Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 179 I don’t believe you are only eighteen years old

Fortunately, at this moment, two powerful auras approached at great speed from a distance.

"Your elders are coming."

Bibi Dong was overjoyed when she heard this, and then felt relieved and felt happy again.

Fortunately, it was this time. If the two of them had arrived a little earlier, there would have been two more witnesses to the scene just now, and then she would really be embarrassed to see anyone.

Soon, two familiar figures landed next to them one after another. Of course, this familiarity is only for Su Cheng, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo obviously don't know him.

At this time, the two Kikui ghosts were breathing calmly, and there seemed to be no obvious signs of fighting.

With their strength, as long as they don't encounter soul beasts with a cultivation level of more than 100,000 years, there will be no problem in protecting themselves.

"Your Highness the Saint."

The two of them were not surprised when they saw Bibi Dong safe and sound.

They had already roughly perceived each other's situation and situation before. Except for another powerful and unfamiliar aura beside them, no battle took place.

"Huh?" At this time, Ju Douluo Yue Guan's expression changed, and he looked at Bibi Dong with some surprise, "You made a breakthrough?"

And it's not a simple breakthrough.

As a titled Douluo, Yue Guan knew what would happen after Bibi Dong broke through.

Based on the opponent's previous cultivation level, even if he breaks through, he shouldn't be that strong.

"Elder Ju, I just absorbed the soul ring of a crypt demon spider that is more than 30,000 years old, and successfully broke through to the Soul Emperor realm, and my level has been raised two levels in a row."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but reappear the previous scene in her heart, and a blush suddenly appeared on her face.

Ju Douluo had no time to pay attention to the change in the other person's expression, and was shocked, "You alone killed a soul beast that lasted for more than 30,000 years, and also absorbed its soul ring? How could you be so reckless?!"

The limits of the soul rings that a soul master can absorb at different levels, and the strength levels of various soul beasts with different cultivation levels, are all recorded in detail in the Spirit Hall.

It contains the history of blood and tears of countless soul masters.

If the absorption fails, it will not only be a waste of soul rings, but may even cost the soul master his life.

"Elder Ju, I did not defeat the underground demon spider alone, but relied on the help of senior Cheng Xue to kill it. Including the subsequent absorption of soul rings, I was also successful under his care."


Upon hearing this, Ju Douluo turned to look at Su Cheng, who was standing silently aside, with a slightly strange look on his face.

In his perception, this person was definitely not very old, at most he was about the same age as Bibi Dong.

"I haven't asked you yet. Who is your Excellency?"

Su Cheng bowed his hands to the two titled Douluo, "I am Cheng Xue, from Poseidon Island. In the name of my master, I came to the Mainland Spirit Hall to visit my old friend."

"It turned out to be a distinguished guest from Poseidon Island. Thank you for your help earlier."

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other, their expressions a bit subtle.

They had heard of this place, but only a little bit.

Moreover, His Majesty the Pope seems to have some other ideas about the so-called Poseidon Island.

After thinking for a while, Ju Douluo continued to ask: "I wonder who your respected master is? Who is the old friend referring to?"

Su Cheng didn't mean to hide anything, and said bluntly: "My master is Bo Saixi, the current high priest of Poseidon Island, and he is close friends with Senior Qian Daoliu, the chief priest of Wuhun Palace. Presumably, the two seniors are from the Wuhun Palace." Are you the famous Elder Ju and Elder Ghost?"

Qian Daoliu?

Ju Douluo was shocked.

The teacher of the man in front of me was actually an old friend of the great worshiper.

This is really unexpected.

Not only that, this Cheng Xue itself is also very extraordinary.

The aura is specious.

He feels very powerful, and even with his own title Douluo strength, he can still feel a faint threat in him.

But the little fluctuations in soul power that he leaked out didn't seem to be at the level of a titled Douluo, which was extremely weird.

And the other person’s age…

At this time, Bibi Dong added again: "This senior is at the Soul Saint level."

"Soul Saint?"

Ju Douluo raised his eyebrows slightly, so his previous feeling was correct?

He looked at Bibi Dong, and then stared at Su Cheng's eyes under the silver mask, "I didn't expect that Cheng Xiaoyou's teacher is actually a good friend of our Wuhun Hall. I wonder how old Cheng Xiaoyou is this year?"

"I just turned eighteen three months ago."


Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at each other with a little surprise, and exclaimed: "Little friend Cheng is really a genius."

This is similar to how old they perceive each other to be.

Although the bone age has not been tested and cannot be accurately determined, there is no need for the other party to deceive them.

But that's why it's even more surprising.

He is an eighteen-year-old soul saint, and his aura is almost as strong as that of ordinary titled Douluo, which is a bit too exaggerated.

A question couldn't help but arise in my mind at the same time, "How could that so-called Poseidon Island have such a background?"

Even if the person in front of him is the most outstanding junior on Poseidon Island, that is quite remarkable. At least there is no such person in Wuhun Palace.

Even with the talent of the saint beside him, it is far behind.

From this point of view, His Majesty the Pope may have to think twice about the ideas he mentioned before.

After seeing the expressions of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, Bibi Dong opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She didn't expect that this man was really only eighteen years old, younger than her own age.

She didn't have the eyesight to tell the age of the person in front of her, but Yue Guan and Gui Mei, two powerful Titled Douluo men, were well-informed and would not admit their mistakes.

Since they didn't refute, but just sighed, they must be the same age as themselves.

Bibi Dong is indeed not a arrogant person, otherwise she would not have a good impression of Yu Xiaogang, who has 0.5 level innate soul power.

But she also won't belittle herself. She knows her talents well.

However, it was hard for her to accept that there was such a huge gap between the two of them at similar ages.

However, things like talent and strength are not her biggest concern at the moment.

What was turbulent in her mind at this time was the accident that happened earlier.

If you could comfort yourself by thinking that the other person was your senior before, what should you say now?

What made Bibi Dong even more embarrassed was that the other party was even one year younger than her.

For a moment, the inner lake that had just calmed down suddenly became turbulent again. His face turned white and red, and his fingertips were trembling slightly.

"Your Highness the Saint, what's wrong with you?" Ju Douluo looked at Bibi Dong if he felt something.

"No, it's nothing."

Two titled Douluo were leading the way, with Su Cheng and Bibi Dong following behind.

These people were all very powerful and were traveling very quickly. In just half a day, Wuhun City was already in sight.

"Are you really only eighteen years old?"

As they approached the city, Bibi Dong finally suppressed all the strange emotions in her heart.

But he still didn't dare to look directly at Su Cheng beside him, looked forward and asked in a low voice.


"I do not believe."

Su Cheng was a little speechless and said casually: "I'm going to meet the chief priest of your Wuhun Hall later. Do you want to come with me?"

With his age and strength, and what he just said, after entering Wuhun City, the two of them will definitely report this matter to Qian Daoliu.

With that person's temperament, it was impossible to turn a blind eye to him, and the two of them must meet.

The implication is that he will let the ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo take a look later, and it will be self-evident whether his situation is true or false.

With Qian Daoliu's level, he would naturally not admit his mistake.

After a moment of silence, Bibi Dong said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll go with you."

Soon, a group of four people walked into Wuhun City unimpeded.

This place is not much different from the scene in my memory.

Su Cheng took a casual look and found that there were many people gathered near the city gate, most of whom were admirers of the saint Bibi Dong.


At this moment, Bibi Dong beside him suddenly turned her head and looked at a gaze from the crowd, and the lines on her face became much softer.

Su Chengruo felt something and turned around to look.

Among the crowd, there was a short-haired young man looking at Bibi Dong with ardent eyes, full of complex and strong emotions.

The young man's cultivation level is not high, he has just reached the level of a great soul master, but he is well-dressed, and one can tell at a glance that his family background is very good. There was just a hint of depression on his face, which weakened the high-spirited spirit unique to people of this age.

Su Cheng's heart moved, "Yu Xiaogang?"

He glanced at Bibi Dong beside him again, thinking deeply in his heart.

The two of them have known each other for who knows how long, and it seems that they already have a good impression of each other.

I just don’t know how far it has progressed, and whether we have shared our sincere feelings with each other.

Judging from the timeline, there should still be a few years before Qian Xunji takes action, and it is estimated that the two people have not been dating for a long time.

As for Yu Xiaogang, he must have just left the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and his depressed temperament is too obvious.

It's normal for him to feel this way now.

After all, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is known as the best beast martial spirit in the world, and Yu Xiaogang is the son of the clan leader and has an extraordinary background.

He has always thought highly of himself, but he was not recognized by his family. After losing power, there must be many people who have made trouble for him, and it will take time to adjust his mentality.

Su Cheng glanced at Bibi Dong and asked casually, "Do you like him?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked slightly startled. She opened her mouth to refute, but for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

She does have a lot of affection for Yu Xiaogang, who comes from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and thinks he is very intelligent.

When Su Cheng saw this, he immediately knew what was going on and didn't say anything more.

Qian Daoliu obviously attaches great importance to Su Cheng's arrival.

After entering Wuhun City, he didn't wait too long. He was invited to the Elder's Hall less than half an hour later.

Under the leadership of Ju Douluo, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong walked into the depths of the Elder Hall together.

Qiandaoliu today seems to be no different from what it was a few decades ago.

He has black hair shawl, handsome appearance, and a calm and tranquil aura that seems to dilute all darkness.

The moment Su Cheng walked into the hall, the other party's eyes fell on him.

This gaze is obviously very penetrating, as if it can see through people at a glance, but it does not contain a trace of aggression, and is as vast and pure as the sky.

Qian Daoliu was a little surprised to see Bibi Dong also arriving, but he didn't pay too much attention.

Nowadays, he no longer cares about many things.

"Are you Bo Saixi's descendant?" Qian Daoliu looked at Su Cheng, "Can you show me your martial spirit?"

When Su Cheng heard this, he stretched out his hand and held the blue sword in his palm. Seven soul rings floated silently under his feet.

Qian Daoliu's eyes stayed on his seventh soul ring for a moment, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes, and then he looked at Su Cheng's forehead.

His eyes seemed to see through the silver mask and directly see the face below. In the process, Su Cheng only noticed Ruoyouruowu's mental fluctuations, and couldn't help but feel secretly in his heart.

"You didn't accept Poseidon's test?"

When Ju Douluo came to report the matter earlier, Qian Daoliu actually had a lot of questions in his mind.

As far as he knew, the Poseidon inheritance was different from the Angel God inheritance. Regardless of bloodline martial arts, soul masters could go and accept the test.

There are also rules on Poseidon Island. Those who are eighteen years old must take a test. If they fail to pass, they will be expelled.

Su Cheng is now eighteen years old, but he left Poseidon Island. Could it be that he was expelled?

But if he couldn't even pass the test, his talent was just that, so how could he be accepted as a disciple by Bo Saixi?

But Su Cheng couldn't lie.

Unless they are close people, no one else would know about the friendship between the three peerless Douluo.

Even his son Qian Xunji didn't know about the grudges between him, Bo Saixi and Tang Chen.

But by this time, he finally fully believed in Su Cheng's identity.

Such a talent would not be buried anywhere, and there would be no reason to deceive him.

This also raised another question for him.

Judging from the situation the opponent is showing now, if he accepts the test, he will at least be at the top level.

If the test fails, it is impossible to survive. The only possibility is to not choose to accept the test at all.

What's going on?

Su Cheng didn't hide anything and said frankly: "No."

"Why?" Qian Daoliu didn't believe that he was afraid of failure.

To be able to cultivate to this level at such a young age, and to defy common sense and absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring in the soul saint realm, is by no means a weak-minded person.

Su Cheng looked directly at Qian Daoliu and said succinctly: "I heard that if you get the Ninth Poseidon Exam, the teacher needs to make a sacrifice."

"..." Qian Daoliu didn't expect that he would get such an answer.

After being lost for a moment, he sighed and said slowly: "You are a good boy."

When Su Cheng heard this, he didn't say anything more.

"Is your teacher okay?" He hesitated and then continued to ask: "Did she ask you to come to me?"

"Yes." Su Cheng lied without changing his expression, "She said that the senior Qian Daoliu of Wuhun Palace is not only powerful and invincible in the sky, but also has a gentlemanly demeanor and cares for his juniors. If I have the intention to come to the mainland, I should Let’s meet you. The time we spent together back then was short, and I always have regrets in recalling it. It’s a pity that she is the high priest of Poseidon Island and has no time to get away. Let me take this opportunity to gain more experience on the mainland, and also say hello to you on her behalf.”


After hearing these words, Qian Daoliu's eyes suddenly changed, and he was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he spoke again: "My child, you should live in Wuhun City for now. If you have anything to do, you can tell the elders. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always ask me for advice. Although in the Sea Soul Master I am not as good as your teacher, but I am experienced in cultivation, so I can still give you some advice."

Su Cheng quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, senior."

Bibi Dong, who was standing aside, stared at this scene in a daze, her brain a little down.

Not far away, the great priest of Wuhun Palace lived in seclusion all year round, and even she, a saint, had no chance to ask for advice from him.

Not to mention asking for advice, we often don't even see him once throughout the year.

But facing this Cheng Xue, she acted like an elder and even said "you can ask for advice at any time". What on earth is going on?

What exactly is Poseidon Island?

What is the Poseidon test?

Who is this Bo Saixi they are talking about?

After Su Cheng met Qian Daoliu this time, he got a satisfactory result. There will still be time to get along with each other in the future, and there is no need to rush.

When ready to leave.

Bibi Dong, who was on the side, saw this and said quickly: "Master, I have a question."

"You ask."

"He..." Bibi Dong glanced at Su Cheng hesitantly, then gritted his teeth and said, "Is he really only eighteen years old?"

Qian Daoliu looked at her in surprise, as if he didn't expect that the other party came with him just to ask this question.

He couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Of course it's true."

Then his expression became serious, and he said earnestly: "Dong'er, you are still young, and there are many things in the world that you have never seen. A peerless genius is like a crucian carp crossing the river, so you must not be complacent."

He was still extremely satisfied with this saint in Wuhun City.

It's just that the other party is Qian Xunji's apprentice after all. Even though he is his son, he doesn't want to interfere with the other party's teaching of his own apprentice.

Not showing up on weekdays doesn't mean that he doesn't value Bibi Dong, but he just doesn't think it's necessary.

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