Two years later, Bibi Dong, covered in blood, stood quietly in front of the two corpses, looking at Su Cheng expressionlessly. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

However, the blood on her body did not come from her own trauma, but from the pursuers who came from Haotian Sect.

When all four Contras of the Haotian Sect, including Tang Xiao, died, Bibi Dong's trial mission was finally completed.

At this time, her cultivation had reached the level of a high-level Soul Saint, approaching the realm of Contra, and her true combat power far exceeded her own cultivation.

With the blessing of the exercises, her amazing cultivation talent was finally fully revealed.

Of course, during this period, the residual medicinal power of Acacia Broken Heart Red also played an important role.

Judging from this progress, it is definitely not impossible for her to be promoted to a titled Douluo before the age of twenty-nine.

"Let's go, find a place to clean up and rest, and then we can return to Wuhun City."

Su Cheng glanced at the corpses and was speechless.

Until now, the Haotian Sect has not discovered Bibi Dong's true identity, and the efficiency of collecting information is really low.

Although Bibi Dong had not been the temporary pope for a long time and had not had much communication with the outside world, it was not confidential information after all.

As long as Haotian Sect takes the initiative to expand its network of relationships, it will be easy to figure this out.

It seems that Haotian Sect was really highly regarded before.

Just because of the disappearance of an ancestor, the entire sect remained in a semi-shrunken state, without the previous domineering posture.

Or maybe they actually knew it but just pretended not to know and didn't dare to question Wuhun Palace?

After all, the Haotian Sect now only has one titled Douluo guarding the mountain gate, and the title of the No. 1 sect in the world is also in danger.

Walking on the mountain road back to Wuhun City, Su Cheng took out another manuscript and handed it to Bibi Dong who was following him.

"I saw that you were taciturn along the way. Is it because of this?" Su Cheng chuckled, "Since I promised you before, I will naturally not break my promise. But in this second volume, you don't have to rush to practice for the time being. Wait for the next chapter After you have fully mastered one volume, it is not too late to practice the second volume.”

The sets of exercises he developed in this simulation are not complementary to each other, but are in a progressive relationship.

That's why he only taught Bibi Dong the contents of the first volume before, and was not worried about affecting the other party's overall cultivation progress.

The previous first volume of Xiantian Gong was actually based on the simplified version of the Nirvana Sutra, with some slight optimizations and modifications, but not many changes.

In the second volume, the focus is completely different. The main function is to help the soul master feed back the body and soul with soul power, create interaction between different forces, and strengthen the foundation in all aspects.

Bibi Dong's first task in training now is actually to reach the realm of Titled Douluo as soon as possible.

After completing the breakthrough, it would not be too late for her to add a soul ring to the second martial soul while practicing new techniques.

Unexpectedly, Bibi Dong shook his head when he heard this and did not reach out to take the manuscript handed over by Su Cheng.

At this time, there were only more than ten miles away from Wuhun City, but she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Su Cheng, frowning and asking: "Why did you let that woman go? Didn't you two have it already? know?"

"What?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then realized what the other party was saying.

That was a few days ago.

At that time, after Bibi Dong killed Tang Xiao and the last Contra of the Haotian Sect, there was only one A Yin left.

She originally wanted to eliminate the roots and kill him all together, but Su Cheng took the initiative to stop him and let him go on his own initiative.

Not only that, Ah Yin's expression was also very strange at that time, showing that he was hesitant to speak.

In addition to the sadness and fear due to Tang Xiao's death, the face also contained some indescribable special emotion.

Su Cheng also had some guesses about Ah Yin's situation at that time.

It is naturally impossible for Ah Yin in this world to know him.

Not to mention that he is still wearing a mask, and his martial spirit and aura are also different.

The reason why Ah Yin showed that sense of familiarity must be closely related to his seventh soul ring.

Su Cheng's seventh soul ring was condensed with the help of the immortal sword intention he had realized.

The birth and completion of this powerful connotation, in addition to the true meaning at the core of Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix martial spirit, is also related to the everlasting characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor itself, and the one hundred thousand year old right leg bone. The true seed of life transformed is also closely related.

It can be said that this meaning is an existence that has evolved from the true meaning of Nirvana of the Phoenix and the true meaning of immortality of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Most people would naturally not be able to detect it, but as the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin could probably feel the paradoxical and higher level of familiarity coming from Su Cheng.

"I don't know her. I'm from Poseidon Island and came to Wuhun City when I arrived on the mainland. How could I possibly know her?" Su Cheng said nonchalantly.

"Bibi Dong, your murderous intention is a little too strong. You are just a Soul King. Needless killing is not a good thing for you."

This is also true.

Bibi Dong's martial spirit is inherently dangerous.

Now that Su Cheng is studying the soul more and more deeply, he can feel this more and more.

If she cannot suppress her evil thoughts well, even if she does not have the extreme evil will of the Rakshasa Shenkao, it will have a great impact on her future development.

"Haha, when I was killing those Haotian Sect pursuers, I didn't see you saying such things." Bibi Dong sneered when he heard this.

"That's not the same thing." Su Cheng shook his head, feeling helpless, "Fighting to the death with the strong can temper your will. Killing the weak pointlessly will only weaken your spirit."

"..." After staring at Su Cheng silently for a long time, the cold look on Bibi Dong's face suddenly melted away like ice and snow.

She smiled and said, "We know each other. If there is anything we can't admit, I can't care about your personal affairs."

The previous gloom and gloominess were like hallucinations, instantly dissipated, and the whole person suddenly became brighter.

He stretched out his hand and took the roll of skills from Su Cheng's hand, then raised his hand, turned around and walked first towards Wuhun City, "Let's go."

Su Cheng paused for a moment, then gathered his thoughts and walked over.

At the same time, he muttered in his heart: "We must keep a distance from her. This woman is getting smarter and smarter now, and..."

This woman is so charming.

Especially these days, as Bibi Dong accumulated more and more knowledge, his thinking began to become sharper, and his knowledge and experience continued to increase after traveling to the mainland, he became more and more aware of the strong attraction that the other party exuded from the inside out. .

Blue Silver Emperor Forest.

Driven by instinct, Ah Yin didn't know when he returned to this place again.

Countless cries of admiration, closeness, and joy awoke her from her daze.

She looked up and saw the countless trees and grass leaves swaying gently, as if celebrating her return.

At this moment, Ah Yin's panicked mind finally calmed down again, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

This is her forever home.

She never thought that the human world could be so dangerous and cruel, full of fights and killings.

Different from ordinary soul beasts, as a rare 100,000-year-old plant soul beast incarnation, Ah Yin's past life was almost extremely monotonous and closed-off.

The existence of the Bluesilver Grass Forest itself is extremely ancient, and no humans have set foot on it for tens of thousands of years.

After she transformed into a human and truly entered human society, she began to be exposed to slightly different colors.

But in the past few years, one Contra-level strongman appeared one after another, and then she was forced to be involved in the journey of constantly chasing and being hunted.

Even her two eldest and second brothers, whom she had just met, died in front of her one after another, which gave her an extremely strong shock.

The powerful soul master who wore a mask and gave her a strange sense of intimacy was also the accomplice of that terrifying woman.

The warning words that came into her heart when the other party parted were still echoing up to this moment.

"Do you think you can hide your identity from others? Or do you really think no one can kill you?

"Go back to your clan to practice honestly, and don't come out to show off before you reach the realm of Titled Douluo.

"The Blue Silver Emperor is different from ordinary soul beasts. The source of life is powerful. You don't need to enter human society to speed up your cultivation.

"I'll let you go this time. If you let me hear any news about you again, I won't be polite if you give me your soul ring and soul bones.

"Rather than benefiting other soul masters, those things might as well benefit me..."

Ah Yin dragged his slightly tired body towards the depths of the forest, and the doubts in his heart even outweighed the sadness and uneasiness at the moment.

"who are you?"

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