Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 181 Redemption in Darkness (Two in One)

Qian Xunji's expression changed drastically and he looked up.

A figure fell with the sword light and stood in front of Bibi Dong.

The surging soul power fluctuations surged like waves, and seven soul rings of yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black and red were circling around his feet.

Even a titled Douluo would be wary of that different combination of soul rings from an ordinary soul master.

The next moment, the blue tidal realm was as deep as the sea, rivaling the angelic realm emanating from Qian Xunji.

Then the sword energy quickly grew in the blue light, quietly surrounding it with the unparalleled sharp sword intent.

The field of kendo!

But today's swordsmanship field is completely different from the field that Su Cheng once practiced in the real world.

The seventh soul ring of one hundred thousand years brings about a qualitative change.

What's more, this is not an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul ring, but a perfect soul ring that Su Cheng combined with his strongest sword spirit to condense himself and perfectly matches his personal basic qualities.

As the dual realms were superimposed, even if the golden angel realm was displayed by a titled Douluo, it was gradually suppressed.

Everyone present could clearly see that the brilliant golden light in the Angel Realm was being cut and consumed by sharp sword energy, and then was being eaten away by the dark blue tide.

Qian Xunji didn't pay attention to the changes in the field, but looked at Su Cheng himself who suddenly appeared in front of him with a gloomy expression.

What made him most wary was the long sword in the opponent's hand.

It was not like an ordinary weapon soul's real body, but more like an extension of the opponent's body.

Su Cheng, who was holding a long sword at this time, stood there like a sharp sword.

This state is completely different from the situation where ordinary weapon soul masters use the weapon soul itself as the main body when they use the weapon soul's true form.

As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Qian Xunji certainly knows the specific effects of Wuhun Avatar, a powerful soul skill.

What is the true body of martial spirit?

For the owner of the beast spirit, after using the seventh spirit skill, spirit avatar, he will transform into his true spirit, possessing huge explosive power, and his strength will increase geometrically.

Just like Qian Xunji himself at this time, he completely transformed into a seraph.

The situation of weapon soul masters is slightly different. Their seventh soul skill is also the true form of the martial soul, but the form of expression is different. It is the soul that uses itself as the weapon soul to maximize the power of a certain attribute that the weapon soul focuses on.

If the user possesses a weapon soul of higher quality, then the power erupted from the weapon soul avatar will be more terrifying than a beast soul avatar of the same level.

Before level 70, beast soul masters have the ability to possess martial souls and can receive all-round blessings from martial souls, so they are generally stronger than weapon soul masters with martial souls of the same quality.

But after reaching the seventieth level, the weapon soul master's strength will be surpassed by relying on the weapon soul's true body. The reason is the ultimate strengthening effect brought by the power of the soul.

After the weapon soul's true form is used, it will merge the caster's own soul with the weapon soul, giving it an extra layer of power.

Qian Xunji didn't know that this situation no longer applied to Su Cheng.

The reason naturally lies in the soul.

When Su Cheng made progress in his research on the soul, his weapon soul's real body was very different from ordinary people.

Although he has not yet been able to completely unify his own strength, he can still completely stabilize his soul in his body.

After using the weapon soul's true form, his soul power also did not flow into the sword martial soul in his hand. Under this situation, the sword spirit in his hand passively merged with Su Cheng himself.

This also means that at this time, he can not only show Su Cheng's own profound soul power, but other powers are also entangled with each other.

In other words, this uses the martial soul as a medium to integrate various powers in the body to a certain extent. The state is somewhat similar to the combination of the advantages of the weapon soul and the beast soul.

"Cheng Xue, what are you doing?!" Qian Xunji suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, secretly assessing the opponent's strength.

Although he was talking, it obviously did not delay him from being ready to take action at any time.

"Cheng Xue..."

Bibi Dong stared blankly at the figure in front of her.

At this moment, many images seemed to flash through her mind.

It seemed that he didn't think of anything, and his heart was already filled with a certain figure.

Su Cheng did not look back at Bibi Dong, nor did he answer Qian Xunji's question.

There is no need to say anything more now, just prepare to fight.

But he also knew what was going on. In Wuhun Palace, it is impossible to kill Qian Xunji, and there is no need to kill him. If you teach him a little lesson, someone will naturally come to clean up the mess later.

Before taking action, he had already imagined all the possible consequences.

The Elder's Hall is not far from here.

This secret room originally had the effect of blocking mental exploration, making it difficult for anyone to perceive what was happening in it.

Just when Su Cheng was in the Elders' Hall, he noticed that Bibi Dong's aura disappeared from his perception.

He immediately realized that Qian Xunji might be on to something, so he quickly rushed from the Elder's Hall and directly penetrated the external obstacles with a physical sword, exposing the situation in the secret room to the broad daylight.

To be honest, Su Cheng was not sure what Qianxun Ji wanted to do when he brought Bibi Dong into the secret room at that time. He just had some guesses.

In the more than half a year since he came to Wuhun City, Qian Xunji never took Bibi Dong to that secret room. It can be seen that Bibi Dong did not know the existence of this place at this time, and the master and apprentice would not teach here normally. and learn knowledge.

But today Qian Xunji returned to Wuhun City, and after the two met, they were stuck at such a point in time and brought Bibi Dong in.

Coupled with the incident between Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang, considering this guy's character, there is probably nothing good going on.

Of course, stopping him is not Su Cheng's only option.

If he had not taken action just now, but had just waited and waited, even if Qianxunji had really acted like a beast, with what Su Cheng said to Bibi Dong earlier as a foreshadowing, there was a high probability that it would not have affected the follow-up The plan is fine from a profit perspective.

But taking action at this time took a certain risk. If he guesses wrong, it will undoubtedly completely anger Qian Xunji, and it will also greatly damage Wuhun Palace's current good impression of him.

But Su Cheng still chose to take action.

Even if his judgment was wrong, he could bear the price he had to pay. He had a way to compensate Wuhun Palace and reduce the losses to a certain extent.

The only person who has to pay the price then is Bibi Dong.

Su Cheng considers himself not a good person, and he is not afraid to take advantage of others. In this world where classes are clearly defined and force is paramount, murder, robbery, conspiracy, and exploitation are all normal things.

But there must always be a bottom line when doing things.

He didn't approve of Qian Xunji's approach.

Then let's have a fight and let your strength speak for itself.

Su Cheng looked at the contemporary pope in front of him, a man who stood at the pinnacle of power in the mainland and a contemporary descendant of the angel family, with a calm and unruffled expression.

He didn't bother to explain anything. The two people's thinking patterns were not on the same channel, and it would be useless to say more.

"The Eight Waves are coming!"

As Su Cheng used his soul skill, the dark blue field that was originally silent and calm suddenly surged violently.

Huge winds and waves swept through, and the dual realms merged with each other.

The shadow of a sharp sword was rendered with azure light, and dozens of huge long swords that looked like condensed water were hanging in the air, exuding a terrifying aura.

In an instant, this small room gave people the illusion that the sea was about to overwhelm the sky.

Su Cheng was indifferent to the changes around him. He held the long sword in his hand with both hands and slowly raised his hands, his eyes blank.

"Fifteen swords, empty mountain!"

The next moment, a huge sword shadow rose into the sky.

The hole above, which was originally only a few meters wide, was instantly penetrated by the sword shadow and expanded dozens of times.

Then the sword shadow shot straight into the sky, shattering the clouds in the sky.

Bibi Dong looked at the back of the man in front of her.

Although the opponent is only a soul saint, far less advanced than the person opposite.

But standing behind him now, it felt like I had my back against a mountain, and I felt at peace in my heart.

At the same time, several figures flew over from the direction of the Elders' Hall. It was Yue Guan, Gui Mei and other Wuhun Hall elders who were alerted by the noise here.

The originally splendid and majestic Pope's Palace had now been reduced to ruins by less than half.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Yue Guan turned to look at the ghost beside him, swallowed, and whispered: "Is this the strength that Soul Saint can have?"

The ghost's face that had always been stiff all year round twitched slightly at this time, "Probably... no..."

"What's going on? Where is His Majesty the Pope?"

Other elders also asked questions one after another, looking distressed and panicked.

That's the Pope's Palace.

Has this situation ever happened in the Pope's Palace since the establishment of Wuhun Palace?

"Go and take a look first." Yue Guan calmed down and said in a deep voice.

Others didn't know who the soul skill was from, but he knew it. After all, the two had met several times before, and he also knew that Cheng Xue possessed a sword martial soul and had unique strength.

When they came closer, everyone looked at the two parties fighting underground.

Or it can't be said to be a war, but Pope Qian Xunji was suppressed unilaterally.

Although they were far apart, the terrifying connotations revealed in Su Cheng's sword moves still horrified them.

"Elder Ju, what should I say? Do you want to go down and stop me?" The person who spoke said hesitantly, and was obviously a little unsure.

Yue Guan thought for a moment and then shook his head.

It seems that the Pope's life will not be in danger for a while, so we'll have to wait and see.

That kid's identity is not simple, and he has also been favored by the great priest. Who knows what the situation is now.

It's not their turn to say anything about this kind of thing.

At this time in Wuhun City, when it comes to status and strength, it's not like no one can suppress these two.

Sure enough, at this moment, another figure appeared silently in the sky above the Pope's Palace.

No one even knew how he appeared, it seemed that he had always been floating there and never left.

"Everyone stop it."

As the calm words fell, both the sword energy swayed by Su Cheng and the realm beside Qianxun Ji's body were instantly dissolved, and all his soul power was suppressed.

Qian Daoliu glanced at the dilapidated Pope's Palace, a flash of distress flashed in his eyes, and then looked at Su Cheng solemnly.

"With the soul saint's body, his strength can reach this level... No wonder he is confident to pass the Ninth Poseidon Examination..."

This Cheng Xue, regardless of the power of the weapon soul's true form and his own soul power accumulation, far exceeds that of ordinary soul saints, and is not even weaker than ordinary titled Douluo.

But what's even more terrifying are the self-created soul skills of those swords.

The other elders couldn't see it, but he could feel that if Su Cheng used a few more swords, Qian Xunji would lose half of his life even if he didn't die.

Then Qian Daoliu turned his eyes slightly, glanced at Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong again, and immediately realized that there seemed to be something hidden in them.

After thinking about it, he prepared to disperse everyone first to see if there was any remedy.

For Bo Saixi's sake, Cheng Xue would definitely not blame him too much. After all, the other party had not done anything irreparable yet.

Although the Pope's Palace is the facade of the Wuhun Palace, it is only an external object after all. This scene is not seen by outsiders. The crime can actually be big or small.

Just as he was about to speak, Su Cheng unexpectedly attacked him one step ahead.

"Senior Qiandaoliu, when I was on Poseidon Island, I often heard the teacher mention your name."

Qian Daoliu paused as he was about to speak and looked over in surprise.

"She once said that the descendants of the Angel family are all gentlemen with good conduct and have always taken it as their duty to protect the people.

"As an angel guardian, you have never had any selfish intentions, even she feels ashamed.

"Since I came to Douluo Continent, I have also inquired about what Wuhun Palace has done. The people are full of praise and regard it as their belief in their hearts."

Having said this, Su Cheng paused for a moment.

Many elders were confused after hearing this. Did they give in after seeing the strength of the great worshipper?

So you started to make excuses to please the great worshippers and avoid being settled by the queen?

But that doesn't seem to be the case. Looking at his expression, something doesn't feel right.

Su Cheng ignored the others, looked at Qian Daoliu, and continued to say coldly: "But what happened today is really a disappointment to this junior. The Wuhun Palace was just a place where filth and evil spread. As for this contemporary pope, ,hehe……"

Su Cheng turned his head and looked at Qian Xunji coldly, "It's even more disgusting."


"Do you know what you are talking about!"

"You are brave!"


When the other elders heard this, they became furious and reprimanded one after another. Some even had plans to take action.

To them, the Pope is the representative of Wuhun Palace and the leader in their hearts.

Although there are differences in the behavior of different popes when they are in office, they cannot be slandered by outsiders.

Bibi Dong, who was standing behind Su Cheng, looked a little dazed as she watched his words and actions angrily criticizing Qian Daoliu and Qian Xunji.

Bibi Dong never expected, let alone expected, that the other party would be able to do this for her.

For a moment, an electric current flashed through my heart, causing waves of tingling.

Tears that had never been shed before in despair now surged out uncontrollably.

Su Cheng ignored Qian Xunji's resentful gaze and turned to look at Bibi Dong behind him, whose face was full of tears.

This is also the first formal conversation between the two since their last separation.

"Bibi Dong, if you want to say something, you can tell them what happened just now. I would like to see how Wuhun Palace will deal with this. If they want to kill people and silence them, I can ensure your safe retreat.

"Of course, it's about your personal reputation. If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it. I can make compensation to Wuhun Palace, which will definitely satisfy them.

"What I just did was just my choice. It has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to take my thoughts into account."

"..." Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng.

In his blurred vision, the silver mask of the person in front of him was flashing with mottled light and shadow.

An impulse suddenly surged in her heart.

She wanted to rush forward, lift off the mask, and see what kind of face was hidden underneath.

But thinking about the friction that had occurred between the two before, I suddenly became timid again.

If she hadn't insisted on going her own way, things wouldn't have gotten to where they are now.

Everyone except Bibi Dong couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this.

There was also a bit of indignation in the confusion, and I felt that this guy was really arrogant.

There were so many titled Douluo gathered here, and there were also great enshrinements, how dare he say these words.

Qian Daoliu didn't care about Su Cheng's remarks and frowned at Qian Xunji.

After noticing his son's expression, his heart suddenly sank.

But he didn't say much, and turned to look at Bibi Dong, quietly waiting for the follow-up.

"He said……"

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, forcing herself to suppress her emotions, and her voice was slightly trembling when she spoke.

"He said that he wanted to possess my body and let me stay in Wuhun Hall forever..."


As Bibi Dong finished speaking, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was shocked by what she just said.

That's the Pope.

That is the symbol of Wuhun Palace and the belief of countless Wuhun Palace disciples. How could he do such a thing!


"Holy girl, be careful what you say..."


A few elders couldn't help but speak.

They don't want to deny the truth, they just can't believe it and they just want to convince themselves.

The impact of this incident was too huge.

Qian Xunji remained silent at this time and had no intention of denying it.

In fact, until now, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Everything he did was for the benefit of Wuhun Palace.

Regardless of whether the methods are despicable or despicable, for the sake of Wuhun Palace, what do these mean?

What's more, everything Bibi Dong has grown up to this day has been a gift from Wuhun Palace, and it is natural to pay for it.

It's a pity that due to bad luck, he met Cheng Xue, whose strength far exceeded his expectations, which led to his failure.

Otherwise, once the matter is accomplished, subsequent hidden dangers can be slowly eliminated through many methods.

But Qian Daoliu's moral standards are obviously not on the same level as him.

After listening to Bibi Dong's simple words, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

He still has some knowledge, and he can roughly tell whether what the other party says is true or false.

At this moment, this peerless Douluo, who has been cultivating his character for decades and is as gentle as jade on weekdays, has a bit of a vibrato when he speaks, "Ji'er, what else do you want to say?"

"..." Qian Xunji was silent for a moment, then looked away from Su Cheng and turned to look at Bibi Dong.

Then he raised his head and looked at Qian Daoliu, "I have nothing to say. As a saint of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong was trained by Wuhun Palace and received countless resource supplies from Wuhun Palace, but she wanted to commit herself to a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. A useless soul master threatens to leave the Wuhun Palace, so naturally I will not allow it."

Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly when she heard this, and she subconsciously glanced at Su Cheng beside her.

Su Cheng didn't look at her, but looked at Qian Daoliu, waiting for the other party's decision.

Qian Daoliu avoided his gaze at this time and fell silent.

After a long while, he spoke again: "Go to the Presbyterian Hall and face the wall and think about it for fifty years. You don't have to sit on the throne of the Pope anymore."

After hearing Qian Xunji's answer, at that moment, he even wanted to kill his own son.

But after all, he is his son and the only blood descendant of the angel family.

There was no way he could do it.

Having just avoided Su Cheng's gaze, he also felt that he had selfish motives and acted unfairly.

This was because he was overthinking it.

In fact, Qian Daoliu's handling method has exceeded Su Cheng's original expectations.

After all, things didn't really happen. Qian Daoliu, as the world's top powerhouse, could resolve many things with just one word. No one could say anything to him even if he wanted to die.

Even if there is a bottom line, deposing the pope is already the limit.

Fifty years is not a short time to stand in front of a wall and think about it.

Qian Xunji is already quite old now. In fifty years, he will be a hundred years old, which means his life is basically over.

When the others heard this conversation, they were silent for a while, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Directly deposing the contemporary pope, even if Qian Daoliu is the master of the elder hall and the ruling elder, does not comply with the procedure.

But obviously there is no need to say more about that at this time.

Having done such a thing and had it exposed, it is no longer possible to continue to be the Pope.

Qian Xunji didn't resist this result.

He has already anticipated the consequences of this incident being revealed.

After taking a deep look at Cheng Xue, he turned around and left the place, taking the initiative to go to the Elder Hall to be punished.

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong again at this time and said in a deep voice: "Dong'er, from today on, you will temporarily serve as the Pope. Elder Ju and Elder Gui will serve as assistants. They will wait until you become a titled Douluo. He can directly succeed the Pope of Wuhun Palace."


Bibi Dong fell silent after hearing this.

She no longer wanted to stay in Wuhun Hall. She hates this place and wants to leave this place.

After today's incident, the wild nature sleeping in my heart finally began to wake up little by little.

Bibi Dong subconsciously looked in Su Cheng's direction.

At this time, only this person can give her some encouragement.

Su Cheng still didn't look at her, but silently thought about the subsequent consequences.

Qian Daoliu actually has some concerns, at least he can't let go of Wuhun Palace.

The act of letting Bibi Dong take over as pope just now was not only to compensate, but also to bind her to Wuhun Palace.

A lot of information was revealed in what Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong said earlier.

With Qian Daoliu's wisdom, he could definitely guess that Bibi Dong had some thoughts of leaving the Spirit Hall.

Coupled with the catalyst of this incident, it is obviously impossible to retain people without paying some price.

"Cheng Xue..." Bibi Dong couldn't help but said calmly when she saw that the other party was ignoring her.

"Face or escape, it's your choice."

Su Cheng didn't want to interfere with Bibi Dong's decision.

From now on, he will start to cultivate each other.

In fact, he didn't really want Bibi Dong to leave Wuhun Hall.

There are resources here that can help her practice better and get more training.

The most important thing is the tempering of the state of mind.

If she chooses to escape today, this incident may become a shadow in her heart in the future, which is not conducive to future practice.

In the early stage, relying on the talent advantage will not see much impact, but after being promoted to a titled Douluo, even with the help of the twin martial arts talents, there will be many difficulties.

The improvement of your mood has nothing to do with whether your behavior is right or wrong. The key lies in whether you can practice your own path and face your own failures and fears.

Even a violent person will not turn into a demon as long as he does not hesitate about what he does.

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong and saw that the other party was still silent and did not force anything.

He just said: "Dong'er, take a good rest first. Elder Ju, please take care of the saint."

After saying that, he looked at Su Cheng and said, "Cheng Xue, come with me."

Su Cheng didn't refuse after hearing this. He just turned around and looked at Bibi Dong. At this time, her eyes were still slightly red.

Bibi Dong looked a little worried and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. But before the black eyes under the mask, I felt as if my throat was choked and I couldn't say anything.

Su Cheng nodded at her and said softly: "Don't think too much, it's just a little setback."

After saying that, he turned around and left the place, quickly following Qian Daoliu.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Bibi Dong was in a daze.

She suddenly understood that in fact, everything had been different since the two met more than half a year ago.

That day was the most intense moment in her life.

She also tried hard to forget those scenes.

Whether it was being rescued by the other party, having her body exposed by the other party, or even the words that echoed deep in her memory day and night, she was trying to adjust and calm down.

She pretended not to care about these things, and regarded the changes that day as an accident, and the relationship between the two was just kindness.

She will practice hard and wait until she achieves something in the future before repaying him.

But the fake is just fake after all.

Otherwise, she would not be absent-minded when getting along with Yu Xiaogang, would not be dissatisfied because of the other party's neglect, would not get angry because of a few words, and would not take the initiative to confess her feelings to Qian Xunji.

In the Elder's Hall, Qian Daoliu stood in front of Su Cheng, his expression a little gloomy.

Obviously, what Qian Xunji did today had a big impact on him.

"It was my lax discipline that made you laugh."

Su Cheng shook his head, "Senior, there is no need to say that. Qian Xunji is not a child. He does things by himself, and naturally he does not need others to bear the consequences for him. The way you handled it today made this junior feel respected. Teacher, she did not Wrong person."

This is telling the truth.

With Qian Daoliu's status and level of strength, there was no need to deal with it so fiercely.

"It is the son's fault for not teaching his father, and I am responsible for this." Qian Daoliu sighed.

However, he did not continue to discuss this topic in depth, and instead said: "Your strength is very extraordinary. I finally believe that you are really qualified to accept the god-level test."

"Senior, you are ridiculous." Su Cheng said calmly, "I have given up on the test, so I won't have another chance."

"Yeah, there's no chance..." Qian Daoliu sighed, with a complicated look on his face.

Even with his current state of mind, he couldn't be so free and easy, and he couldn't help but feel more and more emotional.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

"Let's practice on the mainland first. I haven't thought about what will happen next. Maybe I will return to the sea in the future."

"Above the sea..." Qian Daoliu silently chewed the meaning of Su Cheng's words, "You really impress me."

Su Cheng's words clearly imply that he may return to the sea, but it is only the sea.

After the age of eighteen, there is no chance to take the assessment again.

Without passing the test, you cannot board Poseidon Island.

In other words, Su Cheng may return to the sea in the future, but he also knows that he cannot return to Poseidon Island.

"Cheng Xue, I want to ask you, are you willing to give guidance on the practice of the Saint of Wuhun Palace in the future?"

"Me? But my age and cultivation..." Su Cheng was a little surprised.

He thought about Qian Daoliu calling him over. He must have something else to say, but he didn't expect it to be this.

He originally thought that after Qian Xunji was imprisoned, the many elders of Wuhun Palace would preach on his behalf, or Qian Daoliu would personally take action to train the future pope.

But he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to find him.

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