Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 180 The sword light that penetrated the Pope’s Palace

After leaving the Elder's Hall, Su Cheng glanced at Bibi Dong, who looked complicated, but didn't care and walked back to the Pope's Hall.

Since I came to Wuhun City, I always wanted to see Qian Xunji.

After all, that guy is the contemporary pope, so he still needs to be treated with the respect he deserves.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the other party becomes alert and hostile.

The Council Chamber of the Papal Palace.

Su Cheng, who was wearing a silver mask, and Pope Qian Xunji stood opposite each other.

Unlike Qian Daoliu, Qian Xunji has the same long golden hair as Qian Renxue, and is extremely handsome. He has inherited the excellent genes of the angel family.

But unfortunately, the only thing I inherited was my appearance.

No matter the other's behavior style, magnanimity or cultivation talent, they are really not worthy of the title of descendants of angels.

"Since you are the one chosen by the Great Worshiper, you should live in the Elder's Hall in the future."

Qian Xunji looked very serious and looked majestic when he spoke.

"Then thank you, Your Majesty the Pope." Su Cheng responded calmly, not caring about the other party's attitude.

Seeing the calm expression on his face, Qian Xunji's brows moved slightly.

But he didn't say anything more, he just said: "Then you should retreat first."

Su Cheng nodded and turned around and walked out the door.

"By the way, Cheng Xue." Qian Xunji suddenly spoke again at this time, and the voice came from behind him, "I don't know where you come from, so that even the great worshiper can look at you differently. But Bibi Dong is my disciple, so you just Don’t have too much contact with her.”

When Su Cheng heard this, his footsteps paused slightly. Then, with a thought in his heart, he said "OK" without looking back and walked out of the meeting hall.

After he left, Qian Xunji's expression darkened.

The reason why he reminded Su Cheng like that was naturally because of Su Cheng's identity. In his opinion, this was just an outsider. No matter how much Qian Daoliu valued him, he could not change the fact that he was from Poseidon Island.

If this person is an outstanding disciple under Wuhun Palace, then that's it.

But he would never allow an outsider to abduct his proud disciple.

For Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong is the treasure of Wuhun Palace and will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future.

Half a year passed quickly.

During this period, Su Cheng kept to himself, and at most occasionally asked Qian Daoliu for some experience and insights in cultivation.

He knew that Qian Xunji was staring at him.

This pope's strength is average, he is just entering the realm of Titled Douluo for the first time, and all kinds of small movements cannot escape his perception.

Of course, although Qian Xunji rarely took the initiative to seek out Bibi Dong due to his presence, after all, they were both in the Spirit Hall and both were outstanding young soul masters, so they naturally communicated occasionally.

Moreover, the two of them didn't have much contact on the surface, but Su Cheng was also secretly paying attention to the situation on Bibi Dong's side, which was an important combat force in the future.

On this day, Su Cheng was flipping through information in the library.

But his main purpose is not to see these things.

The collection of books in Wuhun Palace was almost digested by him as early as the first simulation. The knowledge about the soul here is also extremely scarce. Looking at it now, it can at most have the effect of reviewing the past and learning the new.

Suddenly, Su Cheng's expression changed.

In the huge library, another young man was hurriedly putting down the books in his hands, getting up and walking towards the door.

As soon as he checked his mental power, he immediately noticed the aura of the Soul Emperor in the mountains and forests outside the library pavilion.

Sure enough, it was Bibi Dong.

Qian Xunji was not in Wuhun City these two days, so he guessed that the two people would definitely take this opportunity to meet in private.

Of course, the reason why Bibi Dong is still hiding Qian Xunji is not necessarily because he knows what his teacher is thinking.

Most probably it's just out of shyness as a girl, and she's too embarrassed to mention it to her elders.

Su Cheng turned to look out the window.

From this angle, you can just see the two figures in the woods.

With his eyesight, he could clearly see the scene there even from a great distance.

But the relationship between this couple is quite interesting.

The distance between them was more than half a meter, and they were walking slowly along the edge of the woods.

If it weren't for the fact that one of them looked nervous and the other was taciturn, it would be impossible to tell that there was any close relationship between the two.

But it's normal when you think about it.

No matter how nice Yu Xiaogang's words are, no matter how confident he is on the surface, he still has low self-esteem deep down. Standing next to a woman of Bibi Dong's status and talent, it is impossible not to show timidity.

As for Bibi Dong, he might not think that much. It's just that she has lived in Wuhun City all year round and rarely interacts with outsiders. In addition, her thoughts are pure and conservative, so even if she has a crush on someone, she won't be too proactive.

At least judging from observations during this period, Bibi Dong's character is still very immature.

After Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang parted ways, they walked toward the Pope's Palace alone. Thinking back on the exchange with that person just now, she felt that her understanding of Wuhun had deepened.

As a saint of Wuhun Palace and a disciple of the contemporary Pope, she is qualified to enter and exit the Pope's Palace at will.

At this moment, a very familiar voice came from not far ahead, waking her up from her thoughts.

"You two are not suitable for each other. I advise you to think twice."

Su Cheng crossed his arms and leaned against a big tree in the forest. The silver mask on his face showed mottled shadows in the sunlight filtering through the cracks in the trees.

Bibi Dong stopped and frowned, looking at Su Cheng, "What are you talking about?"

"That Yu Xiaogang is not suitable for you, you'd better stop those useless thoughts." Su Cheng said lightly.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to find a way to order some Bibi Dong.

He was too lazy to interfere with other people's feelings, but since the other party had been included in the plan, of course he had to think about the follow-up situation.

However, this matter cannot be left to others, so we can only take the initiative to show up and say a few words.

It would be too passive to just wait like this.

He didn't know what was going on with Yu Xiaogang's relationship, whether his appearance would have any other impact, and whether Qian Xunji's thoughts would change.

And now Bibi Dong is a little too naive. She is still a potential deep love brain. She has almost no other strengths except fighting and training. She has been completely crippled by Qianxunji.

It might not be a good idea to let it develop on its own.

But after hearing what Su Cheng said, Bibi Dong frowned even more.

Only then did she realize the meaning of Su Cheng's words. The other party was implying that there was an affair between the two.

Anger suddenly surged in his heart, and he said coldly: "You are about the same age as me, why should you teach me how to do things?"

"I'm not teaching you, I'm just advising you." Su Cheng turned to look at Bibi Dong, "You two are not a good match. I know a little about that Yu Xiaogang, but he has no real talent. Being with him will only lead to waste. With your talent, now is not the time for you to fall in love.”

"A joke." Bibi Dong sneered, "Not to mention that you and I are not related, and you have nothing to do with my cultivation. As for Yu Xiaogang, he does have insufficient qualifications, but he is hardworking and independent. , and still possesses knowledge and wisdom that far exceeds that of the world, how come you say that he has no real talent or knowledge?"

Su Cheng couldn't help but frown when he heard this, feeling that Bibi Dong was a little unreasonable.

She's obviously not crazy yet, so why did she become like this?

After all, he had helped her a lot and even saved her life. Why was he so angry?

"Far beyond the knowledge and wisdom of the world?" Su Cheng sneered coldly, "There are many heroes in the world, but you have only met a few of them, and you dare to say that his wisdom is extraordinary? Not to mention that he has innate shortcomings but does not want to make up for them. His limited abilities make him pretentious. Even his so-called research results are mediocre."

He took two steps forward and walked to Bibi Dong's side.

"Even if he really researches something, does he dare to call himself a scholar? How much of it is borrowed from other people's results?" Su Cheng glanced sideways at the other person, "But you yourself are also strange, obviously sitting in the Spirit Hall. There is a huge amount of information, but you have to ask others for advice. Why not read more of the content in the book yourself? It is not too late to make a judgment after you have read it."

"..." After hearing this, Bibi Dong was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "Yes, who can get into your eyes?"

Her voice was low, her beautiful eyes were slightly lowered, and her long eyelashes cast a large shadow between her delicate eyes, "Who can you think highly of? Aren't I equally worthless in your heart?"

"Huh?" Su Cheng was stunned when he heard this, "What do you mean?"

Bibi Dong raised her head and looked directly at him, her face flushed, "I have asked you a few questions, but when did you not do it perfunctorily, and how did you ever give me sincere advice?"

"..." Su Cheng's expression froze.

This is not wrong.

In the previous several contacts between the two, Bibi Dong took the initiative to come to him for consultation.

But because Qian Xunji was observing secretly, he couldn't say too much.

In addition, Bibi Dong's questions were too low-level to interest him at all, so he was dismissed with just a few words.

But that was the case, and he definitely had no intention of perfunctory the other party. Everything I said is really effective.

Bibi Dong was definitely a genius in terms of cultivation, aside from other aspects. He didn't believe that even with his own guidance, the other party couldn't understand it.

"When did I perfuse you?" Su Cheng's eyebrows frowned under the mask, "Didn't I explain all your questions clearly?"

"Forget it." Bibi Dong took a deep breath and shook her head, "You don't have to worry about my affairs anyway, and you can't. I'm not a child anymore. I will repay you for your kindness in the future."

After saying that, he ignored Su Cheng and was about to leave here and return to the Pope's Palace.


Just after she took a few steps forward, Su Cheng spoke again: "Wait a minute."

Bibi Dong paused, didn't speak, but didn't move forward either.

"It's useless if I don't interfere with you. Your teacher won't let you go so easily."

"What do you mean?" When Su Cheng mentioned Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong turned around and looked over.

In her heart, Qian Xunji has a very high status and is the person she respects and trusts the most. The other party brought her into the Wuhun Hall, carried her with one hand, and taught her all the knowledge about cultivation.

At least in Bibi Dong's heart now, Qian Xunji's weight can be said to be heavier than anyone else's.

"That pope is very selfish and regards you as his property. He will not let you be with anyone else." Su Cheng said bluntly.

Since the first plan doesn't work, then use the backup plan and accelerate directly to let her recognize the reality as soon as possible.

He was too lazy to wait any longer.

"How dare dare you say that?!" Bibi Dong said with trembling, her face full of shock and anger.

"What I said is the truth." Su Cheng said calmly, "He will not agree to you and Yu Xiaogang being together."

"..." Bibi Dong stared at him for a long time before her emotions gradually calmed down.

At this moment, she had been wavering in her mind for the past six months, but she finally regained her composure and said coldly: "The teacher is not the kind of person you say. On the contrary, it is you, Cheng Xue, you are really disappointing."

Looking at Bibi Dong's leaving figure, Su Cheng's eyes were dark and uncertain.

Half a month later, Qian Xunji returned to Wuhun Hall.

The first thing he did after returning was to call Bibi Dong to the meeting hall and chat about the progress of his practice.

Long before he left, he had already assigned various training goals to his talented apprentice, and now was the time to check his homework.

The final result was naturally as expected, and Bibi Dong perfectly met all his requirements.

Qian Xunji looked at her with satisfaction, "Dong'er, you have worked hard during this period of training. What do you want as a reward? How about the soul bones? There are still several thousand-year soul bones treasured in the Wuhun Palace. What do you want? The teacher can satisfy you.”

"I don't want soul bones." Bibi Dong shook her head, looking a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Seeing her expression, Qian Xunji felt a little strange.

Looking at the teacher standing in front of her, Bibi Dong's previous conversation with Su Cheng flashed through her mind.

Thinking of the other party's confident tone and arrogant attitude.

There was no more hesitation in my heart.

He looked at Qian Xunji and said seriously: "Teacher, I like someone."

"What?!" Qian Xunji was immediately frightened and angry when he heard this. He took every precaution, but he didn't expect that something would happen. "Is it that Cheng Xue!"

When Bibi Dong heard him suddenly mention Cheng Xue, her heart trembled at first, then she quickly calmed down, shook her head and denied, "It's not him."

"Not him?" Qian Xunji was stunned, "Who is that?"

"It's Yu Xiaogang. I...I like Yu Xiaogang, and I want to be with him forever."

"Yu Xiaogang?" Qian Xunji thought for a while before he remembered that there was such a person in Wuhun City, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He originally thought that Cheng Xue from the so-called Poseidon Island, whose eyes were higher than Bibi Dong, was a threat, so he was on strict guard against him.

But he never expected that it would be the good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

This is outrageous.

But while he was angry, he was also secretly relieved.

If it was because of that Cheng Xue, he would be a little more afraid, but if that person was Yu Xiaogang, it would not be a worry at all.

He knew this disciple's weakness all too well.

Qianxunji calmed down, looked at Bibi Dong with a serious face, and said sternly: "Dong'er, the teacher cannot agree to this request. You are an unparalleled genius in Wuhun Hall, possessing twin martial souls. I will never allow you to If you have feelings for any man outside, let alone have anything to do with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family!"

"..." Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect her teacher's attitude to be so firm.

"Teacher, why not? I am free to choose who I like. Why can't I be with him?"

"You are from Wuhun Palace, it is not up to you to decide who you will be with!" Qian Xunji shouted sternly.

When Bibi Dong heard this, her face suddenly turned pale. She stared blankly at Qian Xunji's face that turned slightly ferocious, and suddenly felt that this person was a little strange.

Then thinking of what Su Cheng said, a rebellious emotion surged in his heart, and he said loudly: "I can quit the Wuhun Hall! I love Yu Xiaogang, and for him, I am willing to quit the Wuhun Hall!"

Seeing Bibi Dong acting like this, Qian Xunji's heart immediately surged with anger, and he was about to take action with a slight movement of his palm.

Then he made a move and thought of his father Qian Daoliu who was now in the Elder Hall.

After pondering for a moment, his expression calmed down, he looked at Bibi Dong and said in a deep voice: "Dong'er, come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the back of the palace.

Bibi Dong was surprised by his sudden change, and couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

He secretly thought that Cheng Xue was indeed arrogant and had no understanding of his teacher's character, so he made arbitrary judgments.

Soon, the two of them walked into the secret passage from the Pope's Palace to the underground chamber.

In the dim corridor illuminated only by torches, Bibi Dong suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart, "Teacher, where are we going?"

"You'll know when you get here."


As the two fell silent, only the sound of footsteps echoed in the tunnel.

Not long after, a door appeared in front of the two of them at the end of the road. Qian Xunji opened the door and walked in first.

Bibi Dong hesitated upon seeing this.

The uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger.

However, out of trust in his teacher, he followed closely and walked into it.

The next moment, there was no time to observe the suddenly wide space in front of me, and huge pressure instantly enveloped me.

Under the pressure of the Title Douluo's domain, she, a mere soul emperor, could not move at all.

Directly in front of her, Qian Xunji had already turned around, with golden light shining all over his body, and six wings stretched out behind him.

At this time, he had even used the Seraphim Martial Soul Avatar.

Strong pressure enveloped all directions.

Bibi Dong used her instinct to fight with all her soul power, but her mind went blank as she stared blankly at the figure in front of her.

She didn't understand what Qian Xunji was doing or what she was planning to do.

"Dong'er, I will never let you leave Wuhun Palace! Even if I use the most despicable method, I will keep you in Wuhun Palace!" Qian Xunji said coldly, with an angelic tone in his voice. The sense of majesty unique to Wuhun, but the meaning in his words made people feel chilly.

"The most filthy method...what does it mean..." Bibi Dong squeezed out these words tremblingly. In the angel realm, her soul power was passing rapidly and gradually became weak.

Qian Xunji said expressionlessly: "After today, your body will completely belong to me. From now on, do you still have the face to be with other men? If you insist on being with that Yu Xiaogang, I will take action and kill him again! Don’t blame me, if you want to blame, just blame that trash from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect.”

"my body……"

At this moment, the blood on Bibi Dong's face faded, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and her heart was instantly filled with despair.

"It's useless if I don't interfere with you. Your teacher won't let you go so easily."

"That pope is very selfish and regards you as his property. He will not let you be with anyone else."


The words Su Cheng said before now appeared in her mind again.

There are also those words of encouragement that seemed to have been imprinted in her heart, those words of encouragement that reached the depths of her soul when she first broke through to the Soul Emperor.

Tears appeared in Bibi Dong's eyes, "Who can come and save me...Cheng me..."

Qian Xunji looked indifferent and slowly moved closer to her.


At this moment, a deafening roar echoed throughout the room.

With the dazzling and violent sword light, the entire secret room collapsed.

Bright sunlight shone directly through the huge hole above, instantly illuminating the dark room.

This secret room was forcibly penetrated.

No, to be precise, half of the Pope's Palace was directly penetrated by this sword.

ps1, 10,000 per day.

ps2, Qian Xunji's methods are bad, but I tend to think that his possessiveness towards Bibi Dong is not lust. Because it was mentioned in the original work, it was done once, and then it entered the soul and gave birth to Qian Renxue. If you really have lustful intentions, there should be follow-up actions later. But there has been nothing else for so many years since Qian Renxue was born. Of course, it is not ruled out that Qian Daoliu is watching, but this setting does not matter, Qian Xunji is just a passerby anyway.

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