty.

Bibi Dong herself is too paranoid, has extreme thoughts, and has a deep love brain. In addition, the Rakshasa status she inherited will further pollute her sanity. When that time comes, he is not completely sure that she can control it. There will also be backlash.

Now that we have this opportunity, it seems unreasonable not to get in touch.

If it doesn't work, it won't matter if you use the previous plan again.

After all, Bibi Dong's talent was so good that Su Cheng couldn't throw it away. In his mind, the other party will be the key figure in the decisive battle in the future.

If you want to fight against Poseidon Island, it is not necessary to have the help of gods. As long as a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine can contain Bo Saixi.

But this level of titled Douluo was not something Su Cheng could cultivate.

Using the immortal grass, using the Nirvana Sutra, and using his existing methods, he can help a person with average talent cultivate to the limit of an ordinary titled Douluo, but it is only limited to ordinary titled Douluo.

There is absolutely no way he can do it above level 95. It requires talent, the understanding of his own martial soul, and a lot of time.

Don't even say that he can't help others break through. Even he himself, if he doesn't rely on the talent of his twin martial souls to accumulate soul power, he won't know how to practice before reaching that bottleneck.

Of course, in terms of combat power alone, Su Cheng was still confident that he would be able to match the Peerless Douluo after level ninety.

Now his research on the soul has begun to take shape, and he is even more comfortable in using various powers, as well as the means to create his own soul skills.

He had a hunch that when the power of energy and spirit was completely condensed in the future, there would inevitably be a deeper qualitative change.

Bibi Dong was a little flustered at this time.

Originally, the purpose of her coming to the Star Dou Forest today was to hunt soul beasts and become the Soul Emperor.

Accompanying her were two trusted elders of teacher Qian Xunji, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

But half a day ago, their group encountered an attack from a group of powerful soul beasts.

In order to ensure her safety, the two titled Douluo immediately chose to lead the group of soul beasts away.

Bibi Dong understood that staying there would not be of much help, but would be a hindrance, so she decisively evacuated, preparing to hunt the soul beasts again in the future.

In this way, even if the two Kikui and Ghost are defeated, it will definitely not be a problem to retreat.

However, contrary to expectations, during the retreat, she encountered an extremely aggressive and powerful Crypt Spider.

This kind of soul beast was originally one of the target soul beasts for her to obtain the soul ring.

But the problem is that the level of the underground demon spider in front of me is too high, with a cultivation level of more than 30,000 years.

If it were a 20,000-year-old underground demon spider, she would still be confident that she could deal with it. But at this time, she didn't even dare to hope for escape. All she could do was try her best to delay and wait for rescue.

Bibi Dong's soul skills can hardly cause much damage to the opponent when used on them.

The fourth soul skill, Thorn Spider Armor, covered her whole body, and long purple-black thorns nearly half a meter in length were densely covered every part of her body. The tip of the long thorn flickered with light, and one could tell at a glance that it contained poison.

But unfortunately, this kind of poison cannot pose any threat to the Crypt Demon Spider.

Spider soul beasts themselves have extremely strong poison resistance, and this cave spider, which has been cultivated for more than 30,000 years, has an even more amazing ability to digest venom.

Its pitch-black carapace shines with gray lines, and its lower abdomen is extremely bulging, storing a large amount of spider silk and energy. Her small eyes shining with faint blue light stared at Bibi Dong in front of her, and she easily blocked the sickle attack summoned by her fifth soul skill.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong couldn't help but grit her teeth secretly. The two most powerful soul skills were ineffective, and she no longer had the desire to defeat each other. What I was thinking about at this time was how to preserve my soul power as much as possible, so as not to die before the two elders arrived.

Fortunately, even though she was wearing heavy armor at this time, her speed was not affected at all. Her slender figure kept moving and jumping, dodging the crystal yellow spider threads passing by in the air.

Obviously, Bibi Dong is not a flower in the greenhouse.

Although she is a saint, under the strict requirements of Wuhun Palace, her cultivation and actual combat far exceed that of ordinary soul masters.

Even when facing a formidable opponent who is far stronger than himself, he can still remain calm in battle.

However, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides will not be so easy to make up.

The next moment, Bibi Dong raised her head in shock, and a huge crystal yellow spider web fell from the sky.

The unique skill of the Crypt Spider is the Spider Web Cage!

Looking around again, the woods were already surrounded by strands of spider silk that came and went.

At this time, she has no way out!

The eyes of the Crypt Demon Spider flashed with a deceitful light.

A soul beast of this cultivation level already possesses considerable wisdom.

Coupled with their fighting instincts and natal skills, they are by no means weaker than humans with the same soul power, not to mention that Bibi Dong's aura is quite different from it at this time.

In the previous battle, it had already seen the opponent's intentions.

As a predator, the Crypt Demon Spider naturally has its own fighting wisdom.

In addition to attacking, the spider silk that was spewed out earlier can also slowly build a tight blockade around it.

When the huge spider web fell from the sky at this moment, Bibi Dong found in despair that she had completely become the turtle in the urn of this terrifying soul beast.


Along with the sharp sound of breaking through the air, a blue sword light slashed through the air.

The huge and tough crystal yellow spider web instantly broke into countless fragments and scattered in all directions.

This unique skill, developed by a 30,000-year-old underground demon spider, was as useless as a silk web in front of the sharp sword light.

At the same time, huge pressure like a tidal wave from the deep sea surged in overwhelmingly, and the cave spider's huge body was instantly pressed to the ground, like a fish on a chopping board, unable to move.

It's not that it reacted slowly. In fact, the moment the sword light appeared, it reacted and immediately wanted to eject and escape.

But it didn't work.

The gap in strength between them is too huge.

At this time, the powerful sea-blue aura was like substance, firmly covering the entire body of the Crypt Demon Spider.

The eight spider legs struggled hard and made countless deep marks on the ground, but they had no effect at all.

All these changes are a long story, but they actually happened in a blink of an eye.

Before Bibi Dong could react, the crisis that had almost threatened her life had been resolved instantly.

The powerful hunter who almost killed her just now was restrained and could only let out bursts of sharp and piercing screams.

She stared blankly at the figure in front of her, her mind went blank, and she didn't even understand what had just happened.

"Are you OK?"

It wasn't until the calm man's voice sounded that she woke up. She quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for the rescue."

The voice is soft and melodious, like the cry of an oriole, extremely pleasant to the ear.

Bibi Dong looked at the man, feeling grateful but also filled with doubts in her heart.

The person in front of him was wearing a blue outfit, with short short hair, and a silver mask covering his face. His specific appearance could not be seen.

This person is not an elder of Wuhun Palace, and the clothes he wears are not the clothes of Wuhun Palace.

The seven soul rings at his feet showed the opponent's Soul Saint level cultivation strength.

The scarlet seventh soul ring is particularly dazzling.

The person who took action was naturally Su Cheng, who had been watching silently before.

The mask on his face was used by him to hide his identity just in case.

Now that he has decided to take action, he will inevitably have more contact with Bibi Dong in the future.

Judging from past simulation experience, he could not be sure whether Bibi Dong would retain memories. If it is retained, how much can be remembered.

In the first simulation, the person he spent the longest time with was undoubtedly Qian Renxue.

Apart from Qian Renxue, there is Chen Xin who has been with him for more than ten years.

The former has all the memories related to him, while the latter confesses that he has some impressions of himself.

Apart from these two people, Ju Douluo and Dugu Bo were the next two people who had known each other for a long time, but they obviously didn't recognize him.

Especially Dugu Bo, the two of them are now very familiar in real life. If the other party remembers something, he will definitely not hide it.

By the second simulation, there is no doubt that only Zhu Zhuqing has memory so far.

However, he has only come into contact with this person in reality.

When it came to this simulation, it was Bo Saixi and Lorelai, but he wasn't too worried about Bo Saixi.

After returning to the real world, the two of them are as far apart as the sky and the emperor. The other person does not know that his character exists, so naturally there will be no future troubles.

But Bibi Dong is different. No matter whether it reflects reality or not, you can still prevent it if you can.

Otherwise, when this simulation is over, if Bibi Dong remembers one or two things, who knows what the consequences will be.

The memory in the simulation is not as simple as an ordinary dream.

In Qian Renxue's words, it was like living another brand new life, just like the real past. All the feelings and memories were deeply imprinted in the depths of my mind.

In reality, Bibi Dong was not as harmless as the young girl in front of her. She was a madwoman.

Although Su Cheng is not afraid of her, she is Qian Renxue's mother after all, so there is no need to make the relationship tense.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng said calmly, "Senior, there's no need to call me senior. We're about the same age. Now, Cheng Xue, just call me by my first name."

"Cheng Xue?" Bibi Dong repeated silently, feeling that this name seemed a bit feminine.

As for saying they were about the same age, she didn't quite believe it.

Although she is not arrogant, she is aware of her talents. Even if this person is not a senior, he is much older than me and is so powerful, so he still needs to have the respect he deserves.

Su Cheng silently looked at Bibi Dong in front of him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Her appearance is not much different from that of the future female pope who will be the most powerful person in the world, but she is still a little green.

But the temperaments of the two are completely different.

Perhaps because she has never been in power and is from a commoner background, there is nothing noble or arrogant about her.

If the identity of the Saint was removed, she would look like just an ordinary genius soul master.

This aspect is completely different from Qian Renxue.

At the same age, Qian Renxue had long been arrogant.

Even the approachable persona shown when pretending to be Xue Qinghe was just a disguise, but in reality he had never taken anyone seriously.

Qian Renxue undoubtedly inherited many of Bibi Dong's advantages in appearance, but she also inherited the innate nobility and majesty of many descendants of the angel clan. In addition, she has awakened another soul, adding a layer of evil to her temperament. This But it is incomparable to Bibi Dong today.

If I had to describe it, Bibi Dong's current temperament is somewhat similar to Hu Liena's, but without that charm, she looks prettier and softer.

Of course, this is all just the surface.

Su Cheng knew what kind of wildness and madness was sleeping in the heart of the woman in front of him.

The two spider martial spirits she awakened might be some kind of sign.

It's just that that layer of will is still buried deep in her heart and has not yet awakened and transformed.

"Are you from Wuhun Hall?" Su Cheng looked at Bibi Dong and asked casually.

Bibi Dong was startled when she heard this, and looked at him with a hint of alertness in her eyes.

Although Wuhun Palace is now the largest force in Douluo Continent, it is not without enemies. Many evil soul masters regard it as a thorn in their side, and there are many powerful people among them.

"Don't be so vigilant, I have no ill intentions towards you." Su Cheng said calmly, glancing at the Crypt Demon Spider who was suppressed on the ground at the moment, "If I want to do anything to you, I might as well just sit back and watch you get killed by that guy. Besides, , do you think you will be my opponent?"

"How do you know I'm from Wuhun Palace?" Bibi Dong felt relieved and asked softly.

"I see that you are not very old, but you are already close to the soul emperor cultivation level. Apart from Wuhun Palace, I can't think of any force on the mainland that can cultivate a young soul master like you."

Hearing this analysis, Bibi Dong was surprised. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was so smart and could think of so many things in an instant.

Su Cheng roughly guessed what she was thinking when he looked at her eyes, and couldn't help but feel speechless. Isn't this a normal speculation? Anyone with some intelligence can think of it.

Bibi Dong is so innocent now, is it possible that all the people she has met before are idiots?

"Your soul ring...?" Looking at the scarlet light at Su Cheng's feet, Bibi Dong hesitated to speak.

The moment Su Cheng appeared, the aura was so strong that she almost thought it was some titled Douluo, but she didn't expect that it was just a soul saint, a soul saint with a hundred thousand year soul ring.

A hundred thousand year soul ring is certainly precious, but with the background of Wuhun Palace, we still know a thing or two about it, and not everyone has obtained it.

But she had never even heard of the seventh soul ring that was one hundred thousand years old, let alone seen it.

Even in the collection of books in Wuhun Palace, there is no similar record.

Looking at the masked man in front of her, Bibi Dong became more and more curious. She couldn't help but use her spiritual power to see the other person's true face.

Her move was instantly noticed by Su Cheng.

With his level of mental power and the blessing of soul power, not even Bibi Dong, even an ordinary peak Douluo would be able to see through his disguise through the mask.

In the Wuhun Palace, apart from Qian Daoliu, only Golden Crocodile Douluo might be able to tell something.

"Is this the courtesy of you people from Wuhun Palace?" Su Cheng's voice turned cold, "Directly use your mental power to detect others?"

When Bibi Dong heard this, her body stiffened, and she suddenly felt ashamed in her heart. She also felt that her behavior just now was very inappropriate.

He quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake and said, "Sorry, I was rude."

As she spoke, her pretty face turned slightly red.

When Su Cheng saw this, he looked at her in surprise.

The Bibi Dong in front of him was completely different from the person in his memory.

As a saint of Wuhun Palace, she has no airs and no airs of condescension. It is very natural to admit her mistakes.

Of course, the reason for this may also be related to the strength he just showed. But that kind of shy look was really inconsistent with her.

At this time, Bibi Dong spoke again, with curiosity on her face, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

"I look ugly. I'm afraid of scaring others, so I won't show my true face to others." Su Cheng said casually.

Then he looked at the struggling Crypt Demon Spider not far away and said, "Don't you lack the soul ring to advance? Go and finish it."

Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the opponent who controlled this underground demon spider was actually preparing it for herself.

Although he was grateful, he shook his head and said regretfully: "That 30,000-year-old underground demon spider has exceeded the limit of years that I can absorb."

When Su Cheng heard this, he turned around and looked at Bibi Dong up and down for a moment.

Under this gaze, Bibi Dong felt as if she had been seen through, and moved her body slightly uncomfortably.

"If you can hold on, you have a chance to absorb this soul ring. It depends on whether you are determined to become stronger." Su Cheng looked at it for a moment, then turned back and said in a calm tone.

She could absorb it if she wanted to, and it didn't matter if she didn't want to take risks. It was just a ten-thousand-year soul ring anyway.

With the second martial soul as your backbone, your future achievements will be indispensable.

Even Su Cheng was not surprised when the other party gave up at this time.

Bibi Dong has not yet fully awakened to her true character, and has been protected by the Spirit Hall as a saint. It is understandable that she has a softer temperament.

"If you don't kill it, I will let it go."

Su Cheng glanced at the Crypt Demon Spider and realized that killing it would be a waste of soul rings, so he prepared to let it go.

"Wait a minute." Bibi Dong suddenly stopped him and her expression became determined, "I want to try."

Su Cheng was stunned at first, but without trying to dissuade him, he casually slashed out his sword, and the poor underground spider was immediately on the verge of death.

It seems that although Bibi Dong is not deeply involved in the world now, Wuhun Palace is still quite professional in training soul masters. Her character is not weak, but she is blank in getting along with others.

Others, whether fighting or practicing, are worthy of their status as the Saint of Wuhun Palace.

The rich purple-black light completely enveloped Bibi Dong's body, emitting extremely strong soul power fluctuations.

She felt very clearly at this moment that a huge flow of heat suddenly poured into her body and began to burn her body like a scalding flame.

The soul power of spider soul beasts is generally rather sinister and domineering, and this is naturally the case for this underground demon spider with advanced cultivation.

The moment the soul ring poured into Bibi Dong's body, it began to forcibly transform her body.

At the same time, there were powerful resentments and soul fragments that endlessly impacted her sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

Under this powerful double offensive, Bibi Dong felt as if her body was about to burst. The severe pain caused her to spit out a mouthful of blood, and a layer of fine blood beads also began to overflow on her skin.

Soon, Bibi Dong, who was sitting cross-legged and absorbing the soul ring, could no longer see her figure, and her whole body was enveloped by a layer of light red mist.

The red color in the mist was not the light of soul power, but her own blood transpiring into the air with soul power.

Bibi Dong's delicate brows were furrowed, her lips were pursed tightly, and her body was convulsing.

The severe pain was like a surging tide, attacking endlessly. Her skin seemed to be being cut by countless sharp blades, and the tyrannical energy kept tearing her body apart. The pain almost overwhelmed her.

If this continues, she may only have two endings: her soul is dissipated by resentment and becomes a fool, or her will cannot bear the pain and her body loses control and breaks.

"Be still and concentrate."

Just when some regret and panic emerged in Bibi Dong's heart, a quiet voice suddenly came into her mind.

This voice seemed to have passed through her ears and resounded directly into the depths of her soul, instantly soothing her, and her state of mind was as calm as an oil well.

Although she was suffering unparalleled pain, deep in her heart, there was a voice that kept sounding, soothing her mind.

Under the comfort of this voice, Bibi Dong withstood wave after wave of pain, constantly fighting against the domineering energy of this underground demon spider soul ring that exceeded her own limits.

And with every resistance, the energy contained in the soul ring was being absorbed bit by bit by her body.

Under this ebb and flow, the vicious and tyrannical energy is also constantly weakened.

The bones on Bibi Dong's body began to make intensive crackling sounds, and a layer of faint gray gradually appeared in the blood droplets overflowing from the surface of the skin.

This is the marrow-cleansing, bone-cleansing and physical strengthening brought about by absorbing soul rings that exceed the limits of the physical body.

Gradually, the fine drops of blood on Bibi Dong's body stopped spilling, and her frown relaxed a little.

Then, a layer of faint deep purple light began to quietly overflow from her body.

The Crypt Demon Spider Soul Ring has begun to be officially included in the Death Spider Emperor Soul Ring.

Feeling that the other party's aura had stabilized, Su Cheng couldn't help but nod secretly, secretly sighing that Bibi Dong was really talented.

This absorption was completed without the blessing of the physical body.

Although his hypnosis played a great role, Bibi Dong's own twin martial arts talents should not be underestimated.

Of course, even if Bibi Dong is unable to absorb it, Su Cheng cannot just sit back and watch the other party die. He has many ways to save the other party's life.

But if those methods can be avoided, it is naturally best not to use them.

As the deep purple light appeared, the huge Death Spider Emperor martial spirit was also revealed, its eight long legs tightly gathered together, wrapping Bibi Dong's whole body in it, like a big cocoon.

And in this big cocoon, her aura is constantly increasing, and her whole person is rapidly improving and transforming.

Time passes slowly.


An hour later, a slight groan sounded.

Su Cheng hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw that the Death Spider Emperor Wuhun also naturally straightened its long legs, revealing the alluring figure that had been wrapped in it before.

The blood stains on her body and her clothes had long become one, condensing into a dark carapace of dirt.

As her body moved slightly, the layer of dirt gradually peeled off her body like a fallen fruit shell, revealing her tender and translucent body like a lychee.

Her long black hair was tangled with sweat and lay scattered on Bibi Dong's fair cheeks and delicate collarbones.

Even the top sculptors would be hard-pressed to carve out a trace of charm in that uneven figure.

The plump breasts stood proudly, stubbornly resisting the pull of gravity.

The two dots of bright red on the snow peak are extremely dazzling, even more dazzling than the color of a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Because he was sitting cross-legged at this moment, even the pink canyon below was clearly visible.

Su Cheng, who took this beautiful scene into his eyes, swallowed silently, quickly looked away, and coughed lightly.

Bibi Dong opened her eyes as if waking up from a dream, and said in surprise: "I succeeded?"

Before that, she almost thought that she was certain to die.

But the voice that sounded in her heart pulled her will back from the edge of the abyss again and again.

After a moment, Bibi Dong, who was a little confused, gradually came back to her senses, looked at Su Cheng and said seriously: "Thank you."

The voice that was engraved in my heart was the same as the other person's voice when speaking.

Although I don't understand how the other party did it, it is obvious that the successful absorption of the thirty-thousand-year-old soul ring that exceeded the limit this time was completely dependent on the help of the person in front of me.

Su Cheng controlled his mind and prevented himself from turning around, and said in a deep voice: "You should put on your clothes first before you speak."

At this time, Bibi Dong's extremely smooth and alluring curves exuded amazing charm all the time.

After hearing Su Cheng's words, she realized that she was sitting on the ground naked.

After letting out a short scream, she quickly took out the clothes from the soul guide and put them on.

After finishing everything, he stood up. His lowered head was almost buried in his chest, and his face was so red that it looked as if he was about to bleed.

He said calmly: "You..."

Since Cheng Xue had just reminded her to put on clothes, he had obviously looked at her thoroughly.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the other party cannot be blamed for this matter.

For a moment, an unspeakable awkward atmosphere filled the forest.

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