Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 183 Lovesickness again? (2-in-1)

In the end, Bibi Dong just rested in the Pope's Palace for a day and took care of some accumulated official duties.

In fact, there are not many things that she needs to be responsible for, and these things usually don't take much time.

Wuhun Palace has been established on Douluo Continent for many years and has long been its own system.

Not to mention that Bibi Dong has not officially become the pope yet, even if she does become the pope, she cannot make the final decision on all matters in Wuhun Palace.

It still takes a lot of time to gradually establish prestige and form a faction. Her own strength must be enough to convince the public in order to have a greater say in a certain extent.

Qian Xunji can do this because he has a father who is a peerless Douluo, plus he has been in business for decades, so he can barely be said to be true.

Even so, if he made a mistake and Qian Daoliu came forward, he would have to abdicate obediently.

Bibi Dong is obviously far from that status. Now he is still more of a mascot. Really important matters are decided by the regular meetings of the Elder Hall.

The next day, she set off with Su Cheng.

After leaving the city, Su Cheng handed her a mask and said, "Take it with you too."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong stretched out her hand to take it, and gently flipped the mask in her hand with her slender fingers, "Why should I wear this?"

Su Cheng explained casually: "You are too good-looking and can easily cause commotion. If you encounter an unexpected situation, it will be more troublesome to deal with it."

As for the mental power to cover up, it is not necessary.

The use of mental power by people under the Soul King is quite rudimentary, and wearing a mask is enough for protection. As for soul kings and above, few people would impolitely use their mental power to probe others.

With Bibi Dong's current strength, she couldn't guard against people who were too strong. It was enough to isolate the eyes of ordinary people and prevent them from attracting too much attention.

When Bibi Dong heard this, her eyes moved slightly, and she glanced at Su Cheng beside her from the corner of her eye.

But he was seen looking at the road ahead calmly, and his specific expression could not be seen under the mask.

"You have to wear it even if you are ugly, and you have to wear it even if you are good-looking. Is this the tradition of your Poseidon Island, or are you just afraid of getting into trouble?" Bibi Dong raised her wrist and clasped the mask on her face, her eyes were shining, but her mouth was as if nothing had happened. asked.

"I'm just afraid of trouble." Su Cheng looked back at her, "If you don't want to take it with you, that's fine. If you encounter trouble, you can solve it yourself."

"You don't need to take action." Bibi Dong snorted coldly, "I am invincible under the Soul Saint."

"..." Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "That's useless. The goal of coming out this time is to lead you to defeat the Soul Saint."

"What do you mean?" Bibi Dong was startled.

Although she didn't know why she wanted to go out to practice, she had some guesses, but she didn't expect that Su Cheng's plan was to let her fight against Soul Saint.

"As I said, your cultivation talent is unique, but you are lacking in all other aspects. The most critical point is your insufficient understanding of martial arts. In your situation, hard training is of little significance."

In the original timeline, Bibi Dong had the peerless talent of twin martial souls, and even took the Rakshasa test, but became a god later than Qian Renxue and Tang San, and spent twenty years in vain.

In addition to the problems of the Rakshasa Divine Examination itself, the factors are also closely related to Bibi Dong's own situation.

Her early training was too smooth, and the training she received was not even as good as Tang San's. She also relied on her second martial soul to improve her cultivation. Her accumulation of foundation was far from enough, and her foundation was weak, which led to the slow progress in the later period.

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Bibi Dong nodded silently.

She was convinced by Su Cheng because his level and strength were far beyond what he should be for his age.

Although her cultivation level has not improved much faster than before after half a year of training, the knowledge she has learned is not false at all, and her control of power has made great progress.

Comparing it with Qian Xunji's teachings in the past, this improvement in strength gained through self-understanding is undoubtedly more real. And judging from this situation, the speed of getting stronger in the future will definitely become faster and faster.

In addition, she often feels ashamed now when she thinks back to the questions she once asked.

That knowledge seemed to her to be very superficial now, basically all things that could be found in books, but she regarded it as extremely unfathomable.

After leaving Wuhun Hall, Su Cheng was not in a hurry to take Bibi Dong to challenge anyone. Instead, he took her to travel around the mainland for more than three months to increase her knowledge.

If she only reads books, the content related to cultivation can be confirmed, but after all, the ideological knowledge needs to be read and experienced by herself before she can truly understand it.

This is also part of tempering the spirit and soul.

The two of them were currently in the Tiandou Empire, walking on the road leaving Tiandou City.

Su Cheng took the initiative to ask Xiang Bibi Dong, "What do you think of this world?"

After hearing the words, Bibi Dong thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The nobles are vampires lying on everyone's head. Too many incompetent people occupy high positions, which makes the world a mess. The mainland is obviously rich in resources, but the people at the bottom are... live a poor life.

"However, in comparison, those kingdoms and principalities located in a corner have done much better in this regard. The competitive pattern between the two empires, with many wealthy families in the Star Luo Empire fighting openly and secretly, is also stronger than that in the Tiandou Empire.

"The existence of Wuhun Palace is a good thing for common people, and it is also true for ordinary soul masters with ordinary talents."

Over the past few days, Bibi Dong followed Su Cheng to many places.

Two major empires, many principalities, and remote mountain villages are involved.

In the past, Bibi Dong usually left Wuhun Palace for various tasks. After leaving the city, she would arrive directly at her destination, accompanied by elders or senior officials from Wuhun Palace along the way.

The people he saw were all extraordinary, either strong men from other sects, powerful talkers, or worst of all, powerful evil soul masters who had been out of touch with the bottom for a long time.

She herself was born in a remote mountain village and had lived in poverty since she was a child.

But since her martial soul awakened at the age of six, she was brought to Wuhun City, and she immediately ascended to the sky and became the core disciple of Wuhun Hall. Not long after, she was canonized as a saint and became the only direct disciple of the incoming Pope Qian Xunji.

Those scenes of life in the past are almost faded into memory.

Su Cheng nodded and said casually: "You don't have to raise the Spirit Hall too high. Although the strength of the Spirit Hall is due to the legacy of the first generation of angel gods, the emergence of such organizations is inevitable. . Even if there is no Wuhun Palace, there will still be forces such as the Holy Soul Palace and the Light Palace. Because the world is unfair, civilians need a belief, otherwise life will be gloomy. It just so happens that the great power of this world belongs to oneself, and there are always geniuses born from civilians. Soul masters have the opportunity to stand out, and there is no shortage of heroes in troubled times."

After he finished speaking, he didn't say any more.

When I asked that question just now, I didn't want to teach Bibi Dong anything, I just wanted to see the other person's views and her conceptual stance.

He couldn't teach the other party this kind of ideological thing, and he never thought about teaching the other party.

As long as you don't read those books in vain.

Bibi Dong nodded. She was no longer the innocent girl she used to be. After experiencing Qian Xunji, her mentality had already undergone drastic changes.

This change was so great that no one, including Su Cheng, including herself, was truly aware of it.

The martial spirit and the soul influence each other.

People who can awaken the two martial spirits of Death Spider Emperor and Soul-eating Spider Emperor are by no means ordinary.

Seeing that Su Cheng fell silent, Bibi Dong took the initiative and asked, "Where should we go next?"

Although the two of them had only been traveling around the mainland in the past few months, and their cultivation had begun to slow down, she did not feel that her time was wasted, but was filled with a faint sense of satisfaction.

Compared with the life trapped in Wuhun Palace in the past, these days are obviously much more interesting.

"It's almost done. Now it's time to practice." Su Cheng said.

"Cultivation?" Bibi Dong looked forward. At this time, the direction the two of them were traveling was not back to Wuhun City, but towards the center of the Tiandou Empire.

When she saw this, she didn't ask any more questions and followed Su Cheng silently.

The sunset forest, the eyes of ice and fire.

This place has not yet been discovered by Dugu Bo. In the huge valley, there are only two figures, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong.

Extremely powerful ice and fire spiritual energy rises from the ice and fire spring and continues to spread to the surroundings.

Although the poison contained in this spiritual energy is extremely violent, the two of them are very good at cultivation and will not be affected too much in a short period of time.

"The environment here is very unusual." Bibi Dong looked around, and then turned his gaze to the spring at the core. "That kind of spiritual energy cannot be absorbed by people, right?"

There was no one around at this time, and she had taken the initiative to take off the mask on her face.

Her fair and beautiful face looked a bit coquettish under the reflection of the flowers.

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded, not surprised by what Bibi Dong said.

This woman is no longer the ignorant person she used to be. It is only natural to see the special nature of the ice and fire eyes.

"I'm not here for you to absorb the spiritual energy, but for the rare and exotic plants here."

Bibi Dong looked around after hearing this, with a hint of hesitation on his face, "Can these things be taken easily?"

"Of course not. Most of them are highly poisonous and require some special skills to swallow them."

As he spoke, he nodded a few times around and pointed out where a few fairy grasses were.

"These herbs are all celestial treasures among the rare treasures here. Taking any one of them can make the potential of an ordinary soul master reach the sky in one step, no less than that of a genius soul master with innate soul power. Moreover, some of the herbs can also greatly increase the potential of the soul master." To improve your cultivation level, even if the Soul Saint takes it, it will not be a problem to quickly increase your cultivation level by four or five levels in a short period of time. The remaining medicinal power will settle down, greatly reducing the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck in the future."

"Eating this kind of thing will make the soul master's foundation weak, right?" Bibi Dong was a little surprised.

Judging from her current knowledge, any method of greatly improving one's cultivation through external force is without exception a wrong path, just like those evil soul masters who were able to be promoted quickly in the early stage. However, such methods are usually harmful to future development.

"No." Su Cheng shook his head, "As I said, these fairy herbs can increase the potential of a soul master. Not only will it not make a person's soul power weak after taking it, but it can further solidify the foundation. Take you as an example, etc. After you take the fairy grass, even the level 99 peerless Douluo realm is just within reach."

He himself has never taken it because of his own path problems and the need to keep his body pure.

But for soul masters, whose foundation lies in soul power and martial soul, there is no problem in taking fairy grass.

In fact, if he had not made some progress in the integration of spirit, energy and spirit over the years, he originally planned to use the Qi Rong Tian Ju in this simulation to achieve the effect of rapid promotion.

After hearing Su Cheng's explanation, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up, and a bright light flashed on her delicate cheeks.

"How should I take these jelly herbs?"

As she spoke, she seemed to feel dryness coming from the corner of her lips. She subconsciously stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked it gently, with a hint of greed in her eyes.

Even Su Cheng couldn't help but be startled by the coquettish charm revealed at this moment, "You...?"

"What's wrong?" Bibi Dong turned to look at Su Cheng, her pretty face full of energy.

"It's nothing." Su Cheng shook his head, calmly looked away, and looked at the flower bed again.

That was definitely not an illusion, this woman's temperament...

After calming down, Su Cheng continued: "Although there are many jelly herbs here, you can only take one of them."

"..." Bibi Dong was startled when he heard this, and suddenly felt a little disappointed, "Why?"

Then he seemed to think of something, and asked immediately: "You haven't eaten fairy grass yet?"

She originally thought that since Su Cheng knew this place, he must have already eaten the fairy grass.

Looking at it this way, the fact that the opponent's cultivation level is so much higher at this age may have something to do with this factor.

"It has nothing to do with me, I don't take jelly grass." Su Cheng said softly, looking at her, "You are too anxious, Bibi Dong."

"What? I..." Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly explained: "Cheng Xue, don't get me wrong, I have no intention of fighting for it."

"No, that's not what I'm referring to." Su Cheng shook his head, "There are many temptations and many choices on the path of cultivation. For you, level ninety-nine may not be the end. Don't lose yourself because of short-term temptations. .”

He looked back at the treasures in the garden, "The herbs in the fairy grass are extremely powerful and will conflict with each other. Taking too much will cause great damage to your foundation. Taking one plant will be enough to benefit you for a lifetime."

His tone was calm, and invisible mental fluctuations spread when he spoke.

As he spoke, Bibi Dong's mood gradually became calmer, and she nodded silently, suppressing her desire for power.

"So which one should I take?"

"I think it's the strange antler blossom or the narcissus jade muscle and bone."

Su Cheng first pointed at a huge chrysanthemum in the garden. Its petals were a magnificent purple. Every petal looked fluffy and extremely cute. The stamens in the center were more than half a foot higher than the petals, and the top sparkled with a faint light. of golden brilliance.

"Hey, this flower..." Bibi Dong was a little surprised. The appearance of the fairy grass was exactly the same as the martial spirit of Elder Ju of the Spirit Hall.

"Yes, it is indeed the same as Elder Ju's martial spirit. It is a neutral herb. Eating it can move your limbs and blood and open your eight meridians. It is good for you to improve your body foundation, make your future practice faster, and your soul power will be stronger. It’s powerful. And its effect lasts for a long time, which strengthens the foundation and nourishes the body. It’s very suitable for strengthening the foundation.”

Immediately afterwards, Su Cheng pointed to another fairy grass.

It was a crystal-clear white flower that looked spotless like a green lotus. "This flower is called 'Narcissus Jade Musculoskeletal', and its effects are somewhat similar to those of the Ambrosia. It can moisturize the muscles and bones, and open the seven meridians and eight meridians." Pulse. When taking it, only eat the petals, and finally suck the stamens. However, compared to the former, the short-term effect of this fairy grass on improving soul power will be much stronger."

After saying that, he looked at Bibi Dong beside him, "Both of these two fairy grasses are more suitable for you, you can consider them."

"What about that one?" At this time, Bibi Dong looked at the middle area between the two fairy grasses in front, and stretched out his hand to point lightly.

There, a beautiful-looking white flower grows quietly.

The flowers are only the size of a palm, shaped like peonies, and have no grass leaves. Under the rhizome, there is also a huge black stone, which is deeply pressed into the earth and looks extremely heavy.

And on top of that white flower, there are several patches of astonishing blood red, which is the color of lovesickness.

The reason why she asked about this flower was because she had noticed that Su Cheng's eyes had been resting on that strange flower many times before, so she was a little curious.

"That?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but think about it secretly.

Maybe Acacia Broken Heart Red can really be tried.

Because Bibi Dong had never had contact with Yu Xiaogang in the past six months, he had never thought of this before.

But considering the other party's extreme temperament, it might be possible to successfully remove it.

To be honest, Su Cheng didn't want others to take this fairy grass, but this thought only flashed in his mind.

This is just a simulated world anyway.

"... In terms of efficacy, that fairy grass is also very suitable for you, but you can't force it. It doesn't hurt to give it a try." Su Cheng looked at the white flowers growing on the huge Wu Jue stone not far away.

"This flower is called Heartbroken Red, and it is the king of flowers. You need to care about the person you love and pour your blood on it before you have the chance to pick it. If you are distracted for a moment, you will fail and you will never be able to meet again. Take it.”

"My heart goes out to my lover..." Bibi Dong's heart trembled when she heard this, she glanced at Su Cheng beside her, and then walked over slowly.

Su Cheng stood there, staring at the lovesickness red plant.

Then he saw Wu Jueshi being picked up by Bibi Dong, and then a mouthful of blood fell on the flower, mixing with the original blood stains.

The next moment, the white flower fell quietly without shaking and fell into a delicate hand.

She succeeded.

Su Cheng was surprised for a moment when he saw this, and then he felt a little complicated. It seemed that this thing was not as magical as he imagined.

Or is it true that Bibi Dong's feelings for Yu Xiaogang are already that deep?

Soon, Bibi Dong came back holding white flowers.

"It seems that this fairy grass is quite suitable for me." There was a hint of joy on her face, "Then I will use this?"

"That's it." Su Cheng nodded, "In terms of its effect, Lovesickness Red is much stronger than QiRongTianJu and Narcissus Jade."

"Why didn't you try picking this fairy grass?" Bibi Dong looked at the flower in her hand and asked casually, as if unintentionally.

"I've said before, I don't take jelly grass." Su Cheng said calmly, "And I can't take it off even if I'm not sincere."

This thing may be deceived by some means, but it is not necessary, it is just a fairy grass.

As for taking it with brute force, he couldn't do it with his current strength.

"I'm not sincere..." Bibi Dong chewed Su Cheng's words silently in her heart, then raised her head and stared deeply into the eyes exposed on Su Cheng's mask.

When the other person looked at Xiangxinhong just now, she was looking at him.

It was clear that there was a special strange emotion flashing in his eyes.

Su Cheng thought that the other party's silence was because he was doubting that he did not take the grass jelly, so he took the initiative to explain: "Don't worry, taking the grass jelly is beneficial and harmless to you. I won't lie to you, it will do me no good. I don't Using this is a matter of personal cultivation path, and you will know it after a while."

Bibi Dong nodded upon hearing this, then smiled and said, "Can you take off your mask and show me your true face?"


"I don't dislike your appearance, and I don't judge people based on their appearance."

"I dislike it myself. Okay," Su Cheng interrupted the topic, "After you take this fairy grass, your strength will increase rapidly for a period of time, and then we should move on to the next stage of training. "

"Okay, I understand." Bibi Dong sighed helplessly and nodded.

"What are your plans for the next stage?"

"Do you still remember the Haotian Twin Stars that have been very popular on the mainland recently?" Su Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Of course I remember." Bibi Dong nodded, "Are you planning to let me challenge them?"

Haotian Twin Stars is a name that has only recently been spread on the mainland. It refers to the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, the younger generation of Haotian Sect.

These two people are already soul saints at a young age. In recent days, they have challenged many veteran soul masters and have won.

The Clear Sky Hammer in one hand was used with great mastery, and it was extremely domineering in the vertical and horizontal movements.

"Kill them within a year."


Hearing this, Bibi Dong's chaotic thoughts were instantly cleared up, and she looked at Su Cheng in shock, "Why?!"

"For you, they are excellent opponents." Su Cheng said calmly.

Today's Tang Hao should already have the Killing God Domain close by, making him an excellent training target.

For Bibi Dong, rigid training alone is not enough, a whetstone is also needed.

But an ordinary whetstone is obviously not enough for her.

With her current strength, going to the Killing City is meaningless and won't have much of a training effect.

Moreover, the special environment there may stimulate Bibi Dong's temperament, which may not be a good thing.

In addition, the inheritance of the divine throne hidden in the Killing City is also a hidden danger. Although Bibi Dong is different now from before, Su Cheng does not want to cause extra problems and increase variables.

Regardless of whether this is possible, it is best not to contact it.

As for the other opponents, they are nothing more than the other two major sects in the upper three sects.

Among them, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect now has two or three big cats and puppies, so there is no point in provoking them.

And because of Yu Xiaogang's existence, Bibi Dong might still have some scruples.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is quite strong, and Su Cheng knows the background there. Both the high-end combat power and the mid-level strength are far superior to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, but Su Cheng doesn't want to attack there.

After all the calculations, only Haotian Sect is the most suitable for surgery.

Qian Daoliu did make a promise to Tang Chen, but he said that Wuhun Palace would not invade the Haotian Sect's mountain gate.

Now that Tang Hao has run out on his own, Qian Daoliu cannot be blamed for his death.

And once Tang Hao dies, it is impossible for the people of the Haotian Sect to sit still due to their temperament. They will definitely send people to hunt them down, and they will be beaten.

Not only that, killing Tang Hao can also prevent Tang San from appearing.

Before starting this simulation, it was already determined that this was a benchmark reality, a world with the time traveler Tang San, so killing Tang Hao might have a certain effect.

Su Chengcheng didn't want to do anything to a newborn baby unless necessary, but he couldn't ignore this variable.

Once Tang Hao dies, even if Tang San's time travel is inevitable, his talent will be limited.

Without the twin martial spirits of Tang Hao and Blue Silver Emperor, if Tang San could still travel through time and change his destiny against the will of heaven, it might be able to answer some of the doubts he had always had in his heart.

That was Tang San's time travel. Was there any other external force interfering with it?

Without the powerful martial soul inheritance from his parents, even if the other party really travels through time, the impact will be reduced, and he can also observe the true trajectory of the world and who is behind it.

Seeing Bibi Dong's hesitant expression, Su Cheng looked at her and said, "What's wrong? What's your problem?"

"Then it is necessary to kill them?" Bibi Dong said thoughtfully, "I heard that they have not done anything harmful to nature."

"Of course you have to have this kind of awareness when you go out to fight." Su Cheng said calmly, "Since you are a soul master, you will inevitably fight. Haven't any of the soul masters in Wuhun Hall died? When you go out to fight with others, you should do your best. Be prepared to die, otherwise why not stay within the sect honestly?"

"..." Bibi Dong looked a little confused for a moment.

"Of course, I'm not forcing you to do this. If you don't want to kill me, I will take action myself." Su Cheng said casually, "Don't be anxious, you have time to think about it."

"You want to take action personally?" Bibi Dong was a little surprised. She originally thought that the other party just wanted to train her.

"Yes, Tang Hao must die." Su Cheng nodded, "So you don't have to bear too much burden. What you should be thinking about now is not whether to kill him, but whether you can survive."

Bibi Dong hesitated after hearing this. Indeed, with her current strength, she might not be able to defeat the two brothers from the Haotian Sect.

"After you practice for some time, you will know how obvious the effect of the fairy grass is. To tell you the truth, I have many other methods that can further improve your own potential and cultivation speed." Su Cheng looked at her.

"But the premise is that if you want to pass my test, you must kill Tang Hao in the battle and not let him escape. As for how to do it, you need to make a plan in advance. If it comes to it, I must take action. To the point, it can only be said that the results of your cultivation these days are really disappointing."

Recently, the two updates were combined and split into two chapters because the plot was not good. I also wanted to post two updates to make it appear more updated. . .

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