Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 184 I’m not afraid as long as you are here

The medicinal properties of Acacia Heartbroken Red are among the best among many jelly herbs.

Even though the main function of this King of Flowers is not to increase soul power, but to improve the foundation, it still achieves an excellent cultivation improvement effect when used on an inherently talented soul master like Bibi Dong.

In addition, Su Cheng used various auxiliary drugs in the eyes of ice and fire to further catalyze the effect of the precipitated medicinal power in Acacia Broken Heart Red. One year later, Bibi Dong had fully improved his soul power by seven levels, and broke through before challenging Tang Hao. Reached the Soul Saint level.

At this time, the two of them were in a small principality on the southern border of the Tiandou Empire.

Su Cheng stood in the distance, looking at the two people who were fighting fiercely, thinking deeply in his heart.

Bibi Dong's qualifications are indeed extraordinary. Not only in cultivation, but also in killing and fighting, he is also self-taught.

Her temperament is also completely different from Qian Renxue's in terms of how to deal with enemies.

She doesn't know how to practice chivalry, let alone be merciful.

Now that he has made up his mind to fight between life and death, he no longer considers whether the fighting method is fair.

To be honest, if she hadn't been adopted by Wuhun Palace since she was a child, given her situation, it would only be a matter of time before she would become an evil soul master.

The martial soul combination of the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-eating Spider Emperor is simply a natural seed of evil.

Su Cheng saw all Bibi Dong's performance during this period.

Before sniping at Tang Hao, she spent some time understanding the opponent's specific situation.

This is not difficult to do.

Although with the strength of Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, it is very difficult for ordinary people to follow them.

But they hardly concealed their whereabouts along the way, and their behavior and habits had long been exposed to the eyes of many interested people.

It's just that no one in the world knows the reputation of the Haotian Sect. For the sake of the reputation of the No. 1 sect in the world behind them, even if they have malicious intentions, they don't dare to take this opportunity to attack the two brothers.

Bibi Dong also knew that the current duo of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao had now become a trio.

In addition to the two brothers who were born in the Haotian Sect, there was also a woman with a high-level Soul King cultivation level accompanying them.

Judging from Tang Xiao's situation, this person is not far away from breaking through Contra and can be promoted within a year and a half.

Her original plan was to wait for the opponent to break through, which would obviously be a better time to attack.

But it's too late, the one-year deadline is approaching.

In desperation, he could only do the next best thing and kill Tang Hao first while he was alone.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly felt something in his heart and glanced into the distance.

Tang Hao's reinforcements arrived.

Sure enough, the next moment two small dots appeared in the field of vision.

"Brother Hao!"

Accompanied by a powerful shout, the majestic man among them galloped towards the battlefield between Bibi Dong and Tang Hao.

Another slender figure with a weak aura was obviously slower than the former, but he was also rushing in the same direction.

Originally, the three of them were training in the Star Forest. Today, as usual, Tang Hao came to the city to purchase some daily necessities, but he never returned.

After waiting for a long time, the two of them came to look for him worriedly. After feeling Tang Hao's violent soul power fluctuations, they immediately realized that something unexpected had happened here.

Bibi Dong and Tang Hao, who were fighting fiercely, also heard Tang Xiao's shouting.

Tang Hao suddenly felt happy.

He didn't think the other party could do anything to him, but since the two of them fought, he did feel great pressure.

With Tang Xiao on top, he could give it a try without any scruples, and he was naturally more relaxed and excited.

Today's Tang Hao is not qualified to learn the Great Sumeru Hammer. Even if he uses Haotian's avatar, he is still at a disadvantage. This has never happened since his debut.

Moreover, the woman opposite who looked too beautiful to be ordinary seemed to be much younger than herself.

How could Tang Hao, who had always been proud and arrogant, accept this?

Although this battle was at Su Cheng's request, Bibi Dong did not wear a mask as usual, and Tang Hao did not recognize her.

When she was a saint in Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong rarely appeared in public due to Qian Xunji's supervision, and there were almost no battles, so the condition of her Wuhun was not well known.

Bibi Dong was shocked at first when she heard Tang Xiao's voice, and then immediately noticed the change in Tang Hao's state.

With a sudden movement in his heart, the Death Spider King's beast soul avatar was activated with all its strength. Purple light shone brightly in his eyes, and his substantial spiritual power condensed into a thread, and it pierced Tang Hao's forehead and heart regardless of the backlash.

During the battle, Bibi Dong had already discovered that although Tang Hao's weird domain had a great impact on the minds of both the enemy and ourselves, the other party was not able to control this domain very well.

In ordinary battles, this realm undoubtedly has a strong blessing effect on him, but in today's life-and-death battle, any mistake may be magnified countless times.

When Tang Xiao's voice came, Tang Hao's tense mind relaxed for a moment, and this opportunity was instantly seized by Bibi Dong.

The next moment, traces of blood emerged from Bibi Dong's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other seven orifices at the same time.

But compared to the backlash she suffered, this sudden mental trauma directly caused Tang Hao's eyes to go dark, and he stopped moving as if he lost consciousness, and his body fell downwards.

The spear-like spider legs flickered with light as they thrust forward mercilessly.


Along with the violent sound of breaking through the air, the poisonous spider spear instantly pierced Tang Hao's heart, and the poison mixed with blood sprayed out from the back of his heart.

"don't want!"

"you dare!"

As he spoke, a huge Clear Sky Hammer crashed down towards Bibi Dong like a hill.

Su Cheng came to Bibi Dong's side in a flash, stretched out his arms, and caught the other's delicate body, which had lost its martial spirit avatar due to the bottom of its soul power.

Without using his martial spirit, he just raised his arm and slashed to slightly block Tang Xiao's offensive, and then quickly evacuated the place with her.

Su Cheng didn't care about Tang Hao, who was furious on the ground, and had no idea of ​​finishing the attack.

His heart was pierced by the legs of the Death Spider Emperor in the martial soul's true form, and the poison was mixed into his blood. He didn't die on the spot, just because of his strong soul power, and he would definitely not survive.

"How's it going? I didn't disappoint you, did I?" Bibi Dong leaned in Su Cheng's arms and murmured in a low voice.

Until this moment, she still had a splitting headache, her ears were ringing, and her vision was going dark.

"You don't need to talk for now. After taking the medicine, adjust your breath well." Su Cheng said solemnly, "Your use of mental power is still too basic. If you don't adjust it in time, your foundation will be damaged."

As he spoke, he stretched out his other hand, took out the potion containing spiritual power from his arms, and handed it to the other party.

Bibi Dong didn't reach out to pick it up, she just raised her arms and hugged Su Cheng, "It's okay, I'm not afraid as long as you are here."

Su Cheng was startled when he heard this and looked down.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's pretty face was pale, and there seemed to be a faint smile on the corners of her lips.

She did not follow Su Cheng's instructions to concentrate on adjusting her breath and restore her consciousness. Instead, she continued to lean into his arms.

Probably due to the excessive consumption of mental and soul power, at this moment, she no longer had the sinister coldness that she had gradually revealed over the past year, and she seemed to have suddenly returned to the fragile girl she once was.

"You haven't said yet how I performed just now."

The almost coquettish whisper made Su Cheng's heart tremble slightly, and he subconsciously looked away.

"Very good, very good." He whispered, "Tang Hao's strength is extraordinary. His martial spirit is fierce and domineering, and he was somewhat restrained against you in a head-on collision. But you made full use of your own advantages to make him Underestimating the enemy and then using a killing move at the critical moment is a kind of combat wisdom that ordinary people cannot match."

In fact, compared to Qian Renxue's fighting mentality, Su Cheng admired Bibi Dong's all-out tactics more.

Perhaps she is weaker when it comes to mental toughness and how to deal with desperate situations, but from the perspective of her mentality in a life-and-death duel, Bibi Dong's idea is the best choice.

"My martial soul avatar, isn't it ugly?" Bibi Dong asked in a low voice.

Su Cheng seemed to hear something from her words. After a moment of silence, he replied: "It's not ugly, it's much better than me."

"As long as you don't dislike it..."

Bibi Dong then closed her eyes and began to adjust her breath to sort out the messy sea of ​​consciousness.

On the other side, Tang Hao's aura was almost gone, and Tang Xiao could only watch Su Cheng and Bibi Dong leave, and A Yin and A Yin quickly fell next to Tang Hao, both with panic expressions on their faces.

He stretched out his palm and held Tang Hao tightly, constantly transmitting soul power to him, his tone was a little panicked, "Third sister, is there anything you can do?"

Ah Yin silently summoned the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit and continued to perform one healing soul skill after another, but this obviously could not stop Tang Hao from dying step by step.

The Death Spider Emperor's martial spirit is of extremely high grade, and its toxicity is ridiculously strong. Just touching it is dangerous, not to mention the large amount of venom directly injected into Tang Hao's blood.

Even though Ah Yin could repair the wounds on the opponent's heart, he was completely helpless against these poisons.

Unless she immediately chooses to trade her life for her life, with the life level and attributes of her Blue Silver Emperor body, she might still have a chance to save Tang Hao's life.

However, these two people had just met each other not long ago. Although they could be called good friends, they were obviously not in a life-or-death relationship. She would not think of sacrificing her own life for the possibility of the other party's survival.

Ah Yin's usually bright eyes were dimmed at this moment, with tears glistening in them. He opened his mouth but could not speak.

As time passed by, Tang Hao's aura finally completely dissipated.

Tang Xiao's eyes were full of despair, tears streaming down his cheeks, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "Who are those two people?!"

"Why don't you live in the city?" Bibi Dong's face was still a little pale at this time, but it was much better than before.

She stood next to a simple wooden house with a confused expression.

This wooden house was a temporary residence that Su Cheng had just built. The two of them were currently in the Star Forest.

"You now know a lot about these two people from the Haotian Sect." Su Cheng explained while tossing the powder to repel mosquitoes and low-level soul beasts: "Tang Xiao is different from Tang Hao, he is more rational. Now. He has regarded us as life-and-death enemies, and will definitely not take it lightly, and will definitely return to Haotian Sect to find reinforcements. He will continue to stay in the city, in case of an accident, it will be difficult to retreat. "

"So what? The whereabouts of Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect, are unknown. Now there is only Tang Tian, ​​a titled Douluo, and it is impossible to leave the sect easily. Even if those elders take action, they are only Contra-level soul masters, and they will not attack us It doesn’t pose much of a threat.”

"No, it's not us, it's you." Su Cheng said calmly, "I won't take action."

After arranging the medicine powder, he turned around and came to the wooden house, "Why else did I let you show your true face before, and why didn't you show your true strength just now and let Tang Xiao go? It was just to let him move reinforcements and then come after you." .As for the subsequent reinforcements from the Haotian Sect, they will be left to you to deal with."

"...What kind of grudge do you have against the Haotian Sect?" Bibi Dong's cheeks twitched slightly when he heard this.

"I have no grudge against them. I wanted to kill Tang Hao for some special reasons." Su Cheng smiled, opened the door and motioned for the other party to come in and rest.

After Bibi Dong sat down in the room, he continued: "But the follow-up arrangements are to train you. There is no dangerous situation that is better than being chased by a stronger person. Of course, with me Taking care of you from the side may not have the best effect. But if the time comes when you have to rely on me to take action, your cultivation will stop here, and we will just return to Wuhun Palace."

Having said this, Su Cheng took out a manuscript from his arms and handed it over, "Although you only killed Tang Hao today, your performance was indeed quite good. This is your reward."

"What is this?" Bibi Dong asked curiously as he took the manuscript.

"This is a cultivation method I have developed over the years. It can greatly increase your cultivation speed. You can use it to practice."

"Cultivation skills?" Bibi Dong became more and more surprised, "Is it a method that can help soul masters actively absorb the soul power of the world?"

Even the Spirit Hall doesn't have such a thing.

"You just said you researched this yourself?"

"That's right. In fact, this volume of skills also has the effect of purifying blood and improving martial souls, but it has no effect on you." Su Cheng said casually, "My innate soul power level is very low, precisely because of the skills With your help, my martial soul has been able to transform step by step and reach its current level."

"What did you say?!" Bibi Dong looked up at Su Cheng in astonishment, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, "Aren't you innately full of soul power?"

"Of course not." Su Cheng laughed hoarsely, "What do you think is full of innate soul power? It's so easy to see. Even if there are, most of them come from famous families. Things like yours are rare."

"What is your innate soul power level?" Bibi Dong looked at him blankly, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Less than level one." Su Cheng thought for a while and said it directly without any further concealment.

With Bibi Dong's temperament, he was not someone who cared about such things.

Moreover, her knowledge is no longer superficial, and she is expected to be able to distinguish right from wrong.

"The difficulty of training the second martial soul is extraordinary." Su Cheng continued, "If you can't meet my requirements for the next stage, Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, you don't want to practice anymore. If you practice, you will be dead."

In the real world, Bibi Dong was able to safely attach ten thousand or even one hundred thousand year soul rings to his second martial soul because of the Rakshasa power.

But without the blessing of Shen Kao, the result of attaching a high-life soul ring to her second martial soul would most likely be that her physical body would be unable to withstand the continuous increase in attributes, and she would eventually explode and die.

"Your physical fitness is absolutely unable to withstand the pressure brought by the second martial soul. Even if you absorb the soul bone, it is still not enough." Su Cheng warned.

"Unless you choose to attach a low-level soul ring to the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, your body will inevitably collapse in the end. But if you absorb low-level soul rings, your improvement in strength will definitely slow down significantly after you become a Titled Douluo, and you may even It will be difficult to move up a level even after decades.”

Having said this, Su Cheng nodded to the manuscript in her hand, "This book in your hand is only the first volume of Xiantian Kung Fu. After you solve the problem of the Haotian Sect's pursuit, I will teach you the second volume. By then you will naturally have a way to improve your physical fitness.

"At that time, cultivating the second martial soul will no longer be a problem for you.

"In addition, you cannot teach this skill to others for the time being. If you cannot do these two things, I will not teach you the subsequent skills."

"Innate skill?" Bibi Dong stretched out her fingers and gently rubbed the pile of papers in her hand.

"Yes, tomorrow will make up for the innate, and I named it Xiantian Gong. It not only includes the cultivation of soul power and the purification of blood, but also includes the improvement of the body and the cohesion of the soul. It is the essence of my life's knowledge accumulation. . However, I haven’t fully perfected this technique myself, and it will have less effect on people with poor innate qualifications except myself. As for you, because your qualifications are already extraordinary, you should be able to practice quite a lot. Nice effect.”

"A lifetime of accumulation of knowledge..." Bibi Dong raised her head and looked at Su Cheng with burning eyes, "Are you willing to teach me such a precious thing like this?"

Su Cheng felt a little uncomfortable with her fiery eyes, turned around and walked out of the house, "We had a deal before, have you forgotten?"

"Deal?" Bibi Dong stared at his back leaving the wooden house and was in a daze for a while.

Then he lowered his head again, gently touched the paper in his hand, and suddenly laughed softly.

This moment of amorous feelings seemed to light up the whole room, "Only you think it's a deal."

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